Saying Hello to Bi Pt. 04 - Bi-Ravished

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Bound, gagged and at the mercy of 3 others.
2.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/07/2022
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Although I did attempt to call in sick for the next day, and definitely wanted to find out what things were in store for me over at my neighbor Jerry's apartment, my work was desperate for me to come in as they already had a couple of sick calls. Being a person of integrity, I thought better of leaving them high and dry. I had to inform my neighbor that it was not to be, but we could wait until my next off days.

He was disappointed, but understood and indeed, agreed with me. Plus, as he mentioned, the anticipation would make it worthwhile. I must confess that I thought a lot about what our next encounter would be like. He did drop a few teasers, saying it would be a very "draining" get together. There would be a couple of surprises, if I was game to test my limits. He already had exhausted me a couple of times, so the emphasis on those words was arousing at the very least.

I did find out one particular thing about myself during the previous meetings. As was evident by my reactions during the last few encounters, tickling, and especially being tickled in a submissive situation like bondage, was a very strong turn on for me. Despite being completely debilitated by some long, hard core tickling, I got hard every time. I had no doubt there was likely more in store for me in that vein. In retrospect, that was an understatement.

The week passed quickly, and my first off day was slated to be "the day". I had been nervously waiting for it to arrive, and when the phone rang, I expected it would be him. Sure enough, it was, and we planned our little get together for later in in the afternoon. I busied myself with activities around the apartment, clock watching and wishing the time would hurry up. Finally, the phone rang again, and I donned just a shirt and pair of shorts to make the brief walk across the hall to his apartment.

He opened the door and quickly ushered me inside, and as had been the custom in previous visitations to his apartment, there was a lot of intense kissing and groping right at the outset. We made our way to the living room, and that Barcelona chair was prominently placed in the center of the room. I didn't even have to guess at his intentions, stripping completely and taking a seat.

He bound my wrists together at the back of the chair, and then, as before, my ankles to the side of the chair, so my legs were open and awaiting whatever activity he had planned. A piece of tape was put across my mouth to keep our playtime quieter, and this time, he added a blindfold over my eyes. It was actually one of those sleep masks, but slightly modified to be a lot more secure so it wouldn't move.

Not being able to see heightened the sensation, and I would not know what was going to happen until it did. I briefly felt his fingers trace their way over my body, and I started to squirm, knowing what it would lead to momentarily. A few pokes, a few prods, a grasp of my erection and brief tugging, and then nothing, I waited, and still nothing. I grunted, wondering what was going on.

And then I felt it, fingers and hands all over me, teasing, arousing, groping and finally, tickling. I was overwhelmed immediately, and there was a slowly dawning awareness that he was not alone. Every part of me was seemingly being tickled at once, and my shrieks and hysterical laughter filled the room. I could hear murmurs of approval, and it stopped briefly, then resumed again.

For the next several minutes, I was brought to tears by their attention to my body. I had no idea who or how many, but was certain I couldn't take too much more of this. Hands quickly changed tactics, from tickling to fondling, groping and teasing, and the moment I felt a hand on my erection, I came hard. The hand stroked furiously at me, pulling out every drop it could. As expected, it didn't stop there.

My nipples were being rapidly teased, and the focus was also concentrated on my sensitive cock head, rough rubbing with an obviously lubricated hand. I shrieked, bucking wildly, but nothing I did stopped it. The tape was firmly across my mouth, but I still tried to beg and plead for them to stop, but to no avail. Tears once again started flowing, and their stimulation lasted another few minutes before it finally stopped, and I slumped into the chair, groaning and gasping for breath.

And at once, a new sensation came. I uttered a loud grunt, and started squirming crazily in the chair. Something very cold was rubbing on my softening erection, and both my nipples. It moved around my genitals, over my testicles, eventually reaching under me to my perineum, and I jumped. I could only guess they were using ice cubes, but that realization did nothing to stop my shrieks and cries.

When they finally stopped, again allowing me a momentary chance to catch my breath, I once again felt fingers and hands begin to probe me. I shook my head violently, not wanting to experience any more of this. Unfortunately, they had only started, and the regimen of hard tickling began once more. Several minutes more, along with the occasional grope and tug between my legs, got me rigid once again.

A hand began to tug furiously at me, but somehow, through sheer strength of will, I managed to resist, and felt myself begin to soften slightly. The tickling resumed, now even more intensely, and I went crazy in the chair, shrieking, screaming, laughing hysterically. I heard someone groan that they couldn't wait any longer, and the tickling stopped, and the tape was pulled off my mouth.

I tried to plead for them to stop, but before I even had the chance, an erection was shoved into my mouth, and my head held firmly as the erection thrust in and out. And the tugging on my own erection continued, now rigid once again. I tried shaking my head, but the hold on it intensified. A warm spurt was preceded by a loud groan, then more spurts. I swallowed and swallowed, and at about the time he started to pull out, my aching cock started spurts and oozes of it's own.

I tried crying out, but a hand was over my mouth, and my body went through several spasms as they pulled more cum out of me. My head slumped down and I shook it, wanting no more of this experience without at least some rest. But my head was lifted up and the tape replaced over my mouth. Still shaking my head, I mumbled no more, but it was unintelligible. Then nothing for a few moments. It sounded like they were whispering to one another, but I couldn't make it out.

I felt my ankles being untied, and I thought relief was at hand. My body relaxed as I felt my bonds freed, and I was assisted to a standing position, albeit briefly. I was eased down to my knees, head down, and held in that position. I felt my legs being spread, and something hard pressing against my anal opening, then inserted slowly. I grunted, feeling him beginning to push himself in and out of me. About the same time, my head was lifted up off the carpet, and the tape pulled off.

A particularly firm thrust caused me to moan, and as my mouth opened, I felt a hard erection pushed into my mouth. I was in that position for about 5 minutes or so, enduring thrusts from both ends. And the moment I heard loud grunts coming from behind me, I felt him push hard into me and hold it, feeling his erection pulsate a few times. Almost simultaneously, groans from in front of me yielded an overwhelming amount of cum starting to fill my mouth. I gagged a bit at the amount, but swallowed and groaned, hearing both of them moan their approval at the intensity of their orgasms.

They removed themselves from inside me, and my head slumped to the floor, still in a kneeling position, breathing heavily. Hopefully, for my sanity and my already sore frame, this was over. My shoulders were lifted upward, and a glass of water was placed against my lips, with one of them urging me to drink. I drank quickly, almost inhaling it. I wanted to ask for more, but as soon as I finished it, the tape went over my mouth again. I cried out, shaking my head as they maneuvered my body to a laying position on the carpet.

The bonds on my wrists were removed, and my arms brought above my head and pinned tightly under someone's legs. My blindfold was still secure in place, and the tape prevented any meaningful objections, although I started writhing and squirming. My ankles were pinned under another's legs, preventing any more movements, and I shook my head, knowing what was coming next.

6 hands now began an intense probing and wriggling all over me, including my underarms, which up until now had been spared. I shrieked, screamed, thrashed and bucked, but no amount of struggling could prevent what they were doing. And they continued unabated, until I was wailing and sobbing in absolute, utter hysteria. And I cried out loudly when I felt a hand settle between my legs, realizing that, to my horror, I was rigid again despite all of what I had endured.

The tickling and stroking went hand in hand, and I briefly stopped my hysterical laughter to groan in agony as they made me cum again, followed by more post orgasm head stimulation along with the continuous tickling. I was a mess, sobbing loudly, my whole body trembling and shaking once they finally stopped. I remember uttering a long, low groan at the relief of no more stimulation, breathing heavily and trying to relax my body.

In truth, most of what happened after that was a blur, with only snippets of clarity in my memory. I was on my knees a few more times, getting taken from behind twice more. I remember being held in place on my knees, working two erections alternatively being thrust into my mouth, sucking, licking and swallowing cumshot after cumshot.

And interspersed with that, being tickled relentlessly, over and over, so much so that my body became almost impervious to their touch. That is, until they managed to get me hard and make me cum again and then again, with the subsequent post orgasm stimulation and tickling that followed. And after all that, I collapsed onto the floor, panting and gasping for breath, unable to speak or groan even though the tape over my mouth had been removed, laying prone and motionless face down.

I was spent, exhausted, horrified at how easy it was for them to do this and overwhelmed at my reactions, but there was one last task for them to perform. I was raised off the carpet to my knees. There was one on either side of me, holding my arms taught so I couldn't move, not that I had the strength to resist anything at this point. As a hand grasped between my legs, I shook my head slowly, again pleading for this to end.

I was completely soft, but the stimulation was relentless. My nipples were being teased, my testicles gently squeezed and manipulated, and I slowly, grudgingly, and against my better judgment, hardened to full rigidity. They spent the better part of the next 10 minutes engaged in nonstop teasing, fondling and stroking. And as I got closer, I was apoplectic, pleading for them to stop. And it seemed the more pleading I did, the more quickly I got closer.

I could no longer contain it, and I came again, this time the most intense and arduous orgasm of them all. I am not even sure there was any cum that came out, but the feeling was there, as were the spasms that wracked my body over and over. They lay me down once it stopped, face up, my body shuddering with the occasional jolt. I turned over on my side, curling into a fetal position.

I lay there for several minutes, vaguely aware of them talking amongst themselves, and finally heard the door open and close again. They had both apparently left, leaving Jerry the only one remaining. He leaned over and removed the blindfold, the harshness of the light making me squint. I turned slowly onto my back again.

When I lifted my head slightly, the residue of wet and dried cum all over my lower stomach and pubic region was prevalent. He was kneeling beside me, and as I strained to lift myself up, he assisted me, finally getting to my knees and then standing up, having to hold onto his arm for support as I was very weak. My shorts and shirt were pushed off to the side, and I bent over unsteadily to retrieve them. Putting them on was difficult, but I managed somehow.

I stumbled towards the door, and walked out, not bothering to close the door behind me, and made my way slowly toward my door, having to pause for a few moments to gather my strength before continuing. It took me a little time to steady myself enough to insert the key into the lock, but I finally managed to do it, relieved that I could retreat to the safety inside.

I entered my apartment, closing and locking the door behind me and slumped against it, completely numb. I had thrown my clothes on haphazardly, and never bothered to try and clean up. I stripped and went to the shower, staying in there for at 20 minutes. The warm water served to rejuvenate me a little, but I was still feeling completely and utterly spent. My hands shook as I made coffee, and I sat on the couch sipping it, lost in thought. The experience was a watershed moment for me.

I am pretty sure I was taken 3 times from behind, performed orally on them another 4 times, and was brought to orgasm at least 5 or 6 times. It was no wonder I was completely spent. I lay on the couch, and fell asleep.

Awhile later, there was a knock on the door, but I didn't answer it. For the next few minutes, I heard him talking softly to me through the door. I ignored it. I finally yelled out that I needed some time to myself. Truthfully, I felt like he had crossed the line. Sharing experiences together was one thing, but sharing with others was quite another. And when I finally saw him a couple of days later, I spelled that out for him clearly.

I told him that we had engaged in some great sex, enjoyable for both of us. I loved being submissive to his wants and desires, even to the point of being subjected to exhibitionism, voyeurism, bondage, role and fetish play. And I would have happily continued, exploring more and more of it, but he had crossed the line.

All he would have needed to do was ask me in advance if it was something I was interested in, or something I would have liked to try. But he didn't. He just assumed I would be fine with it as an extension of our previous playtimes. Well, it wasn't, and bringing others in was wrong without asking first. I looked him square in the eyes, and was very harsh in telling him that while I loved being submissive to him, I was no slave, nor would I ever be.

He bowed his head, knowing he had really messed up what was a great thing between us. He pleaded with me to forgive him, to help resolve this, and to go back to the way it was. I retorted that, given the breach of trust, it could never go back to the way it was. He began blubbering, saying he would be willing to do anything I wanted to repair things between us. I thought for a moment, still unsure about really wanting to have anything more to do with him.

I agreed, but told him he had to let me work things out myself. I didn't want him to call, or knock on my door, or contact me in any way. If I chose to accept his apology, I would do it on my own terms. After he left, I sat down, and started thinking long and hard about things, and came to the conclusion that perhaps I would agree to see him again, but only if it was completely under my terms and conditions.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

And so, this is how a submissive starts his journey to becoming a dominate. The rolls reverse, but then can revert back, or even back and forth several times. BDSM can be a strange and wonderful thing when done properly. This was done on the lighter side with emphasis on tickling, but still quite intense. It makes me wish I was ticklish. It will be interesting to see if there is a role reversal part 5. In any case thanks for a great story.

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