Scoring My Brother Ch. 02

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Jon introduces Jim to new sexual experiences.
6.2k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/10/2022
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Hi everyone, thanks for sticking with me.

As always, I appreciate your feedback.


It's not like Jon planned on sleeping in, that wasn't something he normally did anyway - he usually had morning classes so he was in the habit of getting up early. Plus, he was picking Jim up from the hospital today. He needed to be up, showered and dressed in time to be there by Noon.

"Jonathan, did you want breakfast this morning?" Mom asked from the kitchen "I can put something together quickly."

"No thanks, but I appreciate the offer. I'm just gonna grab some donuts and coffee before I pick up Jon"

Mom came out of the kitchen "are you sure they're releasing him today" she was concerned. "He might be really injured and they'll keep him again."

Jon smiled at her weakly. It was Jim, of course she was concerned. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd be this on edge if it was him.

"Yeah, he was only in for observation, if everything is OK he'll be released." Jon reassured her.

Jon got into Jim's truck. He glanced at his phone to double check the time. Rayna should be at work by now, maybe he'd swing by Jim's place first and pack up some of his things - he could be in and out of there in no time. He backed the truck out the driveway and headed for the expressway. It's just a few minute drive from his Mother's house to Jim's apartment.

Using Jim's key, Jon let himself in. He looked around - It was a half decent place obviously decorated by Rayna. Knowing the little bit he did about his Brother, he'd never be able to put an apartment together. Jon looked through closets until he found a couple duffle bags and a suitcase. More than enough to bring Jim some changes of clothing. He made sure to grab some of what Jon assumed were work clothes too and put them in a bag as well. Suspecting he'd be at Mom's a little longer than he originally let on, he'd need something for job sites. In all reality, he didn't take that much for Rayna to even notice he wasn't coming back for a while.

Considering he told their Mother Rayna kicked him out, Jim certainly didn't act like he cared. It looked like he was leaving on his own one way or another.

Jon put the suitcases in the bed of the truck, covered them with a tarp he found behind the seats, and made his way to the hospital. He found a space in the parking garage, took one of the duffle bags, and headed upstairs to Jim's room.

He was sitting in a chair, still in a hospital gown, waiting for Jon and his clothes.

"They said as soon as the doctor signs me out I can leave" Jim told Jon "so I guess I'll get dressed."

Jon gathered up Jim's uniform and cleats, everything he was wearing when he was brought in. The emergency room staff had cut off his t-shirt, but thoughtfully spared his jersey.

Jon handed him the bag - sneakers, socks, jeans and a t-shirt - for him to change into. Jon stood looking out the window. Sure, the two had done some intense sexual things the last few days, but he still wanted to give Jim a little privacy to change.

"Can you undo the tie on the back of this hospital gown for me?" Jim asked "It's hard to do when I can't see it."

Jon turned from the window and undid the knot. Jim slipped the gown off, standing naked in front him. Jon felt his cock stir again. Fuck, he thought to himself, everything they've done and he's still horny for his brother? What more did he want?

"How are you feeling by the way? how's your chest?" Jon asked "do you feel OK to leave"

"It's sore... kinda like a line drive baseball was slammed into me" he laughed.

Jim bent over to put on his socks, pointing his perfect white ass at Jon - the skin much lighter because it wasn't tanned. It was round, firm and plump - a genuine bubble butt. Jon could see Jim's crack spread open wide, a sparse covering of light brown hair camouflaging his Brother's virgin hole. Damn, he wanted to bury his face in there and work his tongue around that untouched glory. Jon swore Jim was teasing him on purpose. Slipping on the rest of his clothes it seemed Jim flexed every muscle of his body as he dressed.

Jon took his Brother's uniform and cleats and stuffed them into the now empty duffel bag.


Jim eventually signed his paperwork and the two walked down the hospital halls, through the front doors, and to the parking garage. Jim dropped the duffle bag with his uniform in the truck bed, sliding it under the tarp.

"Can we stop and pick up some REAL food?" Jim asked "not that I didn't love being served breakfast in bed, but the food was awful."

Jon laughed "yeah, not a problem. What do you want?"

"Hoagies" Jim answered enthusiastically "I'm hungry for something with a lot of meat."

OK, he has to know what he's doing, this can't be a coincidence. Is he trying to be flirty or is he just being an asshole? There was a time Jon would automatically assume asshole - but now he wasn't really sure anymore.


Jon drove, heading back to the house.

"So, I answered questions for you - would you do the same for me?" Jon asked Jim. "Fair is fair."

Jim gulped, "I'm sure I'm going to regret this, but go ahead."

"Well, when I got you off Friday night... you seemed repulsed when I kissed you" Jon looked at Jim "what's that all about?"

Jim lowered his head, a combination of embarrassed and annoyed "I don't kiss guys, especially my own Brother."

"Okaaaay" Jon said "so you'll do everything we've done, but you won't kiss me?"

"Everything that happened between us you did... you did to me!" Jon protested "I didn't do anything to you!"

Jim was uncomfortably shifting in his seat "Look, you wouldn't understand. If I kissed guys - if I kissed you... Jon, that would make me..."

It was almost like a switch was flipped in Jon's head "Jim, you do understand kissing a guy doesn't make you gay, right?"

Jim sat silently looking out the passenger side window as Jon drove.

"Look at me... you understand that right? You kissing a guy doesn't make you any more gay than me kissing... I don't know... kissing Rayna, makes me straight."

Jim slumped down in his seat, the seatbelt almost around his throat.

Then it clicked

"I'm not the first guy you've been with, am I?" Jon asked, surprise in his voice.

Jim sat up, looked at Jon, and returned to looking out the window - Jon could see tears in his eyes.

"It's OK. It really is. You don't have to tell me about it. Just know you always can."

Once again, Jon thought, he could put his hate on pause. His Brother was obviously going through some kind of shit. He couldn't relate to being torn between men and women, but he did understand the confused feelings he had when he came out.

"Can I ask my second question now?" Jon playfully poked his Brother on his shoulder "after all, you got two questions." He followed it by rubbing Jim's forearm, trying to comfort him.

"No, cuz you're just going to ask me something I can't answer - so what's the point?"

"Alright. That's fine. Be that way." Jon turned his head to the left, facing towards the window, a fake, mocking hurt tone in his voice. Jim couldn't help but laugh, their Father would do the same thing - in the same tone - if he asked them something about their day and received only a grunt of indifference.

"Fine... FINE" Jim laughed. "What else?"

Jon jokingly rubbed his chin like he was pondering an age old question.

"Who was he... or is he... this man who has you all confused?" Jon was treating this question seriously "How did you meet?"

"That's two questions" Jim's eyes drilled through him, a nervous smile slowly building on his face "pick one."

Jon could see Jim was uncomfortable, but he sensed there was something he wanted to say.

"Well, if I have to pick, I'll take "Who Is He for $500, Alex?" Jon playfully asked. He couldn't imagine how difficult this was for his Brother to think about... or talk about.

"Understand your THE ONLY person who knows anything about this... about him..." Jim took a deep breath, exhaling nervously "oh my god."

Jon fought off the urge to reach out to comfort him, he knew that wouldn't put Jim at ease. All his life Jon was envious - as he got older he realized it was actually jealousy - of Jim. He had spent his entire life on a pendulum of feelings when it came to his Brother - swinging between idolizing or just despising.

"His name is Levi, we play soccer together" Jim spit it out very fast... like the quicker he said it the less importance it would have.

Jim didn't realize - or maybe he had - he just answered both Jon's questions.

Jon kept going "So, do you like him?... Does he like you?" Jon was being playful.

"It's not like that! We're both straight!! He's just someone, I mean, we just spend time together. Man, why do you have to make it like that?" Jim was not in the mood for playful.

"Jim, my god, I'm not trying to make it anything" Jon glanced over at him while he drove "if he's someone important to you - and obviously he is - I'm just curious. That's all, nothing more."

"We'll, don't be. This is why we both don't want anyone to know"


Jon parked the truck back in the driveway. Jim made a beeline to the house, slamming the door to the family room. Jon grabbed the suitcase and duffle bags from the back of the truck and brought them inside. He set them down just outside the family room door, making a few light taps, telling Jim he brought his bags in. There was no reply, but Jon didn't expect there to be.

Mom came in the back door "where's Jim? I want to see how he is."

"Oh, he had a headache" Jon lied "he want downstairs to rest a little."

"Is he OK? Did he come home too soon?

"No, I just think after laying still in the hospital for two days, being up and moving around was more than he expected."

Jon hated lying to his Mother, but nothing he and his Brother discussed were his to talk about. In all honesty, Jon wasn't really sure what this even was. Could his Brother just be curious? Was he Bi? Was he Gay? No matter what it was, Jim couldn't work through his issues alone. Jon refused to let Jim suffer like he did.


The house was quiet... nothing going on outside in this typical suburban neighborhood either.

Ding, ding. Ding, ding. Jon was laying in bed, his back to the nightstand - awakened by the sound of a text coming through his phone. He rolled over and checked his cell, finding the message was from Jim... sleeping three floors down.

*are you awake?

Seriously? Jon thought

**I am now LOL

*I have to talk to you

**are you alright? do you feel ok?

*please talk with me

**don't want to wake mom, go to the pool

Jon pulled on a pair of shorts. He quietly came down to first floor, out the back door, and over to the pool deck. Jim was already there waiting.

"What's up? What's going on?" It was easy to see, even in the darkness of the back yard, that Jim had been crying. He was sitting, legs dangling in the warm pool water, wearing only the running shorts Jon loaned him before.

At first Jim remained quiet, staring straight ahead. Jon sat down next to him and put his legs in the water too, reached an arm around Jim's shoulder, and pulled him close - Jon rested his head on Jim's broad shoulders.

Growing up it felt like their lives should be reversed - Jim had the life of an older Brother and Jon's was more of the outcast younger one. Right now though, Jon was actually going to act like the older Brother he was.

"Talk to me" he knew Jim wouldn't have texted him in the middle of the night if it wasn't important.

"I'm confused Jon... I'm really just so confused" Jim's voice sounded flat, almost lonely "what am I?"

Jon knew the problem. "What are you? You're a great guy... athletic... sweet and honest... extremely good looking - the same person you were earlier this afternoon" he paused "but now you feel a little lost. Right?"

"It's just that before I mentioned him it was all private, our little thing, you know? Now I told you... I put it out in the open and I'm scared."

Jon pulled Jim in closer and tighter. Normally, he couldn't be near his Brother like this - holding him, barely dressed - without getting hard and having sexual thoughts. Things were different now.

"He's so important to me. I feel happier now than I have in a long time." Jim was fighting back tears.

"Nothing has to change, Jim. Just because you told me doesn't have to change anything with Levi. I'm not judging you... believe me, not with all the shit I've done... I just want you to be happy.

"But wh-wh-what about what we did together?" Jim stammered

"What about it?" Jon questioned "I enjoyed it a lot. I think you did too, but I'd never force you into anything. If you want us to stop that's fine."

For the first time since he sat down, Jim looked at him "I don't want to stop, but I want Levi, too." He had a pained look - a confused look.

"Why do you feel you have to choose one or the other?" Jon reassured him "you can have both. I'll always be your Brother, and we can have our Brotherly fun... and you and Levi can still be whatever you are."

Jim took a deep breath, Jon swore it was the first real breath he took since they started talking.

"Life doesn't always have to be this or that."

Jim stood and dove into the pool, swimming down to touch the bottom like they did when they were kids.

"C'mon, the water's really warm!"

Jon stood up and did his own dive - the water really did feel good.

They both splashed around for what felt like hours but in reality was 30 minutes.

"Let's take our suits off... like we did when we were kids" Jim suggested.

Jon felt torn. Of course he wanted to... he always loved seeing Jim's dick. But things felt different now, Jim had someone in his life and was trying to sort his feelings out.

Jon hated himself, buy he decided he wanted to spend this time with Jim.

"Absolutely, just like old times." They pulled off their wet shorts, both tossing them on the pool deck.

The Brothers swam laps back and forth across the pool. They played shark - one the innocent beach goer, the other the deadly shark - swimming circles around his meal - eventually yanking him underwater.

Jim climbed out of the pool to dive back in. Jon noticed the moonlight reflecting off Jim's his wet body, his eyes going directly to his meaty cock. Finally, he was able to stare at it without feeling guilty.


"I'm just gonna make sure Mom's still asleep" Jon whispered.

He grabbed a beach towel that was hanging on the wash line drying, wrapping it around his waist. He opened the back door and silently made his way to the stairs. He peeked up, making sure her bedroom door was still closed.

He snuck back outside "Looks like we're still good, but I think we should quiet down for a few minutes to make sure."

Jon took two of the inflatable pool lounges - currently propped up against the back fence - and placed them side by side near the pool. He settled down on one, Jim took the other. They both laid there, still naked, and stared into the warm, still night.

"You really do hate me, don't you?" Jim quietly asked

Jon turned his head to face him "not in this moment, no - but mostly yeah, I do... it won't just disappear over night. I promise I'll try to work on it though."

He closed his eyes, soaking up the night - the smell of flowers, the sound of crickets, and suddenly, the feel of someone stroking his dick. His eyed flew open, looking down to see Jim's hand grasping his cock.

"What are you doing?" Jon laughed.

Jim smiled back "returning the favor?" laughing as well.

"You don't have to do that. What I did I enjoyed... I wanted to do... you don't have to." Jon smiled.

"Just answer something for me... I got the impression that some times you were, sort of, flirting with me? Maybe I could be completely off on that though." Jon asked

Jim leaned back on the float, crossing his arms behind his head "I guess I was, sort of, trying" he said it quietly, like it was something Jon shouldn't have figured out.

"I don't know how to attract guys - or if I really even want to - so I guess I was just trying on you. I'm sorry... now I feel like I was using you." He put his chin to his chest and rolled away from Jon.

"Don't be sorry... I enjoyed the attention. It's been a while since I've had a boyfriend, or anybody steady for that matter, so I liked it."

Jim deeply exhaled "I guess I just want to show Levi I can be... I don't know...?"

They were talking openly now, and it didn't seem like his relationship was off limits anymore.

"So, how did you two meet? You said you played soccer together?" Jon asked

"Yeah, so, I'm a goalkeeper and he's a striker. One day we were doing practice drills, he was kicking balls at me and I was trying to block the net." Jim paused, like he was boring him.

"Go on, then what? Jon was curious

"We'll, he kicked a hard one, and as I dove for the block it drilled me in the head." Jim laughed about it.

Jon laughed back, out loud "Wow, you spend a lot of time getting knocked around" he patted the top of his head "no wonder you're a little slow."

"Hey!" Jim fired back laughing

Jon grabbed his cheeks, turning him so they were face to face, and kissed his forehead "sorry, that was cruel. Tell me more."

"We'll, he ran over to me... I was kinda seeing stars" he laughed "and grabbed me around my shoulders asking if I was OK."

"He touched me and I just melted. I never felt like that with any guy. Never, Jon! That's why I'm so confused. Is this a crush... could that be it? I mean I'm not gay then, right?" Jim was shaking, on the verge of crying.

"Why would it be so terrible to be gay? I mean, why is that such a big fear... I'm just curious. Jon felt as if he struck a nerve, Jim all but flinched and looked away. "Are you afraid you'll be like me?"

Jim just laid there, turned over on his back again, looking at the sky staring straight ahead.

Jon rolled over onto Jim's float, both of them laying on their backs, their bodies together.

"Jim, they're a lot of different forms of being gay. You can still be the athletic guy... a kickass baseball and soccer player and still be gay. You don't have to become an artsy, movie & TV loving geek gay like me." They both laughed at Jon's description.

Jim laid there pondering what his Brother just said. He never considered it as an option. "What about Levi? How do I know what he wants. Suppose he wants to be..."

"Like me, you mean?" Jon didn't take any offense, he knew Jim was struggling "have you talked to him about how you feel?"

"NO! NO! We don't talk about that stuff! He'd never want to see me again. Jon, I can't!"

Jon rolled over and put his arms around Jim "if he's not like that now, he's not going to suddenly change just because he views his sexuality differently. You both could be bisexual. Who knows?"

Jim looked at Jon. Deeply. Intently. Into his soul. "Would you show me?

"Show you what?"

"How to be gay, how to be with a guy. Show me what it's like." Jim's voice was direct... almost demanding.

"It's not that simple, Jim. I just can't teach you how to be gay. It's not a course,... there's no text book."

"You knew what to do with me, teach me that." Jim whispered

This was a fantasy come true for Jon... sex with his Brother as an active participant.


"I knew what to do because it's all I've ever known when it comes to sex, it's my natural default." Jon explained "did anyone teach you how to have sex with women?"

"Actually, Dad did sit down with me when I turned, like 15. It wasn't all 'the birds and the bees' crap either. It was an honest to god sex talk. Just a little to late... I'd already done it when I was 13."

Jon got that feeling he usually gets when talking about, or even thinking about, his childhood or his family in general. The feeling of - Jim needs this... how can we do this for Jim... help Jim out. Dad never sat down and had a talk like that with Jon - he was left to figure things out on his own and wishing for the god damn owners manual to his emotions and fears.