Scent Marked


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Our scientific success helped boost my confidence to check the footage from my secret camera. No matter who Elias chose, there would still be reason to celebrate tonight, and reasons for me to be proud. I extracted the memory card from the camera and inserted it into the card reader on my laptop.

I can only imagine what the effect must have been on his dreams as our rich pheromonal brews wafted into his subconscious mind. Elias's sleep was labored and restless as he tossed and turned in the pitch black night, turning his head from one side to the other, hot on the trail of the dark aromas that nature compels us to seek. For a disinterested researcher it would have made for engaging drama with great data but for me it was torture. My heart soared and sank with each turn of his head, desperately wishing he'd devote his full attention to my undies.

The anxiety I felt forced me to reflect and examine my motivations. If my overarching purpose was simply to prove the efficacy of human pheromones, I'd long ago made my point. The truth was that I wanted Elias to want me, to want me more than anyone else, and not just to boost my ego. I wanted him to want me because of how much I wanted him.

I almost cried with relief when he finally 'chose' by burying his face in my panties and ardently humping the ground. He soon woke up again but when he turned over there was none of the confusion on his face like before, but now more desperate need and frustration. Frantically he picked up my knickers and twisted them about in the dark, periodically bringing them to his face and taking a deep inhale. I recognized that he was searching, my suspicions confirmed when he isolated the gusset and began to lick at it.

My insides melted as I bore witness to his raw need, and I soon found myself sitting in a puddle. I nearly came without even touching myself based on what I saw next. He turned my panty about until he found the backside - the part which had spent the better part of the day wedged between my cheeks - and pressed that part to his nose while taking the gusset completely in his mouth. He held it as such as he began furiously masturbating, and he came within five minutes. I set the computer aside and laid back to get comfortable, then snaked my hand up under my pants. There was a swampy mess of dense curls that greeted my fingers but I paid them no heed as my fingers sought out the swollen source of the leakage below. Three digits sank right in to the hilt with little friction, and I knew it wouldn't take long.

My left hand joined my right to rub my clit for added stimulation as I neared my apex. I knew my orgasm would be massive. The moment before I reached the summit I heard the crunching snow and the joyous laughter of Taz and Vihaan, indicating the return of my crew. Bloody bullocks!

"I'm using the loo!" I cried out before anyone could enter. "Give me a minute please."

"OK, we'll be in the large tent until you air it out," Taz joked, trying to embarrass me. I did need to let some fresh air circulate through our tent, but not for the reasons she suspected.

I scrambled to put my clothes on properly then grabbed some baby wipes to clean my hands. My body was screaming in frustration from having my orgasm interrupted after being so close, but there was nothing to do about it.

Despite my frustration, everyone could see that I was excited when I joined them. There was no waiting until after dinner. Once both teams made it back to camp they gathered around as I showed them our footage and explained the scent tracking behavior of our male leopard.

"This is awesome!" cried Vanessa, giving me a big hug. Everyone was cheering and giving each other high fives. Taz gave me a fist bump and then also a hug.

"What's more," I explained, "with the past three days of data, we have a general sense of what direction our cats are moving, and their relative speed. If we plan it right, perhaps we can get out in front of them and catch some live shots tomorrow."

"Great idea, Priya," Vihaan and Eric said almost in unison. Placing remote cameras was one thing but I could tell that they were anxious to put their cinematographic skills to use with some live action.

Sonam was on it right away, pulling out the terrain map so we could plot our ideal location and a path to get there. It was then that I looked up and caught Elias staring at me. It was a curious look he gave - part admiration and pride, but he also had this look of recognition, as if he understood something for the first time. I quickly turned my attention back to business. My heart was beating almost out of my chest.

While everyone else was elated, I was a nervous wreck getting ready for bed that night. The part accusational, part sultry looks Elias continued to give me throughout our supper had me on edge, waiting for the moment he would confront me about my little pheromone experiment. He never said anything, just kept staring at me intensely. It was actually Taz who finally spoke up about it.

"Like dood! You've been giving her the eye all night. What gives?"

Elias stared at me a while longer before he finally answered. "You're a brilliant biologist, Priyanka. I'm glad you're here with us and that they didn't carry you back down the mountain when you got hurt," he said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Our success is mostly thanks to you."

The breeze from a mosquito's wings could have knocked me over at that point. His hand gently squeezing my shoulder was probably the only thing that kept me upright. I didn't say a word, too dumbfounded to form a coherent thought.

"Dood, you could have said that like two hours ago," Taz reasoned.

"I'm dog tired, too exhausted to debate with you, ladies," he continued. He was addressing us both but staring only at me. "I haven't been sleeping well and I really need to get a full night's rest tonight."

He knew. I was left speechless. Taz looked at me with a raised eyebrow but words escaped me. There was nothing to say as I was simply busted. But for some reason he wasn't calling me out. I couldn't understand why, and I lay awake for at least an hour trying to figure it out. As he lay next to me sleeping soundly, I tossed and turned with questions that wouldn't go away.

He knew he wasn't dreaming. He knew the panties were real and he knew it was my doing. And yet he called me brilliant. His affirmation made me surge with pride despite my inner conviction that I shouldn't need it to feel good about myself. It also left me tingling with excitement, and my mind kept drifting back to the footage I'd captured of him the previous night. Before I knew it, my fingers had traveled up under my flannel shirt and were lazily twisting my nipples, sending little pulses of pleasure throughout my body that only seemed to generate more need in my tender sex. A greedy heat began radiating from my core, and I cupped my labia through my clothes to try and soothe the aching need rearing up inside.

The complete darkness of the night enveloped me. I tried not to make a peep, acutely aware that the slightest sound would be picked up by the others lying next to me. Still, I had to relieve some of the tension built up within me if I wanted to get any sleep. I knew at that point that the only thing that would allow me rest was to finish what I'd started earlier that day. I also knew that if I didn't get any rest, the next day would be pure hell.

Ever so slowly, I gently eased my hand into the flannel bottoms I was wearing. The front of my panties were already soaked through with anticipation. Before diving in, though, I listened intently to everyone's breathing, making sure they were still asleep.

Finally I couldn't take it any longer and I reached down under my panties to find my swollen clit. I didn't even have to reach down to my lips to gather any moisture, my entire vulva was already slick. The memory of his touch lingered on my shoulder where my skin tingled in its place. I tried to go as slow as possible, gently rubbing my little nub in small circles while keeping the rest of my body deathly still, but my body had other plans. It wouldn't take long, with the image of Elias masturbating with the dirty part of my panties in his mouth still so fresh in my brain. The replay running through my mind hurled me toward my finish.

I was so shamefully aroused I could already smell myself, through my both clothes and the sleeping bag. I tried to remain still but I couldn't. Even clenching all my muscles, my body shook uncontrollably as my orgasm rolled through me. Violent convulsions rocked me for at least a solid minute, fueled by the realization that I had chemically invaded Elias's mind and body so successfully with my essence and produced such a powerful physical response from him in return. I was even more surprised to feel a tiny gush of liquid squirt out of me at the height of my orgasm. It was the first time I'd done so without the stimulation of deep penetration.

I clamped my thighs tightly around my hand as my clit became too sensitive and let the warm silky elixir flow over my fingers. I couldn't help but wonder what different chemical information - if any - was encoded in my ejaculate. When the last of my spasms had finally subsided I brought my soaked digits up to my nose to see if I could detect any difference in the scent.

In the throes of my orgasm, I had lost sense of the rest of the world. As I lay contemplating the subtle differences in my bouquet, I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard Elias gently whisper, "Did you just do what I think you - " My reaction was so quick I didn't have time to even think about it, but before I knew what had happened I shushed him by pressing my fingers against his lips. My wet fingers, still warm from my sex. He groaned, turning fully toward me and humping his strong erection into my hip through the sleeping bag. That elicited a groan from me, and I rushed to cover my own mouth just as I felt Elias's lips part to try and suck in my fingers.

"I told you to let me sleep," he whispered groggily, his lips now inches from my ear. His breath was warm, still smelling of the toothpaste he'd used just before bed.

Instead of answering him, as slowly and with as little movement as possible I trailed my sticky fingers down my neck. Reaching around to the nape I wiped my sticky cream off just below my hairline, leaving a trail for him to follow.

Elias's lips drew even closer, his nose blowing his warm breath against my sensitive skin and sending shivers down my spine.

I didn't have to wait long. His reaction was slow but unmistakable. At first he took deeper breaths, inhaling so much air that I could sense his chest expanding right next to me. He seemed still half asleep, and I wondered if the introduction of the smell of my sex had awakened him or if it was the thrashing of my body that made him stir.

As I lay there waiting for him to take the bait I heard the unmistakable sound of the zipper of his sleeping bag being slowly drawn down. That was followed by a gentle rustle of material before the same sound was repeated again, only closer. If I had any doubts as to what he was doing, the cool breeze against my body quickly alleviated them. Just as quickly the cool night air was replaced by the warmth of his body, no longer separated by two layers of padded nylon.

As his warm hand snaked around my waist and took hold, a conflict of emotions ran through me. The situation had gone from teasing to very real in just a matter of seconds, and both panic and arousal fought for dominance within me. I can't say which feeling won out. I turned away from him onto my side only to feel his grip around my waist tighten as he pulled me closer to him into a perfect spooning. His face pulled to within millimeters of my neck, his nose and lips just barely grazing my skin there. I couldn't be sure, but I swore I heard the faintest groan reverberating in his chest. Then I felt the first signs of his erection swelling against my backside as his hips began a slow gyrating grind, pressing his warm flesh into me as if trying to find the groove between my cheeks.

For the past two weeks I'd seen the look in his eyes, felt his warmth radiating next to me in the evenings. Now I felt his hot breath against the nape of my neck, his broad chest pressed into my back, his muscular arms circling my waist, his strong and calloused hands against my tummy pulling me closer to his warmth, and a strong and growing firmness unfurling against my backside, trying to make room for itself within the tight confines. His lips and tongue began sucking and licking at my neck where my fingers had trailed, sending a wave of goose bumps down the side of my body. Together those elements created an intense pressure in my loins. I lay tortured, fighting my need to surrender for what must have been a good twenty minutes as Taz and Greg lay snoring next to us.

As I lay struggling with my doubts, his hands were busy. First he pulled down his flannel bottoms in order to free himself. Once I felt his warm flesh again pressing into me, no longer confined, I lost the will to resist him pulling down my own flannel bottoms. Next his top was discarded as well, and just like that he was naked.

To time and pressure, all things yield. I couldn't take it any longer. But I couldn't just surrender to him so easily. I couldn't just let him just roll me over and take me. For some reason, I knew I needed to maintain some control. Slowly I pushed Elias onto his back and climbed on top of him, sitting my bare and dripping sex right on his flat stomach. He had a light dusting of hair that ran from his chest straight down past his belly button that tickled my labia as I undulated my hips to tease my hungry sex. I ran my wet fingertips through my nest of curls, fluffing the unruly tuft and wafting more of my scent into the air in the process. If it was one of my normal hook-ups, I would have been mortified to present such a dense thicket to a new lover, but it had a feral quality that seemed to fit the occasion.

I removed my top and dangled my breasts in front of his mouth. My nipples were already stiff with need, and I threw my head back as he kissed and sucked on them. My areolas are small - no more than an inch across - but my nipples are large, which seemed to be to Elias's liking. Each has the same width of a dime and extend a good half inch from the tip of my boob. They're ready made for chewing, and Elias didn't disappoint - taking little stinging nips and following them up with the salve of his tongue.

It was divine. I couldn't let him linger, though. My need was too great. So my forward trajectory continued, forcing him to begrudgingly release his lip lock on my teat. His warm breath foreshadowed the trail of his tongue as it traced down my abdomen, lapping in eager anticipation of the epicurean delights to come.

Even though my normally perfectly denuded mound had grown wild and unruly, Elias seemed to relish the opportunity to nuzzle his face against the overgrown thicket all the more. Reverently he traced his nose back and forth through the damp silken curls, drawing a lung-full of air at each pass and moaning appreciatively. In the complete darkness I could only hear my hairs rasping his face and the sound of his heavy breathing, but that alone was enough to make me leak all the more. It was in that moment that I fully appreciated the wisdom and intent of nature's design and resolved to never wax myself bare again. I held still as Elias began to lick and suck at the dense bush, trying to claim every hint of my flavor.

I pulled up short, however, before his lips could reach the flooded delta below. Instead I sat back on his upper chest while my needy sex leaked her desire, oozing out of my puffy lips down into my dark crevice before dripping onto his sternum and running in a tiny stream toward his neck. Never had I been so wet.

I closed my thighs about his ears, sealing off another of his senses and focusing his attention on scent alone. Without the ability to shave his face began to resemble the cats he studied, and the dense hair along his cheeks tickled my thighs. The sound of him inhaling my musky richness reverberated in the tent and I was lifted rhythmically by the wide expansion of his chest. The deprivation of sight and sound heightens the other senses, so I knew that his sense of smell would be all the more acute. No perfume, expensive lotions or body sprays - there was just me, my raw femininity at its most wild and fragrant. As women we are socialized to be ashamed of our natural odor and mask it, so it was quite scary to sit so exposed before Elias and let him bask in my unfiltered aroma. But through his shoulders I could feel the strain in his neck trying to raise his head up into the source. This helped allay my ingrained insecurities.

I ran two fingers through my slit, coating them in my musk and further teasing him with the wet sticky sound of my need, then searched out toward his face. Teasingly, I wiped them across his lips. They were full and plush yet dry from the cold. 'My moisture will soothe them well,' I thought as I cruelly pulled my creamy digits away before he could gobble them up and suck them clean.

"Damn you, Priyanka," he groaned in frustration. I could hear him licking his lips, though. Desperately I wanted to give in and let him devour me, but I was enjoying the power I had over him in that moment. Everything about Elias screams alpha male, and I was certain he usually assumed a dominant role when it came to sex. I am more naturally a sub, though I find it extremely difficult to trust most men enough to fully submit to them. What's more, I hate it when men confuse my bedroom politics with how I want to be treated and respected professionally. The prospect of submitting to Elias I found particularly frightening - I wanted to prove that I could challenge and even kick his ass intellectually first. The problem with most men is that their egos can't take it. I was hoping Elias would be different.

For those reasons, I was really enjoying our role reversal in that moment - showing him how wrong he was to dismiss my theories. Plus, stirring up his need was such a turn on. My nipples were so hard they ached, and I used my free hand to squeeze and pull on them, still wet from his saliva. The lower half of his body began to move rhythmically and I knew he was dry humping the air, desperate for the relief of even the slightest friction.

I jammed two fingers back into my sex as my need continued to rise. He couldn't see in the pitch blackness but I know he heard. My sex had grown so wet that I feared the squelching noises might wake Taz or Greg, but I was too far gone to stop at that point. All the while Elias squirmed beneath me, desperate to finally taste what had possessed him for the past fortnight. As I felt the warm rivulets running toward my wrist it inspired a further way to tease. I rose up on my knees to hover right over his head yet just out of reach. My rich musk hung thick in the air and I knew it was enveloping him from all sides. The knowledge of what I was about to do caused an involuntary squeeze around my fingers which triggered even more of my arousal to pulse out of me, aided by the inevitable forces of gravity. Even if I couldn't see the drops as they leaked past my fingers to drip onto his face, I would have still known the moment of contact by the instantaneous charge of energy that surged through his shoulders that remained pinned beneath me and the now frantic thrusting of his hips up into the air.

Once satisfied that my fingers were sufficiently coated I took a wee bit of mercy on him and slowly pulled them free of the heat of my body in exchange for the warmth of his. He reacted as if it were heavenly nectar, reverently cleaning my digits with an adoring tongue as he applied a powerful suction. His lips resisted when I tried to retrieve my hand, clinging tightly past my knuckles to keep my fingers deep in his mouth. I relaxed and allowed him to suckle for a while, basking in his adoration. When he finally eased the pressure to release them, I'm sure he thought I would finally settle atop his face and let him drink from the source, but I had one last theory I needed to test before I would reward him.
