Saturday's Aren't All That Bad

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Adultery, divorce, then rebuilding lives.
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It was Saturday morning, and the kids were still asleep. I could tell my wife was awake, but wasn't really ready to acknowledge it. I got up quietly, went to the bathroom, then brushed my teeth and shaved, keeping the noise down so I wouldn't disturb Gayle.

When I returned, Gayle was more or less awake, just staring at the ceiling, but not saying anything. I got back into bed, and snuggled up against her, laying my head on her breast, cupping my hand around her other breast. We lay like that for a few minutes, then I whispered to her, "Interested in a little playtime before the kids get up?"

I heard her sigh and hesitate a little, before she said, "Of course."

I was irritated almost immediately - I had been irritated about our sex life for quite some time now. Gayle thought sex was just fine - as long as it was on her terms. Her terms meant that she got oral sex, and she got played with; but as far as she was concerned, once her needs were taken care of, she would provide me with a wet hole to stick my penis in, as long as it wasn't her mouth or her ass.

I pushed my sudden irritation down, after all it had been nearly two weeks since we had had sex, and then it had only been because I had more or less insisted. I was at the point of being horny enough that I was willing to accept what was becoming a real thorn in our marriage.

Actually between the lack of sexual interest on the part of Gayle, and her letting herself go a bit, it already had become a real thorn in our marriage. Gayle was about 5'7", and weighed somewhere north of 180 pounds or so. My guess was that she hadn't gone over 200 yet, but the way things were going it wouldn't be long.

Gayle had weighed about 125 pounds when we got married, with large breasts, although she was in good enough shape that they really didn't sag much. After the birth of our second child, she begin to lose interest in what she looked like, and she had put on a lot of weight. Her breasts now sagged, and she had what could charitably be called a potbelly.

She drank coke constantly, often as much as a six-pack a day, and despite my rather pointed comments, she simply refused to talk about her weight, or about the example she was setting for the kids.

Sure enough, when I suggested that it might be nice to have her reciprocate with a little oral sex, she just said, "You know I think that is nasty. I don't want to do that." Of course she never had, so she might as well have said that she didn't do that.

When we were finished, and at least my hormones were not running wild through my body, we rolled apart and just lay there for a few minutes.

Gayle was quiet for a bit, then finally said: "Sex has really become somewhat boring. I think that we should have an open marriage, so we can experiment a bit, and find things that we like. Maybe you could find the blowjobs you seem to want, and I can find whatever it is that I want."

I was stunned. Our marriage hadn't been going that well, but I sure as hell didn't think that it had gotten to this point. Then the anger hit.

I got out of bed, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her out of bed, and over in front of the full length mirror on the wall.

"Look at you. You continue to gain weight and you won't do anything about it. Your tits are sagging, and your stomach looks like it is trying to match them. You won't do a damn thing about what you look like. You absolutely refuse to do anything sexual that might please me, except provide me with a convenient place to effectively masturbate. Your idea of sex is for you to get off and let me do whatever I can to at least release the tension. You are not even interested in doing anything for me except lie there and spreading your legs. I can't remember the last time you initiated sex."

I calmed down a bit, then very tersely, and very coldly told her: "If you start screwing around on me, that will be the end of our marriage. Absolutely the fucking end! I am not interested in your open marriage bullshit - that is nothing but an invitation to fuck around and destroy a marriage, as well as violate the vows we took to forsake all others."

She stood there, seemingly a bit shocked at my sudden anger, my cum still dribbling down her thigh, then simply said, "You bastard."

"Remember what I said."

I stormed off into the bathroom, turning on the shower, suddenly wanting to scrub myself clean.

When I finished my shower, I dried off, then went into the bedroom and started dressing. Gayle was sitting on the bed, still naked, and her whole being radiated cold.

I finished dressing, and left, going into the kitchen to get things ready for breakfast, and I wasn't a minute too early. The two kids, Erin (ten years old) and Ian (seven years old) were in the kitchen not five minutes later demanding that breakfast be served up immediately.

I hugged them both and asked if pancakes would be an agreeable breakfast, which of course was met with glee.

When breakfast was ready, I went down the hall to our bedroom, opened the door, and saw that Gayle was still sitting on the bed, naked, and talking on the phone. I told her that breakfast was ready, and she should come and get it while it was hot. She simply looked at me, and told me that she would come when she was damn good and ready.

Breakfast done, I waited for awhile, then shrugged and cleaned up the kitchen and put things to right. The kids had been watching cartoons, until I finally told them that they had watched enough TV, and they needed to turn it off and go play outdoors. There were the standard protests, but they knew the rules, and within minutes they were having a great time playing in the playhouse I had built in the backyard.

Shortly after ten the doorbell rang and it was Caitlin from down the street, Erin's best friend. Caitlin was exactly Erin's age, as they shared a birthday, and they had played together since they were about five years old.

Caitlin's mother, Kathy, was a professor of English at the nearby university, and a novelist in her own right. Her father was either dead or divorced, Kathy had never spoken about him, but Caitlin didn't seem to miss him, so I assumed that he had been not part of the family for a long time.

Kathy was our godsend. Although she taught at the university, she had arranged her schedule so that she taught only in the mornings while Caitlin was at school. In the afternoons she worked on her novels and was available for Caitlin. When we lost our childcare, we had mentioned it to Kathy when she was over for a drink in the evening. Kathy had simply solved the problem by telling us that she would pick up the kids when she picked up Caitlin and take care of them for the afternoon until we got home. If we could take care of Caitlin on the few evenings that she had an evening class to teach, she would call it even.

It worked like magic. The kids were as close as sisters and brother. Of course the two girls teased Ian like any sister would do, and he gave it right back. I swatted Caitlin if she really deserved it, and Kathy did the same to Erin and Ian - although I don't think that either one of us ever did anything more than a quick swat on the behind without much force behind it.

I let Caitlin in, and told her where the kids were, as if she had to know - the shrieks and hollers from the backyard should have been enough for anyone to know where they were.

I had gone back to the bedroom a couple of times to check on Gayle, but she had simply told me in the coldest manner possible to leave her the hell alone.

Finally, just before noon, while I preparing a lunch for the kids, Gayle came into the kitchen, rather well dressed I thought for a Saturday afternoon.

"I'm going out, and I probably won't be back until late. Don't wait up for me."

"I didn't know you had to go out."

"I'm going over to Maggie's, and then we are going to go out shopping, and probably to dinner after that. I don't know when I will get back, but I suspect that it will be late."

A kind of cold chill went over me, and I said, "If you go out screwing around with other men, then the marriage is over. Do you understand that?"

"Fuck you, you bastard. I'm not going out on you, I am simply going out with my friend, someone who at least can listen to what I am saying." With that she slammed out the door, and shortly I heard her car start up, and head off down the street.

I probably wouldn't have been quite so upset, except I really didn't like Maggie. She and Gayle had known each other since college, when they were roommates. Maggie was divorced, her husband having thrown her out because she was running around on him. Since her divorce, Maggie had become what is probably best described as a round-heeled slut. She had even tried to make a pass or two at me, but I wasn't having any of it, and told her so. So Maggie and I didn't even try to pretend to get along.

Gayle came home about 1:00 or 1:30am, I wasn't really sure, reeking of alcohol and smoke, crawled into bed and fell asleep immediately.

Two months passed, and Gayle had started going out regularly at night. At first it was the excuse that she had sales meetings to attend, but that didn't really wash with me, as she had been in her job for years, and this was the first time that they had had sales meetings at night, and she sure as hell hadn't been going to meetings with clients the way she was dressed when she went out.

Finally she didn't even bother to come home before going out. She would simply tell me in the morning that she had a meeting or whatever that night and not to bother waiting up for me. She always came home reeking of alcohol, and collapsed into bed, often complaining the next day of a hangover.

Sex? What was that? Maybe every couple of weeks, and it was worse than it ever had been. I admit that she was losing some weight, and looking much better, but that didn't do much for me, as she seemed to always be too tired from her so-called meetings. The excuses also extended to maybe tomorrow, or my period is here.

Even on days she seemed to be planning to come home, she would often call me from work and tell me that something had come up and she would have to be staying late.

The final straw came one day when I received a call from Ian's school. He had fallen and the nurse thought he had broken his arm. I immediately got in my car and headed for the school, which fortunately was only a few miles away, picked him up, and tried to call Gayle both at the office and on her cell phone. All I was told at the office was that she was out of the office, and they didn't know when she would be back. She simply didn't answer her cell phone.

I called Kathy, and told her what had happened, so she would not be concerned when she discovered that Ian was not at school, and took him to the doctor. It turned out that the school nurse was absolutely correct, he had broken it, and while I was waiting for a cast to be put on, I tried to contact Gayle again.

I got through to her secretary, Mary, and told her that I knew that she had been called away to an urgent meeting, but that our son had broken his arm and I needed to get ahold of Gayle. Mary sounded a little taken aback, and mumbled something about she didn't show a meeting on her calendar, then finally said that she didn't have a contact number, but that she would see if she could find out something. I gave her my cell phone number, and asked her to call me when she found anything out.

It was 5:00pm, and Mary was leaving work when she finally called. She hadn't been able to locate Gayle, nor had she been able to find out what meeting she was in. I told her not to worry about it, we were home, and Ian was resting quietly, at least as quietly as a seven year old could. Mary apologized, and seemed to have a funny, disapproving tone in her voice. I hung up, and just started thinking.

Finally I picked up the phone and called my cousin. He had been in military intelligence (yes I know that is supposed to be an oxymoron), had gotten out of the military, and started his own business of private investigations. I told him what had been going on, and he was most sympathetic, and asked what he could do. He didn't normally do domestic work, dealing primarily with commercial spying, (although I had often felt that he was also doing some work for the government on the side) but he felt that he would be able to do the job quite handily.

We talked for quite awhile, and finally agreed that he would open a file, charging me his cheapest rate, but that he would have a tail on Gayle by no later than the following night. We also agreed that he would put a GPS locator on her car, and would wire our house with the intelligence equivalence of "nanny monitors" in the bedroom, the living room and the den, the rooms I felt were most likely to come up with something. The phones would be tapped, and he would be the only one to listen to the tapes unless it came up positive, and then he would need to have other of his operatives work with them to be the most effective.

So the investigation would start on Tuesday night. I told Rob that I had to leave town on Sunday night for a business trip, but would be back very early Saturday morning. I gave Rob the information he needed to get ahold of me, should he need to, and hung up.

Gayle came home that night rather early for her, about 11:00pm, but she was still half smashed. When I told her that Ian had broken his arm, she got all teary, and was going to go into his room to comfort him, when I grabbed her.

"You are not going to wake him up to a mother that smells like a drunk. He had a hard enough time getting to sleep as it was, and you are not going to disturb him. If you were really concerned, you would have been answering your cell phone, or at least let Mary know where you were. She tried all afternoon to track you down, but you were nowhere to be found," I ground out between clenched teeth.

Gayle went a little white for a moment, then red.

"How dare you have my office staff get involved in our private lives?"

I just looked at her for a moment, then told her to go to bed, she wasn't even making sense. I grabbed a couple of pillows off the bed and slept in the guest room, which was next to Ian's, in case he woke up in pain or needed something. Besides, I just didn't want to be in the same bed with her.

Gayle continued going to her "meetings", and I reminded her that I had a business trip planned for the following week. It didn't seem to affect her one way or the other, and she just said,


Gayle was gone on Friday and Saturday nights with Maggie, and on Sunday she had one hell of a hangover. I kissed the kids goodbye, and left for the airport about 5:00pm.

My meetings went well, and by Thursday afternoon was ready to come home early. Rob called just before I started to check out, and told me that they had found out that Gayle was indeed seeing other men, but that he wanted me to wait to call Gayle and tell her I was coming home early. I agreed, and changed my reservation to very early the following morning.

I arrived about 6:00am on Friday morning, and met Rob at a breakfast place he had suggested. To make a long story short, his people had followed Gayle, on Friday and Saturday nights to a restaurant/bar located not far from our home. This was also part of a rather nice motel that was part of the whole complex. He had pictures of Gayle, and Maggie, taking men into a room in the motel, but did not have definitive information that would state beyond the shadow of a doubt that Gayle had been doing anything out of line.

However, what he did have was pictures of men that were visiting our house while I was gone, and the video that was captured on the "nanny monitors" was beyond anybody being able to refute it. Gayle was spreading her legs for almost anything that walked in the door.

I spent the day taking care of what I needed to. All the credit cards in both our names were cancelled; the locks on the house were changed, as were the security codes for the alarm system.

Thanks to an old friend, all her belongings were packed up in boxes, without much attention paid to how carefully, and moved to a storage locker, with two months paid in advance. I made a quick run to the nearest mall, and got new bedding, as I had taken all our bedding and sent it to the storage locker also. I didn't want a single reminder of Gayle's unfaithfulness remaining in the house.

I had called Kathy and pretended to be still out of town. I just wanted to know how the kids were. Kathy, like Mary, sounded a bit funny, but said that they were okay, and that Gayle had asked if she could keep them overnight, which was fine with her. I asked her to please keep them, and also asked if necessary could she keep them for another night, as I thought that some things needed dealing with that the kids didn't need to be involved in. Kathy was immediately agreeable, and told me that she was afraid that it would come to this. Her last comment didn't register with me until after I had hung up, and when it did, I just decided to wait until another time to find out exactly what she had meant by that.

I met with Rob about 7:00 that night, and he gave me a verbal report of what he had turned up.

Basically what it boiled down to was that Maggie and Gayle would take a room at the motel, usually the same one, which was just a few doors away from an entrance to the bar. They would spend the evening dancing and drinking with several men, and usually starting about 9:00 would take a man to the room, spend about 45 minutes or an hour with him, then go back and repeat the scenario. It didn't appear to be any one person, but just a continuous flow of men.

The house was different. The men would not show up until 9:30 or a little later, I assumed because the kids' bedtime was 9:00, and I guess that Gayle wanted to make sure they were asleep before she started her party.

We waited in Rob's car in the parking lot outside the motel starting about 8:30, and sure enough, about 9:00, we saw Maggie walking out of the bar, hanging on a guy's arm. They went immediately to room 113, with Maggie unlocking the door and almost dragging the guy in. About ten minutes later I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. Gayle was walking out of the bar with two men, one on each side of her, holding on to their arms. When they got to room 113, Gayle just opened the door, and the three of they disappeared into the room.

I looked at Rob, and he simply said, "Apparently they unlock the door from the inside, so nobody has to bother with room keys."

Despite everything that Rob had told me, it was a real blow, seeing for myself what Gayle was doing. Rob eyed me sympathetically, and asked, "Have you seen enough, or do you want to go through to the next step?"

I thought about it for a minute or two, then told him that we had gone this far, I might as well see it through.

We waited about ten or fifteen minutes while Rob got out his digital camera, set it to shoot as fast as possible, and then I took a deep breath and opened the car door.

We got to the door to room 113, and Rob whispered, are you sure about this? I just nodded, and waited for him to get ready.

When he nodded, I grasped the doorknob, turned it quietly, then opened the door.

The room had two beds, both apparently doubles. Maggie was on the far bed fucking some guy from on top. Gayle was kneeling on the bed, one guy fucking her from behind, and the other guy had his cock in her mouth. The guy in her mouth must have just come, because when the flash from Rob's camera went off, Gayle turned toward us, and I could see his cum leaking out of her mouth and down her chin.

Rob's camera flashed a few more times, and I dug in my pocket for the keys to the storage locker. Gayle was yelling, "Oh my God, it's my husband," and trying to cover herself.