Satisfaction Pt. 02: Ch. 08 to 09


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Perversely the crisis with Alan brought me down to earth, I sucked in my emotions and returned to my usual control. Jack beat himself up rather badly, blaming himself for not spotting Alan's deficiencies. I refused to take that monkey on my back. I had a sense that something good would come out of all of this.

Alan and our second eldest, Brenda, were both diagnosed as having dyslexia. Alan was much worse than Brenda. We eventually found out that he charmed the teachers in England by being bright and helpful. He also had a friend who used to help him with his English and other homework. A new regime was called for.

We were recommended to a tutor for Alan who coincidentally lived only three doors away from our new home. A neighbour. She was a qualified teacher and had a master's degree in special education concerning dyslexia. We could afford the tutor's fees but were pleasantly surprised to find the fees would be covered under the company's benefit plan. Once more luck fell in our favour. The tutor's name was Helga Van de Oort. We met Helga, and then her husband Hans.

Helga and Hans entered our lives.

We advised the school Principal of our plan to get a tutor for Alan and Brenda. Alan was cut some slack at school as the school gave him an opportunity to catch up.

Jill and I rode a wave of excitement as we settled into the home, for which I was given some time off to settle. We consciously made a decision to fuck in every room -- we did this when the kids were at school. We marked out our new territory. From this you will gather we were sexually very active.

This was true. Alan's crisis brought me out of my funk of resentment about being left with the move. My libido came back with a vengeance and Jack and I rode it out as he says in every room in the house, including some of the cupboards in the basement, on the drier, and on the patio in the back yard.

After two weeks we had the place in some sort of order. Then I was back to work. We called Helga with a vague hint that we may need her services as a tutor, but since we had no idea what she was like we rolled out an invitation to dinner as a new neighbor.

Jill put on one of our favorite meals -- roast leg of lamb, with all the trimmings, onion soup to start, crème caramel for dessert and we opened the wine Hans brought. The kids were at the dinner table and behaved well. We sat Helga between Alan and Jill. I could not help noticing how Alan seemed to flirt with Helga.

As soon as we met Helga, I knew we were soulmates. I cannot explain it. She was five years older than me. She was like a mother to me. She seemed to make perfect sense every time she spoke. She made sensible suggestions. She was physically attractive. Taller than me she looked down into my eyes in a simple gesture of domination.

Hans was a large man. I recognized the "I want to take you" look in his eyes. Unlike Jack, his latent power scared me a bit, but Helga put herself between us and seemed to protect me. I felt a new sensation of being putty in her hands. I could tell that Alan felt the same. She would be good for him.

Hans was a big man, over six foot four inches and broad. He had a gentle smile and his presence offered no sense of threat in spite of his size. Helga was also tall at about five foot ten, although with her slim frame, albeit with a generous bosom, looked small compared against Hans. I estimated they were about five years older than us, possibly over forty.

After our youngest was put to bed, and the others went to the family to watch TV, we adults were able to get down to the business of the tutoring. It was quickly and easily arranged. Our conversation then eased into information about the neighborhood, Hans' plant nursery and landscaping business, and Helga's involvement in the community. We sketched our history and what I was doing. The most important outcome for me was that Jill seemed to get along with Helga.

The following week Jill took a reluctant and somewhat rebellious Alan over to see Helga. That evening over dinner, when we discussed his new regime of seeing Helga three times a week for an hour after school, Alan had come around to grudgingly agree to comply. He was read the riot act and huffed off to his room as soon as we would let him escape. The tutoring began.

There was no need for the riot act as Alan was already eating out of Helga's hand. He told me when I tucked him into bed that night that he thought Helga could really help him. He had finally recognized his own deficiencies and was ready to do something about them. I was deeply relieved and thankful to Helga. I had no problems in sending Alan over to Helga after school. He was eager to go.

Helga invited me over to morning coffee and muffins. I discovered she spoke German. She was born in Canada, but her parents were Germans who left in 1936. We conversed in German, although my German was quite rusty from lack of use. Our conversations ranged over everything from the political system in Canada to opera to sport.

My morning sessions with Helga occurred three times in the first week and four in the second. Helga took me around the best shops to buy in, the community and fitness centers and library and the church for a service at the weekend. She was kind and gentle. Her suggestions seemed so sensible. I signed up for fitness and yoga and some swimming in the public pool.

Three weeks later Helga and Hans invited us all over for an early supper prepared on the barbeque. I should describe their property: their ranch-style house with a L-shaped plan that was located to one side of a double lot. They had a full acre. The back of the house terraced down to a small lake that was home to trumpeter swans. The slope of the lot allowed for a walk out from a large basement family room through full sized patio doors onto a patio area contained within the L-part of the house. The patio was well-equipped with chairs and a large dining table. A large swimming pool, with a side hot tub was located on a lower terrace a few steps down from the patio. Hans told us the water was still quite warm, and the kids who had been pre-warned were soon stripped down to their swimming gear and enjoyed splashing around in the warm water.

Hans proudly showed me around the grounds, including a large almost denuded vegetable garden, some clever things he had done with retaining walls for the terraces, the lakeside platform, and the black painted, clever copper tubing arrangement he had rigged up to heat the pool water using just sunshine and a pump. Jill and Helga just sat and drank wine and chatted, whilst we carried our beer bottles with us. Jill later told me she had been given the tour earlier in the week.

Helga gave us an account of how her first couple of weeks had gone with Alan. Overall Helga was positive she could improve Alan's reading and writing but it might take several years to undo some of the work-around and hiding habits he developed. We were asked to make a long-term commitment, and we did. Helga also agreed to take on Brenda for one session a week to ensure she caught up and stayed that way. We talked frankly about the costs and agreed to a fee structure that was fair to Helga and to my company.

After Hans established I could not skate, he suggested I try curling at the local rink. He would introduce me. It sounded as exciting as lawn bowls, but I recognized I needed to make the effort to embed myself somewhat in the community. Along similar lines Helga induced Jill to join both fitness and a yoga class as well suggesting she come along to a library board meeting to see if she would like it. Hans and Helga took us under their wing and planned to get us involved in local activities.

Helga and I continued our morning meetings when Helga was available. The winter weather with snow blew in. Helga and Hans educated us in how to cope and what to do. Helga took me shopping for all the winter gear -- it was expensive for the six of us.

As the winter settled in my work went well, although the hours I spent at work stretched out somewhat. We bought a second-hand car for Jill to get around on her own. The persistent post-pregnancy fat Jill developed after David arrived started to melt away with her new exercise regime, and she started to get toned to the level she had when we first met. I was surprised to find that I liked curling and proved to be quite good at it. The kids settled into school and their tutoring sessions.

During the first year the rhythm of life was constantly new to us. The cold and snowy days, the warm friendships other than Hans and Helga that developed, the shopping routines, the occasional visits into Toronto, getting the kids involved in the local hockey, Brenda in the continuation of her piano lessons, Carol in ballet and a host of other small things all had a frisson of novelty and excitement about them. We were explorers in a new land -- to us.

If anything, our intimacy deepened, and our sex life continued with a sense of fun energy.

The novelty of the newness wore off as the seasons and the years rolled by. There were the usual life's up and downs, with Alan rebelling and Brenda getting very emotional as she entered puberty, but on the whole, we were a happy family. My work proceeded well. I received unexpected generous bonuses along with salary increases when we met scheduled milestone events. Financially we felt secure and our standard of living gradually improved. The pace of the project was picking up and I worked longer and longer hours. My contract was renewed at a generously increased rate and the bonuses written in, along with defined milestone events. Jill remarked on my absence but never really complained.

When we were in our third year in Canada my frustration with Jack's continual absences began to wear on me. I chatted with Helga about it. I spoke to Jack, but I am not sure I was assertive enough or he failed to hear my pleas for help. That summer Jack once more received a significant bonus for the work he was doing. I admit to feeling resentful about the bonus, considering that Jack received it at my expense. When it arrived in September, shortly after a trivial argument we had, Jack gave me a check for a thousand dollars to spend on myself. Maybe he sensed my attitude and tried to compensate. But I took it even though I was uncertain how to spend the money. Helga suggested I get a whole new wardrobe.

Hans' two-hundred-acre tree farm, after ten years of careful husbandry, produced trees for sale for the first time that summer. What had been a constant drain on their funds became a bit of a cash cow. Hans heard of my gift and matched it for Helga.

October that year, Jack had arranged his first trip to Taiwan for something to do with circuit boards. My mother, Joan, came over from England to keep me company and help with the kids. That's when Helga and I arranged a serious clothes-shopping trip to Toronto. Jack was away and my mother was there to look after the kids.

It so happened Hans had business in Toronto, so he volunteered to drive us in early. He deposited us on Bloor Street in the heart of Toronto. We had coffee in a tony coffee bar and then hit the shops at ten in the morning. We shopped until noon, had lunch at the Windsor Arms Hotel, consuming cocktails and a bottle of wine. Then there was more shopping until we met Hans at four in the afternoon for the return journey. We hit the traffic. Helga rode in the back with me. I dozed off with my head on her shoulder. She had her arm around me.

When we arrived home, they invited me in. I phoned my mother to see if I was needed. She told me they were about to go out for supper/dinner at McDonald's. She gave me strict instructions not to come home unless I was absolutely ready. She loved having the children to herself.

I readily accepted a large glass of red wine Hans handed me, kicked off my shoes and once more snuggled up to Helga on the sofa in the family room with a fire to one side warming my shoulder. Hans sat the other side of Helga on the sofa and leaned forward to quiz us about our shopping. We gave him the full story. Hans asked to see what Helga had bought. She unpacked her various bags and held up her trove of new garments. I was then pressed to do the same. Hans then told us that he couldn't really picture how the clothes would look on us and suggested a fashion show. Helga and I were both a giggly after a second large glass of wine and the suggestion seemed like a wonderful idea.

Helga and I withdrew to the bedroom. We stripped off our outer clothes, skirt and blouse for me, and trousers and sweater for Helga. We pranced around like kids before starting the show. We went back and forth six times to the family room with a different outfit on each time, grabbing a gulp of wine on every circuit. We both were very merry.

When we declared that was it, Hans first said what a pity, but then recalled we had bought some lingerie we had only flashed in front of him from the bags. He then started taunting us to finish the show. He promised to bring out a bottle of champagne he was keeping for a special occasion if we did it.

Helga and I looked at each other and nodded. In the bedroom we slowed things down. We spread the four different sets each of us had bought on the bed, setting aside the duplicates of the most practical bra and panties I had purchased. We carefully ranked the ensembles as to how much they revealed. We both got naked and kissed each other on the lips. Helga gave my tit a friendly squeeze. We started with the opaquest of the underwear. I'm not sure how we looked but both of us tried to do the catwalk strut as if we were models. At the end, after numerous twirls and marching to and from across the room Helga and I ended up giving each other a hug that developed into another kiss. Hans went wild clapping and whistling at us.

We repeated the same routine with the next more and more revealing outfits. The final one for me was an almost transparent teddy with a lace top over my breasts and silk over my torso with push fasteners under my crotch. It fitted well without a bra or panties. The outline of my nipples and bush showed clearly. I was way past caring. Helga had a shelf bra and lacy split crotch-less panties that were equally revealing. When we reached the family room Hans was down to his boxer shorts as he sat on the sofa. The room was warm from the fire. He had turned down the lights somewhat. A hot jazz LP record played in the background. We strutted and Hans whistled.

Helga turned the music volume up. We danced together twisting and twirling each other. Then we shimmied our dangling tits from side to side as we leaned towards each other with our faces no more than a foot apart. I could feel my nipples hardening as the covering lace massaged them. Helga's tits shook out of the light top covering of her bra and were on full display supported by the wired under-frame. We were wild and sweaty.

The room went silent for a moment as the next disc dropped. I glanced over to Hans. He had removed his boxers and sported a respectably sized cock that he was gently stroking. Frank Sinatra's voice brought my gaze back to Helga. We looked at each other for a few moments and both of us moved forward until our bodies were fully together. We swayed slowly to Frank's smooth tones, our breasts together. I could feel Helga's hardened nipples, as I am sure she could feel mine. She kissed my neck. I stroked the back of head and down her spine. I released her bra and stood back for a moment as it fell to the floor. We reengaged kissing. This went on for a timeless moment. She slipped the spaghetti straps off my shoulders and slipped the top half of my teddy down to my waist. We were then skin to skin.

I did not realize Helga had slowly guided me backward until I felt Hans' knees behind mine. Helga continued forward pushing me further towards Hans. I opened my legs either side of his knees and eventually lost my balance as I fell backward onto his lap. I felt his cock along my butt crack. He somehow maneuvered his legs outwards and in front of my shins to trap my ankles and open my legs wider. He then circled my arms with his, pinioning me back against his chest. I tried to move but found myself completely immobilized.

Helga knelt before us and resumed her kissing. Her kisses slowly traveled down my body to my nipples. Even if I had wanted to, I could not have stopped her. This total loss of control aroused me further than I had ever been before and I had my first ever orgasm from just nipple stimulation. But Helga then released the pop fasteners under my crotch and moved lips down to my pussy. My already-aroused body went into overdrive as I struggled against Hans' firm grip to push my pubic area forward to meet the sweetness of the tantalizing kisses that just brushed me.

Helga's tongue and fingers teased me without mercy. I was held on the brink of an orgasm for what seemed an eternity. I was crying and pleading without success. Quite suddenly Hans released my arms and legs and in one smooth movement grabbed my thighs and pulled them up to my chest. Helga's face and tongue penetrated me to bring on the strongest orgasm of my life. I flooded Helga's face and Hans' knees and the floor in front of the sofa. I collapsed for a few moments, but Helga continued, and I was once more well along the path to another climax.

Helga withdrew and ordered me to stand, still facing forward, and straddle Hans. I did as I was asked and then guided down onto his great cock as I squatted. Not the largest I had ever taken - when I was at college, I had several guys substantially larger than Hans'. Large men usually had small cocks based on my early experiences, but Hans was an exception. I was so lubricated it slipped in easily.

With his great strength Hans lifted me forward and deposited me on the carpet on all fours whilst somehow remaining inside me, so I was on the rug doggy style. Helga wiggled herself towards me with her legs forward presenting me with her open pussy. I did not need prompting as to what was expected of me, I knew and wanted to return the favour Helga offered a few minutes earlier even though I had never gone down on a woman before in my life. It was a night of new experiences.

How I managed what I did I have no idea. My lizard brain must have taken over my actions. Over time Helga seemed to cum several times before Hans blew a huge load into my welcoming pussy. We all collapsed. I fell immediately asleep.

Helga gently shook me awake. She held my clothes and had all my bags packed. It was two in the morning. Hans accompanied me home. I crept into my bedroom, stumbled into the en suite bathroom, peed, rinsed my hands, stripped off, pulled on my flannel nightgown and entered into the cold bed.

When I awoke it was nine o'clock and there were faint sounds of the rest of the family somewhere in the house. I had a splitting headache. Then I realized my little Carol was cuddling me. She was asleep. I do not know when she had crept in with me. I woke her kissing the top of her head. I told her it was time to get up, but she did not want to leave me and snuggled tighter. I gave her a few minutes and tried again, firmer this time. She reluctantly rolled over and popped out after telling me I was so nice and smelt so good. I shooed her out and made a beeline for another pee and then a long-detailed shower. I knew Carol had been exposed to not only the scent of my sweat, bodily juices and pheromones but also to Helga's scent and Hans' dried sperm.

Later my mother looked and me with a sweet but not very innocent smile and asked if I had enjoyed myself and wanted to see what I bought.