Saved By The Belle


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"Hey, Trev, wanna throw the football?" I picked it up from where it lay and made a passing gesture, telling him to go out for a pass.

"Sure, Mike!" he said as he took off in a dead run. I hurled the ball as far as I could, but it fell miserably short of where the young boy stood.

"HA!" Amy laughed, "Step aside, big man, and let a woman show you how it's done!"

Trevor brought the ball back and handed it to his mother.

"GO!" she shouted, hoisting the ball over her shoulder. She stepped and threw a perfect spiral that landed right in Trevor's hands. Then she turned to me. "And that, Big Mike, is how it's done in Girl World!"

I couldn't resist, I tackled her to the ground, tickling her. "Girl World, huh?!"

"MERCY!" She screamed as her laughter became almost tearful.

About that time, Haley came over to us, handing Amy a handful of colorful weeds that she had pulled up by the roots. "Here, Miss Amy. Some flowers for you."

"Thank you, sweetie! I'll put them right over here ..."


Trevor came running over, the look of hunger rolling across his face.

"Well, I guess we could set the food out now ... could you help me, kids?"

We all went over to the basket and the kids began to pull out the food: fried chicken, potato salad, fruit salad, bread, beans, and a big angel food cake. Everything a good picnic needed. Except plates. I looked at Amy, she looked at me, and we both burst into laughter. We forgot plates.

"Oh, well, kids, guess we'll eat out of the bowls. It's okay. Just dig right in ..."

Haley took a chicken leg and a big spoon and dug right into the fruit salad. Trevor took a piece of chicken and dug into his mom's famous beans. Amy and I both honed in on the potato salad. I had given each of the kids a box of juice, and so there was no talking for quite a while. Then Haley finally spoke up:

"This is the bestest chicken ever, Miss Amy!"

"Why, thank you, Haley. I take that as a big compliment!"

None of us noticed the gathering clouds. We were too engrossed in eating and finally sharing stories that none of us paid any attention that the sunlight was fading and the wind was becoming cooler. None of us, until the bottom opened up! Waves of rain poured down, sending Haley screaming for the car and Trevor right behind her. Amy and I were left to throw everything back into the basket, jerking the blankets from the ground and holding them over our heads as we made our way back to the Jeep. Suddenly, my brilliant decision to put the top down on the Jeep this morning seemed like the moronic thing to do. By the time we made it back to the building, everything and everyone was soaked. I pulled the Jeep into the garage behind the building, leaving the top off for the insides to dry. Amy helped me with the other equipment, and we followed two shivering children upstairs.

"Your place or mine?" I asked as we ascended the staircase.

"Doesn't matter. We need to get these kids dry and see if any of the food is salvageable, though."

"OK. Let's take this to my place. You go across and get you and Trevor some clothes. You and the kids can both take a warm shower here, while I check on the food and get things put away."

Amy separated from us, going to get blankets, clothes and a movie or two. It was going to be a long afternoon now that the weather had ruined our original plans. Inside the apartment, I put Haley into a warm bath, and got her dressed, just as Amy came back with their supplies. I showed them to the bathroom, and allowed them time to clean up and warm up while I set about checking the food. Luckily, it had only gotten a little wet. I figured most was salvageable. I set about putting everything into the refrigerator, just as Amy and Trevor emerged, fresh from a shower and in dry clothes.

"Better?" I asked as Amy rubbed her short hair with the towel.

"Yeah, a little. I brought movies, and there's popcorn in that bag. Maybe something warm will help?"

I nodded and showed Amy where the microwave was. Evidently Trevor is a quick study with remote controls, because it wasn't long before he had "Finding Nemo" going on the big screen. The smell of warm buttery popcorn filled my apartment as I readied for my shower. I saw Amy's clothes lying on the floor, and I began to imagine what she must've looked like as she was peeling them from her ample body. I felt my cock harden, and I figured while I was in the shower, I'd take care of it. As I slowly stroked the shaft, I imagined Amy's breasts, full and heavy. I remembered how her nipples poked at me after our kiss the other night. I remembered how she smelled and tasted.

"ooohhhhh ... Amy!" I cried out softly as my cock pulsed ropes of pent up cum against the shower wall. *Man!* I thought, *that didn't take long!*

I dried myself and put on some lounge pants, and joined everyone in the living area. Amy had turned the area into a veritable campground: she'd brought blankets and pillows from her apartment and strewn them all over the floor. The kids were snuggled under extra blankets, watching the TV and munching on warm popcorn. She was curled at one end of the sectional. When she saw me, she straightened up.

"I hope you don't mind," she said, "but I brought some things that might make the kids more comfortable. This weather is going to keep us indoors a while, I'm afraid!" A crack of thunder emphasized her point, and Belle came running from her hiding place to jump into Amy's lap.

"There, there, kitty. It's okay. Just a little loud thunder ..." Belle began her infamous kneading action on Amy's hip.

I went to the end of the sofa and Amy scooted over to accommodate me.

"Can I have some of that popcorn, pretty lady?" I asked, and Amy handed it over. Pretty soon, I began to notice her getting a bit sleepy, but she was also shivering a bit.

"Guess it's a little drafty in here today, huh?" I asked, pulling a throw blanket over her. "C'mere and snuggle. It's okay. It'll keep us both warmer."

I felt her weight shift until her head was under my arm. I reached with my hand and began to stroke her hair, almost absentmindedly, as we watched the movie. The kids began to get quieter and quieter, and I soon I realized that they were asleep. Now was my chance. I took Amy's chin in my thumb and forefinger and tipped her face up to mine. My mouth hungrily sought hers, my tongue battled her tongue as our kiss deepened. This time, she didn't push me away.


She raised her face from mine.

"Mike, I've never done this. I've never had a man in my life that Trevor knew about. I've never kissed a man on a sofa ten feet away from my son ..."

"I know, Amy. I've not done this either. But we both feel it, I know we do. Haley feels it, and I think Trevor does a little bit. I want you."

I slid down until I was stretched out on the sectional, pulling her on top of me. We were covered in blankets, and kissing like teenagers about to get caught by our parents. I couldn't remember the last time I was this excited just kissing someone.

"Mike, can we take this to the bedroom? I mean, just in case ... the kids ..."

She got up off of me and led me by the hand to my bedroom. As we stepped through the door, I began kissing her again, running my hands under her flannel shirt. Her skin felt so soft. I kissed her neck and her shoulder, hearing her groan as my mouth found her skin. I opened her shirt, slowly revealing her body to me.

"Mike, I'm scared" she whispered to me. This woman, who seemed to ooze confidence, was suddenly a little girl in my arms.

"What are you scared of, baby? If this doesn't feel right to you, we can stop. I promise I won't stop seeing you if you don't want to make love with me right now. I can wait."

She took my face into her hands and kissed me. Hard. I guess whatever I said to her told her that this wasn't a one-and-done deal. I had had enough conversations with her to know she'd been in a world of hurt with men, and I was determined to show her that we weren't all abusers and scoundrels.

I slipped her shirt from her and unhooked her bra, drawing it from her body. Her heavy breasts fell into my hands and I began to feast on her nipples, which stood from her like two large erasers.

"ooohhhhhhhh Mike!" she breathed, "please more!"

I eagerly obliged but then she took one step away from me. I was afraid she was having second thoughts, until I saw her reach for her pants to draw them over her Rubenesque hips and kick them out of the way. I watched as she drew her panties over the same path, and stood before me, shivering, her face questioning how I felt seeing her in all her God-given glory.

"Amy, you're beautiful!" I said. And I meant it. She wasn't perfect, just perfectly beautiful in my eyes.

I began undressing myself, but she stopped me.

"Please ... let me ..." She undressed me slowly, her warm, soft hands caressing me, raising erogenous zones that I didn't know existed.

She kissed my back, my shoulders. She wrapped her arms around me and pressed her body to me so that I felt her hard nipples bore into my skin.

"My God, you feel good, Ames!"

I turned and pulled her close. Skin to skin, mouth to mouth. For the first time, I was tasting and holding the woman of my dreams. And she was nothing like what I had dreamed about. She wasn't the tiny blonde bombshell I had always gravitated to (and been so hurt by) all these years. She was better. She could easily be my best friend.

I dug my hands into her hair and held her mouth against mine as if I was afraid for it to relinquish the kiss. Our tongues tumbled against one another and I heard a low, rumbling moan come from deep inside her. I eased her backwards until the backs of her legs touched the bed, then I broke the kiss.

She automatically sat, her face right at the level of my cock. Her hands took me in them and slowly caressed my shaft and down to my balls, lightly kneading them, looking up and watching every nuance on my face. I tipped my head back, basking in the sheer pleasure of her touch, so I wasn't looking when she prepared for the next move.

Suddenly, my cock was engulfed by the sweet warmth of her mouth. She plunged and sucked me, in a perfect cadence.

"OOOhhhhddeeearrrgooodddd ..." I moaned. It was the only sound I could make. I was afraid to move – afraid I would break this magical spell she was casting over my body.

I felt her hands move around to my ass, gripping the cheeks, as if to pull me closer. I took one step forward, allowing her a bit more comfort as her mouth rose and fell against my cock. Her hand worked in tandem, bringing me closer and closer to nirvana.

"Baby, stop," I whispered. "I want to taste you."

I reluctantly pulled away. I mean, what man on God's green Earth really wants a good blow job to stop? But, being the gentleman I am, and this being our first time together, I wanted to make sure we enjoyed each other to the fullest. There would be time for selfish pleasure later.

I knelt at her feet, spreading her ample thighs. I ran my hands up her silky calves, inside her thighs and back down. I could tell she was nervous. I felt her skin tremble under my hands.

"Amy, it's okay. Just relax, baby. Let me love you ..."

I kissed the inside of her thighs, and then licked, and I felt her begin to relax a bit. Closer and closer to her center I worked, not touching, just going very slow and savoring every inch of her.

I slid my hands under her ass, which was her cue to completely relax her thighs. What lay before me was nothing short of a feast: beautiful trimmed pussy hair, inner flesh winking at me with dewy charm. I couldn't resist.

"OOOHHHHFFUUUCCKKK!" Amy cried and then stuffed her hand into her mouth to silence her screams as the first touch of my mouth on her pussy made her arch as if she had been electrified. I licked up and down her slit, gathering the juices that had been collecting there, tasting her sweet flavor.

"Baby, you taste so good," I murmured to her between licks and sucks. I moaned against her as I sucked her clit.

"IIIIIMMMMMCCUUUMMMIINNNGGGG" her strangled cry signaled me to clamp my mouth over her pussy hole and plunge my tongue inside her so I could feel her spasm and taste the juice. She hunched against me in wild abandon, one hand coming to stroke my hair as I continued to lick her long after her rippling muscles had stilled.

I pushed a finger inside her. I could still feel her quiver, the heat and softness was amazing. She was tight, and she was ready to cum again. I had been taught by some very generous lovers, and knew the signs well. I stroked and talked to her.

"Your pussy's getting tighter ... yeahhhh ... that feels good, doesn't it? Right there? Fuck my hand, baby, that's right ... mmmmm"

As she neared climax again, I strummed her clit with my tongue as I massaged her G-spot. The effects were instantaneous: she grabbed the nearest pillow and held it to her face, but I could still hear her amazing moans as she again plunged into the abyss of pleasure.

When her face emerged from under my pillow, her hair disheveled and her skin aglow, she scooted up to the middle of the bed and held out her arms to me.

"C'mere and fuck me, Mike. I need to feel your cock ..."

I didn't waste any time climbing to her, easing myself between her outstretched legs.

"Amy ... I ... um ... I didn't prepare ..."

Suddenly, I was embarrassed that I hadn't even THOUGHT about a condom up to that point! I know better than that!

"It's okay. Everything's okay. I'm safe, and I trust that you are. PLEASE fuck me before I explode!"

Reason went right out the window. A rational man would think of STD's, pregnancy, yada yada – but a horned up man? No way! I slid between her legs, feeling them come up on my hips to grip me.

Then I slid into heaven. Her pussy was a perfect fit. Velvety soft, dripping wet, and tight. She grunted and shifted to accommodate my cock, but soon, we had a rhythm all our own. I buried my face in the hollow of her shoulder as she ran her fingers through my hair and I felt her body open and suck on me over and over again with each thrust.

"I can't last long, Amy" I said through gritted teeth. Truth was, I was about to bust a nut the second my cock head touched her flesh. I slowed down and pushed deep inside her, holding still.

I dipped my head to bite and suck on her nipples when she did something amazing: she took over. She gripped my hips with her legs and whispered:

"Be still, lover. Let me do this ..."

I watched her face as she not only rubbed her clit against my pubic bone, but she did something with her muscles inside that made them grip me in waves. She rolled her hips, pushing my cock against her G-spot while her pussy sucked hard on it. All I could do is raise up, watch, and go along for the ride. This woman was wringing pleasure from the both of us.

"oh ... oh ... oh ..." she began to chant, breathing hard and thrashing her head from side to side.

"Sssshhhhh ..." I whispered, and lay back down on her full, nibbling her ear and I began to thrust hard and slow inside her. In. Out. In. Out.

"Oh god ... oh god ... yessss ... yesssssssssss ... I'mmm goonnaaaa...." Her nails dug into my back and just as I felt her pussy clamp down on me in a super human grip, my cum rose from it's depths.

"ooohffuuuccckkkk baby! I'm cumming in you! Yeeesssssssss!!" I pushed as deep into her as I could and held, but she was not satisfied with that. Her hips went into overdrive, rolling against my cock until she came a second time, sucking what was left of my cum into her body.

Panting, I lay my head on her chest and she stroked my back, I felt goosebumps rise up all over me. Hmmm. That had never happened before! I raised up and kissed her, slow and gentle. I brushed the hair from her face, and rolled beside her, pulling her over onto my chest.

"Daddy!" I heard Haley's little panicky voice coming from the other room.

"Oh, shit! The kids!"

We jumped up, scrambling for clothes. I beat Amy in getting dressed, so I slipped out of the bedroom into the living area before they noticed that we were both gone. Amy ran into the bathroom, and faked flushing the toilet. Fortunately, she had checked the mirror and brushed her hair before coming into the room.

"Daddy? Where were you?! I woke up and no one here but me an' Trevor an' Belle!"

"I'm sorry, Punkin. Daddy went to take a nap, too."

Amy sat down beside me on the couch and I instinctively put my arm around her.

Haley looked at us both, and in that little girl sing-song voice asked, "Daddy, is Miss Amy your girlfriend?"

I looked at Haley, and Trevor, and then at Amy. "Well, she is if she wants to be. Whaddaya say, there, Ames?" Belle jumped up in Amy's lap and snuggled down. "Looks like even Belle approves of ya."

Amy grinned. She didn't say anything for a really long time. She looked at us all, sitting around like a family. She picked up Belle and snuggled her, the kitty was purring so loud you could hear her across the room. Amy rubbed her face against Belle's fur and whispered, "Thanks for bringing me a new family to love!"

Haley climbed into Amy's lap then, with Trevor not far behind. I watched as my future wife, my best friend, and my lover embraced her new life.

We ended up knocking out the walls between the two apartments, and made it into a real home. We've lived here for 24 years now, Amy and I, and our four kids. Oh yeah. We had two more. Amy loved being pregnant, and I thought she was the most gorgeous thing on the planet when she was. Our youngest, Belle, (named after that kitty who, unfortunately, got away from us again – this time with tragic results) just graduated from medical school early with honors. We're getting older, but Amy still makes me quiver with just a look or a touch.

I can't thank that damn cat enough.

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