Scavenger Hunt Ch. 05


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I said "Chief, I'm going to be nice about this---"

"What did you doooo with the reeeel Mister Crowbar?" the Chief asked, and I hoped he was being Rudistan-ish in that remark. He said "Yezzz, you've taken your allotment of Federal heads today. Go ahead."

I said "Dwight, you didn't listen to me once, and it almost cost you the Marcie Harper case. You didn't listen to me a second time, and it almost cost Kevin Pitts life. So one more strike..." I shook my head in mock sadness. (Author's note: 'Schoolhouse Rock', Ch. 06-07; 'Who Watches The Watchers'.)

I continued: "The crimes we have for the 'Toyota 12', as I'm sure the Press will start calling them, are not Federal crimes, but State crimes. What we need to do is make sure they go down for it, especially the murders. Let us keep them and put them on trial, and while that's happening you can build your Federal cases. Once they're convicted, then you can bargain with them in exchange for information... which they don't have much of, if I don't miss my guess."

"And you never do." said Teresa helpfully. Cindy nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Okay, okay." said Stevens.

Miles Winters said "But I may need to talk to them."

"They've all invoked." said Teresa. "They've been well coached about the law, too. So they won't talk to you. But I believe Commander Troy is right that they're not going to know much about the serious people you are searching for, Mr. Winters. They've been compartmentalized, and they've been careful to the point of paranoia at times. You and Dwight Stevens and Lorena Rose are going to need time to work on stuff, and we'll provide that time by putting them on trial for armed robbery, murder, and many related offenses."

"I a-greeeee." drawled the Chief...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

9:45am. As Cindy drove the Black Beauty to University Hospital, she said "I was getting a vibe from Dwight Stevens. He was paying you lip service about letting us put the 'Toyota 12' on trial, but he wants to get custody of them... and he may yet try to."

"And he's not the only one." I said as I sat in the shotgun seat and warily watched the traffic outside. "So what about Winters? He's been on the periphery of the Swamp Frogs many a time. Has he gone over to them?"

Cindy said "You know, I don't think so. He's a Federal Agent playing Federal Agent games, like they all do if they want to keep their careers. I think both he and Gary Weller of the NTSB are like that... they're not Swamp Frogs, they're just doing their jobs. But their bosses are Swamp Frogs, and they are being used by the Swamp Frogs as the IRS and the various Federal agencies become weaponized."

Teresa, who was sitting in the backseat, said "A lot of the field Agents out there are good people, but are caught up. Just like many good Police Officers in the big cities... New York, Chicago, Los Angeles... that can't do their jobs and are even held to blame for doing their jobs, because the politicians do everything they can to make the Officers's jobs impossible. Thank God it's not like that here."

Cindy said "Still, Jack Muscone has been acting strange. It's not like him to go against Don, especially the way he did on this case. It's like he's trying to prove something when he has nothing to prove, and the strain is wearing him down..."

We arrived at the Hospital. A private ambulance had been hired to transport Bobby Sedgwick to the Recovery House in Nextdoor County. Inside, Bobby had rung the bell, then was brought in a wheelchair to the ambulance at the E.R. area loading dock. Bobby got in, followed by a nurse wearing a mask that many nurses wore around the sick children. She sat down next to him and held his hand as the ambulance buttoned up and moved out.

"Bobby seems to be doing okay." Cindy said as we followed the vehicle.

"He's a tough kid." I said "And a good kid. He deserves the chance to live. Amelia did desperate things to get him treatment. It's the least we can do to help him."

"And as usual, you found a way." Teresa said.

"No, I wasn't lying to you." I replied. "There was nothing I could do... until, paradoxically, the Enemy gave me a shot at the title."

We all knew what I was talking about. There had been no way to release Bobby from the Hospital -and- keep his sister Amelia around to visit him, visits that had proved vital to his recovery. In that, I was stymied.

Still, we knew that Bobby's nurse on the ambulance would help take care of him and others at the Recovery House, as she'd been hired by Dr. P. Harvey Eckhart, founder and great leader of 'The Vision' self-help empire as well as Cindy's father, to help staff the new facility. And though she'd need a new name, the face behind her mask... was that of Amelia Sedgwick.


The TCSD van that had driven from the Hospital that Friday night did not have Amelia nor any Deputies in it. It was driven remotely by Ranger Terry Halston. And where did the bodies found in the vehicle after the attack come from?

Three long-unclaimed bodies in the Midtown morgue were suddenly claimed, to be given cremations and funerals. One of them was a woman, and the blood vials and cheek swabs of Amelia Sedgwick I gave Martha were 'conclusive' as to her identity. Amelia Sedgwick was pronounced dead and a Death Certificate issued, and the charred body was cremated fully.

The two other bodies were males. Of course, there was a problem if two Deputy Sheriffs that allegedly died in that attack were later found to be anything but dead. So Martha delayed their autopsies to protect the names, then her autopsy found that the charred bodies on her M.E. table were of unidentified persons, which was true. As I expected, Bettina Wurtzburg could not get that information to the airwaves fast enough.

And so we had a mystery on our hands to solve. And that was okay. Amelia Sedgwick and her brother were together again, and while she was still pretty much a prisoner that couldn't go out in public, at least until Bobby was fully recovered and they could go somewhere far away together, it sure beat the alternative of them being separated and the Swamp Frogs relentlessly hunting down Amelia to murder her.

If the Toyota Gang's Asian Team had not attacked, a team of ninja were lying in wait down the road to ambush the van. But they had not been needed; the Asian Team came through and completed their Olympics of Crime mission, and did the work for us.

And it was all made possible by somewhat disrespecting three unidentified vagrants that had died in the Red River District of Midtown, and using their bodies as 'evidence' of a crime. It was, of course, the tactic Laura had once used to fake the deaths of an FBI team, which had ultimately led to the exposure and destruction of the hideously evil Consultant of Crime. (Author's note: 'Seriously Inconvenienced', Ch. 03-04.) Deer me, Mr. Holmes, deer me. And so, in an excellent paraphrasing of the Britney Spears song...

Oops, we did it again. I'm not that innocent.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

11:00am, Monday, October 18th. After getting back to Police Headquarters from Nextdoor County, Teresa all but pushed me into the Deputy Chief's office. The Deputy Chief herself was sitting behind her desk. In one of the two rotating metal chairs in front of the desk was Jack Muscone. I was 'invited' by an Iron Wolf with a bad attitude to sit in the other one, and compliance was the better part of valor on my part.

It was Jack that began speaking. He said "At least you have Bowser if you have to sleep on the couch." Tanya barked a little laugh, and I shrugged my shoulders in a good-humor-ish way. Teresa's face did not change.

Jack said "I don't accept blame for what happened to Amelia Sedgwick. That was the perps's doing, and they'd have done what they did no matter what I did. But you're right... my zeal to get back at you was poorly executed. I should've considered your surveillance plan."

I didn't say anything, but I reached over and extended my hand, and he shook it. But Tanya wanted more:

"Guys, you used to be so close, so tight. And we need that again." Lady Ironside said. "How do we get back to that?"

I said "There is really only one way." I turned to Muscone and said "Jack, you have got to retire from the FBI."

Jack said "Let me ask you this: could you retire from the TCPD? I'm not saying you should, but you thinking about that is how I feel about the FBI."

I said "I get that. And my answer is that I can retire and walk away from it if I had to... and it's a very real possibility that I will have to, if the politicians destroy the Town & County as it currently exists."

As everyone in the room gasped in shock, I continued: "And I'm suggesting you retire from the FBI because it is no longer the organization you served and loved. It has become weaponized against the American People by truly evil people like Derrick B. Harland. And one day, they'll either force you to join them... or they will come after you like they came after me in the past." (Author's note: 'No Way Out')

Muscone nodded, then said "I agree with you. I thought I was helping by staying in, and fighting the rotgut that is eating the FBI from the inside out. I realize we can't win, we can't break even, and I'm not sure they'll let us quit the Game. But there are two reasons I'm staying in, for now. The first is that I'm working with U.S. Senator Bill Nunn to expose what the Swamp Frogs are doing to the FBI, as a whistleblower. But I've done just about all I can there. The second reason is more important."

"And that reason is?" I asked, right on cue.

"EAD Owen Lange." Jack said.

"Oh, crap." I said, knowing what he meant. "How bad is it?"

"Bad." Jack said. "He's dying..."

Part 19 - Epilogue: Rolled On Rocky Top

Morale improved greatly in the Detective rooms over the next week, and in no small part because of Southeastern Conference football. Normally played on the Third Saturday in October, the Alabama-Tennessee game was relegated to the fourth Saturday this year. And the Wildcats-Bulldogs game was a week later than normal, as well.

Alabama fan Joanne Warner was taking no prisoners in her praise of the undefeated Crimson Tide. Tennessee was also undefeated, and the winner of the game would likely be ranked No. 1 in the first College Football Playoff poll that was coming out the next week.

Ole Miss alumnus Teddy Parker was needling Joanne with comments like "Go Big Orange!"

"Nothing sucks like a big Orange!" Joanne would reply. 'Rolllllll Tide!"

"Around the bowl and down the hole, Roll Tide Roll." Auburn fan Teresa Croyle would retort whenever she heard that.

"Who are you rooting for, Kerri?" Joan Laurer asked Kerry Ambrose during one of these repartees.

"Being from Lafayette, Louisiana," Kerry said, "I'm LSU all the way."

"My family in Lake Charles would love you." Teresa replied.

"I knew you weren't perfect, Kerri." said Ole Miss Rebel Teddy Parker. "What about you, Julia?"

"In the SEC, the Texas Aggies." said Julia Rodriguez, referring to Texas A&M.

"What is all this noise?" I asked as I came into the room.

"As usual, SEC football." Teresa said. "Who are you rooting for between Tennessee and the scum... Alabama, I mean..."

I grinned, then said "I go by who has the best mascot. And Tennessee has an awesome dog in Smokey." I was referring to UT's blue tick hound.

I continued: "Texas A&M has Reveille, and Mississippi State has Bully the Bulldog. But I'm most partial to Clint Eastwood's co-star in 'Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil'."

"Uga V." said Roark Coleman, who had family ties in the State of Georgia. "He also made the Sports Illustrated cover. Go Dawgs!"

I said "A venerable line of bulldog mascots at the University of Georgia, there."

Cindy Ross said "So, Don, you should be rooting for my Bulldogs at our University over the Wildcats next week, isn't that riiiight?"

"Harumph." I said. "You have the better mascot, I'll give you that. And your School employs my wife. Other than that, it's 'WILDCATS RULE!."

"Until next week." Cindy said. A red crowbar was waved in her general direction. A green crowbar was waved in mine in retaliatory response.

When Claire Michaels came in and was asked for her favorite team, she said "I went to UCLA. But they don't give a damn about football, college or pro, in the People's Republik of California. The NFL had to practically force L.A. to build the new stadium, and the people out there voted down a proposed tax hike to fund the stadium. Only tax they didn't love out there. Second largest city in the Nation, and they could not care less about having an NFL team. Pretty embarrassing for the NFL."

Teddy Parker said "And isn't UCLA having problems getting funding to refurbish the Rose Bowl?"

Claire said "Yes, but if Southern Cal and UCLA move to the Big 10, that might change..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"The Pride of the Southland Band crisply marches into the giant T... the roar of 97,000 fans rises with each rhythmic step. The orange and white shakers flood the air! The Volunteers are ready at the north end of the field to burst through the gate... they're coming now, racing onto the field through the giant T, in that magic moment that says...
Wherever you are, it's football time, in Tennessee!..."

--- John Ward, legendary Tennessee football broadcaster.

Saturday, October 23d. The Usual Suspects were gathered at The Cabin, and we were watching Southeastern Conference football. The Neyland Stadium crowd well in excess of 100,000 lustily booed as the Crimson Tide of Alabama ran onto the field. Then, as the band's line separated to form the column to run through, the crowd roared as Smokey led the Tennessee Volunteers onto the Neyland Stadium turf. This... was just about as big as it gets in college football.

The Troy House was pretty much neutral. Teresa wore an Auburn pullover, but the rest of the house had Wildcats and University Bulldogs clothing on... and one West Point pullover. That would be Jim Troy sporting the colours of the Black Knights of Army.

As the game progressed, Carole began making observations. "Daddy, did either team bring their defenses today?"

"Well, Fussbudget," I replied, "Tennessee has the No. 1 offense in the country, and Alabama has the best quarterback. Hard for the defenses to keep up."

"They won't do that on Georgia's defense." said Jim, and mighty astutely, I thought to myself.

Teresa said "Tennessee's defensive backs coach used to be Georgia's defensive coordinator, and while he was at UGA, Auburn would whip their ass---- oops, sorry."

"She means 'fourth point of contact'." Carole said helpfully. I fist-bumped Carole.

Teresa said "Anyway, if that guy were still at Georgia, Auburn might have a prayer to beat UGA."

The halftime score was 28-20 in favor of Tennessee. As the third quarter started, the Crimson Tide flew down the field to tie it up. Then Tennessee flew down the field to score, but the point-after try failed.

"Daddy," Carole observed, "the Crimson Tide should change their name to the 'Yellow Tide'. They're getting a lot of penalties, and their coach is very mad." Indeed, Alabama was committing a record number of penalties, and their legendary head coach did not have a legendary disposition about it.

The teams traded scores and it was 42-42 in the fourth. Then Tennessee fumbled and Alabama ran it back for the scoop-and-score TD. It was looking good for Joanne Warner's Forces of Crimson to add yet another notch to their belt against the Volunteers.

But Tennessee fought back. And their air attack took it 75 yards to tie it up. Alabama got the ball and was driving, driving. I said to Teresa "Tennessee really needs to fire that defensive backs coach." Teresa vigorously nodded in agreement.

But the Tide was turned, and the drive stalled. Alabama brought out their star placekicker, seeming an oxymoron for Alabama teams ('star', 'placekicker'), but I digress. And he digressed... he missed wide right.

Alabama placekickers, I thought to myself. Alabama placekickers...

Fifteen seconds to go. Could Tennessee possibly move down the field and get a field goal? Their placekicker had already failed on a PAT.

Yes. Yes they could. And they did. The got it into Alabama territory in two quick plays, and lined up for a 40-yard FG. The kick was up... a wobbly, low, knuckleball. Over 100,000 people in the stands and a lot more in the homes of the Nation forgot to breathe, and orange faces were about to turn blue... but the kick made it through as time expired! Your final score: Tennessee 52, Alabama 49.

The Pride of the Southland Band played 'Rocky Top' as fans stormed the field, and it was soon covered in a moving sea of Orange. "Those goalposts are going to end up in the Tennessee River." said the announcer, as the goalposts were indeed taken down, disassembled, and pieces carried in different directions. And yes, they were headed for the Tennessee River...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Monday morning was going to be a bad hair day for Lieutenant Joanne Warner. Not only had her beloved Crimson Tide fallen to the hated Tennessee Volunteers, but all those other SEC fans were really gonna give her a good roasting.

She had no idea...

At 7:30am, I led a small contingent into MCD. As I stepped inside, someone started playing a YouTube video of the Tennessee band playing 'Rocky Top'. Then I came in and placed my Slender Man statue on the edge of Joanne's desk, still wearing the Bear Bryant had that had been put on it when Alabama beat the Wildcats in the Natty.

Then Teresa handed me my Stelling banjo, that I'd been given the Christmas before. And my guest, Peter D. Feeley, had his fully-functional miniature banjo ready to play. He was already better with the banjo than I ever was, and he showed it as we serenaded MCD.

Sheriff Griswold could croon a good moonshine tune, and did so with us this morning. Because of political correctness controversy with the first verse, we sang the second verse:

"Once two strangers climbed ol' Rocky Top
Lookin' for a moonshine still
Strangers ain't come down from Rocky Top
Reckon they never will
Corn won't grow at all on Rocky Top
Dirt's too rocky by far
That's why all the folks on Rocky Top
Get their corn from a jar,"

Then everyone not named 'Joanne Warner' loudly sang the chorus:

"Rocky Top, you'll always be
Home sweet home to me
Good ol' Rocky Top! (whoo!)
Rocky Top, Tennessee
Rocky Top, Tenne-sseee-eee-eee-eee..."

Finis - for now.

This story will continue in the next series, 'Witness For The Prosecution'.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I have read all your stories so far and I have enjoyed all of them.

I hope you keep up the work.


chytownchytown5 months ago

*****Good read. Thanks for sharing.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum6 months ago

Glad for Robby? Got train wreck scenario mostly correct. An amazing story.. Would have loved to be a fly on the wall in Tanya and Jack’s house. Oh Boy!!!

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanabout 1 year agoAuthor
Next story submitted

The first chapter of the next story, 'No Show', has been submitted. Patreon patrons level 1-4 will have it early on 5/4/2023. And May the 4th be with you on Star Wars Day...

pk2curiouspk2curiousabout 1 year ago

Well at first you has me going . But alas the truth came out . The van was a decoy . I was right . The train wreck was a " TRAIN WRECK " . Nothing could be done about it . Still Muscone doesn't realize his errors . Until he does if he ever does . Your clandestine behavoirs should not be revealed . To him . Of course the clan knows . Couldn't be done with out them . The FEDS are beyond hope/help . But is there hope for Jack ?

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