Road Show 02

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In this second chapter Michelle shaves her pubes...
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Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/15/2022
Created 12/08/2012
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In this second chapter Michelle shaves her pubes to a landing strip and teases Randy into walking her naked down to the motel office to get change for the vending machines. She gives the desk clerk both an eyeful and a handful.


Michelle woke from her post coital slumber about 2 AM and padded into the bathroom. After standing up from the toilette she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her eyes were bright, her hair slightly messed, and her make-up smudged. She was naked. Michelle remembered she had been naked from earlier that evening. Her husband Randy had stripped her, while parking in campground after dinner at the steakhouse.

He was pretty insistent!

Well maybe she should not have teased him about the table full of truckers who first offered to cheer her on at the strip show, and later ogled her unharnessed breasts barely concealed by a partially buttoned damp white blouse after having a cherry stain cleaned in the restaurant ladies room. It was pretty bold to take her bra off before leaving the ladies room and inviting the truckers to verify the cherry stain was washed out before joining Randy and the dinner table.

Randy was a perve himself! It was her husband that escalated her tale of a 'bit of a show off' into the fantasy of a group grope of her privates that he expanded into the possibility an imminent gang-bang. They fucked like teenagers in the campground leaning against the hood of the car.

Michelle smiled to herself as she recalled Randy fastening the seat belt around her nude form and how deliciously exposed she felt as he left her to get a late check-out from the motel. That was nothing compared to the rush she felt standing naked in the parking lot while Randy toted the rest of their suitcases into the motel room. She remembered the surge of arousal as she spotted the security cameras covering the parking lot and motel breezeway where she was standing. Some desk clerk got quite an eyeful! Michelle found she was almost disappointed when Randy stopped caressing her in the parking lot and carried her out of sight of the cameras into the motel room.

Her Randy certainly lived up to his name!

Michelle could not remember when he was ardent in his lovemaking! Despite coming once in the campground he was as hard as a baseball bat. "Is that why they call it a 'woody'?" She mused continuing to study her reflection. "Not bad for the mother of a college freshman!" She thought turning to check on the natural contour of her 36 D bust line. "I don't sag very much and my tummy looks nice and tight so I guess my gym time is still keeping my figure trim. I guess I could still actually give guys a good show on stage." She mentally concluded and experienced a surge of excitement on that fantasy.

Michelle's self inspection continued, now with the perspective of a stripper on a night club stage. She considered her strawberry blond pubic hair. "Well the rug still matches the curtains, but it seems the fashion for the young girls is to lose it all and get waxed these days.... I wonder how I would look..."

Michelle padded back to the bedroom where Randy sprawled out snoring softly all tangled in the blankets. "As a second opinion he is no use so I will just do it. After all if either of us hates it, it will grow back..." Michelle considered as she retrieved a razor scissors and shave cream and returned to the bathroom. First Michelle trimmed her pubic hairs short and then shaped the hairline into a small neat strip with the razor. "Damn! That looks hot! I look like I am ready to show it all off! What I need now is an audience." She decided after washing the area and consequently further stirring herself up.

Back in the bedroom, it was easy to see Randy was dead to the world. After rummaging through their bags Michelle sat at the vanity and spread her cosmetic war chest out and considered the options. "Sweet or Saucy?: ... "Whoever heard of a sweet stripper?" She mentally snorted. "Saucy it is!" In only a few minutes Michelle had removed the old makeup and began laying the foundation for a seductive minx who has all the tools and all the will to drive the male of the species wild with desire. Brighter lipstick and darker eye shadow and to really emphasize things she picked out some big earrings and added a string of pearls.

"Armed and ready!" Michelle concluded and walked to stand by the bed. "Randy Honey?...."I'd like to get a coke from the machine. Do you have some money I can use?"

Randy woke slowly up and reached for his wallet semi consciously before he digested the visual feast that Michelle was offering. "Michelle! You can't go anywhere like that! You would be arrested or raped or....."

"Don't be silly! Who is going to call the police? Who is even going to know? I mean you told me I was to stay naked until you let me dress. It is your fault." She argued. "I only have my 20 dollar bill mad money backup. If you don't have any singles, I guess I could ask the desk clerk for change...." She mumbled further agitating her husband.

At this point Randy was fully awake and took in the transformation his wife had worked. She was a walking wet dream. She had even shaved off most of her pubic hair and the makeup was obviously aimed at arousing the male of the species and the jewelry makes it obvious she expects to be seen as a hot piece not some accidental flasher. Randy was on the verge of calling her bluff when he considered that she might not be bluffing....

He settled for a middle ground. "Let me get my wallet. I'll come along to help you carry the ice bucket and pop and maybe some snacks from the vending machines. But let me warn you young lady, we may need to duck into the office if I don't have enough small bills. In that event I expect you to be on your best behavior."

"What behavior would that be Dominant Sir?" Michelle pushed back.

"First, No Slouching. Stand erect and proud. Show them your tits and pussy!" Randy stated emphatically. "Second. Be cheerful and accommodating. Show anyone you are having fun."

"I guess I can do that..." Michelle was a little more tentative.

"Finally you have to be ready. If someone gropes your privates you better have enough lubrication so that you are not in pain or get an injury, so get the KY applied to your holes before we walk down to the vending area - front and back by the way." Randy finished his direction.

The erotic scene Randy sketched so vividly fired Michelle's imagination up and her determination to experience this exhibitionistic adventure was strong and compelling. She handed Randy a tube of KY from the 'toy bag' they always bring on road trips. Michelle then bent at the waist and spread her legs giving Randy unfettered access to her pussy and anus. Randy took his time thoroughly lubricating her anal passages, but natural lubrication had flooded her pussy making and extra KY in the front superfluous. Randy did put a couple of drops of exciter lotion on her clit. Before they left the room Randy also handed her some blusher powder to dust on her nipples to add to their natural color/. Finally she was walking naked down the motel breezeway toward the ice and vending area. Her carriage was erect and her eyes forward as she walked with all the confidence she could muster.

Randy followed a step behind carrying the empty ice bucket. Michelle was certainly an erotic vision! The play of muscles sliding under the skin of her buttocks was a real delight. "The desk clerk could really have been into watching Michelle in the parking lot on the security camera system. At the time I was not going to mention it because I was concerned she would freak out and I wanted and roll in the hay. If I can mange it, I think he will really appreciate an 'up-close' encounter." Randy mused as they walked into the vending area.

"OK Baby! I have four one dollar bills. Soft drinks are $1.50 and snacks and chips are $1.00. I want a root beer. Will one bag of chips satisfy your hunger?" Randy framed the decision for Michelle.

""I am hotter than a firecracker, and did not parade my naked ass around to just get some chips. I really want to show these goodies to a male audience." Michelle thought to herself. "I guess we should get some change in the office..." She said out loud feigning reluctance.

The office was just around the corner so in a few moments Michelle was being led naked into the office where the desk clerk waited trying to suppress a smirk since he had watched the whole walk and discussion on a bank of security monitors.

"She wants change for a twenty to use in the machines." Randy opened the conversation.

Despite the preview afforded by the security monitors, the reality of a gorgeous MILF walking naked into his office briefly tied Jimmy's tongue. Sure in the five years he had the nightshift at his uncle's motel he had seen a few gals briefly on the security cameras as they ducked out to get something forgotten in their car or more frequently the professionals who came from the truck stop but they clearly showed mileage. This was a vision! Her breasts swayed enticingly as she took the few remaining steps to stand close to the check in desk. He simply could not take his eyes off the body of this goddess standing close enough to reach...

"Yes they are real." A male voice penetrated his mental fog. "Give them a feel if you don't believe me. Michelle won't mind a bit. Will you Babe?"

"Randy says that I should always make him proud by being proud of myself." The goddess' voice was a throaty murmur. "Please check me out because I love it when a man pays attention to me." She said while walking slowly around to the back of the check in desk and stopped standing only inches away.

Almost on autopilot Jimmy's had lifted the goddess'?Michelle's? breasts they were firm and warm and had a completely natural feel. Jimmy looked at the guy?Randy? and said "They are either real or the best damn plastic job I have ever seen ... Mister ....Randy."

"Tell Michelle how they feel." Randy said. "She has every right to be proud of her body and very much likes to be 'appreciated' if you know what I mean."

"Yes I do like being 'appreciated' particularly when the man's hands are as skilled and dexterous as yours are." She breathed into Jimmy's ear while capturing his wrists to maintain contact between his hands and her tits. "Give me a nice gentle squeeze ..." She said

"You know...." Randy began leaning over to study Jimmy's name tag. "...James ... You are the first man besides myself and the doctors to see Michelle in all her glory as it were, never mind being the first to field test her natural breasts. This is really an occasion for Michelle." He paused for a moment considering... "Michelle Baby would you like me to take some pictures of the two of you?"

She looked up. She was clearly startled by the unexpected suggestion. The possibility of this adventure being captured -- and no doubt replayed -- when they were home transformed the encounter from a never-to-be-repeated fling into a perpetuated experience. Did she want photos of her body being grouped? She realized not only did she want this recorded, but somewhere in her subconscious she made herself up with this in mind. She found she almost could not speak but did croak out an affirmation.

Randy pulled the camera out and the first flash caught Michelle by surprise, but she relaxed and Jimmy showed no inhibitions stroking her torso while the camera capture his hands on her breasts and fingers tugging her nipples.

"Move around behind her so we can see all the good parts." Randy suggested. "It is too bad we can't get a video because this is incredibly hot."

"Move to the right of the check-in desk and the color security camera will have a very good view of things and I can make you a copy of the tape swapping for a copy of your stills" Jimmy offered.

Michelle froze. "They are talking about swapping naked pictures and video's of me.... Someone other than Randy will actually have images of my naked body and he might show them off... Am I crazy? Of course he will show them off to his other young buddies. The hot MILF that he was free to feel up ... and they will get hard looking, and I am sure Jimmy will spin the story and embellish the photos with how my boobs felt and how I respond when he tweaks my nipples...."

Lost in this reverie she was easily led to the designated spot and leaned back against Jimmy as he manipulated her breasts for both the security video camera and Randy's Nikon.

"Jimmy has very talented hands" Michelle realized as she focused on the sensations he was producing. "He really has me stirred up." On the spur of the moment Michelle decided to let her audience share her feelings so she said out loud. "Randy, you know that Jimmy's fingers are getting soooo stirred up. I think you must be able to see that my pussy is almost drooling I am so aroused. Can you tell how sexed up Jimmy is making me?"

Randy squatted down and aimed the camera at Michelle's pussy. She could see the camera lens move as Randy manipulated the zoom control but no flash. "Jimmy Baby!" Michelle spoke in a throaty murmur. "Randy wants a shot but cannot see how wet I am. Take your hands and spread me out. Pull my labial lips apart so Randy can get a shot right up inside me. You can use your fingers to spread my juice out over the outside of my cunt and clit, so he can get a shot of how wet I am."

Randy looked up startled by Michelle's brazen suggestion

Michelle's gaze was locked on to Randy as she slowly tugged Jimmy's hands away from her boobs and slowly down her torso toward her crotch. Randy looked stunned. He gave Michelle no sign to stop or go ahead so she continued to slide Jimmy's hand southwards.

Jimmy was no fool! This fox was going to have him diddle her cunt and he was going to make the most of the chance. "I might even get her so hot she'll fuck me right in front of her old man." Jimmy thought.

The sight of some man fingering his wife's pussy snapped Randy out of his trance. He focused on a tight shot of fingers spreading her pussy and then those same fingers dipping into the vagina and coming out shiny with her secretions. Then those fingers coated her genitalia and lubricated her clitoris. As the view zoomed out Randy captured images of Michelle caressing her own breasts and reaching behind where Jimmy was pressing his trouser covered cock into the cleft between her buttocks.

"I am being felt up like 'my fan club' and the restaurant would have wanted. Randy said they would touch my tits and finger my pussy if they got the chance. I wonder what I would do for them ..." Michelle followed her fantasy in her imagination.

Seconds later Randy heard a zipper and it was clear the offending trousers were no longer a barrier as Michelle grasped Jimmy's naked cock and ground her ass against the desk clerk. "This feels great Randy" Michelle moaned. "What do you want to photograph?"

Randy was torn between the voyeuristic pleasure of the live action in front of him and the worry things had already gone too far. He stood up from the crouch and stepped close to the couple. "I'll take over now Jimmy. Thanks for being a great model." Randy took charge. "We'll get the change and finish shopping for snacks." He continued to break the spell.

Jimmy knew the scene was over so he stepped away, zipped back up and opened the cash drawer.

He handed the small bills to Michelle was still not completely back from her fantasy, so several bills slipped from her hand.

That snapped Michelle back to the scene they were playing so when she bent at the waist to pick the fallen bills up one by one. She smiled to herself as she heard both males groan at the vision of this gorgeous broad all teed up and ready. "Randy baby I am not all that hungry for chips any more but you can fill another hunger as soon as you can get your own pants off." She said now back in a teasing mode.

"You won't forget to pull the security footage from the archive, and make us a copy." Randy said as he escorted Michelle out the door. "I' will make you a copy of the still shots and leave it for you at the desk."

After the office door closed Randy turned and kissed his wife. "Can you make it all the way back to our room Baby?"

"Well sweetheart I wondered about that. I might be able to last as far as our car parked there under the lights. Can you shag me there if I hold on to the bumper rails?" Michelle teased.

I most certainly can give it a try. If I fall short of satisfying you just let me know." He said.

"What would you do if I said I needed more...?" She teased

"Handcuff you to the bumper and knock on motel doors where there is a pickup truck parked outside. Might be able to raise the price of the room ...." He shot back.

"OOO that sounds interesting." Michelle teased. "I wonder how much you could get for me if my fan club were here in this motel rather than watching strippers in the club? Do you think I would bring a good price? You would not even need handcuffs because no one would need to force me."

By now they were at their car and Michelle bent over so Randy had a beautiful view of her pussy. He was a hard as iron and slipped into her wet and welcoming vagina. Randy was actually surprised at how long he lasted. Michelle started out delighted and enjoyed several nice orgasms before she felt him tense and flood her cunt with his cum.

"Take me to our room stud!" She said "The only thing I need now is a snuggle with my lover."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

My wife loves t show off.Her favorite outfit is a bra with holes in it a garter belt ,nylons and then a skirt and a sheer blouse.When we go out she gets into the car and her skirt comes up to her waist and legs are wide apart. Now shw waitsfor any one to see her.

We went to San Antonio and rode in a cab the driver was getting a real good show. When wee got to our destination she found out her skirt was caught in her seat belt lock. So here she sat skirt up legs wide open no panties so the driver gets out and the parking attendant comes over to help and they work on her skirt as her pussy gets opened wider and wider as they release it a finger slides into her pussy and she cums. We got up to our room and she stripped and we had sex for an hour. To this day she still loves to show off

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great second story

i loved your two stories. They are very exciting and I can not wait to find out what she does next or what you have her do! Hurry with the next chapter.

BarbaraBarbaraover 11 years ago
Full exhibition of feminine availability, means multi lubrication liberally applied, fot the duration! How F****ng exciting that is, whilst being fully anally tested, for a lady's self administered compliance?

Warning to the unwary! NB: female masochists suffer from HIV, due to unprotected deep Anal penetration, by a casual male bystander! A lesson still to be learned, by by any dunb or sexually irresponsible female writers out there?

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