Scent of a Man

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Woman discovers new hobbies from afar, then gets even closer.
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"This was a great night, I want to thank you for dinner,"

Lisa smiled politely and took a step backwards towards her front door. Her date this week was fine, but she had legitimately forgotten his name before dessert. He was so intensely dry.

She dreaded the next thirty seconds though, standing there motionless hoping his brain was registering her disinterest and crafting a speedy exit. She watched his face and smiled harder, pursing her lips and giving a slight nod- as if to say, "very well, you may go," In the momentary silence, he finally seemed to understand, nodding and quietly murmuring.

"Uh, thank you- it was great. You... take care,". He slightly bowed his head and gave a half wave as he turned and walked to his car.

Lisa pulled out her keys and let herself inside, closing the door behind her. She watched through the mottled window as her dates car pulled away, and felt relieved. Her eyes moved from the sidewalk to a house across the street. She paused, then opened the door a crack so she could step outside and get a better look.

The old neighbourhood had a mix of houses and low rise apartment blocks. Lisa enjoyed the diversity of the area, the mixture of families, seniors and singles that kept local shops alive while watching out for one another. The post-war bungalow she spied was nothing special, a cement stoop, aluminum fence, gable roof and a wide picture window.

It was that house, that window that always held her attention, more so at night. Walking along the sidewalk you could see the back of a flat screen TV and a warm flickering - but from her bedroom upstairs, she could see in through the window and watch the man in the recliner.

Lisa stepped fully out her door, pulling it closed as she gingerly began to walk down the steps in her heels. She was like a moth to a flame...again.

* * * * * *

Months ago, shortly after she had moved into the apartment building she had found herself looking out the window late at night. She was a bit surprised she could see so clearly into the living room across the street and was taken with the old vintage decor and semi-modern furnishings. She thought it quaint and imagined the cute old couple who ate their dinner on TV trays, and took turns napping in the beaten up recliner. When a figure did emerge from another room, she was downright shocked.

The man was no retiree, he looked to be in his thirties and huge. He wore a white tank top, and a pair of boxer shorts that looked tight around his thighs. He had a shaven head and big bulbous shoulders, this was a man who spent time in a gym she remembered thinking. He seemed completely at ease in the home, too entranced in his television program to care about the view he was providing from his curtain-less window.

Lisa had never considered herself a voyeur, but to be fair, she never had such a view before.

Over time, Lisa would peer out the window before bed to check in and see what her neighbour was up to. At first it was a curiousity to see how long this went on for. She figured he was also new to the area and would put up curtains in no time. But the curtains never came. As Lisa put herself back out on the dating scene - for the first time in years- she found herself perpetually coming home disappointed, and stopped pretending her gaze across the street was innocent. Too often, she would turn out the lights for bed, peer across the street and stand there taking in this strangers near naked body. She found herself aroused every time she looked over and saw him in the recliner with his arms folded behind his head, his dark, hairy armpits on display.

If Lisa had anything going on in her love life, she might have shaken off her creepy habit and gone to bed with a book. But her break up had been a bad one, and she was still in the process of digesting how unfulfilled she was, after dealing with her feelings of being cheated on.

The neighbour's window was feeding a base hunger within her.

* * * * * *

Lisa looked both ways before starting across the street, her high heels clicking along the asphalt. It was a hot summer's night, and even the breeze felt sticky. She could smell her own perfume as it mingled with her sweat.

Her date-night dress, a casual red number with straps and moderate cleavage felt warm. She was feeling hopeful that night, a little frisky perhaps and had done without the bra. She HAD been ready to put out on the first date, but the vibe wasn't there. Her lust on the other hand, had remained steady.

She stalked the sidewalk and approached the tiny fence around the bungalow. As was usually the case the front door was wide open and a box fan hung in the bottom of the ancient screen door, loudly whirring away as it circulated air.

Nudging the gate open, she began to walk up the path to the stoop.

She knew she could let herself in.

* * * * * *

As much as Lisa tried to restrain herself with her new hobby, there came a time when the dam broke, and she moved beyond "harmless peeping".

Work had begun to fill most of her days and seep into the nights, as stress unsettled her and screwed up her sleep. She had lost interest in dating for awhile, and found herself staring out the window less and less. One particularly bad night she had a mini breakdown just after dinner, flopping down on her mattress for a good cry. Anxieties poured out in tears and she settled into an easy sleep. She awoke a few hours later, straining her eyes to search out the time on her alarm clock and was not pleased with the results. It was late yes, but nowhere near morning. Sore and needing to pee she got up and headed to the bathroom. On her way back she went to close her drapes and saw that her neighbour was still up, his window flickering in blue light. Curious, she searched the room and found her guy laid back on the recliner with his shorts pulled down mid thigh lazily massaging a sizeable cock.

Lisa was a deer in headlights, mouth slowly gaping open as she studied his perfect, shiny unit. It was covered in a lubricant which visibly squeezed between his fingers as his fist closed over the shaft. The shifting light from the TV illuminated him in teal as he masturbated. She watched as he moved his hand up and down, up and down, alternating a top handed maneuver that caressed his cockhead with a lower scooping motion that jostled his balls. Lisa had never really watched a man masturbate before, so she was mesmerized by every repetitive action.

Without breaking gaze, she pushed her sweatpants down and moved her fingers to the front of her panties. She felt for her mons, pushing towards her clit and beginning to rub her most sensitive areas through the cotton. The tension was growing between her legs, so Lisa knit her fingers beneath the fabric and found her labia wet and wanting. The man in the recliner was beginning to speed his pace and she worried the show was about to end so she began to furiously finger herself. She watched as he slowed again, and matched him. Without thinking, Lisa sunk to her knees, just barely able to look over the edge of her window. The man took his time, alternating his hand movements, changing his speed- she figured he must have been watching porn because his eyes never left the TV. At one point, he had even reached below his balls with his free hand to finger his own ass. Lisa shuddered at the smallest of orgasms as she took in this incredibly intimate performance. She had never watched a man jerk off before, never mind seen one be so free and natural he would play with his own butt. Lisa could feel the waves of pleasure vibrating through her groin as an embarrassingly crude growl slipped from her open mouth. Please cum she thought, begging, willing the man in the recliner to orgasm with her as her legs began to quiver.

Finally, she couldn't hold out any longer- she reached down with her left hand to stick some fingers in her cunt, while she moved her right hand to rapidly mash at her clit. She sat back on her heels and arched her back, her face twisting into a pained expression as she pushed herself to orgasm. She bucked around on the floor, refusing to stop as her body filled with warm relief. Then her face slackened and she threw her torso forward as her fingers slowed. She knew her body well, and pushed her left hand further inside while she tailed off on clitoral stimulation. She enjoyed feeling full like that.

Fighting the desire to collapse and catch her breath, Lisa pulled herself up to the window sill. Peering over the edge, she watched as the man in the recliner fisted his cock- his legs were pulled up and spread out and his thumb was rubbed at his asshole. His eyes were closed and his face contorted in that same pre-orgasmic strain. Volleys of cum flew through the air as his mouth widened. Spurt after spurt shot out in shrinking arcs until his balls had emptied. His legs fell on either side of the foot-rest and Lisa could see him wince, blinkingly coming back to real life. He held his right hand away from his body, cum dripping on his tank top as he looked around for a kleenex. Without any in sight, he wiped his hand on his shirt, then pulled it off and carefully daubed at the side of his face.

When he stood, Lisa could see this big man in full form. His shoulders were still huge, but she could now see the hair that spread over over his chest, and covered his belly. His stomach rounded just where the waistband of his shorts would typically hang. A mess of dense curls topped his low hanging cock, which visibly stuck out between a set of muscular thighs.

She reached behind her, blindly feeling around on her nightstand for her phone. Never in a million years would she have ever considered doing this, but she was drunk on sex, lost in a post-orgasmic craze. She flicked at the screen, turning on the camera before raising it to the window, the shutter noise broke the air in rapid succession. Lisa's thumb zoomed in on the naked man as he stood in his living room cleaning himself off. More shutter noises. Seeing his cock drip onto the floor, she quickly tried to zoom in again, but when she hit the button to take the next shot, she discovered her motion had turned on the flash. The light bounced off the glass, startling her and eliciting a quick scream. She fell back, her heart racing.

Creeping back to the window sill, she peered up over the edge to see her victim looking out his window while covering his crotch with his shirt. Lisa's stomach filled with buzzing bees as guilt began to sink in.

* * * * * *

She would spend the next month erasing and recovering those pictures. Negotiating between her shame and her painful desires. She didn't allow herself to look through the window though, more so because she feared getting caught.

Ultimately, in a fit of self inflicted rage- Lisa found herself at a precipice. She couldn't let go of this man for some reason, and had begun to blame him for her situation. Why in fucks sake wouldn't he put up curtains and jerk off out of sight? What kind of disgusting pervert was this guy to just whip out his cock and do that out in the open? Granted, it was his home, and she was in an elevated position. He had never considered an audience, never mind someone to be awake in the middle of the night taking pictures.

Sigh. The pictures. She spent just as much time frigging herself to their memory as she did flipping through the hidden album on her phone. She knew the pictures were proof of just how deviant she had become. She hated herself as much as she was thrilled by the whole experience- and it was that conflict that made her take a leap. She grabbed a legal pad off her desk and began scrawling a note.

"Hey neighbour, maybe you should hang some curtains if you don't want me looking at your cock."

She paused to check her spelling, then punctuated it by adding her phone number.

The note would find its way into the bungalow's mail box the next day.

Late that evening, Lisa would get a call from a strange number. She froze watching her phone jump around on the table. Her heart sped up and despite her fear she felt deeply aroused. The vibrations stopped, and she held her breath. Ding. Voicemail? No. A text

"Who is this?"

Everything up to this point was completely out of character for Lisa, a total reversal of her staid and conservative demeanour. After discovering her boyfriend had cheated on her, and having to start a new life- she had found herself taking more and more risks. The voyeurism was an insane surprise to her, but the deeper she got into her ravenous, insatiable desires- the less she thought about the consequences of her actions.

Looking at the text message from the strange number, Lisa's thought process disintegrated even further. She wanted to respond with a picture, no words- so she went to take a screen cap from her dating profile, flipping through pictures from her sister's wedding, a camping trip, a pub crawl. Which one, she considered, would get me fucked right away.

Realizing her intent. Coming to terms with what she wanted. She closed her dating app and walked to the mirror in her bedroom. She stripped off her clothes, momentarily considering her bra and panties before pulling them off to leave herself completely naked. Lisa raised the phone and cropped a shot just below her smile.



She rushed to the window and stared down at the bungalow. She saw him standing there in his typical tank top and boxers combo, befuddled as he stared at his phone. He had gotten up from the recliner to scan the neighbourhood for the spy. She noticed that he didn't seem put off by the image she sent, nor concerned about being watched.

If he responded negatively, then Lisa would just accept she had sent a picture of her naked body to a stranger as a form of penance. Subsequently, if he had wanted her then and there- to cross the street to physically punish her for her crimes - she would accept that too.


"what to you want?"

She looked out to his window, then back to her phone.

"I want to worship you,"

Again, she hit send and watched for his instantaneous reaction. She could see his face blankly gape at the screen, unsure what he would do. He turned and walked away from the window, her heart sank. Then just as the morbid reality of what she done began to seep in - the phone received another message. She looked across the street to see him walk back into view. He had lost the boxers, his cock drooping as he walked over to the recliner.

"Front door is open just come in."

And that's where things started.

* * * * * *

Lisa hobbled up the steps on her high heels, reaching for the screen door. She knew to be delicate when opening it as the box fan had been wired into the screen. She remembered nervously discovering that the first time she came over, almost pulling things apart when she tried to sensuously walk in the door. The man had leapt up from the recliner, more concerned than scared of this stranger. It may have killed the mood for a second, but it did remind them both that they were just two horny fools playing a bit of a game.

By now, they had established a firm rapport- even if they barely shared a conversation.

Stepping inside the house always made Lisa feel like a teenager again. Stealing away to visit a boyfriend when his parents were out, looking for a quick romp amongst the family knick knacks. Feeling out of place like that helped the ongoing fantasy the two had been playing out. Lisa hadn't spent a lot of time learning about her fuck buddy, she didn't ask questions about his job or background as if they were on a date. In fact the only thing she knew about him was his name - Malcolm.

As she walked into the living room, Lisa gave a quick spin in her dress and a brief glance of a smile on her lips as she performed for the man in the recliner.

Malcolm knew his role was to sit there blankly.

He had tucked a leg under his thigh, his body shifted in the seat so he could rest his chin on a hand. A finger curled over his lip giving him a judgemental air. The ever present tank top was pulled across his muscular torso, but he had switched to a pair of blue briefs which enhanced the bulge of his crotch. He waited.

Lisa slowly sank to her knees, leaning forward on her hands and giving Malcolm a direct view of her cleavage. Maybe the omission of a bra wasn't for her date, she thought as she crawled forward. The breeze from the box fan blew air across her exposed backside as her dress rode up along her hips. Malcolm drew his leg out onto the floor, spreading his knees as Lisa got closer. His package twitched as her fingers began to pull his socks off.

Eyes locked on one another, Lisa lowered her face to the floor- her lips finding the top of Malcolm's foot. She kissed each of his toes before sliding her tongue along to an ankle. Tiny mewling nibbles drew her up his hairy calf where she kissed the inside of his knee. She made sure to breathe in deeply as she worked. Malcolm wouldn't shower on the days he expected a visit. It had been at Lisa's request.

Eyes lolling into the back of her skull, Lisa's mouth slowly devoured Malcolm's inner thigh- the musky odour getting stronger as she neared her man's crotch. The foul tang of a day's sweat filled her nostrils and made her pussy drip. She had learned how much she loved being dirty, almost training herself to adore what would have revulsed her years prior. It was as if she had tried doing everything by the rules and failed, only finding pleasure now in doing everything so wrong. Lisa bit at Malcolm's leg, giving him a jolt before she ran her face along his thigh and dove into his crotch.

Fireworks went off in her brain inhaling the smell of stale piss, dried cum, sweat and ass. It became Lisa's ambrosia, the scent of a man from his very core. It was almost the only thing that turned her on now. Her face writhed around on Malcom's covered cock as it filled with blood. She was marking herself with his smell as she reached down inside her panties. Malcolm grabbed a handful of her hair and forced her into his groin. Fingers flew over her clit as Lisa gave herself her first pre-emptive orgasm. She drooled on Malcolm's briefs as she tried to suck him through the fabric.

Tired of the tease, Lisa reached up and grabbed the elastic waistband yanking it roughly, and painfully strangling Malcolm's erection. He lifted his ass and assisted in the removal of his briefs, giving Lisa a clear shot at his shaft. Again she shoved her face in his crotch spending all of her time breathing in his musky pubes and savouring his stink. She nudged his cock with her nose as her tongue lapped at his balls, trailing upward until she had licked the length of his meaty cock. She took the head of it into her mouth and gave it a wash, before pulling off to chase her drool back down to his sack.

Malcom eased back in the chair and lifted his legs presenting his ass to Lisa's mouth. He gripped his thighs as she stuck her tongue in his hole, penetrating then lapping, getting him wet for a finger, then two. Lisa wet his puckered hole with her mouth, moving to service his cock while she fucked him with a thumb, then back down where her saliva would lube his entry once more.

Once he had been turned on beyond all measure, Malcolm reached down to grab Lisa's face, pulling her into a messy wet kiss. Knowing she had him so uncontrollably hot he could ignore the taste of his own ass on her lips put Lisa over the edge and she pulled at her dress as he physically took over. She pulled the fabric over her head as Malcolm shredded her lacy date panties, his arm gathering her naked body onto his lap. A hand helped guide his cock into her pussy as they scrambled to mount on the recliner.

This was Lisa's favourite part.

Straddling his hips, she could feel stage one -- the head of his monster cock splitting her open. The first inch and a half was anticipation. There would be a pause, a moment to ensure alignment before Lisa could sink down further. It was a widening of her cunt that always made her wince and loosen her jaw. The pause now was to catch her breath as she waited for stage three. Malcolm would gently thrust upwards and Lisa would have fully taken his 8" savouring the stars in her eyes and the girth in her belly. This was her conquering moment.