Second Chances Pt. 02


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"Get used to the noise and smell of the machine. If something is going wrong there's a fair chance you'll hear it or smell it."

He poked his head in the back and made some adjustments to the sieves then they climbed back up. This time he motioned to Peta to get into the driver's seat.

"Only way to learn." Richard said.

Nervously Peta sat down. Richard stood where she had and talked her through everything again. Sweat beading on her forehead despite the air conditioning she engaged the drive and moved off. She was conscious of all the things she had to do and it was overwhelming but Richard continued to reassure her that all was going well.

"Just relax," Richard said placing a friendly hand on her shoulder. "You're doing great."

They made their way back to the gate where the ute and trailer were still parked.

"Pull up here." Richard said as he opened the cab door. "I'll move them out of the paddock then go and get the truck."

"So what will I do?" Peta asked annoyed at the thought of being sidelined.

"Keep going, she's not full yet." Richard jerked his thumb in the direction of the grain bin behind them.

"By myself?"

"As I said earlier, it's the best way to learn. Any questions, call me on the two-way."

The cabin door closed and he was gone. Peta watched as he strode through the cut straw towards the ute.

Richard backed the trailer out the gate clearing the way for her to continue. That's when her first question came.

"Which way do I go?" Peta voice crackled through the speakers in the ute.

"Keep coming up to the gate then turn right and follow the fence to the next corner. If the bin starts to look full just do a u-turn like I did into the crop and come back to the gate. I should be here with the truck by then." Richard replied, before he got out to unhitch the trailer.

He had the trailer off and was climbing back into the ute when Peta went past on the other side of the fence. Richard waved but she didn't see it. Peta was a picture of studied concentration as she crept along. Her eyes flicked from the crop entering the front of the harvester and the dials around her. It probably was a bit soon for a solo run but if she handled it her confidence would soar.

There was another reason to get out of the cab; its claustrophobic nature. There was no escape from Peta. After a week away from her Richard had felt he could keep the previous weekends kiss in the background. In the cab, the sights, sounds and smells of Peta completely swamped his senses making his thoughts turn to areas he hoped to forget. Pointing the ute back down the hill Richard had a few things on his mind as he went to retrieve the truck.

Peta brain was swamped as well but it had nothing to do with Richard. Driving the harvester solo was the focus of all her synapses. Even with the air-conditioning running she could feel sweat trickling down under her arms. There was so much going on at once she felt like she needed four eyes and three hands. Yet in reality she was doing so little, steering the machine roughly in a straight line, while moving the front up and down slightly as crop height demanded it. Looking behind her Peta could see the oats had heaped up in the grain tank so she swung the harvester around and headed back to the gate.

She got there as Richard was bumping up the track in the old truck. Peta stopped the harvester and waited as he swung the truck into the paddock. After parking beside the harvester he jumped down and walked towards the ladder. Peta found herself watching him. He was obviously carrying some extra weight around his middle but it didn't seem to affect his agility.

"Well you certainly filled her up," Richard remarked as he opened the door, nodding towards the grain that had spilled onto the engine cover.

"Sorry, I guess I went too far." Peta was a bit offended by the rebuke. It was her first time after all.

"No worries it's easy to clean up." He said cheerfully realising he'd said the wrong thing.

Richard showed Peta the lever to swing the auger over the truck, then how to start and stop it. As the machine disgorged the grain Richard climbed around to the spilt grain and scooped it back into the bin. When the auger ran empty Peta reversed the process while she waited for Richard to come back. To her surprise he started back down the ladder to the ground. She opened the cab door and yelled down to him.

"Aren't you coming back up here?"

"No, got to get the auger set up at your silo." Richard jumped down off the last step onto the ground.

"But what do I do?" Peta called after him.

"What you just did, then do it again and the old truck will be full. I should be back by then."

Then he turned on his heel and started walking back towards the track down to the sheds.

"But it's getting dark," she yelled as he retreated.

Peta thought he hadn't heard her but he whirled around the trotted back to where she was. He climbed the ladder, entered the cab and leaned over her to get to the controls.

"This is for your lights," Richard said pointing to the round switch. "Three settings, forward lights number one, forward and bin lights number two, forward, bin and auger light, number three."

He motioned for her to try it then gave her the thumbs up and was gone again.

So began the most energy sapping, but exhilarating, two weeks of Peta's life. Early mornings to check the stock, then it was getting the harvester ready for another day, emptying trucks and bins, working late into the evening, coming home to find dinner in the oven or refrigerator and everyone in bed. But she was doing it, she was a farmer. Richard helped but she was the one reaping the paddocks.

Sure there had been hiccups. The stock water pump failed and she didn't realise until the tank was nearly empty. It meant harvest stopped while she moved stock to paddocks with dams and found someone to fix it. Then there was the evening when Peta was finishing her last oat paddock. Richard arrived to help her shift everything to the next field and change the harvester set up for wheat. Peta knew there was trouble when he jumped out of his ute waving his arms signalling her to stop. He went to the back of the harvester while she climbed down. She found him standing beside a shredded back wheel. It had gone flat and she hadn't noticed.

"Fuck!" Peta swore, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! I didn't notice."

Richard was his laid back self.

"It's not a problem. We'll just take it off, go to town and get a new one."

That was Richard, calm and methodical. See a problem, work out how to fix it, and then do it. He was really good with the small details. Instead of rushing off to the shed he got his phone out.

"Any particular tyre place you use?"

"Won't it be easier to just take it in there?" Peta said slightly exasperated.

"Nearly knock off time. Better see if they have the tyre we want and whether they'll stay open for us."

They did have the tyre and they did stay open, but only because they were warned. A couple of belts broke and one chain but Richard fixed them without fuss. Peta was so focussed on the harvest any sexual thoughts had faded into the background. Occasionally she felt Richard's hungry eyes fixed on her which was flattering. However as the days blended into each other their relationship more resembled a manager and employee.

Chapter 12

The harvest was going pretty much to plan until the last Monday. Peta had just started on her last paddock Sunday evening. The truck carting her wheat to the local grain accumulator didn't show up to empty her bins so she knocked off early. It was nice to actually sit down to dinner with the boys rather than eat on the run. There was only a bit more than a day to go. The last weather forecast she'd heard suggested there could be a light shower tomorrow but then it would fine up.

Next morning her body clock woke her at six. Peta checked the time on her phone because the room seemed so dark she thought the sun wasn't up. It confirmed she had actually slept in till six thirty. Sitting up she lifted the blind on the window near the bed. A thick blanket of cloud explained the lack of sunlight. After dressing Peta went to the kitchen. She pushed the button for the jug to boil then flicked the radio on to catch the weather.

"On the line from the bureau of meteorology we have Trevor Sykes." The breakfast DJ said. "Morning Trevor, it's very cloudy here this morning. Is there rain on the way?"

"There sure is Brooke and there could be a lot of it." A nasal voice replied.

Fuck, Peta thought, there was no mention of it yesterday.

"Well my garden could sure use a drink." Brooke chirped back with the enthusiasm of someone whose pay check didn't rely on the vagaries of the weather. "But you said on Friday it was only going to be a passing shower?"

"Yes Brooke, but during the weekend, a trough over Queensland deepened, funnelling warm moist air from the Coral sea into New South Wales. That's going to interact with a trough and upper air disturbance drifting across from the west. From this afternoon, there will be possibly severe storms that will continue well into the night." The weatherman explained.

"Not the news our farmers were after Trevor. How long will this system hang around for and how much rain can we expect."

"Unfortunately it looks like it will be with us till at least Wednesday. With storms it's always hard to predict totals but we think over the three days most districts will see between 50-100mm. The further north you are the more likely..."

The bad news was stopped by Peta turning the radio off. Standing at the kitchen sink she got a cup of the drying rack, dropped in a teabag then filled it up from the freshly boiled jug. She was about to sit down when the dog started barking in their kennels while looking down the road. Expecting to see the truck rumble past to empty her wheat bins Peta was surprised to see Richard's ute pull up in a cloud of dust. Walking out on to the back veranda Peta sipped her tea while Richard pushed through the back gate.

"Coming to help Sam load his truck?" Peta asked.

"Unfortunately no. He can't make it." Richard mumbled with his head down.

"What? Why?"

"The other place he's carting for have put on an extra contractor to try and beat the rain. He's struggling to keep up so unless they have a breakdown he can't help out." Richard explained.

"What the fuck? Why are they more important?"

"3500T of grain compared to 200T. It's simple maths. He said he'd help out when he could but he's running a business too."

"It still sucks." Peta kicked a pebble off the veranda in frustration. "What can I do now? The bins and truck are full."

"That's why I'm here. I'll take some of the machinery out of the shed and set up a temporary bunker."


"I'm not entirely sure." Richard pushed the hat back on his head and scratched the exposed scalp, a move that didn't inspire confidence. "You just get the harvester ready and get going."

"Isn't it a bit early in the day? You told me before the straw would be too tough." Peta liked it when she got to use his words against him.

"Rules go out the window when the shit hits the fan. That rain could be here in a couple of hours. Just start off a bit slower." Richard replied as he walk away.

With that he was gone, his ute spinning its wheels as he took off towards the shed. What followed was a very busy day. It appeared the forecast may have been wrong when the heavy cloud cover broke up and the sun shone through in the late morning. However by two in the afternoon, thunderheads were building. An hour later the first rain could be seen falling. The storms were patchy but looked heavy and violent.

Luck favoured Peta as she pressed on to finish the paddock. One storm came close enough that the wind it created tore limbs off a tree on the edge of the field. Richard kept up carting the grain away so as the light started to fade at the end of the day she only had two more harvester loads to go. Robbed of her vision outside the machines working lights the storms became more ominous. Lightening flashed on all sides, wind direction turned 180 degrees at times depending on which cell was closer.

"Should I keep going?" Peta asked Richard over the UHF radio.

"Hell yeah! We haven't busted our butts for the last twelve hours to leave six ton in the paddock." Richard's voice crackled through the speaker.

Excitement built as Peta made her way down the last run. Richard had the truck parked at the end. The lights were on and the motor was running. Flashes of lightening illuminated him wrestling with a tarpaulin on top of the truck as he fought against the wind to cover the front half of the bin. Peta squealed with delight as she pulled up beside the truck and began disgorging her last load. Richard appeared up the ladder and started fitting the grain tank cover to the harvester while she was still unloading. The wind had picked up again catching Richard's hat and carrying it off into the darkness. Then the first big drops began to fall.

Just the odd one, at first. Fat blotches appearing on the exposed metal sheeting. Peta pushed the throttle higher, speeding up the auger spewing wheat into the truck. Richard disappeared down the ladder then appeared again clambering up the side of the truck. Hauling himself over the edge of the bin to secured the flapping tarp as the auger dribbled the last of its load. Peta whooped with relief and folded the auger back as the rain increased.

Shutting off the motor Peta opened the door of the cab. The wind and rain blasted in causing her to pause momentarily. The lightening was coming thick and fast and now the roar of the motor was replaced by rumbling thunder. Richard was still on top of the truck trying to secure the tarp. As he flapped it over the edge the wind would throw it back again. Peta scrambled down the ladder and grabbed a couple of the ropes, holding them while Richard swung off the side of the truck and dropped down beside her. He tied the ropes Peta held then leant in close to yell in Peta ear.

"That will do. Let's just get her to the shed."

They were both saturated by the time they got into the truck cab. Richard released the air brake, gunned the motor and took off for the gate. He tried the windscreen wipers but they just scratched across the glass because the rubber wipers had perished. Peta struggled to see ahead but Richard didn't slow down. He swung through the open gates, onto the track, picking up speed going down the hill. The light was on in the shed and it shone like a beacon guiding them home. It did until a massive fork of lightening came down appearing to hit the ground in Peta's front paddock. The shed light flickered then went out.

"Fucking transformer." Peta shouted over the noise of the truck and the storm. "Seems to attract the lightening. It's usually got three trips, if it gets hit three times then the powers off till the electricity company comes out."

Richard nodded but kept his mind firmly on the track in front of him. He was probably travelling too fast, but the trouble was, he had no choice. The old tarp had a lot of holes in it when he'd checked it earlier. He'd patched it up as best he could but it wasn't going to handle the volume of water this storm was dumping on them. As they closed in on the shed Richard backed off a couple of gears to slow down then eased into the parking bay.

"Now we are finished." Richard said with a grin.

Peta held up her hand for a high five and a Richard slapped it enthusiastically.

"I've just got to check the tarp." He said as he opened the door.

Richard had turned the truck off but left the lights on so he could see. Climbing up the front of the grain bin sure enough there was a pool of water sitting on the covering between the tarp rail splitting the truck bin and the edge. Peta had come around to see what he was doing and he waved her back. Reaching out he gripped the edge of the tarp and pulled down. As he pulled it tight a sheet of water rolled over the edge, over his arm and splashed on the cement floor. He repeated the same operation at the back of the bin on the drivers and passengers side.

When he got down Peta was gone. He looked to see her climbing up the front of the truck bin. She tried to pull the tarp the same way Richard had but didn't have his strength. Being a resourceful girl Peta modified her action. Moving along the edge of the bin she gripped the tarp with both hands and lent back using her body weight to straighten out the belly holding the water.

Richard could see what was going to happen. He tried to call out but the noise from the heavy rain on the tin roof drowned out his words. He moved quickly to get under her when the inevitable happened. The cold water cascaded over the edge straight onto Peta's face and chest. She gasped in shock and her hands slipped. Realising she was falling Peta twisted hoping to get herself turned around so her arms could break her fall.

She felt two strong arms envelope the tops of her legs then her body slumped against Richard below. Peta's momentum forced him back a step but her held tight, his face pressed into her midriff. Her hands clutched instinctively at the back of his head as she fought for equilibrium.

"Are you okay?" Peta wasn't sure she actually heard Richard's muffled voice or if it was transferred through her body.

"Yes" she yelled back over the din of the storm outside.

Richard loosened his grip and Peta began to slide down his body. She stayed tight against him so his face was squeezed between her breasts. Peta's close proximity had its usual effect on Richard and he felt himself getting hard. She felt it too as her legs brushed against it. Rather than stretching her them down to touch the ground Peta hooked them around Richard's hips and locked her arms around his neck. Her own sex now pressed against his while Richard's hands cupped her butt, supporting her.

A large bolt of lightening illuminated them so their face only inches apart were momentarily visible. They each recognised the hunger. Before the rumbling thunder seemed to shake the ground they were kissing. Weeks of sexual tension erupted as they attacked each other. Richard's large hands squeezed her butt as Peta ground herself against his hardness. Peta tore her mouth from his to grab a breath while Richard continued trailing kisses down her exposed neck.

"You're not going to say no tonight are you?" Peta gasped.

Rather than respond verbally Richard kissed her fiercely again.

"Let me down." Peta hissed in Richard's ear.

No sooner had her toes touched the ground than her shorts and panties followed. While still kissing she worked on Richard's belt. Frustrated she left it, instead pulling his fly down and manoeuvring his hard cock out of the hole. Then she frantically climbed up Richard again. Wrapping her arms around his neck Peta twisted slightly to position his dick at her entrance before slowly sinking down onto it.

"Ooohhhh goodness," Peta sighed as she impaled herself fully on Richard's cock.

It had been so long since she had taken a man inside her. Feelings that had been suppressed arose fresh, demanding satisfaction. Richard recognised early on he was not going to catch up to Peta. The storm outside the shed was no match for the fury of her desire. She was working herself up and down frantically, arms around his neck, legs locked around his waist. Richard concentrated on staying upright cupping his hands under her bum for extra support. Peta head was next to his and she let fly a string of expletives in his ear as her climax approached.

"Fuck... fuck yes... oh shit... can't stoooop... arrghhh."

Peta's arms tightened further around Richard's neck as she bit into his shoulder to stifle a scream. He rocked her gently while she came down from her high. When Peta loosened her grip Richard pivoted before carefully letting the tray of the ute parked behind them take her weight so they could both relax.