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This allowed her and Sue to have a proper chat. She told her all about going to the psych and Sue commended her on seeking help. She also told her about Luke and Sue raised and eyebrow questioningly. Taylor refused to respond. As the conversation moved on to other things there was a knock on the door. Before Taylor had a chance to react, the boys jumped up and answered the door. Luke was standing there smiling down at them. "Who are you?" they asked in unison.

"I'm Luke and I'm here to see Taylor." He explained still smiling.

They let him in and Jake said very mater-of-factly "She's an angel you know."

Luke nodded gravely and said "I know, she saved me too." Both boys were looking from him to her before Luke explained about Taylor's actions that day. The boys thought it was proof positive that she was an angel and they went back to watching TV.

"I still don't get it about the wings though." Jake grumbled much to the amusement of the adults.

Taylor introduced Luke to Sue and they talked politely for a while before Sue said she had to leave. The kids kissed and hugged her good bye and Taylor saw them out. "You never said he was so gorgeous." Sue whispered as she left. Taylor rolled her eyes at her and laughed.

"You up to doing me a favour?" Luke asked quietly. Taylor was intrigued. "Look, the guys at the station have been hanging to meet you. They think it's funny that I got tackled by a girl and they also want to thank-you for your efforts." He said gruffly trying to hide his embarrassment. Taylor laughed and agreed to go with him, "I'll even buy you dinner after." He said.

They arrived at the station house and it seamed very quiet, not that Taylor knew how noisy it should be. There was a common room passed all the offices and Luke and Taylor found everyone lounging around in there. Luke cleared his throat to get their attention. Once they spotted her they were up like a shot. She couldn't believe they could move so fast for big guys.

Luke introduced her to the station chief first a friendly but stern looking man in his forties. "Finally we get to meet the one that knocked Luke off his feet. It's a honour." He said shaking her hand. She was also introduced to rest of them but couldn't remember everyone's name. Only one guy, Ben, because he was positively huge and every inch of it muscle.

Ben was a big friendly giant though; he picked her up by the waist and spun her around.

Once he put her down he started shaking his head "I can't believe someone so small took down the Great Luke Sullivan." He was laughing hard by then. "If I hadn't seen it I would never had believed it." He continued.

"You saw it?" she asked in surprize.

"Oh we saw the footage." The chief explained. "I have a friend who's a cop. They confiscated most people's mobiles to use for evidence. Crap I say, they just don't like people filming disasters, its sick. Anyway they got all of them but they didn't get the one that's been on the news, he posted it on the internet straight away, damned I-phones. One guy was filming the fire-fighters and he caught the whole incident. My friend let me watch it. Hell of a tackle though. You saved one of ours; that makes you family in my book." He explained as he clapped her on the back. Taylor noticed the others nodding and she was touched by their caring.

She sat down and enjoyed their jokes and one-up-manship. After a while she felt comfortable enough to give as good as she got. Luke stood quietly marvelling at this tiny woman wrapping these huge men around her little finger. Luke was planning on taking her to dinner but Kyle insisted they stay and eat with them. Considering it was Kyle's night to cook and he was pretty good, Luke and Taylor agreed. Taylor had a great time. It really did feel like she was part of a family with lots of huge brothers. She glanced at Luke from time to time and liked how relaxed he was with them.

Most returned to the couches after dinner while Luke and Kyle stayed to clean up. "She's hot, mind if I ask her out?" Kyle said out of the blue. Luke gave him such a look that Kyle physically stepped away from him with his hands held up. "Whoa man, just a thought. I didn't know you and her ..." He said.

"It's not like that." Luke said through clenched teeth.

"Buddy, it is so like that." Kyle said knowingly as Luke left the kitchen.

The drive home was quiet each of them mulling over their own thoughts. Luke walked her in and Taylor said "That was so much fun, thanks for taking me. They're a great bunch of guys." Luke nodded. He had been very quiet since dinner and Taylor was considering asking him what was wrong when he walked over to her took her face in his hands and kissed her.

Taylor was taken by surprize she didn't respond immediately but at some point the warmth of his lips against hers was too much and her mouth began moving of its own accord. He dropped his hands to her waist and kissed her harder feeling her lips part for him as their tongues began to duel. Taylor moaned against his mouth, heat pooling in her belly. He was making her so hot, she reached up and wove her fingers through his hair and pressed herself against him.

It was Luke's turn to groan as he felt her against him. Without thinking he began walking her backwards towards the bedroom. Their lips never left each other as he walked her to the bed and followed her down onto it. Taylor was dizzy with desire. She hadn't felt these things in such a long time that she was a little overwhelmed at the force of her response.

Breathless, she kissed him as she explored his body with her hands. Luke moaned as he allowed his hand to cup her breast and run his thumb over a hardened nipple causing her to moan as well. He wanted her so badly his cock was straining painfully against his jeans.

Taylor felt like she was melting, just a puddle of hot liquid floating on the bed. His hands slipped under her top to caress her sensitized skin and breasts. She wanted him; she was astounded at the force of her reaction. She was pulling at his shirt so she could get her hands underneath when she felt something vibrate against her hip.

Initially they both ignored it but finally Luke pulled away and grabbed his vibrating phone out his pocket. "Damn!" he said. "I've gotta go." Getting up with a groan he looked down on her panting incredibly desirable form on the bed. Leaving was the last thing he wanted to do right now. Running a hand through his hair he said "This is not what I .... I'll talk to you soon." and he left. Taylor hadn't moved as she heard the front door open then close. She yelled out in frustration and then she started crying.

Luke was swearing a blue streak in the car all the way to the station while willing his erection to subside. It was the one and only time in his life he wished he wasn't a fire-fighter on call. He knew he wouldn't be able to get the image of her sprawled on the bed, eyes half closed with lust, out of his head. He knew that the message meant the 'go' team was called out to an emergency and him as leader of the 'ready' team had to man the station in case the second engine and team were needed elsewhere. Most times they never were but all members had to be there in case. He hoped she would understand.

Taylor cried herself to sleep that night. Not because she was upset with Luke. She understood that the call probably meant that he was need at the station or a fire. He had a job to do and it was important. She cried because she was scared. Scared at her reaction to him; her desire for him. Scared about how much she wanted him to touch her and feel those things again. Scared at even how much she simply enjoyed his company. Scared enough to realize that it was time to stop this in its tracks.

She didn't return his calls the next day, or the day after that. She ignored his texts and pretended she wasn't home when he knocked on her door. She felt like a fool but she didn't know what else to do.

Taylor was having dinner at the Black's when Sue asked "How's Luke?" Taylor's vague answer must have rung alarm bells for Sue because she cornered her in the kitchen and grilled her. "So what did he do? Was he horrible, 'cos I'll go kick his arse personally?" Sue asked.

"No he was fine; we're just not ... I don't know." Taylor mumbled. Sue didn't feel comfortable enough with Taylor to say anything but she definitely thought that something was going on but she let the matter drop for the time being.

Later that week her brother Sam came over for dinner and it was the Spanish Inquisition all over again. "So why aren't you taking Luke's calls, did he do something to you? I'll kill him!" Sam said in full protective brother mode.

"No Sam, he didn't do anything. I just don't feel like seeing anyone right now." Taylor said exasperated.

Sam was thoughtful for a while before he said "So you really like this guy huh?"

"What?" she said incredulously.

"Well, you only pull this 'dump them early' routine when you really like them." Sam said simply.

Taylor couldn't seem to say anything other than "What?"

"I know you sis, you do a runner every time it hits too close to home. I think you need to give Luke a chance, he's one of the good guys." Sam said. Taylor was impressed at her brother's observations skills but still angry enough with him that she refused to respond to him meddling in her love life. Or lack thereof as the case may be.

Luke was furious. He didn't understand why she was hiding from him. Surely she understood about his job. He realized within the first couple of days of not seeing her that he was absolutely nuts about her. He couldn't stand her not talking to him. He wanted the chance to explain to figure out what, if anything, he had done wrong. And still the silence.

He'd spent almost every night unable to sleep, the image of her dark eyes looking at him with desire were burned into the back of his eyelids. He was desperate, so he called Sam.

He'd never gone around a woman before but this situation was different. He had to speak with her. Sam confided that she sometimes went to a park near her work to have lunch outside. He also said that she wasn't to know he told him under pain of death. Finally Luke felt like he could do something.

Taylor was enjoying the sunshine and the sound of birds after being couped up in her office. She often allowed herself the little luxury of having lunch in the park just to get away from all the pressure. This was like a small oasis of calm. She was daydreaming when something threw a large shadow across her. She looked up to see Luke towering above her. Having been wandering around for a while he'd finally found her and he seated himself next to her on the grass. Taylor didn't know what to say, she never expected to see him here of all places. "What are you doing here?" she blurted out.

Luke looked at her quizzically "Looking for you, you're a hard woman to track down." He said mater of factly. She really didn't want to have this conversation so she made to get up. Luke captured her wrist to prevent her from leaving "We need to talk." He said in a firm voice. Taylor sat back down not looking at him. "Why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" he asked quietly.

How was she supposed to answer that? How could she explain the jumbled mess that was her brain at the moment? "Was it because I left while we were ... ah ... I got called out ... it happens sometimes ... I" Luke stammered.

"No, not that. I get that you have a job to do." She said blushing at the memory of their last encounter. Even thinking about it made her hot, the man was gorgeous.

"Talk to me, help me understand. I thought we were getting along well, hell we nearly ... was that it ... did I go too fast? Did I scare you? I don't think you said no but I was too wrapped up I may have missed it. Please tell me did I go too far?" Luke said very quickly.

Taylor looked up at the concern in his voice and was captured by those green eyes. Oh she was going to have a hard time resiting this man. She didn't want him to feel like he had taken advantage of her because he certainly didn't.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I was fine with it. I'm just a mess." She said miserably.

"So tell me" Luke prompted gently rubbing her shoulder.

She looked into his eyes again and some of her self imposed barriers came crashing down. It all came tumbling out. Meeting a wonderful guy in college, falling in love, making plans for a future with him, all the things that people dream about. She caught the bastard having sex with her roommate. They didn't even have the decency to be sorry about it. Apparently it had been going on for months.

She talked about how stupid she felt, how betrayed, as well as how he broke her heart. He also broke something else inside her, her ability to trust men. Since then she would push men away when they'd get too close. So there, it was out, all the things that she'd never told anyone. Taylor looked away with tears in her eyes fully expecting Luke to run away as fast as he could. "Well, it makes more sense now." He said "So how about dinner tomorrow night?"

Taylor looked up in shock. He was asking her out, after all of that, he was asking her out. "But ..." the words caught in her throat.

"Look Taylor, I like you and I think you like me too. I don't scare easy so we'll take this as fast or as slow as you want. It's all on you now. I just want to let you know one thing. I'm not him; I would never treat you that way. If things aren't working out I'll tell you, face-to-face." He stated. Taylor nodded, amazed by his gentleness and sincerity. She wanted so much to believe it and he was giving her the one thing she needed, time.

The next few weeks were some of the best in Taylor's life. She and Luke had fun together, dinners, movies, roller-blading and simple things like staying in and watching DVD's. She was starting to trust him and that scared her a little. She was also starting to get frustrated because he hadn't touched her other than a kiss on the cheek good night.

The first few weeks were ok, but over the last week she'd been masturbating almost every night, particularly after seeing him. The way he looked at her, his smell, the feel of his hand in hers would all be enough to send her into a fit of desire. Initially she was worried that he didn't want her anymore and then she thought that when he said it was all on her, maybe he meant this too. Maybe she had to make the first move.

That thought terrified her, she may not have been a virgin but she hadn't had sex in years, since her break up with her college boyfriend. She wasn't sure how these things work. These thoughts were dancing around her head as she got ready for dinner with Luke.

Luke was watching her eat. He loved the way her delicate fingers moved. For a moment he remembered the way those hands and fingers felt on his body. He groaned inwardly, he couldn't allow himself those kinds of thoughts.

They talked and laughed in the easy comfort they had developed but there was something more. The sexual tension was particularly strong that night. There was plenty of good natured innuendo flying about. Luke didn't know if it was on purpose or not, but she was dressed particularly sexy in a wrap dress that showed off her cleavage and the curve of her hips. He was finding it very difficult to keep his hands off her.

Taylor was hot all over and trying to blame the glass of wine she had with dinner. She knew that wasn't true and that she was making excuses to touch him. Her fingers were itching to run themselves through his hair. Over dessert the conversation turned to sex. It was the first time they had broached this topic and they were both a little embarrassed and a great deal aroused.

Very shyly Taylor explained about her lack of a sex life. Luke was shocked, he new she was scared of relationships but he didn't realize that included celibacy. He then talked about his partners, it was a very short list, he wasn't the kind of guy that screwed around. They were both giggling and laughing like school kids.

In the car on the way back to Taylor's place, despite her earlier rationalization, she was thinking that he was definitely attracted to her so how come he hadn't made a move, didn't he want her anymore. Taylor gasped when she realized that she'd said that last part out loud. "Want you?" he groaned "I've been going mad, let's just say that my hand and I have become re-acquainted. I feel like a damn teenager but I promised to give you time, and I keep my promises."

Taylor giggled at his admission and said "Me too." while wiggling her fingers at him.

He got the implication and thanked God they were stopped at a light because he didn't think he could have driven right then. The image of her sprawled on a bed, her hands between her legs stroking herself had him painfully hard in an instant. He groaned, took her face in his hands and kissed her hard. Heat pooled in Taylor's belly and fire swam in her veins. They were both panting when the blaring horns behind them indicated a change of light.

The rest of the drive was a mixture of anticipation and excitement. They used every opportunity to touch and kiss that they could so by the time the reached her driveway Taylor was ready to jump on him. Luke was around her side in a flash. His lips descended on hers as he pushed her against the car. The feel of his hard body against hers was driving her crazy. Her hardened nipples were brushing against his chest sending ripples of pleasure to her core. He had his thigh between hers and she couldn't help from grinding her sensitive sex against him feeling that delicious pressure build. She could feel his hardness pressed against her.

She was close to coming when he pulled away saying "We'd better get inside." in a husky voice. Taylor fumbled with her keys at the door because he was standing behind her, his hands on her breasts, stroking and teasing her nipples. He'd also managed to undo her dress so that it was coming apart even before they stepped into the house.

Luke pressed her up against the door as he kissed her neck and collar bone. He had managed to expose the front of her and his breath caught in his throat as he saw she clad in a lacy black bra and matching panties. "Beautiful." He whispered. "Please tell me this is ok, because I don't think I can stop." he breathed.

Taylor's heart skipped a beat at the fact that he even asked. In response she took his hand and placed it between her legs urging him to discover for himself how much she wanted him. They both groaned as he touched her velvety softness. Luke slipped her panties off to allow him more access as he took a hardened nipple into his mouth. Taylor cried out in pleasure at the combined sensations.

Somehow she'd managed to unbutton his shirt allowing her to explore the hard planes of his chiselled chest but she couldn't reach the buttons on his pants so she whimpered in frustration. Feeling her urgency Luke undid himself and allowed his boxers and pants to fall to his ankles.

Taylor's eyes widened at the sight of him. He was large; her hand couldn't get the whole way around when she reached out to touch him. Luke pushed her hand away knowing that if she kept that up he wasn't going to last. Lifting her up so she wrapped her legs around his waist, he positioned himself at her entrance. He allowed her to slowly lower herself onto him until he was fully inside her.

They moaned together as he filled her. Luke thought he was going to explode she was so tight and wet. Taylor felt so incredibly full and when he started to move she couldn't breathe it was so good. Taylor was hanging onto his shoulders as his stokes became longer and harder and with each pass he was rubbing against her hardened nub causing her to cry out in pleasure.