Sausage and The Law Ch. 02


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Me: "The story of how Teresa went into the Ward Harvester building and saved my daughter as the building exploded around them has been told many times and is the Stuff of Legend. And I will be forever grateful to her for that." The Legislature came to its feet in more applause, then sat back down as one.

Me: "More recently, Teresa flew a Life Flight mission to bring two very sick children to University Hospital for treatment of a rare disease that is afflicting them." More applause, then I continued: "The little girl she flew over is already nearly completely cured, made possible by the research of Dr. Napp and others. The little boy is still in danger, but much is being learned from the doctors's efforts, and no effort will be spared to complete a cure for him." More applause.

Me: "Teresa's bravery is without question. She has earned no less than six Purple Orders for being wounded in the line of duty. But her bravery is matched by the generosity of her heart."

Me: "I want every one of you to think how you would react if someone came up to you and said 'You just inherited a hundred million dollars.' I'm sure many thoughts would run through your heads. You'd have security for you and your family... lifetime security for generations. I'm sure you'd think of what you could buy with the money, be it a home or a car or jewelry, and I'm sure you'd think of how to help others. As long as they are honest answers, there are no wrong answers."

Me: "Almost two years ago, Teresa and I visited a very sick little girl that was dying of a rare illness that had no cure. Little Sarah, who was just nine years old, asked Teresa to sing to her, and she smiled happily as Teresa sang 'Ave Maria'. Then little Sarah closed her eyes... and died." (Author's note: 'Centuries', Prologue.)

In the utter silence of the State House Chamber, I continued: "As we were leaving that room of death and grief, Teresa said to me 'I just wish I could do more.' A short time later, I had the privilege of being in the room when an attorney informed Teresa that she was the heiress to a fortune of over one hundred million dollars. The first thing Teresa did, the very first thing, was to look at me and say 'Now I can help!'." (Author's note: 'Centuries', Ch. 03.)

The Legislature remained seated, but applauded, breaking the spell of silence. I continued: "Teresa made trusts for her three adopted sons, then created the Croyle Trust with one hundred million dollars. The interest goes to fund the research and treatment of rare diseases, and we are already seeing the results as children live to ring the bell and walk out, cured of illnesses that had no cures just years before."

Me: "Teresa has also worked tirelessly to get others to donate to the program, and even St. Jude's Children's Hospital is partnering with her to keep the program going. But now... there's danger. Not only have there been attempts to steal Teresa's Trust, there are attempts to destroy the good work by attempting to force doctors and employees to sign so-called 'loyalty documents' to a certain political belief, in a manner reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s." Not one to pull punches, was the Iron Crowbar.

Me: "And because of these harmful actions, driven by the heartlessness of misguided individuals, doctors won't come to University Hospital and take part in the Research program. Some doctors already here are looking to leave. And we're losing applicants to Medical School, as well."

I wrapped up: "What you do about all this, is up to you. I just ask that you consider taking action with Teresa's Kids in your hearts, just as they are always in hers. And I know that regardless of your political Party or political beliefs, you will do the right thing for those sick kids. Thank you, and God bless America and our State."

The Legislature rose in applause as I turned to shake Governor Marshall's hand. That wasn't enough for her; she gave me a strong hug, and I returned it. Teresa looked greatly relieved as she came up to give me a huge hug; she really had thought I'd ask them to name the Hospital after her. Not yet, I thought to myself. Not yet...

As the applause died down and I went over to where Laura and Todd were, Senator Jimmy Cerone came to the floor with a framed citation. The Clerk of the House read it. With a lot of Whereas-es and citing Teresa saving Carole, the Life Flight, and the Croyle Trust, the resolution, passed by voice vote of both Chambers, expressed appreciation and admiration for Teresa Croyle.

Then the Governor said "For her bravery in flying that Life Flight under dangerous conditions, and for her work to help our children, I'm awarding Teresa Croyle the Governor's Gold Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster." She pinned the medal on Teresa's dress. It was the first time the Governor's Gold Medal had been awarded to the same person twice. The standing ovation that followed was deafening...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"So Laura, I understand that Jerry Moore and Lionel Carmela are targeting you specifically." said Governor Marshall as she, Laura, Teresa, Todd, and myself ate a delicious lunch in the Governor's private office behind her public one.

"Yes they are." Laura replied. "And after Jerry Moore told that fat slug reporter that he was prepared to use any means necessary... and Carmela -has- attempted to have my child murdered... I am very concerned about what they might do."

Governor Marshall asked "So what do you want to do? Fight them? Find something else to do?"

Laura said "A part of me really wants to stay put and fight them, just on principle. But... well, my career in sexual psychology has been satisfying, pun not intended..." We all laughed at that, then Laura finished: "... but it's also in a place where it can come to its peaceful close. I'd like to just build my medical practice, but Moore and Carmela are going after the Hospital, too."

Sharon Marshall said "I have something for you to consider. After Teresa's testimony and Don's riveting speech... you have a political career if you want one, Don... after all that as well as the drop in donations by our biggest donors and boosters, the Legislature is ready to act."

Marshall: "It's a done deal that the Hospital is going to be torn out of the grasp of the University. And the chances are strong, not assured but strong, that we will be able to create a separate State Medical College, with University Hospital and the Research Program as the centerpiece."

"That'll be a good thing." I said, realizing what was coming.

Sharon Marshall said "Yes, it will. And I will need a great leader, someone who can and will get the job done, to make the State Medical College happen. And that person.. is you, Laura."

"Me? You mean... me?" Laura gasped.

"Yes." said Sharon Marshall. "Laura, I want -you- to be the first President of the State Medical College."

Laura was stunned. "I... I'll have to talk about that with my family first." she finally said.

"Your family, at least the part of it that is your loving husband, will heartily approve." I said.

"Yes, darling, I know you'll support me." Laura said. "But I will be incredibly busy. It'll be worse than 'meetings'."

Governor Sharon Marshall said "And speaking of 'meetings'... I have a request for you, as well, Don..."

To be continued.

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chytownchytown5 months ago

*****This is becoming a very interesting read. Thanks for sharing.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum6 months ago

My worries about Laura just did a 180 degree turn. Well done WW.

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchman7 months agoAuthor
Chspter 3 submitted

Chapter 3 has been submitted and hopefully will be published soon. Level 4 Patreon patrons already have the cliffhanger. The rest of my Patreon patrons will get the chapter overnight. Enjoy.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The easy button answer for what she wants to talk to Don about is being the Chairman of the Commission redoing of the State Constitution.

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