Sarah's Encounter Ch. 02

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Dominic is only too happy to chase after Sarah
3.7k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/28/2003
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Note: I would like to apologize for how long it has taken me to get this installment out. Thanks for bearing with me.


The woods seemed darker this time around leaving Sarah with a feeling of hopelessness. What was she going to do? Torn between her fear and her desire was eating away inside her. The night spent with Braeden had thoroughly entranced her. So much that even now she yearned for his touch, the sensual drawl of his voice, his bite.

If Dominic had his way, it would be the same with him. That's what she feared the most, the total enslavement of her heart and body. She would never be able to leave them once she was totally enraptured.

Glancing at Dominic through the corner of her eye she couldn't stop the leap in her pulse or the shiver that raced down her spine. He was more than a fine specimen of manhood. Walking through the woods as if he owned it, sunlight sparkling through his long brown curls made her hands ache to run through it, to feel the silky strands cling to her skin. Tall, lithe and powerful, Sarah was sure he drew attention wherever he went. He was every woman's fantasy. His amber eyes promised wickedness beyond imagination. Even his slightly crooked nose added to his attractiveness. Dressed in tight fitted jeans and a t-shirt that looked like it would give way under the strain of the muscular body beneath, had her nearly moaning aloud.

Damn him, she thought in resentment. From the moment she woke this morning he had gone to great pains to assure her arousal and desire of him. Sarah shivered in remembrance. Dominic had teased and tormented her, brushing his body against hers at every opportunity, grabbing her too many times to count and holding her tightly against him as he ground his erection against her. It was a wonder she'd been able to eat her breakfast forced, as she was to sit on his lap and eat it while his hands on her hips kept a continuous rocking motion against his cock.

Her bath was a strained affair with Dominic refusing to leave, her protests going unheeded. Hungry eyes followed her every movement as if to memorize each angle and curve. She was nearly undone, moaning with longing when he released his cock from its prison of material. His hand had lingered, stroking his cock with long, smooth caresses. Sarah had been unable to tear her eyes away.

Her breath hitched as she recalled how he had spoken to her, telling her with vivid, lurid words how he would rip the clothes from her body and then taste her essence until she was broken and begging him to take her. He would make her tongue his cock, sucking it until he was near to exploding. Then he would mate with her in the way of the wolf, on her hands and knees, her pussy eagerly succumbing as his cock pierced the wet, swollen flesh, inch by precious inch.

By the time he had ceased his verbal torment Sarah was a weak mass of bundled nerves. To shaky to stand, she was forced to rely on her tormentor's assistance to exit the tub. He had swept her into his arms and slowly lowered her in just such a way that her wet skin brushed tantalizingly against the aroused flesh sticking through the zipper of his jeans. When her feet finally touched the cool tiles lining the floor, every inch of her skin seemed to burn where it had touched Dominic.

"Enough!" A harsh, rumbling growl brought her back to instant awareness. Her eyes were glue to Dominic and she knew without a shadow of a doubt that he could see the rampant hunger in her eyes. "You tempt me more than any woman has ever done. More than is good for you. I would have waited to give you clean sheets and a soft bed for your sake but I'm no longer of a mind to wait. I'll have you, here and now." He stepped forward, his feral eyes already stripping her bare.

She had to do something and do it now. If she could just reach her car...her eyes flicked to the steep ravine behind him. Maybe, just maybe it would give her enough time. Quickly before Dominic could react she ran forwards, slamming into him with as much force as she could muster tipping him backwards into the ravine.

Sarah heard him rolling down the ravine but didn't stop to look. She would only get this once chance and if she blew it...well best not to think of it. Running flat out she raced through the woods dodging trees and jumping over fallen limbs. Her hair whipped behind her snagging in small branches and causing shards of pain that she ignored.

Dominic's fall halted with a sudden bone-jarring thud, his head cracking against a small rock. Pain radiated outward and his vision blurred. Unable to think clearly for several minutes he lay there waiting for the world to quit spinning. When it finally did he raised a hand to the back of his head feeling the raised bump gingerly. Shit, he couldn't believe she had bested him. Smiling slyly he lifted his head scenting the air. There just minutes away, she was running back towards the old ladies house. Now that his ears no longer rang he could actually hear her feet thudding against the ground.

Oh, the things he was going to do to her. Unwittingly she had let loose the beast within and there was nothing the beast loved more than the chase and the delicious wickedness that followed the capture. Throwing his head back Dominic howled long and triumphant until the whole forest echoed with the sound. Loping up the ravine he set out at a brusque pace.

The sound of howling came to her just as she was crossing the creek nearly causing Sarah to fall into the cold depths. Regaining her balance she ran up the other side desperate now that she knew Dominic was on the hunt. His preternatural speed would have him at her side in no time and she still had nearly a half an acre of forest to travel through to reach her gran's house. She forced all thought from her head concentrating on placing her feet on uneven ground so that she would not fall.

Minutes later, breathing harshly she slammed through the outer boundary of the forest heading straight for her faded yellow Mazda. Reaching the door her hands fumbled to open it. Panting whimpers escaped as she fought her trembling until at last she was able to open the door and slide inside. The door slammed shut with a loud crack giving Sarah a false sense of security. Pulling the visor down her spare keys fell into her waiting hands. She was just slipping them into the ignition when a shadow fell over her.

A clawed fist smashed through the window spraying glass everywhere, forcing Sarah to close her eyes even as she turned the key and heard the purr of the engine kick on. Metal screeched as the car door was torn from the frame.

"I don't think so." Dominic's hands reached for her the claws cutting through the material of her shirt but leaving no marks on her skin. Ripped from the confines of the car he forced her to bend over the hood. "What a naughty little girl you were pushing me down that ravine. I like naughty girls." He growled into her ear.

Sarah's heart slammed into her throat and her pulse leaped in response to Dominic's taunts. The way she was spread out across the hood made it easy for him to grind his engorged cock into the crease of her ass, rocking it up and down, slowly, and sensuously. She couldn't stop the slight sighing moan that escaped.

The breathy sound acted like gasoline on a flame causing his beast to raise its head and demand to be let loose. Only her mortality kept her safe as his hands became claws once more rending the fabric of her shirt and pants until the tattered fabric drifted from her body falling to a heap on the ground. Gripping her left leg he raised it up, ignoring her moan of protest, and positioned it on the hood so that her pussy was open to his will. "Do not move!"

His words were guttural, more animal than man, frightening and thrilling all at once. This was going to happen, Sarah knew it and finally accepted it.

"I'm going to eat you until you scream my name." Dropping to his knees, Dominic brought his face close to her weeping flesh drawing the musky feminine scent within his body where his beast memorized it. He would be able to track her anywhere now. "Christ, you smell so good, so sweet." Unable to resist the lure any longer he buried his tongue deep within her pussy, lapping at the constant flow of cream, growling under his breath.

"Ooooo!" She cried out twitching, the slick folds of her cunt spreading under the invasion of Dominic's tongue. Heat built within and her flesh grew sensitive as her werewolf captor centered his attention on the hard nubbin, besieging it with rapid flicks before once more dipping into the liquid cream pouring from her nether regions.

Soft and gentle and then hard and abrasive his tongue teased her causing whimpers of need to float into the summer air. Sarah spread her legs even further, canting her hips to get more of his tongue, pushing back and groaning, as he obliged her by suckling on her clit. She was past caring about her escape; the gathering orgasm was a storm of monumental scope that she needed more than she needed to breathe.

"Oh God, yes! Lick my pussy! Harder! Oh God, harder!" A long drawn out wail ripped from her throat scaring hundreds of birds out of the trees. "So good!"

Dominic felt her words like fire searing across his skin while underneath his beast rippled desiring nothing more than to take its mate in a feral bonding. Raising a hand he dipped into the wetness coating one long finger and then easing it into her pussy one lazy inch at a time eliciting another shriek from his captive.

He growled at the sultry tightness gripping his finger as he drew it back out to the first knuckle. Rolling her clit around with the tip of his tongue he thrust back inside her cunt harder and faster than the first.

Sarah arched her back, shivering while that thick finger plunged inside her pussy. In and out it went until her hips picked up the rhythm slamming back onto finger and tongue. Another finger and then another was added stretching her out, hitting her G-spot every time.

"Dominic!" Her orgasm began with a high piercing scream as wave upon wave of soul-wrenching pleasure broke over her body leaving her shaking on the hood of her Mazda gasping and moaning between breaths.

Dominic straightened from his crouch immensely pleased that he had reduced Sarah to a quivering, slumped mass. She had passion aplenty, more than enough to satisfy his beast. And he was more than ready to taste it. Lifting her weightless body he threw her over his shoulder and carried her into the house.

The living room was through a hall and to the right where Dominic finally lowered Sarah onto a well-worn rug. Stripping his clothes he settled into one of the chairs set near the television. He had purposely picked this chair out of the numerous ones situated in the living room because of the high padded arms on either side. Stretching his legs he made himself comfortable while he waited for Sarah to come back to herself.

Blinking, Sarah's eyes slowly focused on her grandmothers flowered area rug. How had she gotten inside? Oh, right. Cautiously lifting her head she found Dominic looking at her, his smile full of wickedness and sin. "Stand up and come here."

An electrical current seemed to surround him causing the hair on her arms to stand up and her nipples to harden as she halted a few inches away.

"Have you changed your mind about running away, then?" He stroked his cock, purely out of devilment for her benefit and his, loving the way her eyes darkened and followed each up and down slide of his hand. "Well?"

"Well what?"

Dominic smiled and asked again.

"No, I haven't changed my mind. You've no right to keep me like this."

He allowed his eyes to trail down her delectable body. "Whether I do or don't the point is moot because neither I nor Braeden will allow you to leave. Nor can you tell me you don't enjoy the things he's done to you or stop yourself from getting wet just thinking of what I might do to you. Your body yearns to be taken, invaded, and conquered. You see, just my words alone have you shivering with pleasure." He paused, leaning back in the chair. "Resign yourself here and now, you'll never be able to fully escape from us. After tonight both our marks will reside on you and with them will come the yearning that you'll never fully be able to get rid of. It will burn inside you until you give in and return to us on your own, every time."

"Stop!" She whispered her arms wrapped securely around her middle trying to ward off the effects his words created.

"Yes, I'll stop for now. We have better things to do. Come here, naughty girl, place yourself over the arm of this chair and take my cock into your mouth."

Sarah's eyes were drawn back to the hard cock being stroked and licked her lips. Despite her trepidation she did she put herself directly where Dominic wanted her and leaned forward. Wrapping her hands around the thick shaft she took over stroking it, watching the angry red head appear and disappear with her hand movements.

"Hmm. That's right, stroke it. Feel how hard and thick it is." Dominic slid his hand into her hair urging her head down until he felt her lips on the head. "Open wide, naughty girl and suck on my cock."

Sarah took a tentative lick and then devoured his cock all the way to the root.

"Son of a bitch!" Dominic took a violent breath, his head falling back, eyes closing and groaning as her throat swallowed around him. He didn't need to show her how he liked it, she knew instinctively to take him deep each time, to moan and growl around him, the vibrations searing up his spine. She went at it like it was her last meal needing it so much she barely stopped to enjoy it, to savor each lick. When he was sure he could handle himself without coming he ran his hand down her spine over the dip of her lower back and down to her glorious, full ass. Squeezing each cheek in turn he watched his hand raise and then drop with a resounding smack on the cheek closest to him.

Sarah squealed around the cock in her mouth and felt a gush of liquid pour from her cunt. Again and again her ass was spanked until she lost count and just let the pleasure/pain take her over.

He couldn't take much more, already his need was like a disease eating away at his control until there was barely enough left in him to hold back his beast. Gently kneading her reddened cheeks with one hand Dominic gripped her hair with the other pulling her off his cock. The beast in him growled as she struggled to return. He needed to hurry, to be inside her before he allowed it its freedom or he would hurt her. "Down, on your hands and knees!"

The order was bit out in a gravelly voice that melted into her skin like warmed oil. Sarah glanced the lines of his face, taut with need. His teeth were gritted in an expression of agony and his body shook with the effort to keep it in check. It sent another shiver through her to know just how much he wanted her, how close to losing control he really was.

Doing as he ordered, she placed herself on the rug, the tip of her hair just brushing against it. Drunk with feminine power, Sarah brazenly reached down between her spread thighs sliding her fingers through the moisture weeping from her cunt and sinking two fingers deep into her pussy. Pulling them out she repeated the motion moaning loudly.

Dominic watched with glazed eyes as fingers wet with cream slid out of his mate's tight pussy and then spread the folds of skin, holding them open in readiness for him. Out of control the beast inside broke free from its chains. Snarling and snapping it took control of his body. He came out of the chair like a bullet, dropping behind her and bringing his cock to her slick entrance. Leaning forward he grabbed a handful of hair and yanked her head back. "Feel me here, right here, waiting to enter your body. Take me inside of your own free will, for now and all eternity."

She couldn't refuse him now to save her life. Her need was too overpowering, too greedy. With a soft sigh or resignation Sarah eased back onto Dominic's aroused flesh, feeling it pierce her body, stretching her to the very limit. Her moan of pleasure mingled with Dominic's growl as she took the rest of him into her body.

Christ, she was so tight! Squeezing him until he thought he would lose his mind. Grabbing her hips he pulled out until the just tip was left inside and then slammed back in. Wet, tight heat surrounded his cock, the scent of her arousal inflaming his senses. Rocking his hips he set up a fluid, even rhythm that grew in intensity until it was nearly violent.

He could feel the change beginning, taking over. For her first time he would restrain it allowing his beast only a partial change. Throwing his head back he let the pleasure take over.

"Oh God! Oh God! Please!" Sarah wailed the words over and over. Friction burning through her pussy with each thrust and withdrawal. Her arms shook so badly that she was forced to drop her front onto the floor.

She screamed as his cock went even deeper, eyes opening wide in shock, feeling as if she would be ripped in two any minute. Dominic leaned over her, arms covered with delicate fur slammed onto the floor on either side of her head, claws digging into the carpet. "You belong to us now, Sarah. I want to hear you scream it. Now!" He twitched his hips deliberately scraping across her g-spot.

"Yes! Yes! All yours! All his! Oh God, please!" She would have promised the world to keep them both.

Dominic growled his approval. "That's right. All ours." He allowed the final changes. Incisors grew in length becoming sharp fangs while another part of him grew in length and width.

Sarah couldn't take it all in. His cock grew inside her, stretching, piercing her with the sharpest pleasure yet. All she could do was hang on as his cock hammered away, triggering jolts of sweet ecstasy to build.

Now, his brain clamored. Now he would finish it by placing his mark next to Braeden's. His head lowered and his fangs bit down, not much just enough to draw blood.

Crying out from the pleasure/pain of his bite, Sarah angled her neck submissively, letting Dominic have his way.

He groaned against her neck. After all these years he had nearly given up hope of ever finding his mate. Sarah was everything and more, taking him, beast and all inside her, cherishing him, giving him everything she had. Now she was tied to him and to Braeden as well. The three were inseparable now, their souls tied together.

Releasing her he swiped his tongue across the wound stopping the minute bleeding before he released control over himself. Rising back up he gripped her hips once more, pushing and pulling her wet cunt onto his cock, hissing from the tight grip milking his aroused flesh.

Her orgasm continued to build, growing in strength. Breath rushing in and out, Sarah aided Dominic's efforts pushing back against him to get that last little inch inside. "More! Please Dominic! Give me more!" She was oblivious to everything except the thick shaft plunging in and out of her body.

He gave her what she asked for, that and more. Wrapping his arms around her he lifted her up and back so that she was impaled on his cock. Powerful muscles bulging, he lowered her onto his cock again and again, the motions violent and out of control.

Her orgasm peaked and rushed over the other side in waves so powerful her body bowed despite the arms wrapped around her. Her head snapped back and her mouth opened in a silent scream. A torrent of sensations swept through Sarah, so hard and piercing she lost what little breath she had. White lights flickered behind her closed eyelids as more and more jolts shot from her pussy through her quivering body.

Dominic couldn't withstand another second as her cunt rippled around him, clutching at him, demanding his cum. "Son of a bitch! Yes, baby. Yes, take it all!" He yelled thrusting one last time deep within her heat. His cum burst from him in lightning shards tearing growls from the back of his throat with east blast. It continued until every last shot had seared through him leaving him weak with ecstasy.