Second Chances


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At last, I managed to find the strength to croak, "We had better get this place cleaned up."

Was I hoping that he would acquiesce to my putting a halt to things? Or, did I secretly desire that he would take me back in his arms and let the passion of the moment take us where it would? I couldn't honestly give you an answer to that question. All I know is that, if he had done the latter, there was no way in the world that I could have offered any further resistance.

Perhaps Derrick was wrestling with the very same question because he didn't do either thing for the longest time. I noted his flared nostrils and the slightly clouded look in his eyes. The moment seemed to stretch out forever before I felt his grip loosen and we reluctantly separated.

I saw him take a deep breath -- as if to clear his mind -- and he gave a small chuckle. "You're right," he managed, "You just looked so beautiful. I couldn't help myself."

He didn't know it, but I almost jumped back into his arms right there at his words. I had a certain amount of respect in my profession and had received more than my share of awards throughout the years. Those things were nice, but suddenly they paled in the face of this new accolade being handed to me by this incredibly good looking young man. I wanted to bottle this moment and keep it with me forever.

We finally broke apart. I instantly missed the warmth of his young body pressing against mine. I stood there on shaky legs as Derrick kicked dirt over what remained of the fire. I chanced a furtive glance down at the front of his shorts and noted that his condition could not have been very comfortable for him. I felt more than a little guilty for having allowed him to reach such a stage. However, I would be lying if I didn't admit that I also felt a little pride that I had been able to evince such a reaction in him.

Derrick looked at me sheepishly and said, "I don't really have all that much to carry. There's just my guitar and a cooler. It was just the only excuse that I could come up with to get you to stay."

I was touched by his honesty. I smiled back at him and replied, "That's okay. A promise is a promise, after all."

We walked over to where he had left his belongings and Derrick handed me the guitar to carry. I snuck another peek as he bent over to pick up the cooler and was rewarded as a delicious thrill passed through me at the sight of his tight buns beneath his shorts. He stood up and looked back at me before I had a chance to divert my eyes, but thankfully, he was a gentleman enough not to make any mention of it.

"I'm parked just beyond that dune over there," he said as he indicated the direction with his head.

It was just a short distance to his truck and I felt an unfamiliar uneasiness inside me. I knew that this was a completely silly situation, but a part of me was really enjoying the attention that this young man was showing me. Somehow, I wanted the evening to last longer.

I looked over at Derrick and I flattered myself with the notion that he was feeling the same way. Gone was the easy self confidence that he had displayed earlier in the evening while he had been playing his music around the bonfire. Now, I could see he had become more distracted -- talking more quickly. I thought that it was so sweet that he would try so hard to prolong out time together.

Finally, we arrived at Derrick's truck. He easily hoisted the heavy cooler into the back and reached for the guitar case that I was still holding. I don't know what came over me, but I was suddenly feeling playful. I snatched the black case away from him and said, "Not so fast!"

I could see the surprised look in Derrick's eyes at my sudden action. "Since you've made me your roadie for the evening," I said, "I think we should discuss what remuneration I will receive for my services."

I watched as Derrick tried to hide the smile that threatened to break out on his face as he tried to maintain a business like demeanor. "So, you want to get paid, huh?" he replied in mock seriousness, "That's the trouble with today's youth. What ever happened to helping out someone in need just out of the kindness of their hearts?"

"A nice sentiment," I replied, "But I'm afraid that I prefer cash." I was turning into such a shameful flirt!

I danced away another step or two with a giggle. I couldn't believe the way that I was acting. Anyone who had ever had the misfortune of facing me in a courtroom or across a boardroom table would have certainly been shocked to see me behaving like a silly, flirtatious school girl. At that moment, I couldn't have cared less. I was actually having fun. Surely, that wasn't such a sin, was it?

Derrick opened the passenger door of the truck and said, "I think that I might have a little something here for you." I looked on bemusedly as he reached inside and seemed to be struggling to pry something loose. I stepped forward tentatively to see what it was that he was trying so hard to free. I was completely unprepared when he spun around suddenly and took me in his arms.

There was no time to think. All I could do was react - and my body's reaction was quicker than my mind's. I let go of the handle of the guitar case and it banged to the ground -- the instrument inside making a long and sustained tone in protest. Derrick's strong hands pulled me to him as my own hands reached up around his neck in a passionate embrace. Our lips opened and our tongues writhed together with a hunger that I had never experienced.

I was a woman who was used to always being in control of any situation. However, at that moment, control was the furthest thing from my mind. An unfamiliar flame burned within me and it was threatening to consume my being. The only thought going through my mind was that I was starving for the pleasure that this young man had awakened inside me.

One of Derrick's hands disappeared up the back of my cut-off t-shirt while his other slipped down to my petite bottom to pull me roughly against him. I once again felt the bulge of his erection through the material of our clothing. For my part, I was greedily pressing my small breasts against his young, hard chest and moaning against his insistent lips non-stop.

Derrick swung me around towards the opened door of the truck and easily lifted me up to sit on the bench seat. I eagerly moved in to make room for him. He practically flew inside the cab of the truck and slammed the door behind him. We were on each other instantly! Our lips came together wetly and out tongues rejoined their merry dance.

I let out a loud moan as I felt Derrick's hand cover my breast. It felt so good to be touched like that without the interference of a bra to get in the way. I arched my back to push my breast more firmly into his grip and could feel Derrick capture my erect nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

I had never had the experience of making out in an auto before. I was surprised by how hot it had become so quickly. A quick glance told me that the windows had begun to fog up with our heavy breathing. I had a fleeting thought that anyone could come along without us even knowing it and we would be on display to whoever was passing by.

Derrick removed his hand from my breast and I instantly felt the ache of the loss of his intimate contact. He broke our kiss for the moment as he reached up and removed my hand from his shoulder. The sound of our panting filled the small cab of the truck. My heart began beating even harder as he looked me deep in the eye and slowly guided my hand down to his lap.

"Sandra, you are so sexy," he breathed, "I want you so much!"

He needn't have said anything. The evidence of his desire was clearly on display as my hand made contact with the bulge in his shorts. I could see Derrick's eyes cloud over as I pressed my hand against him. Our lips came together again and his hand once again moved back to cover my breast. We kissed deeply as we let our hands show each other pleasure.

I thought again of the discomfort that Derrick must have felt being in this condition for such a long time. I owed so much to this young man for having shown me so many things that I had missed out on in life. Perhaps, I might be able to do something to show my appreciation.

I reached my hand up towards the button of his cargo shorts. I fumbled with it for a moment or two - then finally felt it give way. Derrick let out a long moan as my fingers next moved to the zipper. He had to reach down and hold the top of his shorts taut so that I could actually pull the zipper down. The sound that it made filled the quiet night air.

As the material parted, I was surprised to find that Derrick was not wearing anything beneath his shorts. The backs of my fingers brushed across the hard warm flesh of his manhood. I was rewarded with another sweet moan from his lips.

After the zipper was all of the way down, Derrick lifted himself up off of the seat and pushed his shorts down over his hips and all of the way off. I was now sitting in the cab of a truck in public with a twenty year old boy who was completely bottomless. This day was certainly not turning out like I had expected it to when I woke up this morning!

I raised my hand to Derrick's chest and eased him back flat against the seat. "Let me," I whispered.

Derrick looked at me with wild eyes and barely managed a, "God, yes..." in reply.

I leaned my head against his shoulder and let my hand absently trace across his heaving chest. I took my time and let my fingers find each of his nipples to tease them for a bit. Derrick was having trouble sitting still as I slowly explored the contours of his young body. By the time that I reached his flat stomach, I was worried that he might pass out if his desire grew any higher.

I finally decided that he had had enough. As I looked down at his erect manhood, which was standing so tall and proud, I dropped my hand and took hold of him. Again, Derrick rose up off of the seat as my small hand wrapped around his stiff shaft. It was a moment that demonstrated how much power I had over him at that particular moment. However, power was the furthest thing from my mind. I was totally focused on showing this young man as much pleasure as I possibly could,

I gripped his flesh in my fist and began to slowly stroke him. Derrick's hips rose and fell with the movements of my hand. When I reached the top of my next stroke, I felt moisture against my fingers. I looked down to see his precum gleaming in the moonlight as it pooled at the tip. Derrick was writhing so much that I didn't know how much longer he could possibly last as I continued with the movements of my hand.

Just when I thought that he couldn't take anymore, Derrick twisted in his seat to face me. His movement took his manhood from grasp and I reached for it desperately. I might have recaptured it, but Derrick started kissing me deeply again and I couldn't see the object that eluded me.

As I once again accepted his tongue inside me mouth, I could feel Derrick reaching down and beginning to stroke my bare thigh. The shorts that I had hijacked from my daughter's dresser were quite a bit shorter than anything that I had ever worn before, so Derrick had a lot of freedom to explore my exposed flesh.

I had been so intent on pleasuring Derrick that I had not really taken notice of how much my own desires were out of control. I moaned deeply each time that his hand rose up high on my thigh and I was beginning to have my own trouble in sitting still. Just when I thought that I would explode from the mounting tension, Derrick covered my mound through the thin material of the shorts with his large hand.

I really let loose with my loudest moan so far and nearly jumped up off of the seat. Derrick centered the attention of his fingers right over my clitoris and applied the most delicious pressure to that pleasure zone. My body reacted on instinct --my right leg rising up over his powerful thigh while the left opened wide in the opposite direction.

I was on fire! Never in my life had I ever craved pleasure in such an abandoned way. I strained to push my sex against his hand more firmly like an animal that was completely out of control. As lost as I was in this unfamiliar sea of pleasure, my mind barely registered Derrick's next movement.

Derrick dropped his left arm from around my shoulders to my waist while he removed his right hand from my sex to my hip at the other side. He grasped the thin material of my shorts and panties and tugged them down over my hips. I had to slightly lift myself up to assist him as he bared me from the waist down. The scent from my core filled the small cab as Derrick quickly returned his hand to the place between my legs.

I had become so wet that he easily slid a finger inside me, causing me to squeal in response. I clenched my inner muscles around the intruding digit and tried to pull it deeper inside me. Derrick was all too willing to assist me in my endeavor -- pushing his finger in and out of me over and over.

I had broken our kiss in an attempt to get enough air into my lungs. I was panting harder than a locomotive and moaning unintelligibly as the feelings inside me rose to a crescendo. Just as I was about to climax, Derrick once again grasped my hips. He hoisted me effortlessly to straddle him. He tried to lower me onto his erect member, but the first couple of attempts failed. In desperation, I reached down between or bodies and held the rigid staff steady as he lowered me once again.

This time I could feel the bulbous head at my moist opening. Slowly and steadily, Derrick lowered me onto his staff. I moaned as I could feel myself stretching around him. When he was about half way inside, Derrick pulled me down the rest of the way. I cried out loudly in ecstasy and I clung to him tightly with both arms around his neck. Mine were not the only cries of bliss. Derrick, too, growled his pleasure as my wet passageway encased his rock hard appendage.

We stayed in this position for just a few seconds. I reached up and smoothed the hair from Derrick's handsome face as he looked up at me with such tenderness. Lowered my lips to his and we kissed deeply. Then he used his hands to start lifting and lowering me on his wonderful shaft. I strained with my knees to assist him as we made love in the cramped cab of his old truck.

I don't know if I had ever been so wet inside. He easily slid in and out of me. The noise of our lovemaking was the most erotic thing that I have ever heard. Derrick raised his hands under the front of my t-shirt and pushed the material up until my small breasts were uncovered. I purred as his rough hands mashed and kneaded the exposed flesh. I lifted my arms over my head as he pushed my t-shirt up high and off of me completely.

I was now totally naked and impaled upon the stiff rod of a young man that I hadn't even known existed less than three hours earlier. The sheer naughtiness of the situation only served to fuel my desires all the more. I began to feel that familiar build up of tension that signaled that my orgasm was swiftly coming upon me. I ground down harder at the bottom of each powerful thrust in anticipation of the climax that I had been denied for far too long. I was about to reach that glorious point of no return when I saw the headlights of an approaching car shine through the back window of the truck.

The orgasm that was so close only a moment before began to ebb away with the fear that we would be discovered. Just at that moment, Derrick reached up from behind me and tugged on my hair. My head tilted back from the pressure and Derrick attacked the soft flesh of my neck and upper chest with his hungry mouth.

That was all it took! My orgasm came crashing upon me like a force of nature. I pushed down with my hips and ground my sex into Derrick for all I was worth. I was screaming out loudly when the lights from the other car fully illuminated me in the cab of the truck. However, I was so far gone in the throes of passion that I hardly paid it any attention. The only thing in the entire world that my mind could focus on was the intense pleasure that wracked my body over and over as Derrick made love to me.

The only thing that brought me somewhat back to reality was the fact that Derrick was also moaning loudly and straining to push inside me faster. He released his grip on my hair and ground my hips down hard onto his unyielding erection. I wrapped my arms around his head and kissed his face all over as he gave one last deep growl. I could instantly feel his warm seed erupting inside me. I gripped him tightly with my inner muscles and our lips found each other's again in a long and tender kiss. I wished that this moment could somehow stretch on forever.

As my mind began to slowly clear, I once again became aware of the headlights nearby. I buried my head in Derrick's shoulder in a belated attempt to hide myself. Derrick stroked my hair gently and murmured, "Don't worry, they'll go away."

Even as he was finishing his statement, the car backed into another hidden spot among the dunes that dotted this stretch of beach. I relaxed as I saw that it wasn't the police as I had feared, but just another couple looking to find their own share of one of the greatest joys that life has to offer. I had dodged this bullet, but I had made up my mind that I had better not push my luck any further on this night.

Derrick wanted me to stay longer so that we could talk a bit more. However, I told him some story about curfews and how I was already late getting home. I declined his offer of a ride, saying that I only lived a couple of houses down from where we currently were. He kissed me goodnight and I headed back down the beach towards my house.

As I was walking up to the door, I could feel the changes in my body begin to reverse themselves. I didn't know how this miracle came to be or whether it would ever be repeated. I only prayed that I would be able to take some of what I had learned and experienced forward for the rest of my days.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I’m about Sandra’s age. This story made me think about some of the ones that got away. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

As a male, I enjoy reading about intercourse from the female perspective. Truly inspiring! Very good pacing and a tidy ending. Seems like it could go another story of what changes she makes going forward.Fun read!! THANK YOU!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Thank you so much!

Such a beautiful story! I loved the characters and the passionate climax was so beautifully presented. You have a wonderful gift. Thank you for sharing it with us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
how often have I thought

If I knew then what I know now . . . .

And she got to live it.


rightbankrightbankabout 10 years ago
if you put her age at late teen or early twenties how is this "mature"

seems like a good fantasy, but not as categorized. yes, the story was cute. yes, it was romantic, yes, it made me smile and reminisce, but who were the mature participants in the story if the medallion worked it's magic?

and, did she change her life and attitude when she changed back to her former body and work ethic?

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