Second Photo Shoot

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Friends take pictures.
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Several days after Jules had posted a series of semi naked photos onto an amateur site we had an e-mail from our friend Jake. We had given the web address to both him and Terry, telling them to take a look, but failing to mention Jules had submitted pictures. An animated thumbs up flashed across the screen with a short accompanying message.

Wow really enjoyed them : )

Great shots but what we will see next time?

lol xx.

A few days later we met Terry and Jake for drinks at a local pub, it is small and cosy yet laid out in such a way that it offers a degree of privacy by way of little booths and tables set in odd corners which give a feeling of intimacy.

To Terry and Jakes delight they serve an impressive range of real ales, have resisted the trend for fancy menus and kids rooms with the only concession to modern bars being the smoking shelter discreetly attached to the rear.

After exchanging news, catching up on work stories and general gossip Jake mentioned the email.

From that point on the only topic of discussion seemed to be the pictures that we had posted on the site, Jules kept trying to change the subject but Jake explained in quite graphic terms how great he thought they were.

Grinning from ear to ear he told her;

"I got a hard on as soon as I saw them, locked my door and jerked off right then and there in my office."

Terry admitted that he had reacted pretty much the same; he shot a look at Jake. "Although I waited until I got home."

Everyone laughed except Jules who pointed out that the pictures showed less of her than they had seen at our party, going a slight shade of red she said.

"To be honest I am a bit shocked and embarrassed that you two would think of me in such a sexual way from a few was hardly hardcore porn."

I could tell this was not entirely true as I could see the little flicker of lust in the way she ran her tongue over her bottom lip and flushed slightly.

Even though Jules tried her best to steer the conversation to other things, the tone seemed to be set for the evening. Terry and Jake discussed the poses, how sexy they found the French knickers she had worn in the photos and how much they hoped she would take some more and share them, Jules accepted the compliments gracefully shifting a little in her seat as the conversation got more and more intimate.

Blushing a little bit she said, "But what I can't understand is this, you both saw me naked when I was drunk at our last party so why do the pictures affect you so much?"

There was a slight undercurrent of sexual tension as Jake answered telling Jules.

"It was so sexy because it was unexpected; the shock of seeing you topless there in my office was like peeking in through a window and catching a stranger naked."

Terry agreed, "After the initial wow it was the fantasy of how I would get you to pose if I was taking the pictures."

Jules had brought our digital camera with us thinking the guys might like to see the shots that we hadn't yet had time to download.

She took it from her handbag, turned it on and scrolled to the first new picture passing it to Terry saying, "Would they be anything like these?"

He showed the screen to Jake who whistled in appreciation

The photos only showed Jules topless wearing the light blue sarong she had taken on holiday, they were both grinning like idiots when she told them the story of how she had walked back from the beach wearing nothing but the transparent wisp of material and her bikini top.

They handed the camera back and went to fetch fresh drinks, we could see them chatting excitedly at the bar' Jules looked me in the eye and asked.

"Do you really think they were turned that much by a few topless pictures?"

Hoping I knew what she was going to say I said,

"They were pretty sexy, why do you ask?"

Jules paused for a moment glancing over at Terry and Jake then leaned into me tenderly nibbling my neck and breathlessly whispered.

"It shocked me a bit how much I enjoyed exposing myself to them at the party and you know how I loved the idea of sending the pictures, but actually knowing the affect they had on the guys and thinking how many more guys might see them on the site has made me feel really horny."

She took my hand, guiding it up her skirt; my fingers brushed the soft skin of her inner thigh then the silky material of her slightly damp panties.

She snuggled in close letting out a sigh as I gently rubbed a finger back and forth.

"The thought of them seeing me naked and getting excited gives me butterflies."

It was then I realised how much these exhibitionist games were affecting her.

I was impressed in the way she was gradually giving in to her desires, becoming more and more uninhibited, a woman who was confident in what she wanted sexually.

My mouth was dry and my heart beat fast as I asked her what she would like to do.

Sitting back a little so that she could look me in the face her eyes twinkled as she said.

"Posing for those pictures really got me wet, so has hearing the guys talk about them."

She was fidgeting excitedly,

"We both want to take some more pictures and have some good ideas but next time I'm interested doing something extra special, something that will get me so excited I will be dripping."

She took a deep breath.

"How about next time the guys take the pictures?"

It was such a sexy and daring idea that there really was nothing more I would like to see her do. I told her it was fine with me as long as she laid down whatever boundaries and rules that she felt were needed from the start before everyone was too involved.

By the time the guys returned with our drinks Jules was a lot more relaxed.

When they were settled I told them there was something she needed to ask them, if they were interested great, if not she wouldn't be offended.

Jules had a wicked grin on her face but kept her eyes firmly fixed on her drink, fidgeting with it, turning the glass round and round on the table.

Now anyone with a penis and a pulse would jump at the chance to do what she was about to propose, I knew full well as they would both say yes so she had nothing at all to be nervous about.

She asked. "Were you two honest about how much you liked my boobs in the pictures?"

They both looked at one another and shrugged; Terry took her hands in his stopping the glass from spinning and said.

"The truth is we found the photos very sexy and talked about little else while we were waiting to be served."

Jake nudged him in the ribs,

"Except for how the fat barmaids arse looked like your last date."

This broke the tension a little as we all fell about laughing, Terry wiping a tear from his eye said, "I don't know why I find it so funny...its bloody true."

This set us off again, it took a while but when we all eventually calmed down Jake said. "What is it you wanted to ask?"

Jules settled her self in her seat taking a sip from her drink then placing her hands in her lap quite demurely she took a deep breath and said.

"You asked if I was going to take another set of photos and I am...only this time I would like it very much if you would take the pictures."

She took a long pull from her drink.

"Before you answer there are rules, we use my camera and I keep all the pictures, you have fun telling me how to pose but nothing too pornographic or hardcore, other than that you call the shots as to how much or how little I get to wear."

Jake and Terry sat stunned for a while then both broke out into huge grins.

"When are you thinking of?" Said Jake, "I would hate to miss out on a chance like that but I have to work away for the next few weeks."

Terry nodded his head, "That goes for me too and it pisses me off we might miss out, I can't think of anything more sexy than a woman who is willing to spread her legs on camera."

Jules reminded him that she said no hardcore then looked over at me.

I told her to just enjoy herself and do what ever she wanted.

Pushing the camera towards the two disappointed guys she said.

"Why wait until another day, lets do it this evening, take the camera and from now on you direct me and I will pose however you want."

She gave a stern look to Terry, "Within reason."

They looked a little shocked things were moving this quickly but obviously liked the idea because they got right into it when she said.

"What pose do you have in mind right now?"

Not wanting to ruin things they kept it pretty mild, Jake said he just wanted to see her topless, stretched out on a bed while Terry said the black panties in her last set had done it for him, so anything in them.

She leaned across the table, resting on her elbows and cupping her face in her hands she flicked the tip of her tongue across her bottom lip in a seductive manner and said.

"Tell me what special pose you would really like me to do, if there were no rules?"

Jake answered first.

"I would like to take shots of you naked with just a thin sheet covering part of you, with your legs wide open."

Jules cheeks reddened as he added.

"The way you looked, the night of the party."

Terry said he would like to take close up shots as she bent over peeling off the black panties she had worn in the last set of photos.

Jules flipped up the front of her short skirt, giving him a teasing glimpse of black lace.

"Do you mean these?" she asked putting on an innocent little voice.

I could see that she was excited, her nipples protruded brazenly from her top and she would never have flashed like that if she wasn't getting aroused by the thoughts of what these two would like to do to her.

Jake picked up the camera and said.

"Seeing as Jules is in fun mood, let's start by taking a few pictures right now."

He turned on the camera and brought it up framing Jules squarely in the screen.

"Let me get this right, you gave us this camera and said why wait, from now on we direct you and you would pose however we want, anything but hardcore shots right?"

She looked at me but I just shrugged.

"That's what you said."

My cock twitched in my pants, I had a feeling where this was heading.

"You don't consider topless shots hardcore or pornographic, right?"

Jules shifted a bit, puzzled. "No not at all, why?"

If Jakes grin was any wider the top of his head would have fallen off.

"Ok, so let me see your tits."

Jules looked round checking the bar, a few punters milled about but most were caught up in their own little world and not looking our way.

"I didn't mean here I meant back at ours." She hissed.

Jake looked around the camera, "But you said we could direct you from now on."

Jules looked to me for help but I had to agree with him.

"That's what you said when you gave them the camera." Terry agreed with me.

Jules shook her head, "You assholes aren't going to let this go are you."

"No, probably not." Jake and Terry chorused together.

Glancing once around the room Jules pulled her top down, letting her breasts push over the top of the lacy half cup bra, the nipples stood out hard the aureole puckered and tight. She was either cold or horny and I doubt very much she was cold.

Jake was only able to take one shot before she pulled her top back down.

"Come on Jules that's not fair let's see them properly." he said, adding.

"We've seen them before, after all."

She hesitated a second then reached under her top and unfastened the clasp to her bra, slipping the straps off her shoulders and down her arms she let it drop away into her lap, gathered it up and put it in her handbag.

This time to my surprise she did not look around the room and without any hesitation whipped her top off, exposing her breasts arching her back and stretching her arms above her head so her perky erect nipples pushed forward toward the camera.

Jake was sitting there with his mouth open until I kicked him under the table.

He snapped off a few shots, Jules very quickly relaxed striking two more poses before pulling her top back on, one with her hands resting on the table so that her breasts swung forward the other with her arms across her chest pushing up her cleavage.

I found myself getting harder as Jules exposed herself to us.

Her new found confidence in her own sensuality seemed to be pushing any natural inhibitions aside, revealing a desire to show off more and more.

Terry took the camera from Jake.

"My turn Jules, I would like to see those sexy panties you flashed at me earlier."

For a moment I thought she wasn't going to move, then very slowly, she pushed her hand down along the front of her leg, over her skirt.

She gathered it up, slowly and teasingly pulling the flimsy material up over her thighs until her black lacy French knickers could be seen.

Terry held the camera out at arms length, pressing the button several times.

Jules hadn't finished, she reached down with the other hand running her fingers over the soft skin of her inner thigh slowly working her way up under her skirt, softly running her fingertips along the loose leg of her panties.

She curled her fingers down along her mound pressing the material against her skin so that the outline of her pussy could just be seen a little against the dark lace, she moved her hips a tiny fraction, rubbing herself against her motionless hand.

Eyes shut, her lip trembled slightly and she let out a soft little moan.

By now the guys were leaning right forward, elbows resting on the table, the digital camera in Terry's hand working overtime. My cock was pressing against my pants, aching to burst free and from the look on the guy's faces they were having a similar problem.

Suddenly Jake knocked against the glasses making them clink.

Startled, Jules opened her eyes and realised where she was and who she was with, stifling a gasp, she quickly pulled down her skirt covering herself up.

"I think its time we left." she said, more than a little red.

Partly from a little embarrassment, mostly from excitement.

Jules was silent as we drove back from the pub, resting her head on my shoulder and trailing her fingers over my leg as we made the short trip home, I thought she was having a change of heart but when we got back to the house she teasingly grabbed the bulge in my jeans before running to the bathroom to freshen up, hornier than ever.

Jake and Terry followed on in a taxi arriving just little later, fixing drinks and making them selves at home.

Jules came into the lounge wearing heels and a bathrobe, sat on the settee and asked

"Have you boys decided what I should wear?"

Terry looked at Jake and said.

"Don't know about you man but I think just a nice pair of panties would do it for me."

Jake agreed and Jules immediately got up untying the bathrobe, allowing it to slip down so that it pooled behind her, naked except for the heels and a pair of tiny blue bikini briefs.

"I thought that's what you would like." She said with a smile.

"How do you want me?"

Terry still had the camera so he started off; first asking her to kneel on the soft fur rug in front of our fireplace arms raised above her head the palms of her hands held together legs parted. It was a nice pose that accentuated her tight abs and firm breasts he took a couple of shots then passed the camera to Jake who directed Jules to the sofa.

"Can you straddle the arm of the so that one legs on the floor the other kneeling on the seat please?" She stood and did as he asked, lounging with one arm draped along the back of the sofa. Again the shot worked well because the material of her panties stretched tight, riding up showing off her mound.

Jules arched her back a little more and I could see her moving her hips very slightly, rubbing her pussy on the seat, she was getting so horny. I tried to make myself more comfortable, easing my cock to one side, watching her display herself like this had made me rock hard and soon I would have to move things on.

It was Terry's turn once again and he asked her to lie down across the seat.

As she was shifting around to pose as he wanted, her panties had ridden up.

Hooking a finger into the leg she pulled them away from her crotch, accidentally giving a brief flash of the soft flesh there. Both Terry and Jake noticed this and took a moment to decide on the next pose they wanted as they looked her over lying half naked at their feet, chest flushed nipples hard and pointy, she was trembling excitedly a small wet spot clearly visible on the crotch of her panties as she moved from one position to another.

At Jakes instruction she moved back onto the floor getting on to her hands and knees. Jake sat behind her; I could see on the screen that the camera had a close up view of her beautiful panty clad ass and pussy, the damp patch more obvious from this angle, the crotch had ridden up again and the outline of her lips was unmistakable, the thin material indented showing her slit.

They each took several shots the got her to lie on the rug again, her eyes were half closed, lips slightly parted, tongue running along the bottom one, wetting it and making it glisten just a bit. Jules leaned back, arched her back and stuck her boobs out as they took the next picture.

Jake was up next,

"Jules, I want you to take your boobs in your hands and squeeze, show me how you play with them."

She slipped her hands up over her flat stomach and cupped her breasts, massaged them for a while then covered them with her hands letting her palms rest softly over the nipples, she dragged the palms lightly back and forth teasing the nipples, until her breath started to quicken and she could stand it no more grabbing the hard buds between thumb and forefinger, pulling and rolling them.

Before she went too far and made herself cum I interrupted by suggested that we get some shots in the bedroom.

When we got there Jake immediately took charge asking Jules to do a few poses stretched out on the bed.

Terry took the camera for his go and said,

"OK, what I want you to do is just open your legs slightly."

She hesitantly moved her legs apart.

She didn't open them totally at first, just enough to see a peek of her crotch.

"We would really like to see the little damp patch on your panties."

There was a moment's hesitation, then, she lay back and opened her legs.

Terry followed her crawling onto the bed in order to focus the camera close up on the thin material between her legs, quickly snapping a few pictures as she lay there with her thighs wide open.

She had a dreamy look on her face and I asked her if she was enjoying herself.

She squirmed a little on the bed and answered with a throaty, "Yes."

She was so turned on that I was betting at this point she was ready for anything...

Terry passed the camera to Jake.

"Jules can we see just a bit more?"

She nodded yes, reached down with both hands took hold of her panties at the hip and gently pulled them tight, the outline of her pussy lips becoming more defined as she stretched the fabric across her crotch.

Jake snapped off a few while Terry and I took in the show.

When she finally let go of her panties relaxing the material I moved the two guys and sat beside her gently resting my hand on her leg, stroking it lightly as I made my way from her soft inner thigh to her crotch.

She tensed slightly as I ran a finger under the edge of her panties and lifted it gently.

"Relax; I'm just moving the panties a little to one side so Jake can take one of you down there, Ok?"

Again she nodded yes.

Slowly I moved her panties to one side exposing one half of the soft mound, my fingers nudged against her damp lips and she shuddered with pleasure.

Once again Jake took several pictures although he was having trouble keeping the camera steady with Terry leaning over his shoulder for a better view.