School Nurse

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School nurse does anal temp probe.
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Nurse Rachet was the school nurse for Milburn High School and had been here for almost 20 years now. Single, never married with no kids of her own. She considered the student body her kids in her mind and became quite close to many over the years.

Since she has no children, she retained a nice figure. She biked and hiked regularly, so her thighs remained firm and trim on her 5' 9" frame. Her b-cup breasts showed no hint of droop despite her 49 years of age. In short, she still was a MILF. And the high school boys knew it!

There was a rumor that circulated among a very small, tightly knit group of boys. It was a group of about ten or so, friends from a young age that knew how to keep a secret. And that secret was how Nurse Ratchet liked to take the temperature of this small group of boys and how she had her own method of treating acne. It all began with a boy named Chad, when Nurse Ratchet was in her fifth year of being the school nurse.

Chad was a senior, 18 years old and looking forward to getting out of school. Among his school accomplishments was his perfect attendance record. So when he was feeling feverish one day, he got his teacher's permission to go see Nurse Ratchet.

Chad knocked on her door frame and waited for her to tell him to come in. Nurse Ratchet was a stickler for discipline and order. She was not known for her sense of humor but was well known for her hot body. Many a schoolboy had rubbed one out while thinking of her while doing so.

After Chad had Nurse Ratchet bid him to enter, he couldn't help but to wonder what she would look like without her nurse's uniform on. Little did he know that Nurse Ratchet had begun to wonder the same thing about a lot of the boys who entered her office.

"Hello, Chad. How can I help you today?" asked Nurse Ratchet.

Chad replied, "I feel like I'm getting a fever. Can you check me out, please? See if something is going on?"

"Certainly", said Nurse Ratchet. "Tell you what, change into this gown while I put a "busy" sign on the door. You can change behind the screen if you need to."

Chad picked up on the words "need to" and quickly wondered what his options were according to Nurse Ratchet.

"Did she mean I didn't have to use the screen?" he wondered. Surely she wouldn't have meant changing right here in front of her? Did she? Could he be brave enough to change clothes right in front of a smoking hot nurse? Would she even allow him to do so? Chad decided to make a bold move and find out. So he simply waited while Nurse Ratchet hung the busy sign and locked the door for privacy.

Chad thought he might've detected a slight gleam in the eyes of Nurse Ratchet as she re-entered her office that doubled as an exam rood of sorts. He later decided he was indeed correct but he didn't know that then.

Chad stood still while Nurse Ratchet took one of the heavy wooden chairs that all the teachers used and moved it from behind her desk to out in the middle of the room. She parked it about three feet from Chad and sat down in it, watching him the entire time. Chad remained motionless.

"I see you didn't use the screen, Chad. Is there a reason for that? Is there some other way you desired to change into the exam gown?"

Chad picked up on her emphasis on the word "desire" and a tingle ran through his entire body. A grown up woman speaking to his with the word "desire" was way past the usual fantasies of his virgin status. Chad decided to take a chance, one he hoped was a chance of a lifetime.

"To be honest, I was hoping you would allow me to change in front of you", Chad replied. His throat felt dry as a bone, he was so nervous. What if she took offense at his daring risk? Would he be suspended? Expelled? He felt like he might wet his pants!

Upon hearing Chad's words, Nurse Ratchet felt her own tingle. Chad was certainly good looking enough. Tall, slim and not much hair on his arms or face. She looked him up and down slowly, like a predator looks at its prey. She then said the one word that would change both of their lives forever and fuel a course of action that Nurse Ratchet had thought about for years now.

"Strip", she said.

Chad's ears were burning with a fire that he had never felt before in his life. He began unbuttoning his school uniform shirt before she would change her mind he thought. His hands shook slightly as he worked from the top button down.

Nurse Ratchet leaned back in her chair, arms crossed over her chest as she watched this handsome young man begin to disrobe. She took in his hairless chest as he removed his shirt and thought she was right about his lack of hair.

Chad began to grab his belt when Nurse Ratchet spoke for the first time since she said the word "strip".

"Chad, you need to take off your shoes before you remove your pants, don't you think?"

Chad could only nod in confirmation as he didn't trust his voice to not croak if he attempted to say anything. He bent over and untied his laces and then kicked off his shoes, rising up as he got them off.

"Now the pants", said Nurse Ratchet.

Chad notice Nurse Ratchet had crossed her legs and leaned forward towards him as she spoke. Her arms no longer on her chest, they were wrapped around her knees. She was now only a foot or so away from his midsection.'

Chad again began to unbuckle his belt and worked it loose. As he began to unbutton and unzip his pants he dared a look at Nurse Ratchets face. He noticed she had a death-lock on his crotch with her eyes. He dropped his pants and stepped out of them.

"Might as well take off your boxers too. I want to check your internal temperature and it will be easier that way" she said.

Chad had no idea what she meant but all he knew was an adult woman was going to see him NUDE for the first time in his entire life! His dick began to slightly swell at the thought of that!

He hooked his thumbs on either side of his boxers and and slid them gown to his feet and stepped out of them, tossing them over on his pile of clothes. He then turned to face Nurse Ratchet, standing as straight as possible. She continued to lean forward, her face now only a foot or so away from his nude dick!

Nurse Ratchet again surveyed him up and down after Chad had removed his boxers. She didn't hide her stare at his dick and wondered how much it would grow when fully hard?

"Ok Chad, this is what I want you to do. I need to take your internal temperature and I want to use a rectal thermometer to do so. Is that procedure ok with you?"

At that moment Chad would've agreed to run naked down the interstate if she asked, so he quickly gave his agreement. He finally managed to be brave enough to look directly into her eyes now. What he didn't know nor recognize was the lustful look in her eyes.

Nurse Ratchet turned and pulled close a small wheeled table with some items on them. She got the table close enough she could've rested her elbow on it had she wanted to. She then place both feet on the floor and sat straight up in the wooden chair.

"Chad", she spoke softly. "I need you to lie across my lap. Be sure your middle is across my legs. I have to access your anus in order to use a rectal thermometer."

By now the process of what was about to happen had sunk in to Chad's mind. Nurse Ratchet was going to be touching his anus while he laid nude across her lap! As this ran around his mind, his dick began to thicken and harden despite the cool temperature in the room. That too did not go unnoticed by Nurse Ratchet.

As Chad made his way to Nurse Ratchet's side, she adjusted her nurse's dress, actually pulling it up slightly. She also spread her legs just a bit, Chad noticed. He began to lean forward so as to position himself as she wanted. He laid his chest on her legs, feeling when the hem of her dress stopped and her legs began. It was then Chad realized tha Nurse Ratchet didn't wear the white hose many nurses wore but had bare legs instead!

Chad slid his chest further, moving off to the side of Nurse Ratchet. She noticed his by now hard dick when it hit the side of her leg as Chad continued his positioning. He lifted slightly so as to clear her leg with his dick head. Neither of them spoke of the 800lb gorilla in the room, which was his hard-on. Chad finally got about where he thought she wanted him and settled in.

As Chad settled, Nurse Ratchet put her hands on Chad for the first time. She put one hand on his ass cheek and the other on his hip. She then scooted him to where she wanted.

Nurse Ratchet appreciated the firmness of both Chad's ass as well as his dick. While scooting him around, she positioned his dick so that it fell between her legs. Once she felt it was just right, she gently closed her legs, trapping his hard dick between her thighs. They both stopped moving, basking in the intense feeling of pleasure both of them were feeling.

Nurse Ratchet took her had off of his body and began to prep her materials for the process. She poured a bit of baby oil into a bowl and removed the thermometer from its container. She dropped the metal end of the thermometer into the bowl of oil and dipped her middle finger into it as well.

She turned back to Chad, still motionless, not wanting to spoil or tarnish the moment in any way. He knew he would be using this situation to whack off with for years to come.

"Chad, I'm going to prep you now for inserting the rectal thermometer. If you experience any discomfort, let me know immediately, ok?" said Nurse Ratchet.

"Yes, ma'am", replied Chad. He could feel Nurse Ratchet's thighs pinning his dick between them and marveled at the feeling. Her slight movements caused her legs to move, which only intensified the sensations on his dick. Chad was in Heaven!

Nurse Ratchet leaned forward slightly and used her left hand to spread Chad's ass cheeks. She then began to move her lubed middle finger towards her target: his anus!

The very second her finger made contact with Chad's asshole, Chad flinched. Nurse Ratchet kept contact with his asshole but didn't go any further.

"Did I hurt you?" she asked.

"Not at all" he replied, shakily. He was too frightened to tell her how wonderful it felt to have her finger touching his asshole. He knew he would give anything right now to have her to keep going. And so she did.

Nurse Ratchet again began to gently rub his asshole with the lubed fingertip. She slowly applied gentle pressure while rubbing, until she felt the muscle open just the slightest bit to her movements. She pulled her finger away and again dipped it into the bowl of oil and set it right on his asshole.

Only this time there was no gentle pressure. This time she kept her finger straight and began to force it past his muscle ring of his sphincter. The combination of the oil and her pressure allowed her finger to slide right in to the second joint.

Chad let out a huge moan as Nurse Ratchet's finger slid in. The pleasure was overwhelming to the virgin, he had never even thought about his asshole getting penetrated with an object, much less a woman's finger!

"Still ok, Chad?" she asked.

He responded, "Oh, yes, Nurse Ratchet! I can't believe how good this feels! I never dreamed something could feel this wonderful!"

Nurse Ratchet gave herself a smile and nod as she processed his response. Chad was not going to be a problem she decided. She continued to work her finger in and out of Chad's ass, going a bit deeper each time. She then pulled her finger out, dipped it into the oil again and slid it all the way home, burying it to her hand.

When Chad felt the finger make its way to its full length in his ass, he bounced his ass for several seconds. This also meant his dick was sliding between the thighs of Nurse Ratchet, all the while still gripped tightly with her thighs.

Once Nurse Ratchet felt she had enough lube in Chad's ass, she pulled her finger out, greatly disappointing Chad. She then picked up the thermometer and slid it into Chad's asshole to its proper depth.

Chad could immediately feel the difference between her finger and the impersonal thermometer. His excitement waned just a bit but was still fueled but Nurse Ratchet's thighs gripping his hard dick.

Nurse Ratchet let go with both hands from Chad's ass cheeks. She still felt his dick clamped between her legs and enjoyed the feeling if it. She hadn't been laid in a while and the thought of a 18 year old virgin's dick gave her some excitement as well. She decided to test some thoughts she was having.

"Chad, have you ever had sex before?"

"N-n-no" he shakily answered.

"Uhmm-hmm" she said. About what she thought.

By now the time was enough for the thermometer and she pulled it out. Glancing at it she saw he had only about a degree of elevated temperature, nothing to worry about. But she decided to have a bit more fun.

"Chad, do you have any issues with acne at all?"

"Yeah, to be honest, I get a bout every once in a while. I've tried a lot of medicine but none of them ever really worked."

"Well, I have read of some medical studies on teen boys and acne. I think I can maybe help you out but you have to agree to two things."

By now Chad would've agreed to amputate his legs and arms to have Nurse Ratchet do anything she wanted to him.

"Sure, no problem. What are they?"

She began, "One: you have to tell NO ONE of what we do. Not your best friend, NO ONE.

Two: you have to follow my directions perfectly. Are they clear? Do you agree?"

Before the words had exited her mouth, Chad immediately gasped out, "Yes, yes! I agree to anything you want!"

Nurse Ratchet smiled at his response, knowing she now had him to the point of doing anything she wanted and then some more.

"Stand up", she said.

Chad slid backwards, pulling his dick out from between her legs as he moved back. He struggled to his feet and stood up as directed. He never imagined in his wildest fantasies what would happen in the next few minutes.

Nurse Ratchet spread her legs as far as she could within the limits of her skirt. She dipped her entire hand into the bowl of oil and slathered the oil all over both of her inside thighs.

She then dipped it again and turned to Chad, reaching out to grasp his dick with her oiled hand. Chad almost dropped to the floor in pleasure! His knees did in fact buckle just a bit when her hand wrapped around his erection.

Nurse Ratchet then began a slow motion of spreading the oil along the length of Chad's dick. She knew she had to be careful or he would shoot and she didn't want that just yet. She slowed down when she rubbed the oil all over his glans and his dick head. She could see him trembling, so she knew not to rush it.

Once she had his dick covered in oil, she told him, "Resume your position on my lap."

Chad almost leaded across Nurse Ratchet's lap, aided by the oil on her firm thighs. His dick slid right back to its former position, where Nurse Ratchet clamped her thighs even tighter than she did before.

"Chad, the studies I have read show a marked decrease in teen boy's acne when they have regular orgasms. Do you think this might be something you'd like to try in order to make it go away?"

Chad could only grunt as intense waves of pleasure rolled across his body. He felt Nurse Ratchet's hands resume their position on his ass right after his grunt of "yes". He felt her hand opening his ass cheeks and hoped he was right about what was happen next. He was right!

Nurse Ratchet had dipped her fingers back into the oil while Chad was sliding back onto her lap. This time there was no gentle rubbing of his asshole. This time she kept her finger stiff and slid it right up to the hilt, burying it inside his ass as deep as she could go.

Chad reacted like she knew he probably would. He began to buck ever so gently and slightly, rubbing his by-now rock hard dick between her thighs. Nurse Ratchet kept cycling her middle finger in and out of his asshole, enjoying the tightness of a virgin male ass. She pulled her finger almost all the way out but kept the tip inside Chad's ass. She then put her index finger right next to the middle finger and slowly slid both of them inside his asshole.

Chad thought he'd died and gone to Heaven! He didn't know how he'd ever be able to duplicate this intense feeling of pleasure but he knew he was going to try his damndest to enjoy this again somehow!

Nurse Ratchet had slowly slid both fingers all the way in and left them deep inside. She wanted Chad to both adjust to the thickness of two fingers as well as to prolong the pleasure. She knew as a virgin it was only a matter of seconds most likely before he exploded.

"Chad, I want you to do something to make you feel good. I want you to fuck my thighs while I massage your prostate. This will help your acne, I promise."

Chad couldn't even reply, he just began to bounce his ass up and down, rubbing his dick between the thighs that griped his dick like they owned it. Meanwhile Nurse Ratchet's double set of fingers re-entered his ass but had curled now instead of remaining straight. His eyes rolled back as he felt her locate his prostate and began a gentle rubbing motion.

By now this was too much for Chad's system and it began to overload his senses.

"I'm........ I think........... I think I'm going to cum! Oh, God!" Chad said as he continued to buck his ass and plunge his dick in and out of her thighs.

Chad began to spurt huge gobs of cum between Nurse Ratchet's thighs, all the while she continued to rub his prostate with both fingers. She felt the thick gooey spurts of Chad's cum as he blasted stream after stream onto her thighs. She tightened them as much as she could, hoping to intensify his first orgasm with a woman.

After what felt like a half-gallon, the spurts eventually died out and Chad laid across her thighs, utterly spent. Nurse Ratchet slowly slid her fingers out of Chad's asshole, giving his sphincter one last gentle rub as the fingers exited. She then continued to rub his ass cheeks with both hands, allowing them both to bask in the post orgasmic afterglow.

After a few more minutes, Nurse Ratchet spoke to Chad.

"I guess we'd better get you up, cleaned up and dressed. Don't you think?"

Chad slowly raised up off of her thighs and stood up. Drops of cum glistened off of the shaft of his dick and its head. There was cum all over Nurse Ratchet's thighs as well.

She grabbed a towel off of the small cart next to her and gently draped it over Chad's dick. She gently squeezed the towel, eliciting yet another moan from Chad. She smiled to herself as she let go of the towel, telling him he could clean himself while she did her legs.

She wiped off her legs, the towel quickly filling up with Chad's cum. She got another towel and continued the cleanup. She finally stood up as Chad finished his part as well.

"Ok, now Chad remember your promise. No talking about this to ANYONE! Ok?"

"Oh, yes, Nurse Ratchet. I won't speak of this to anyone, ever! Oh, my god, that was the most intense pleasure I've ever known in my entire life! Thank you SO much!"

"That's no problem, Chad. The release of fluids will help reduce your acne. You showed only a very slight temp elevation, so there's nothing to worry about there. I believe you'll be fine for the rest of the day."

Nurse Ratchet watched Chad as he slid his boxers up his young, lean legs, finally covering his dick. She kept her eyes on his dick the entire time she was talking to him. Then a thought occurred to her.

"Chad, I was wondering about something with your acne situation. I'm thinking that you would benefit from regular draining of your fluids over the summer before you begin college next fall. I was wondering what you and your mother might think about doing these treatments with the two of you? Of course, I would be happy to supervise and help if needed until she was comfortable."