Second Chances

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Some time we all get a second chance to do the right thing.
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There comes a point in a man's life when the hard decisions have to be made. Do you fight or throw in the towel? I believed that there wasn't anything that could make my wife do what she did to me. I had been married to her for 25 years and we have three kids. Macy is my baby girl and she is 18. Mike is 20 years old and in the Navy. Jason is 24, married with my 3 grandkids. I haven't worked this hard and provided for my family to just walk away. It isn't that she cheated, it's the way she cheated. I guess after 27 years together she had been getting bored and made the decision to spice up her own life. I'm quite sure that she thought I was clueless and would never think she was capable of cheating. I understood how she felt, it's just I would never have hurt her in that way. Maybe I'm just a fool in love or maybe I'm stupid and believed in the wrong person.

My name is Wallace Banks and my wife is Marion. We're both 45 years old. I would say we're middle age but I don't feel that way. I run three miles a day, eat right and love my family. Isn't that what a man is surposed to do, take care of his family. Marion has been my rock for 25 years of marriage and she laid the foundation in the two years we dated. Marion had always been the one that holds our family together. She has been there for weddings, hospital visits and deaths. Through out it all she was steady as a rock. So why am I sitting alone in our family home awaiting the kids' return? Here's why!

Over the last year Marion had been somewhat distant. She didn't go out as much and she always seemed to be in deep thought. Whenever I asked what was wrong she said "nothing". Over the last three months, I wouldn't let her end it at that. I told her time and time again that we're husband and wife. We have always been there for each other and nothing would ever change that. For the first time in a long while, she smiled. It melted my heart and I started thinking we would be okay.

Marion asked me to sit down and no to say anything till she finished. I nodded and sat. Marion spent the next hour telling me how she was feeling. A lot of it was news to me but I truly listened. She felt that she was losing her idenity in our marriage. She needed to get back to being her. She wanted to live alone for a while and find herself. Marion let me know she had been feeling this way for the last few years. Now that Macy was leaving for college, it was time for her to live her life. Marion told me that she had found an apartment and would move out the day after Macy left for school.

I don't remember Marion leaving the room. The next time I was aware of anything was when Macy asked me what was wrong. It was 2 am and she had just got back from a date. Macy looked at me and said, "Mom told you didn't she?"

I asked when had she found out. Macy said that Marion had told all of them about 3 months ago that she planned to leave. I looked at Macy and asked why hadn't she told me before now that she knew what her mom had planned. Macy said that her mom made her promise not to say any thing. Now I was feeling not only had my wife thrown away my love but now I felt my kids betrayed me also. They knew and just didn't tell me. Later on, I found out everyone also knew something else but they weren't telling me. But I had a feeling it was coming to a head soon .

I found out later on that Marion had been having an affair for 3 years and she was in love with the other man. James was 33 and she felt that this was some thing she had to do. I decided not to fight the divorce. If she wanted to walk away I would let her, but there would be a price to pay. Marion's price would be the house and my retirement. She wants to go, so be it but I'm not giving up the house I paid for because she wants to move on with her life. I also refused to pay for her cheating on me. She cheats, chooses to leave and I have to pay you for messing me over. Never gonna happen.

With the stroke of a pen, a 25 year marriage is over. She walked away with everything that belonged to her or things that where left to her. That final day in court, I wished her well and left. I was moving on with my life. It would be seven years before I laid eyes on Marion again. The first thing I did after I was granted my freedom, was to go deep sea fishing. It was one of the best choices I have ever made. I loved it so much that I sold the house and got a boat. I put in my retirement papers and cashed in my 401k and planned my next move. I had $450,000 in the bank and I would recieve a check for $2,500 monthly for the rest of my life. I purchased a 25 foot cabin cruiser. I planned to sail around til I died or at least met a sexy mermaid. A man can dream can't he? A life on the sea was the one for me, isn't that how the saying goes. Life moves pretty fast. I've been a free man for about 7 years now.

I had just finshed a three month cruise when I recieved a call from Macy. Macy asked how I was doing and where I was. I asked her why and what was up because it sounded like she was fishing for info. Macy then told me that Marion needed my help. I asked Macy why would her mom need my help? Macy asked if I knew her mom had given birth to a little girl. I told her no. Then Macy asked if I would sit down and talk with her mother. I said no to that question too. Macy then asked how I could be so heartless. I asked her what do you call a family that knows their mom is leaving her husband for two months but never tells their father. Then I hung up. The phone began ringing off the hook for the next ten minutes. I couldn't take it anymore so I turned it off. The next morning I changed my number and planned my next cruise. I would head for St. Thomas and then head for Berumda. After that I would come up with some new place to travel to. The day I got ready to leave, my two sons showed up. Mike and Jason looked like they were scared to talk first so I invited them on the boat and offered them a beer.

Jason was the first to speak. "Dad, we know we were wrong for not telling you what mom had planned, but in all fairness we didn't think you would hurt that long. I'm mean you spent all of your time at work," said Jason.

Mike then said "Mom was lonely and made a mistake. Now she needs your help and you're turning your back on her."

I just sat there looking at them.

Jason asked, "Are you going to say anything?"

I wanted to make sure that they understood my point before I sat sail. "I don't understand you guys. Your mom cheated, left, we have been divorced for years now and she has now had a baby with another man. So exactly what does this have to do with me? Remember I'm the guy that you helped blindside. All three of you knew what you mom had planned and you said nothing. Now, she's down and out and I'm the bad guy. I'm surprised you found me, I mean I haven't heard from either of you in seven years. I did see a picture of the three of you with your mom and her new husband in the paper. You guys where having a cook out celebrating their new wing at the hospital. It called the group of you the happiest family in town. So once again, why are you here now?"

They both sat there just looking at each other not knowing what to say. Jason cleared his throat and said, "Karen needs a kidney and she needs you to be tested."

I asked, "Why would I need to be tested, Marion's child isn't related to me, so once again why are you here?

Then Jason and Mike completed my betrayal. "Dad, Karen is yours, Mom was pregnant before she left."

To say I was shell shocked was an understatement. "How old is the child?

Jason said, "She is 7 years old. I asked, "When did you find out?"

Mike said, "Mom told us at the same time she told us about her plans for divorce."

I couldn't believe that I raised them to be men like this. I had always taught them to do what is right and they turned out like this crap. I got up, walked to the door and opened it. I stood there looking at them till they got the point. They both left. I was preparing to leave when Marion showed up. I had pulled anchor and I was floating away from the pier when she ran and jumped aboard. The boat was about 7 feet from the pier when I turned off the engines. I was about to toss her ass over board when a little girl walked up to the pier. She was yelling for her mom.

I told Marion to get the fuck off my boat. Marion pulled out a pair of handcuffs and locked herself to a mooring point. "Wallace, I know you hate me right now but she needs your help. Karen will die without a kidney. Please do not hurt her because of what I did. I know you're mad but you're a bigger man than that."

I looked at Marion and said, "No. I'm not a bigger man, I am dead inside and you caused that so, "no" I won't help you or her. Hell, I never knew she existed. You never planned on telling me. You and our sorry assed kids are dead to me." I walked over and grabbed my axe out of the case. I was about to cut the mooring point off when it hit me. This was a second chance to fix the things I messed up the first time.

"Marion, I have changed my mind. I'll help Karen anyway I can. But it's going to cost you."

Marion was so happy I was going to help Karen she said, "I'll do anything."

I pulled the boat back into shore. Jason came with the key to uncuff his mother. I called my lawyer to get my plan put in writing. The next day we showed up at the hospital, Me and my attorney. Karen looked worried. The doctor took blood and came back with a positive. I could donate a kidney. Marion was happy until my attorney gave them my terms. To save Karen they had to give her up.

"All of the years we were married, I always made the sacrfices. Never you or the kids, it was always me. When you wanted a new car, I traded in mine. When the kids wanted something I was the one that went without. I missed their growing up because I was working to make sure they had everything and I was repaid with betrayal. And now you need my help, well Marion, it's your turn to give up something. If you love her, let her go or take your chances waiting for a donor."

Marion said, "There is no way I'm giving up my child."

We got up and headed out. Jason and Mike came over to try and stop me. My attorney told them if they put one finger on me they would spend the next ten years in jail. Macy ran over to me and asked, "How will you sleep at night knowing that you are killing our little sister?"

I stopped and looked at Macy and asked, "How do you sleep at night knowing you threw away your father? That's how I will sleep."

It was the beginning of world war 3. In the next few days, I was almost served an injuction preventing me from leaving. But I was away from the pier about a hundred yards out. When the server came back with a speed boat, I set sail. They would have to follow me up the coast about 400 miles before I would have to put up my sails. The server gave up when we hit international waters.

I pulled in about 6 miles up the coast. I got to within cell phone range and called my attorney. He said that Karen was getting worse and Marion wanted to talk. So I told him to set up a video confrence. Marion pleaded with me not to do this. I laughed and said, "It's the same thing you had done to me. The three of you threw me away. So all I can say now is bye-bye."

Marion agreed to the terms. The day I showed up to the hospital, I came with Child Protective Services. I also hired two off duty cops to stand guard. No one was taking Karen out of the hospital but me.

The surgery went fine. On the 3rd day of our stay, Marion and some guy walked in to my room. He introduced himself as James Paxon. He was Marion's husband. He reached out to take my hand but I passed on the friendly shit and asked what they wanted. They had come to pull on my heart strings. The only problem was I had none. Marion and the kids had already cut them. Then he offered me money. This was getting too damn funny, they felt I could be bought off.

December 4. 2007, Karen and I rolled out of the hospital. CPS charged Marion with costodial interference. Her court date would be in three weeks. My guards were there with their hands on their pistols in case anything happened. Karen and I were placed in a car and headed right to my boat. One guard went aboard to make sure no one was aboard. For me something didn't feel right so once I got the word that the coast was clear, we sat sail.

Karen cried for the first 2 hours till I opened up her cabin. There was every type of Barbie, the Bratz and Ipod that could be found. Then Karen asked me to hold her phone. She said her mom said she would know where to find her if I held it on the top of the boat. I looked at the phone as Karen went to play. The phone had some type of tracer program. So they want to know where we are at? I'll help them out. I put the phone in a ziplock bag and attached it to a life preserver and threw it over board. I think we'll sail to the coast of Turkey or Greece who can tell.

We ended up in Ireland. We had a slow start but we're doing fine. It's been about 10 years now and it's time for Karen to got to college. She wants to got to Duke. Karen wrote her mom and let her know she was on her way to the states. In the years here I met a wonderfull woman named Tilia. Karen has grown to be a caring and considerate young lady. I have already paid for her schooling so she is ready to take over the world. I'm a proud father.

Jason found out about betrayal when his mom and his wife went to Vegas. Jason's wife came back very loose and very pregnant. When she gave birth the baby looked Mexican. Marion left James for his brother. There's no counting for taste.

Macy got dumped the night before the wedding. It turned out he was gay and didn't want to come out till his dad passed away.

Mike he's doing fine, I guess. He's the guy who scraps gum off the walls in the subway. All in all, I'm glad life gave me a second chance.


I want to thank mikothebaby for editing this. I know she took had more important things to do. But Thank you mikothebaby for doing a great job because you damn well I can't spell.

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SatyrDickSatyrDickless than a minute ago


Good Stuph!


rmt2mrwrmt2mrwabout 2 months ago

She was his child too and it sounds like she turned out better than the three spoiled brats that stayed with their mother.

rbloch66rbloch667 months ago

This is a direct result of men trusting blindly, and working to give their family absolutely everything. He becomes a sucker. It's unfortunate because his heart in the right place. It's true though, the people you let closest to you have the power to destroy you.

oldguy1oldguy18 months ago

vengeful crap no wonder his family left him what a cry baby he didn't get a second chance he took revenge and stole a child from her mother what an asshole man. all he had to do was to help his daughter in her hour of need to show what real humanity is all about

Tundah50Tundah5011 months ago

Ending is rushed. All that build up to getting custody only to have two paragraphs of what their life as Father and daughter was like

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