Sara's Drinking Gets Her in Trouble

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Needing attention, Sara finds herself at mercy.
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Sara's drinking lands her in a bad place

It was a Thursday night, and I was bored and horny as usual. None of my friends were available to join me for a few drinks at the bar, so I debated on either going alone or just going to bed early. My allergy medicine had me feeling a little bit loopy so either way, it would have to be an early night.

The weather was perfect and I hated to waste such a lovely evening by staying at home, so I decided I'd go out for just a little while and enjoy the patio at my favorite bar. I wasn't necessarily looking for trouble, maybe just a little innocent flirting to boost my ego, so I dressed casually. Jean mini skirt, a tank top and my favorite cowboy boots.

The cab dropped me off at the front door, and I made sure to get the drivers number so I could easily call for my ride home. I told him to expect my call before midnight.

The bar was pretty busy for a Thursday night. The entire bar was full but I was able to grab one of the small tables on the outside patio when a young couple left. I don't usually sit on the patio, since I enjoy the bartenders conversation, but it would have to do. I figured I'd just wait until there was a free spot inside and then go say hello. I had planned on spending at least a little time out here anyway, so it was fine.

All the employees know me so when I sat down, one of the servers greeted me and brought me a glass of Pinot Grigio. We chatted for a moment before she left to attend to her other guests, so I sipped my wine and started people watching. When Ellen, my server, came back to check on me, she said it was getting pretty busy inside so I should go ahead and order now if I was planning on staying a while.

A huge crowd wasn't exactly what I had hoped for tonight, so I figured I could either call it a night or get myself into the game, so I decided to switch to whiskey and beer. Ellen brought me a beer and a double shot and commented as she set them down, saying that I'd be needing a few more if I was going to deal with this crowd. She pointed to the bar and rolled her eyes as she walked away.

I looked inside and saw that the bar was packed, literally, with a bunch of middle aged men in softball uniforms. Several of them were holding up a trophy so they had apparently just won the championship. There was a lot of cheering and hooting going on as they raised their glasses for toast after toast of their victory.

I took a sip of my beer and then gulped down my shot, forgetting momentarily that it was a double as I had to swallow several times. The warm breeze that was blowing swirled the smell of jasmine through the air, which combined with the smell of cigarettes and whiskey on my tongue, reminded me of a strip club. I'm amazed sometimes at how my brain works. One little thought or smell can change my mood from slightly annoyed to frisky and devilish in an instant.

Sometimes I feel like I'm a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality, and Dr. Jekyll only makes limited appearances. I figured I might as well have one more shot, so I slid my empty glass away, hoping Ellen would notice. I turned my chair a little bit, to face the inside bar, and sipped my beer while watching the crowd. It took several minutes but Ellen eventually noticed and brought me another double.

"I figured you'd be cashing out," she said as she placed my drink on the table, "These guys are getting pretty rowdy."

I just smiled and shook my head, telling her that I'd give it an hour or so before calling it quits. By this time the patio had almost emptied out. I finished off my second double and sipped my beer as several of the ball players came out to smoke. They stayed on the other side near the door but I caught them glancing my way and nodding.

Just as Ellen dropped off my third round, and my bill, two of them approached me. They were both decent looking guys, tall and solid builds from what I could see.

I smiled as they walked over, keeping eye contact with the taller one.

"Hello, Sara is it?" He asked.

I looked up at him, confused as I tried to figure out if I knew them or not.

"Um, yeah," I said. Before I even had a chance to ask how he knew my name, he explained that he heard the bartender tell Ellen that the whiskey he poured for Sara was up.

"I'm Derek, and this is Blake." Derek said as he motioned to the empty chairs.

I nodded for them to have a seat and signed my tab as we chatted. They both looked disappointed when they saw me putting my credit card away after signing the check.

"You're not leaving, are you? We'd love to buy you a drink." Blake said. "Our friends are getting a little rowdy so we came out here to avoid the scene."

"Well," I said, "I really didn't want to call it a night just yet, but you're right about you're friends."

"Besides, I'm pretty sure they're overwhelmed in there." I pointed to the bartenders.

They both looked at each other and shrugged before Blake said, "Well, we've got Champagne in the bus."

Derek pointed at towards the back of the parking lot where a big tour bus was sitting. I thought to myself that this situation just got rather interesting, in a scary movie/ porno kind of way.

I looked at my watch, noting that it was still pretty early so I shrugged my shoulders and agreed. I finished my drink and walked out the side gate on the patio, then proceeded to the bus as Derek and Blake made small talk. I was feeling the whiskey and that mischievous butterfly feeling in my belly as we stepped up inside the bus, knowing that both guys were probably staring at my ass.

As we got inside, the door closed behind us and the dim cargo lights lit up throughout the interior as Derek flipped several switches for the ceiling lights. Blake was at the fridge opening Champagne while Derek fooled with the radio. I took a seat on the long couch that ran parallel to the wall as Blake handed me a glass.

As I sat there pondering my situation, my nipples began tightening. I could actually feel the fabric of my tank top pulling tightly against them as the grew, which brought a smile to my face. I knew what their intentions were, and I knew I should leave after one drink if I was going to stick to my plan of just flirting and then going home. Alcohol has a funny way of convincing me to stray from my original plans, almost always.

"So," I said, "do y'all keep it this cold in here on purpose?"

I grinned as I looked down at my nipples poking through my thin tank top. As I looked up, both of their eyes were glued to my breasts. The humidity in the air and slight bit of perspiration was making my top almost see through under these lights, giving them both a good show.

"No, not on purpose, but it seems to have worked out to our advantage." Blake said as he took a seat beside me.

"I've got a sweater here somewhere if you'd like it." Derek replied.

I shook my head and thanked him as I drank my Champagne, which he quickly refilled. At this point I began thinking that I should finish my drink and head home soon. I had gotten the attention I was craving, had a nice buzz and I was certain that the bar would be closing out all the tabs pretty soon, which meant the bus was about to be full of drunk ball players.

As I took another sip, Blake slid his arm behind me and rested it along the cushions, placing his hand on my neck. His fingertips raked lightly over my skin, causing goosebumps along my arms. Derek sat down and noticed my chill bumps and casually started rubbing my forearm between his large hands and working his way up. I began having an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach, which isn't really like me at all. Normally I'd relish attention from two gentlemen with Champagne but something just didn't feel right.

My brain was telling me to finish my drink, say thank you and call a cab, but as i set my empty glass down, the words just wouldn't come out. Blake's hand was lightly wrapped around the back of my neck while Derek hands went from my forearm to my thighs, gently running his hand from my knee to the hem of my skirt. My thoughts were coming too quickly to process and focusing on my situation became almost impossible. For a split second, I thought I was going to jump up and leave but nothing happened.

It was a weird feeling as I sat there between them. I wasn't paralyzed, I knew that for sure because I could feel Derek's hands as they began sliding under my skirt. I just didn't have control of my body enough to make myself stand up. My thoughts began arguing with each other, why aren't I leaving and why should I leave. Wasn't this what I wanted, some attention from sexy men? Why was I feeling this paranoia, did they drug me?

I tried to let go of the paranoia and accept the fact that I was there so why not just have a good time. Blake slid his hands along my sides and began pulling my tank top over my head while Derek unzipped my skirt, tugging the hem as it slid over my hips. I hadn't worn panties or a bra tonight, so I was naked except for my boots as they tossed my clothes aside. That mischievous whiskey monkey was still on my shoulder and the thrill of being naked and alone with these two strangers was making my heart race in a good way.

I heard Blake unzipping his slacks as Derek lifted my leg and propped it over the arm rest, his face quickly pressing between my thighs. Blake pulled my head onto his lap where his cock was protruding from the zipper and held the back of my neck as his other hand pushed his cock to my lips.

Derek's tongue licked me deeply and I gasped, my mouth parted and Blake pushed his cock between my lips. The small room quickly filled with muffled moans, groans and licking noises. I couldn't see what Derek was doing but he was instantly hitting all the right spots and my body lit up under his touch. Blake's cock was growing harder in my mouth as I moaned into his crotch, my impending orgasm building quickly from Derek's tongue work.

Blake's cock slipped from between my lips as my mouth fell open, gasping and bucking my hips as my entire body spasmed. My orgasm came hard and quick and caught me off guard. This wasn't my typical slow building, climbing the roller coaster orgasm, this was like being thrown from a plane, in a good way. I momentarily lost all knowledge of what was going on around me, and realized I was being carried to a bed as my body still quivered.

Blake laid me on my back with my ass on the edge of the bed as he pressed my legs wide. His hard cock dangled between his legs while he slid a pillow under my ass. Derek slipped onto the bed, naked now , and kneeled beside my head with his cock in hand as Blake tapped his cockhead against my clit.

I was just starting to regain my senses as Blake pushed his cock forward, snugly spreading my pussy lips as they stretched around his cock. Again my mouth fell wide open and was quickly filled with cock, Derek this time. He slid his leg under my head and pulled my mouth down over his shaft, holding my face between his hands as he fucked my mouth. One of them began massaging my clit, circling and lightly spanking it as Blake pushed his entire length inside me.

As I felt his cock hit my cervix, another orgasm crept up and took hold of me. My moans and cries were muffled as Derek's cock filled my throat. Blake's rhythm was steady and deep as he fucked me through another mind bending orgasm, and I again lost sense of everything going on around me. I hadn't even noticed that Derek was getting close, but felt his cock throbbing as he began shooting his cum down into my belly while Blake continued.

Derek pulled his cock from my mouth and moved to the side while I was still wrapped up in my orgasm. So wrapped up in fact, that I didn't even notice when he slipped the blindfold over my eyes, which were closed tightly. I didn't care at this point and was so overcome with lust that I also hadn't noticed that fact that the tour bus was moving. I willingly gave up my wrists as they were tied to my ankles, causing my legs to spread to their furthest point as Blake leaned over me.

Blake began breathing heavier and his cock became rock hard as he picked up the pace. He slammed himself deep, gripping my calves as he pulled me harder onto his throbbing cock. Just as I felt him become rigid and his cock started spasming, a pair of lips closed down around my left nipple and sucked hard, causing me to cum almost immediately.

My pussy clamped down on Blake's thick cock as his cum splashed against my insides, milking several more intense blasts of cum from him. I was once again completely wrapped up in my bliss and writhing underneath him while he emptied his balls inside me. I whimpered as he withdrew his cock, leaving me feeling empty and in orgasm limbo until I felt a another cock sliding across my clit and sending me over the edge.

Slowly coming back to my senses as I lay there, a shorter but thicker cock was making its way inside my cum drenched pussy. For a split second I almost protested until I felt mouths clamp down on each of my nipples. They were biting almost hard enough to hurt, but gentle enough to send waves of pleasure through my body. In a split second moment of clarity, I realized that I was being fucked by someone whom I had not seen nor met. It must have been one of the guys from the bar, since we were on the road.

Between the sound of the bus driving and the radio, I couldn't hear enough to figure out how many people were with us. Just as I was about to panic, I felt something warm and rubbery press against my clit. There was an audible click and then waves of vibrations coursed through my pussy and deep into my pelvis. The same cock was still fucking me and began pulsing just as the vibrations started.

I heard him groan and felt his cock explode inside me, as he gave several more thrusts before pulling out. Between the vibrator and his spasming cock, I was launched into another searing orgasm. This one was even more intense, so intense that I tried to push the vibrator away only to remember that my wrists were bound. I was a helpless, writhing, orgasming mess and almost lost consciousness at one point until they eased the vibe away and teased my inner thighs with it.

I was so out of breath that I could barely breathe, gasping and panting as my stomach fluttered and thighs shook. It was only a matter of seconds before I felt another man between my legs, sliding the tip of his cock between my swollen pussy lips.

"Wait, wait, wait," was all I could mutter in between breaths, but it didn't matter.

He gripped my thighs and pushed his cock all the way to the hilt. By now the playful mouths on my nipples were replaced with slaps and pinches. Someone took hold of my right nipple and pulled hard, and just as I was about to cry out, the vibrations started again. I let out a long low groan and began bucking my hips as my clit screamed against the sensation.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," echoed in my head for a moment until I realized I was saying it out loud.

I must have said every curse word I knew as they applied stronger vibrations. I think the only word I never said was stop, but that was beyond my control. The torrent of curse words was more of a reflex that anything, as i still had no control over my actions. I could taste cum on my lips and felt it sliding down my cheek, and could only imagine that one of them was jacking off over my face. Several large drops fell into my mouth as I continued gasping, and all I could do was swallow.

With the bus bouncing down the road, it was difficult to tell how many people were on the bed beside me, but I guessed it was at least two by the amount of cum landing on my lips and face. The chatter of everyone involved was still being drowned out by the music but there was definitely a small group. Whom ever had control of the vibe was beginning to tease again, pressing it firmly against my clit and then removing it for a few seconds, all while the guy between my legs plowed away inside my now sloppy pussy.

I was teetering on the verge of another orgasm and felt like I was going to pass out when someone pressed their cock to my lips. It was someone who had already fucked me, I could taste and smell my sex on him as his cock rested on my tongue. I closed my mouth firmly around his cock as he proceeded to fuck my lips, and was caught off guard when he climaxed. His cum pooled in the back of my throat and dribbled from the corner of my mouth as I gulped.

The vibrations resumed and I laid there almost losing my mind as one guy after another proceeded to fuck me and cum either inside me or across my face. I had long since lost count of how many there were, and how many orgasms I was forced to have. I felt weak and dehydrated, and sore from head to toe. My breasts felt bruised and raw and my nipples were burning.

When the final guy finished and the vibrations stopped, I laid there trying to think clearly my head was a mess. Someone untied my wrists and sat me up on the bed, removing the blindfold. I could barely see since they had the lights turned up all the way. One of them guided me towards the front of the bus and handed me my skirt and tank top as they ushered me down the steps.

I stumbled onto the grass that they were parked beside, still trying to focus my eyes as the bus drove away. Frantically, I slipped my skirt on and pulled my tank top over my head as I tried to figure out where I was. Shock set in when I looked up and realized I was on my own front lawn. Thank god it was dark and had to be around 4am, so no one would see what happened. I stood up on trembling legs and stumbled to my front door, only to realize that I didn't have my keys. I must have left them on the patio table at the bar.

I was just about to cry when Robert from next door scooped me into his arms and carried me inside. He laid me on my bed and petted my head as I drifted off to sleep.

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KnightlyKnightlyalmost 6 years ago
As usual

I was hard the entire time reading your story. Oh my.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Sara - love how you write and fantasize. Such a Hot fantasy...I bet your lips are a beautiful site. Richard

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Nasty But Sizzling

Nasty, nasty, but so hot! Love your stuff.

NaughtySouthernGentNaughtySouthernGentalmost 7 years ago
Another hot story from a talented writer

Loved it. Hot and well written.

FOUNTAINPEN67FOUNTAINPEN67almost 7 years ago
Five... great short story.

Love the high intensity and the edginess of this.

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