Saturday Night School Ch. 04


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Michelle shifted slightly, widening her stance. She still had her eyes pointed towards the front of the train.

Charlie could feel the warmth radiating from between her legs. His fingers skated over the middle of her silky panties, crossing from one leg to the other, then back again. He brought three fingers between her legs, lightly stroking her across the bottom of her panties. The fabric felt perfectly smooth at first, but as he explored closer, he thought he could feel the outline of her labia underneath the silk. He peeked up at her again, and aside from nibbling on her bottom lip, she looked completely nonchalant. No one would have known by looking at her that he had a hand up her dress tracing the line of her pussy through her panties.

The train slowed for the next stop, and Charlie quickly withdrew his hand. A few passengers rose from their seats to leave. Charlie took the opportunity to stretch up and check the remaining passengers. Only a handful remained in their car: the sleeping woman next to Charlie; a short-haired woman in a leather jacket who was wearing giant headphones; an old black man whose eyes sagged halfway down, as if he was on the verge of passing out; two Indian women towards the back wearing nurse trainee uniforms.

The train started moving again. Charlie gazed at Michelle's yellow dress. He wondered if she wore a pair of matching yellow panties. So far he had felt the silky fabric of her panties, but he hadn't actually seen them. He glanced up at her and found that she was looking directly down at him. She had the hint of a smile on her lips and her eyes were twinkling. It was a mischievous look, a playful look. A look that asked, "What will you do now?"

Charlie returned his gaze to her dress. If he wanted to know the color of her panties, then why not simply look? He caught the hem of the dress and wound it around his finger, hiking the dress up, exposing her long legs inch by inch. Finally, he had it high enough that he could see where her legs converged, her panties a triangle of chaste white.

He held the dress at her belly with one hand while his other hand stroked the surface of those panties, following the curve down between her legs, tracing the crevice of her pussy. He pushed against the middle of the cloth experimentally, feeling it give underneath, and he knew that if he tore a tiny hole in her panties right there, he could probably sink his finger into her up to the second knuckle.

Charlie could see a nervous flush on Michelle's face as he stroked her. He could tell it made her anxious to be so exposed, but he also knew she wasn't going to ask him to stop. He removed his hand from between her legs and beckoned her to lean down. When Michelle complied, lowering her face to his, Charlie stretched up and kissed her lips. While they kissed, he slid his hand down the front of her panties and cupped her pussy. She let out a moan, continuing to kiss him while his fingers pushed inside her. She was very wet, and his fingers slid in easily.

The recorded voice over the speakers announced the next stop. Charlie pulled away from kissing Michelle, but continued to finger her inside her panties. As the train started to slow, Charlie could see out of the corner of his eye that the two Indian women in the back gathered their belongings. He pulled his hand out of Michelle's panties, but then on a whim caught the sides of the panties and tugged them down her hips. Michelle obediently brought her legs closer together so he could slide her panties all the way down to her ankle boots, then she daintily stepped out of them, nudging them to the side with her toe. Charlie glanced at the discarded garment on the floor of the train but didn't make a move to pick it up.

The train stopped and the two Indian women walked behind Michelle on their way to the door. Charlie couldn't tell if they noticed the pair of panties in the middle of the aisle. If they did, they didn't say anything.

The Indian women stepped off the train and no one boarded. After a minute, the train started moving again. Charlie reached down for his bag and brought it up to his lap. He unzipped the main compartment and rummaged around inside for a few seconds before finding what he was looking for. He carefully extracted a cylindrical device: Michelle's vibrator. When he showed it to her, her mouth was in the shape of an 'O'.

"Did you ever wonder where this went?"

"Um... kind of..." She looked very flustered.

He hiked up her dress again, exposing her bare pussy. "I have some of your clothes, too," he told her as he pushed the vibrator into her. "Don't forget to get them from me when we get to Pine Hills."


"Does that feel good? When I move it in and out like this?"

"Ah... ahh..."

"I'm not sure how to turn it on, though. Will you turn it on for me?"

Michelle looked very agitated now, and her hand trembled as she reached down and fumbled with the vibrator. It started to buzz. She clutched the strap above her head as Charlie began to move the vibrator against her clit.

"Oh! It's so loud..." she whispered.

"Too loud?"

"Uh huh..."

"Well, this woman here is asleep. That other woman in the front is wearing headphones, she's not even paying attention. What about the guy behind us? Can he hear the buzzing?"

Michelle glanced that way, then quickly glanced back. "Yes. He's watching."

Charlie looked over his shoulder. The old man was indeed looking in their direction, but he was blinking blearily, as if not sure what he was seeing. "I think he's drunk," Charlie murmured.

"Still... he's watching..."

"He is. I'm pretty sure he can see everything." Charlie pushed the vibrator into her. "Hey, listen. It's quieter when it's all the way inside you."

"Oh my God..."

"It won't stay in by itself, though. Look, it's sliding out." Charlie caught it and pushed it in again.


Charlie adjusted the way he was sitting, trying to free up space for an erection that felt like it went halfway to his knee. He pulled the vibrator almost all the way out, then pushed it back in, fascinated by the sight of the long device disappearing into her glistening pussy. It was easy to imagine that it was his own penis entering her, fucking her. Suddenly, he surged with the desire to hold her. He propped himself up on his knee, lifting himself off the seat so that his face was on the same level as hers. As he continued to work the vibrator in and out of her, he kissed her hard on the lips. She opened her mouth, kissing him back hungrily, her body leaning into his as she dangled from the strap.

She broke the kiss. Her face hovered right in front of his, a blissful smile on her lips as she gazed into his eyes. She let go of the ceiling strap and wound her arms around his neck, kissing him gently.

They kissed again and again. He didn't notice that she was slipping off her green jacket until he saw it sliding off her arms and falling onto the floor. He pulled back from her, puzzled, and noticed her fingers slipping the straps of her yellow dress off her shoulders. That was when he realized what she was doing.

"Michelle!" he whispered urgently, concerned that she dared too much. She just swayed with the movement of the train as she peeled the dress down her body. She left the dress bunched up at her waist as she paused to undo her bra. A satiny white bra, matching her panties, which already lay on the floor. She carelessly dropped the bra next to them. Her dress, now just a ring of rolled-up fabric around her waist, fell to the floor next as she pushed it over her hips and down her legs. Michelle reached up and took hold of the strap again, now stretched out completely naked aside from her black ankle boots.

Charlie was so stunned by the sight of her perfect nude body that he forgot for a moment he held a buzzing vibrator in his hand. He found the switch on the device and turned it off, letting it fall from his fingers onto the seat. For a moment, all he could do was stare at Michelle. He could see in her wide eyes that she was almost as astonished as he was by what she'd just done. Perhaps the impulse to strip had come upon her suddenly, and she had acted on it before she had a chance to consider the implications of her choice. Now she found herself in a situation beyond anything she'd ever risked before, standing naked and vulnerable in the middle of a public train.

Should he intervene? Should he insist that she put her dress back on? Was this a situation where he needed to save her from herself?

Instead, his hands went to her breasts, and he stroked and squeezed them, pulling on her nipples. Michelle's eyelashes fluttered as she surrendered to the feel of his hands on her body. Her back arched, pushing her breasts out towards him.

Charlie slid a hand down her flat stomach, traveling over her neatly groomed strip of pubic hair until his fingers slid into her wet pussy. He pushed his fingers deep into her a few times, then pulled his middle finger up to rub against her clit. "Ohhhh..." she breathed. "The vibe felt so good... but I love having your actual hand touching me... Oh my God... I love that you have your fingers playing with me in front of all these people..."

All these people? The woman in the next seat still snored softly, completely oblivious to the naked girl getting finger-fucked three feet away. Charlie glanced at the old man behind them. The man still watched, although his expression hadn't changed; he still looked puzzled by what he was seeing, as if Michelle must be a dream or a hallucination. Charlie looked the other way, towards the woman with the headphones in the front, to discover she had turned in her seat and was looking right at them. She was smirking and clearly amused by what they were doing.

"The woman in front is watching us now," Charlie murmured to Michelle.

"Ohhhh..." Michelle blinked helplessly at Charlie as he continued to stroke her clit. "This is too far, isn't it? Have we gone too far?"

"I don't know..." Charlie said. "All I know is you look incredible, standing naked like that."

"Ohhh..." She closed her eyes. "Thank you, Charlie..."

"Maybe you shouldn't use my real name when we're doing this," he whispered, smiling.

"Okay... what should I call you then?"

"You can call me Clyde. And I'll call you Bonnie."

She giggled, her eyes still closed. "Bonnie and Clyde?"

"Partners in crime."

"Okay, Clyde," she murmured. "We do seem to always break the rules when we're together..."

"We do, don't we?" Charlie couldn't deny that he'd been the instigator this time. Michelle had bumped his hand with her knee, that was all, and now he had her standing completely naked in the middle of the train, his hands exploring her body in front of a bunch of strangers. How had he deluded himself before, telling himself that she was just using him to get her exhibitionist fix, like he was some kind of innocent bystander? He was with her every step of the way, every time. He pushed her to go further, pushed her to take more and more risks, every time. If she was the gasoline, he was the match, eager to set her off and keep her burning.

He got off on this just like she did. Bonnie and Clyde.

The speaker announced the next stop, Sisco Junction, which was just outside Pine Hills. Charlie settled back in his seat as the train slowed, returning to the charade of being just another bored passenger, although he didn't know why he bothered, since Michelle made no move to put her dress back on. Sisco Junction was more of an intersection of freeways than a town, and Charlie didn't expect anyone new to get on the train. To his surprise, someone did. A middle-aged man with long hair and a beard came on carrying a brown duffel bag. The man wore a tie-dyed t-shirt.

The newcomer saw Michelle immediately, and looked surprised at her nudity but not offended. "Hi..." he greeted her as he carefully picked his way over her discarded clothing.

"Hi!" Michelle said back, smiling broadly as the man passed behind her. She didn't seem embarrassed at all. If anything, she seemed excited by the idea of having another spectator. The man took a seat towards the back of the car.

The train started to move again, and Charlie knew the next stop was Pine Hills. They didn't have much time left , maybe five minutes. Charlie stood up from his seat, facing Michelle, embracing her. She looked up at him eagerly, nearly quivering with excitement. He leaned in to kiss her. His right hand slid down her back and over her ass, continuing down onto her leg. He tugged at her leg, pulling it towards him and to the side, until her boot rested on the seat. His hand slid between her legs, cupping her pussy. He kissed her hard while inserting his middle finger into her.

Michelle bit hard on her lip to keep from crying out as Charlie kissed his way down her neck and onto her breasts. He sucked her nipple into his mouth while his fingers continued to grind at her sensitive clit. Michelle practically hung off the ceiling strap, her legs trembling as she came closer and closer to an orgasm.

He put his mouth close to her ear. "Come on, Bonnie..." he whispered. "Let's show all these people what you look like when you cum."

Michelle took her hands from the ceiling strap and threw her arms around Charlie's neck, clutching him as her vagina spasmed around his fingers. She pressed her mouth against his shoulder to muffle her cries. Her right leg started to buckle but he managed to hold her up. Her body shuddered against him.

When it was over, she leaned against him, letting him support her weight. "That was a big one," she whispered.

"I can imagine."

"They all saw."

"They did."

"Don't you want to cum too?" Her hand went to the front of his pants, tracing his erection through the fabric.

"No time. We're almost at our stop."

"Ohhh... that's not fair... " She pressed her body against him. "Maybe we can figure something out..."

"I think maybe you should put your dress back on," Charlie said. "We're seriously going to be at Pine Hills Station any minute."

"All right." Michelle reached down and scooped up the yellow dress, but just draped it carelessly over her arm. Charlie waited a moment for her to pick up the rest of her clothes, then gave in and gathered them up himself. He pushed her jacket and underwear into his bag. He remembered the vibrator and put that in his bag as well. Michelle still hadn't made a move to put on her dress.

The voice came on the speakers. "Next stop, Pine Hills. Repeat, next stop. Pine Hills."

"Put on your dress, Bonnie," Charlie told Michelle. "I don't think you want to get off the train naked."

"Okay, Clyde," Michelle answered, giggling. But as he led her to the front of the car, it seemed like that was exactly what she intended to do. She walked down the aisle naked, swinging her dress on her arm like a cape, completely uninhibited. She was practically glowing.

The short-haired woman climbed to her feet as they passed, holding out her hand to Michelle. Michelle stopped and let the woman take her hand. Charlie thought for a moment that the short-haired woman would kiss Michelle's hand like an old fashioned gentleman.

The woman squeezed Michelle's hand and grinned. "You a wild one, ain'tcha.." The woman's voice was low and gruff. "You got a hell of a body. You ever want that pussy licked by a woman who's an expert, I'm on this same train every Saturday."

"Oh! Thank you so much!" Michelle smiled and bent her knees in something that might have been a curtsy. Charlie tugged at her hand to keep her moving.

The train was slowing as they neared the door. Charlie shook his head as Michelle stood waiting, still completely naked. "Okay. Let me have that." He tugged the yellow dress from her hand. "Arms up."

Grinning, Michelle held her arms out. Charlie threaded her hands through the straps of the dress, then pulled it over her head. He slid the dress down her body. Michelle seemed perfectly content to let him dress her, and didn't mind at all that his hands brushed her breasts while he did it.

The train stopped and the doors opened at Pine Hills station. Michelle took his hand as they stepped off onto the platform. It was the opposite platform from where they had stood earlier that day. Charlie could see several people waiting for the train to Linterna on the other side, but on their side the platform was empty.

Michelle pulled on his hand, tugging him towards a pillar. She turned, putting her back against the pillar, and he leaned into her, kissing her. They kissed a few more times.

"You know I'm not wearing any panties..." she murmured.

"I do know that, actually."

"Let's find someplace. It's not fair that I came but you didn't. I want to take care of you."

"My car is in the parking lot. So is yours, right?"

"Mmm. Those will do... if we can't find any place better."

Charlie kissed her again. He imagined pulling his hard-on out of his pants, lifting up her dress, fucking her right up against the pillar. After what they had just done in the train, it didn't seem like such a far-fetched idea.

He paused. Something moved in his peripheral vision.

Charlie glanced to his right, looking across the train tracks at the opposite platform. A tall boy with a freckled face stood there, holding up his phone. Taking a picture of Charlie and Michelle kissing. Maybe taking a video.

Charlie recognized the boy. Cody Scolari. Glenn Mack's best friend.

Cody's eyes met Charlie's, and Charlie could see the hostility radiating from the large boy's gaze. Without a word, Cody turned away, heading towards the exit to the parking lot.

"Oh my God. Was that Cody?" Michelle asked.

"Yeah," Charlie said uneasily. "I think I might be in a lot of trouble."

"I think we're both in a lot of trouble," Michelle said.

But she didn't seem unhappy about it.

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HarryjansenHarryjansen5 months ago

Hi Jessica – You can turn a simple train ride onto a most erotic event. You wrote it so well that I could see myself riding on that train, watching that hot couple. Loved it!

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey211011 months ago

The train scene made this chapter very hot. Sexually provocative. Another top notch tale. I loved it.

Michael11452Michael11452almost 2 years ago

Wonderfully written!! I read the first four stories all in one sitting, and just had to stop to tell you much I'm enjoying them. The sex is fantastic, but it's the story and the characters that have me hooked. You are very, very talented!


Oooohhhh, these two...what won't they do...and where!!?? Such a tale being spun here...I LOVE IT!! I cannot wait to get to the next chapter...

Cody & Glenn...I see some kinda confrontation upcoming (GEE...YA THINK!!??) This will be Michelle & Charlie finally "come out" as the couple they are...I think Ronni is in for a surprise (a good one...??) Something good will come out of this...

**5** Stars...For The Anticipation, The Hearbeating Anticipation!! And, For Being SSSSOOOO NASTY!! OOOOHHHH...MMMYYYY!!!!

DananasDananasabout 3 years ago

THIS IS SO GOOD! sorry i cant help but yell about it. it gives me heartache in THE BEST way, plus its sexy as fuck, and the main characters have enough depth to keep me interested. ahhhh love it

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