Sarah's Dreams Ch. 02


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First, she had to take care of her little boys, though. And then, her lover owed her a very deep fucking for his stupid ideas - and deserved to have her for his adorability, if she was honest. It wasn't really possible to punish him in any way, without punishing herself, so she figured, he might as well enjoy making up to her.

Smiling, she fished her weakest son out of the pool of her breast milk, having surprisingly little difficulties to tell all three apart. Double-checking that her lover felt confident he could bring the little one to stop feeding with his mental connection to the babies, she brought the squirming creature up to one of her nipples. Before she could do anything more, he already lashed out with his tiny tendrils and grabbed the hard, sensitive nub. A few months before, her nipples had been like little cherry stones, now they as long and think as her pinkies to the first knuckle or so. She could only gasp when he pulled himself close and completely swallowed it into his hungry mouth.

While all the different ways to bring out her milk by massaging and squeezing felt wonderfully pleasant, this suckling was like heaven. It was unnaturally arousing, which was probably fitting for a more than natural creature like this. Moaning, she closed her eyes and let her head fall back, while her son made her milk stream out with force and fill his little body. Keeping her hands upon him, she even felt him swell from all the liquid he consumed.

It was almost impossible to stay focused while experiencing this wondrous feeling. Being able to reach a peak from skillful fondling of her nipples alone to begin with, didn't make it any easier. The feeling of the milk constantly streaming out through the sensitive nub was just adding up with the sucking on the outside, and the little tendrils skillfully squeezed her on top. Shuddering, she came without being able or willing to do anything about it.

It was probably the hardest task of her whole life to bring herself to pull him away from her nipple when her lover urged her to. She had to teach all three of her children to take only parts of what was there, making them act against their basic instincts and urges. It had to be done, but... God, how much she wanted to let him suck her dry! She'd probably cum a dozen times just from that...

Having him fight to try to keep attached, when she softly pulled at him, didn't make it any easier. She even felt his barely developed consciousness protest, which made tears well up in her eyes again. She made her baby cry and she didn't like that at all, even if it had to be done. She also realized that she'd never be able to do it, if his father hadn't been helping. It was the way of his species to make sure the young did get what they needed. They obviously took away any will to resist by just causing insurmountable pleasure. Like father, like son...

At least, his pained complaints ended when she put him into the pool of milk again. It was still nicely supplied by the output from her other breast and he obviously forgot any discomfort immediately when he could start drinking again. So she had one done and two to go.

After finally having both her boobs sucked completely dry and all milk she had to offer for now consumed to the last drop, her babies fortunately grew very tired. To cause this curious reaction in them, she had to lay them on once again and let them suck without any effect, but after that was done, she just knew that all three were falling asleep. Following her lover's guidance, she placed them onto their father's surface, where he would encapsulate them inside of him and keep them safe until she was ready to feed them again.

Carefully stroking their fairly bloated bodies and kissing them goodnight, she almost cried right again, when two of them grabbed for her finger with their tendrils and shortly held onto those. This clearly wasn't a reflex tied to feeding, it were babies reaching out for their mother with their tiny hands. Her babies!

"Oh, daddy," she sighed, after he had taken them in. "I love you so. This present you made me... I can't even express how much it means to me..."

He used his tentacles to caress her cheeks and her back, letting her feel his pride. Now, after coming to terms with her stance on his species habit to let natural selection happen, he seemed to be very happy about the whole situation. There still was a hint of worries, but it was calmed and not very pronounced.

"I'll find a way to keep them well fed," she promised. "Even if I have to lure a friend to here and let you enslave her and make her boobs produce milk..."

As she spoke it out, she immediately knew that she had just found a solution. She clearly remembered hearing about lactation being possible even without pregnancy. It would bring another set of boobs into the mix and that would suffice to be safe, wouldn't it? Yes, it would. And it wouldn't be very hard to bring her to give milk, after she was on the alien spunk diet. Whether she liked it or not, she'd fulfill her role.

Raising her eyebrows, Sarah followed this train of thought further and snorted. Forming a fist, she turned and punched her lover as hard as she could into his soft body, making sure it was sufficiently far away from her babies.

"You like that too much," she chided. "Try as you might, you can't hide your excitement about getting another body to fuck. Are you already tired of me, you bastard? Once I've given birth to your babies, you start thinking of ways to get rid of me and get some fresh pussy instead?"

For a sweet moment, he was trembling all over and she felt his shocked confusion about her outbreak. He couldn't follow her mentally, so fast did she shoot her accusations and changed topics. His worried irritation and the pang of fear of loosing her greatly satisfied Sarah. It also made her feel bad for throwing this tiny little tantrum, which had been only about two thirds serious in the beginning and much less in the end.

Before he could fully catch up with her thoughts, she already purred and snuggled into his body, embracing as much of him as possible. His fear of loosing her was all she needed to feel alleviated, so she could forgive him his desire for more pussy, ass and mouth to fuck. It was his nature, after all. And as long as she was his number one, she actually didn't mind that much, as she found out to her own surprise. Especially not, if it was for the better of her babies.

Naturally, he was pretty confused by her sudden changes of attitude. Smiling, she just thought that it hadn't been her who had made her whole body go crazy with hormones. It probably wasn't very mature, but it felt nice not to hold back every once in a while. Him guiltily conceding to be the one responsible and granting her the right to take it out on him made her almost feel bad, though.

"Why don't you fuck me real good and shut me up?" she suggested. "I'm tired of myself. Please make me forget who I am..."

Not surprisingly, his confusion was forgotten the very moment she brought up sex. He sure was a creature capable of very deep thoughts, but that was impossible to notice until one got used to the fact that his thoughts were focused on sex for ninety-five percent of the time. Except for the time of her pregnancy, as she had to admit. In fact, she actually hadn't gotten truly and thoroughly ravished for about the whole time. Sure, he had kept her wonderfully well fucked and fed, but he had gone fairly light on her.

When his stronger tentacles coiled around her arms and legs and waist, she immediately knew that this was a thing of the past, though. She didn't have to notice the light trembling deep inside him. She didn't have to pick up his intent not to let go of her, until she was really out cold from exhaustion. She just felt it in the determined way he grabbed a hold on her body. And... oh, was she game!

She started panting in anticipation when she felt his tentacle dicks slide over her body. He clearly took his time, but only to make sure she noticed the difference to his usual approach. This time he split up and made one dick go over her upper body and aim for her head, while the two others began to caress her legs, starting at her feet.

Just as she had been used to before her pregnancy, she first was spoiled rotten by an expert massage of her feet, this time accompanied by quite the fondling on her breasts. It was heavenly relaxing, but also very arousing. Either her body had all but forgotten about how it felt, or she had become more sensitive, for it was certainly a more intense sensation than she thought she remembered. Possibly, her own anticipation also added to the experience.

Anyway, it made her whole body quiver in no time and her heart started racing, even before any kind of penetration occurred. She broke a sweat just from knowing that she was in for a treat. She didn't even feel guilty for being glad that her babies were safely stowed away. It was actually... kinda hot that they were so very close to their parents, right when they were going to have sex for hours. As fucked up as that might be, she couldn't help it.

What Sarah also couldn't help was her squealing when one tentacle dick started teasing her twitching butthole, while another danced in front of her lips, but dodged all attempts to catch it with her lips. Being firmly held, she couldn't really go after it and having a deliciously slimy tip only fondle her twitching sphincter didn't really make it any easier.

"Please," she whimpered. "Fuck me deep... Fuck me hard, my love!"

Stirring for a moment, he finally complied and gave her even more than she had bargained for. The penetration of her ass was vicious enough that it would have hurt any other woman. Even she would have felt it unpleasantly, before he had accustomed her so thoroughly to getting her butthole claimed. As it was, she could just happily scream and enjoy her first of countless orgasms, spraying his body with girl-cum and arching back and neck as far as possible, while the ecstasy flushed through her whole body.

It wasn't a very long cry of lust, though. Right when her lips parted, the dick in front of her face also pushed forward, driving itself right into the back of her throat and gagging her. Breathing became difficult for a moment, when two intruders slid into her body rapidly from two directions, wonderfully stuffing her. Both of his tools didn't exactly go easy on her, but coiled up in a corkscrew fashion, making the intrusion much more prominent.

The feeling of her throat bulging obscenely and her bowels being heavily stretched, prolonged her climax and strongly intensified it. This new technique was sure something to be loved right from the spot!

As if having two tentacles get screwed into her willing holes, instead of just siding inside, wasn't enough, he added his third dick into the mix. There was no room for disappointment when it also went into her ass, doubling the intensity of the penetration, if not the stretching. If her lover thought her pussy still needed rest, she would comply. Not that she'd had any say in it, but she wouldn't even complain. Well, not much, at least.

It didn't rob her of anything. Her bowels, her esophagus and everything else inside of her... it was all as sensitive as her pussy, anyway. It didn't really matter much, where he actually fucked her. Her pleasure would still mount and finally become unbearable. That she still cherished her pussy getting attention probably was a psychological thing. In fact, her whole body had basically become one very, very long and overly sensitive pussy. A true tentacle cock-sleeve.

Ohh... She immediately loved that thought. Being a receptacle for her lover's tentacle cocks wasn't degrading, it was exhilarating. For him, she liked being a wanton, drooling, girl-cum gushing slut, because he loved her. He had proven that with his willingness to part with the traditions of his people regarding children. And with being afraid of loosing her. The best way she could reward him for that was to just let herself become some fifty-five kilos of constantly climaxing pussy for him.

Speaking about rewards... She suddenly felt his intent of rewarding her, just like she was enjoying doing that for him. This special treat was his very own way of thanking her for carrying his offspring. And for loving their babies. She would have felt sad when she learned that her feelings weren't the usual reactions of women to it, but he didn't give that thought any chance to linger. Instead, he let his dicks meet right inside her stomach and filled it with tentacles, until she felt her belly bulge. Which was curious, considering that it should be quite worn out, after she had been grotesquely pregnant for three months.

However it could be, she enjoyed the feeling. What followed was even better, though. From her stomach, his tentacles just went on. Two undulated into her esophagus, one deeper into her body. The writhing and wriggling inside of her was driving her crazy. It was just mind blowing, especially when he had finally made his way all through her body from both ends. Upon the three tips pushing out of her mouth and asshole at the exact same moment, she came especially hard.

Now, her lover wouldn't have been who he was, if he had left it with that. Her tightly closed eyes snapped open when he didn't even tease her, but immediately entered her pussy with the one dick that came out of her ecstatically quivering sphincter. It sure was an easy penetration, but it was unexpected and welcome. Also, there was more to come, since two more tentacles went down over her body, coiling around her boobs and heading for her trembling snatch.

Inside of there, he really went easy on her, though. The touch on her cervix was very light and still felt incredibly intense. As it seemed, she could feel very acutely down there now, too. And what she felt made her wince in a mix of pleasure and pain. This one entrance was apparently still recovering from giving birth, even if the rest of her body had obviously forgotten about any pregnancy already.

The unbearable intensity didn't keep her from silently begging him to fill her completely, though. Pain or not, she wanted to be filled with tentacles to the brim and that included her womb. She... needed it!

The two cocks reaching her pussy and snaking their way in there, took her mind off of it for a while. He made an effort to make this a penetration to remember. It almost felt, as if he was adding one of his thicker limbs into the mix, just to make sure she couldn't keep her grasp on sanity anymore.

The stuffing she received was incomparably massive and really stretched her to the limit, but it was exactly what she needed. It made her never-ending climax turn into an explosion she'd never forget. She wasn't sure, if she had ever been cuming so hard. She wasn't even sure who or what she was anymore, when her whole being exploded like... a nuclear bomb!

Just as he had silently promised, her lover fucked her into unconsciousness. And he was still right there and all the way through her body, when she was woken up by the feeling that her babies needed feeding again. He had let her drift from unconsciousness to sleep without receding and he stayed put even then. None of her weak, less than half-hearted protests changed that.

He freed her arms to let her lay her babies onto her one nipple one after another, while the other breast was milked for the two not sucking at the moment by his strong tentacles, but he kept her fully and completely stuffed. Hadn't she been flushed from climaxing in regular intervals by his pumping and writhing, she might have blushed. It was bothering her at least a tiny little bit to feed her babies while... getting continuously fucked.

Discovering how much her already peaking pleasure benefited from the sucking of her children wasn't making it better. Although, it wasn't exactly making it worse, either. Oh well, maybe it made it better. Maybe it made her somehow cum emotionally, as well as physically. But she couldn't possibly admit how much more this turned her on, or could she?

Oh, to hell with it! Sure she could! She was the bride of a tentacle monster, after all. There weren't any laws regarding things that people believed didn't exist, so this couldn't be considered incest. And even if it was... she didn't give a fuck anymore.

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SexEGurl94SexEGurl94almost 9 years ago

I love it! I'm so wet, I need to change my Panties and I haven't even finger ed myself. Yet! Please, please continue this, A I LOVE this story. :D

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Hot Story

Your story got me hard and precumming. Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

You really need to continue this one! It's so good))

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