Scoring My Brother Ch. 04

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Jon feels regret. Jim and Levi feel each other.
6.1k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/10/2022
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Sorry for the delay. Life got in the way.

Thanks for sticking around, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please let me know.


Jon hit the road, anxious to get home. Yeah... this week was fun - reconnecting with his friends was fun - but he missed Jim. This was still a foreign concept for him... liking his Brother. It's been weeks and he still couldn't wrap his mind around it.

Feeling lost without Jim, almost disconnected - this period of regrowth and rediscovery they've spent together - left Jon bewildered. They were Brothers, not lovers. They were still relating, not dating.

Jon realized he was beginning to develop feelings for Jim... an emotional bond. He had never been in love, but he thought this is what it would feel like. Missing the person when they weren't near, a sensation of longing for the other - joy when you're together.

"Holy fuck! I... I.. I'm in love with him" he said out loud to no one. The car was empty - Jon was alone with his thoughts.


He drove home in silence. His music mix was on, but it was just background clatter. Jon wasn't even in the mood to listen. He couldn't help but think about the hookup he had with Nick, and how ashamed of himself he felt now. That wasn't him, not any more at least. Sure, casual sex had always been his go to - especially on vacation - but something about this felt wrong. He felt guilty. He felt like he cheated on his boyfriend, only he didn't have one... he was single. He played the events of the week over in his mind, trying to pick out the moment things turned. He finally came to a conclusion... everything was fine until he thought of Jim.

That was it... Jim. Jon felt like he cheated on Jim.


About half way home, Jon pulled into a rest area. He never stopped on his trips, but right now he felt like he needed to stretch his legs and his mind. He grabbed a cup of coffee and sat outside at an empty table. He stared into the distance, taking a sip of coffee every so often. He was far enough away from the highway that he couldn't make out the sights of traffic, but he still could hear it whiz by. He felt the same way about Jim. He was far enough away from these stirrings that he could ignore them if he tried, but not so detached that he was able to just turn them off.

He sat there trying to convince himself that these thoughts were nothing more than regrets from a night of drunken partying with his friends, but he wasn't dumb enough to buy it. He ran his hands thorough his hair several times, like he was trying to comb out his frustrations.

What the hell was he going to do now?


Around seven that evening Jon walked through the front door - home after a grueling eight hour drive. Still, all that considered, the trip to Cape Cod, with glaring exception, was worth it.

Jon dropped his bags in the living room, not in the mood to drag them to the third floor. He walked through the house not finding anybody - until he saw a light on in the backyard. He made his way through the kitchen to the back patio where he found Jim at the grill cooking burgers.

"And who do we have here? Iron Chef Wolfe slaving away over a hot grill?" He laughed.

"I thought you might be hungry after that drive." Jim pointed to the burgers.

Jon looked at the food and then back to his Brother "thank you so much! I'm starving right now! I hate to stop for food along the way... just makes the drive longer."

"Sit, let me put together a plate." Jim had the burgers ready - along with warmed baked beans - pickles, olives and all the condiments ready to go "sorry there's no potato salad, didn't have time to hit the store."

Jon dove into a burger like a man possessed. "Jimmy, who cares about potato salad. These burgers taste amazing!"

Both Brothers seemed to be of a like mind in this second - they were beginning to finally appreciate one another.


After dinner Jon cleaned up the table and dishes. Jim made an amazing meal, and as worn out as he was, it was only right he pitched in.

"Where's Mom" Jon asked

"Spending the night at Aunt June's. They're going to the flea market tomorrow and wanted to get an early start." Jim replied.

"You know, Mom certainly goes out a lot for a woman Aunt June says is sitting at home moping and not having a life." Jon laughed.

Jim nodded in agreement "I know, right" laughing too.


The guys settled in for the night, relaxing downstairs in the family room. Jim on the sofa, his make shift bed for the last week plus, and Jon on the recliner - his feet raised as he wound down.

Jim turned to look at Jon "hey, can I ask you a question - about something from earlier today?"

"Earlier today?"

"Yeah, about your text" Jim continued "the one you sent before you left the Cape."

"What about it?"

"Well, I noticed you said "luv u" at the end" Jim was tiptoeing lightly "did you really mean it?"

Jon looked Jim in the eye. Did he really say that? Was that something real or just an instinctive cover of a guilty conscious. "Yes, Jimmy, I guess I do love you. Things have changed... you've changed."

A wide grin spread across Jim's face "Maybe we've both finally grown up."


Jim mindlessly flipped through the tv channels, looking for something they'd both enjoy watching, when he stumbled across a Philadelphia Union soccer game.

"Mind if we watch just a little?" Jim asked "I just want to get psyched up for my game tomorrow."

"Oh, shit! Your game! I forgot all about it... I'm sorry." Jon was genuinely apologetic.

Jim glanced at him, taking his eyes from the tv for only a moment "that's OK, maybe another time."

"NO! NO! I promised you I'd be there. Can I still come?"

Jim gave Jon his full attention, turning away from the television screen and looking at him "seriously, it's really alright. It's just a regular game."

"Let me ask you something... is the reason you don't want me there is you're afraid I'll embarrass you in front of Levi?" Jon replied in a mockingly swooning tone.

Jim chuckled out of nervousness "Jon... stop."

"My best behavior, I swear" Jon held up two fingers as if he was giving the Boy Scout oath.

Jim relaxed a little. He wasn't fully onboard with Jon entering this portion of his life, but if his Brother promised he'd behave Jim believed him.

"What times the game?"

"2:00... so I think I'm gonna turn in... Get a good nights sleep." Jim stretch and yawned.

As Jim stretched, Jon looked at his Brother's toned abs... also stealing a glance of Jim's bushy armpits - untamed and untrimmed like his crotch.

"Alright, well, I'll get out of your way."

Jon watched as his brother finished undressing. Jim was reserved at first, almost embarrassed, but then realized Jon has seen - and touched and tasted - everything there, so he continued.

"You know" Jon began "Mom's not gonna be home, and I have my big bed all to myself..." he smiled as he trailed off.

Jim looked at him, a little shocked "you want me to sleep with you?"

"To SLEEP with me" Jon affirmed "on a comfortable mattress, in a big bed. No games, I swear." Jon winked, Boy Scout salute again.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Jim hesitantly replied. "I want to sleep."

Jon took a few steps back "ok, up to you. But if you change your mind just come upstairs."


Jon retreated to the third floor. He loaded the playlist he was ignoring in the car - finally relaxed and relieved enough to enjoy it - hit the shower, and finally got in bed at midnight. He was more tired than he thought, that drive home a killer, and drifted off in no time.

Ding ding, Ding, ding

Jon almost didn't hear the text chime, he was sound asleep but something shattered his snoozing.

Ding ding, Ding, ding

"Alright already, Christ." He muttered to himself

*can I come up?

Sure, now that he's ready to sleep he wants to come up

**just drifting off cmon

Jon soon heard Jim galloping up the stairs, eventually hitting the third floor landing.

"Ok to come up? Jim called

Jon snorted, laughing "of course it is... what do you think I'm doing"

Pushing the bedroom door open, Jim covered his eyes with his hand, laughing as he pretended to avoid whatever mischief Jon might be up to.

"Smart ass" Jon laughed "get in bed... I'm exhausted and you need sleep if you're going to play tomorrow."

Jim climbed into bed, rolling over to face Jon

"thanks" he said, leaning in to kiss Jon on the lips. Not just a peck, but a passionate I Want To Fuck You But We Shouldn't kinda kiss. Jon got hard instantly, so he rolled over with his back to Jim... now laying wide eyed staring at the wall.

What the fuck.


Jon woke up first "I'm gonna go get some coffee started and some kind of breakfast going."

"I'll help you Mom, just another five minutes." Jim muttered, still groggy - still deep in sleep.

He laughed "that's ok kitten, go back to sleep."


Jon looked through the fridge and settled on bacon and eggs. He heated the skillet, cracked in four eggs, and started the microwave bacon. Mom may fry up real bacon, but he had neither the time or desire. He put four slices of bread in the toaster.

"Breakfast ready in 5 minutes. Come down now or I'll eat all the bacon." he laughed as he yelled up to Jim.

Jim came thundering down the stairs, stopping in the living room "just let me throw some clean clothes on."

In less than 1 minute Jim came back upstairs... dressed in SpongeBob boxer shorts and a Simpsons t-shirt.

Jon laughed when he saw him "oh my god... what are you, 12?"

"What, it's just you and me for breakfast. I'm comfortable." He laughed.

Jon rolled his eyes "so, for your game today, is the dress code cartoon character couture? Cuz I'll need to hit up Target to get something before we get there." He said laughing.

Jim shot him the middle finger without even looking away from his eggs.

"When do you need to get to the field?" Jon asked

Probably 1:00, game starts at 2:00. We have drills we have to run through before the game though."

"Ok, I'm going to shower. You finish eating and I'll clean up the kitchen when you're done" Jon said.

"Don't worry, I got it" Jim smiled back, blowing him a kiss and laughing.


Jim got dressed in his uniform - a neon green shirt with the team's Liberty Bell logo and his name on the back. Goalkeepers dress in different colors than the rest of the team - the officials can distinguish them clearly from the other players. He stuffed his big cock into his jock strap, the same lightweight one he used when he played baseball, and topped it off with the tight white shorts of his uniform. He pulled on his white socks, which came up to his knees, and put on a pair of black sneakers. He dropped his cleats in a duffle bag - he only wore them when he was on the field - along with a towel, mouth guard, knee pads, goalkeeper gloves, water bottle and a spare set of shorts in case his got ripped during the game.

Jim came upstairs from the family room.

"Holy shit you're hot" Jon said laughingly as he looked his Brother over "that uniform fits you just right."

Jim blushed "I don't think they had that in mind when they designed them, but thanks... I think." He laughed.

"No, no... it's a compliment. You really look good."

"I guess I'm all set." Jim did one last double check of his bag to make sure he had everything.


Everybody fed and dressed, the Brothers got in Jon's Mini and headed to the field.

"Why do you drive this little thing? Jim asked

"It's a dick magnet" Jon laughed.

"That's supposed to be chick magnet"

"No, I mean when gay men see a cute guy driving one of these they're attracted to him like a dick magnet." he laughed loudly.

"That's funny... that you seriously think you're cute" Jim said with a chuckle.


The Liberty's soccer pitch was located just behind the baseball field - the one where Jim was injured during his baseball game. Again, it was well maintained with bleachers on both sides for spectators.

"I have to get moving... I have to meet up with the team for drills." Jim said hurriedly "Find a spot on the bleachers. I'll look for you."

Jon walked toward the stands. He wanted a great seat to see his Brother play. He made his way to the top of the bleachers to get the best view. Jon's eyes followed Jim onto the pitch, noticing him stop to talk to another team member. They smiled at each other and laughed loudly at everything the other said. Jon couldn't help but assume this could be Levi, even though he had no proof. All he had to go on was their body language - they looked like a couple enjoying being around each other. They looked happy.


The Liberty took one end of the field while their opponents, The Trenton Freedom, occupied the other end. Dressed in uniforms of gold and black, Trenton stood out brightly against the green grass. Both teams seemed to be doing variations of the same maneuvers. Hard driving kicks at goalies - practicing blocking their nets - and foot action of dribbling and passing a ball up across the field.

Almost precisely at 2:00 the game began. One of the Freedom's players kicked the ball into play, it was quickly picked up by teammates who together worked it down the field. The final handler, their midfielder, took a shot - firing the ball fiercely at the net. Jim threw himself towards the ball, seemingly before it left the kickers foot, and easily blocked it. The crowd erupted into applause... Jon was impressed.

The Liberty took control of the ball using the same type of maneuvers, aggressively manipulating the ball. Eventually the player he assumed was Levi had control. He lined up a shot while fending off opponents, took a chance, and unloaded a bullet fast kick. Their goal keep made an attempt to block, but the ball easily sailed over his head. Goal Liberty! The spectators jumped to their feet, screaming in excitement - their team scored. The players came together on the field, mobbing one another with hugs, high fives and an occasional pat on the ass. Jon thought he could grow to like this game.

Time passed as both teams had their opportunities with the ball. Jim successfully blocked every ball hurled his way, Trenton's goalie allowing one more ball to pass. Liberty took the game 2-0. The Liberty's spectators yelled their support, while Trenton's players slowly skulked off the field. Jim's team took the time to celebrate the win with group hugs, jumps on each other's backs, and more ass slaps.

Jon laughed to himself... The Liberty was very open to ass touching. He wondered how much of that transferred to off the pitch.

The team ran off the field, still mobbing each other as they continued their celebration. Jon hung around off to the side the group, waiting for Jim to notice him. Finally, as the celebration on the field moved to the locker rooms, Jim caught Jon's attention - waving frantically for him to join the group by the sidelines.

"Great job" Jon yelled as he drew Jim in for a hug "I'm so proud of you!" He smiled broadly as he stepped back to give his Brother some space.

"Thanks!" Jim replied breathlessly - still recovering from the action on the field "it was great that you were here."

"Do you want me to wait for you until you clean up?"

"About that..." Jim trailed off "I have a favor to ask - and it's ok if you say no."

"What's up? What do you need?"

"The showers are really crowded. I normally just come straight back after a game and clean up at home." Jim paused

Jon knew there was a but coming.

"But I'm usually driving my filthy truck, so it doesn't really matter" Jim kinda hung his head "but it's just that you're car is so clean. I don't want to ruin it."

Jon smiled. His Brother was being so considerate - thinking of someone other than himself.

"It's not a problem, you're really not that dirty... just a little sweaty."

"One other thing. I normally give one of my teammates a ride... I drop him off at his place. Is that ok?" Jim was kind of hang dog about asking

Jon smiled at him "that's fine. As long as he doesn't mind my tiny back seat."

'I'll have him ride shotgun, I can ride in the small seat." Jim smiled

It wasn't long before Jim and his teammate approached the car. Jon was shocked to see it was the same guy Jim was so chatty and smiley with before the game.

Jim opened the passenger side door and pushed his way into the backseat.

"I'll sit back there" Jim's friend protested "I don't mind."

"Naw" Jim replied "it's no problem."

Jon picked up the guys duffle bags and stuffed them in the small trunk area of the Mini.

Extending his hand to shake "hi, I'm Jon... Jim's Brother"

"Nice to finally meet you, Jim mentioned you a few times" the friend reciprocated "Levi Vaughn."

This is Levi? Jon thought. He's gorgeous! Jet black hair - long, past his shoulders - with an olive complexion and dark brown eyes. He had a muscular build like Jim's, broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He was dressed in the team's blue shorts, long blue socks that came up to his knees - like Jim's - and still wearing his black cleats. He was shirtless, carrying the jersey in his hand.

"I really appreciate the ride, man. My car hasn't been running for a while. I'd be screwed if it wasn't for your Brother." Levi turned around to look at Jim in the back seat.

"It's really no problem" Jon reassured Levi as he turned to look at him "I'm glad I can help you out."

Jon looked closer at the younger friend. His chest had a light covering of dark hair over his pecs... his stomach sported a thicker strip of hair that ran from his navel down into his pants. Jon could defiantly see why his Brother was attracted to Levi - if indeed Jim really had those feelings at all.

"So where to?" Jon asked Levi

Before the he could say anything, Jim answered from the back seat "actually, since it's so hot, how about coming home for a swim in the pool?"

Both Jon and Levi turned to look at Jim

Jon smiled "that's a great idea. You guys just ran around that pitch for hours, you deserve a break by the pool."

Shrugging his shoulders, Levi looked at Jon "it's your house... If it's ok with both of you I wouldn't mind a swim."

"Swimming it is then" Jon put the car in drive and the trio headed home.


Jim's truck was still in the driveway, so Jon pulled up in front of the house, parking on the street. He popped the trunk and both Jim and Levi grabbed their bags.

Jon lead the way, heading towards the gate to the back yard. He unhooked the latch and motioned for Jim and Levi to head in. The three made a bee-line to the patio where everyone plopped down on one of the chairs, enjoying the shade.

"I'm gonna get us something cold to drink" Jim exclaimed

He jumped up and went to the kitchen, leaving Jon to talk with Levi.

"So what do you do for a living?" Jon asked

"For the time being I do things here and there. Construction, wait tables, cook at a diner... they're not my forever jobs, but right now they pay the bills."

"Good for you."

"Now I'm trying to stick to things in walking distance to my place, or if I can get help with rides, cuz of my whole car thing."

Jim returned from the Kitchen with 3 glasses of iced tea. Yeah, he and Jon shared beers, but Jim didn't know how his Brother would feel about sharing alcohol with an underage stranger.

"So, did you guys meet through soccer?" Jon asked

Jim and Levi exchanged nervous glances

"Yeah, we both tried out around the same time" Levi answered "worked out well that we both got picked up."

Jim sat there nervously fidgeting in his seat. Jon tried to figure out what part of this interaction had Jim so stressed - from his impressions it was a benign circumstance. Three guys sitting on the patio enjoying cold drinks.

"Can I use your bathroom?" Levi asked "too much water during the game and now iced tea." He chuckled.