Second Year After Ch. 02


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The night started normally. I ate out Sophia for half an hour, making her orgasm twice, while Matt and Patti were in a 69, then Sophia climbed aboard me reverse cowgirl, while Patti went cowgirl with Matt, so Patti was facing all three of us. I saw Patti watching Sophia's breasts bounce, and knew she wished her friend were more receptive to her, sexually.

Patti made eye contact with me, and I knew we were on the same wavelength. She watched me, as I put both hands over Sophia's breasts from behind, and we both knew I was doing it for her, as her surrogate.

Sophia was also watching Patti, and realized from her reaction that I was doing this for Patti, and took Patti's right hand, and placed it over my left. I let Patti use my hand to squeeze Sophia for a minute, then I let my left hand slip down to rub Sophia's clit, and Patti took over, her eyes going misty as she looked Sophia in the eyes, feeling an acceptance and love from her friend that had never been there before. Sophia's next orgasm was off the charts, simultaneous with mine, then Patti let her go, and focussed on Matt, bringing him to a grunting orgasm. I don't think Patti came again, but I don't think she cared.

It was as much as the two did together that night, but it felt profound to me, and I wondered if our marital status would be all that had changed the next time we were together like this.


March 14, 2014

After our last classes on Friday morning, Patti and I drove our cars home, knowing that we were going to meet our new neighbor and Mom's new boyfriend Henry and his family. I was feeling hesitant, but Patti was her usual calm self. "I trust Tina to do what is best for all of us," she said, before we left, but I couldn't shake the sense that something major was about to happen in our lives.

We arrived at Mom's house around 4:30 and started walking up to the door. Patti took my hand, and whispered, "Relax."

Mom greeted us at the door, but with hugs only, and directed us towards the kitchen, where a gentleman in his late 40s was sitting.

I was stunned when Patti exclaimed, "Dr. Kilson?!?"

He responded with, "Patti? My god... You're Drew's Patti?" Patti stepped into a hug with him.

I was speechless, but Mom jumped in with, "You two know each other?"

Patti turned back to us and said, "I was best friends with his daughter Amber in High School, but we haven't seen each other since graduation."

Amber? Patti had told me that her first sexual experiences with a woman had been with a high school friend named Amber, and that they had broken up before graduation. THAT Amber?

"One of these days, you'll have to explain why the two of you stopped being friends," Henry said.

Patti sighed, saying, "As soon as Amber ever explains it to me, I'll let you know. Is she here?"

Henry answered, "She's due to land at DFW any minute, and insisted on taking a taxi home. She should be here in about an hour. Sandy's at the library working on a history paper, and is due back around the same time. Let me text them both to meet us here. I want to see the looks on their faces when they see you!" He pulled out a cell phone from his pocket, and typed away.

When he was done, I stepped up and shook his hand, and Patti asked him, "So you're the new neighbor? What made you leave the old house?"

Henry said, "I originally wasn't looking to move, certainly not to someplace this much further from my practice. My medical partner Dave and I formed an LLC and bought the house, intending to flip it and make a quick buck. We just couldn't find a buyer, and Dave absolutely refused to lower the price to get it to move. Our short-term financing was about to come due, and it was simply easier for me to buy out Dave's interest in it, with half the profit he was expecting, and move us here, rather than to keep digging the hole deeper. Our old house sold quickly at a pretty good price, and Sandy's being allowed to finish her senior year at the same high school, even though we've left the district. That's why we didn't move until she'd started the semester. After she's done with college, I'll probably sell and move to something smaller. I've lost a little bit on the whole deal, but not as much as I could have if we kept holding out for that price while paying the interest on the loan. And I'll probably make that back when I do sell."

I piped in with, "Y'know, this feels like fate. My Mom and I got interested in jointly buying the house as an investment, right when you bought it, but we didn't put in an offer after your repairs, because of that price. The house Patti and I bought on the other side is comparable, and we got it for a lot less. If we had made an offer, we would likely have only dealt with your real estate agent Carmen, and never even known that you were one of the sellers, because only the LLC would be listed on the paperwork. Instead, we wind up with you as a neighbor when Patti already knows your family? Just hard to see that as all coincidence."

He nodded, saying, "Tina explained that she helped her son Drew and his fiancee Patti buy the house on the other side from us, but somehow, neither Patti's last name nor a picture of her ever came up, or I wouldn't have been surprised when you two walked in. This is so amazing!"

The five of us chatted for a while, until the doorbell rang. Patti hid behind the door, and when Mom and Henry opened it, a petite 5'3" brunette stepped through, and hugged Henry, saying "Hi, Daddy!". Based on the pictures he showed me from his phone, this was Amber.

Henry turned her slightly in the hug, allowing Patti to slip behind her and cover her eyes, saying into her left ear, "Guess who?"

Amber stiffened briefly, then asked, "Patti?" She spun around, and cried out, "PATTI!!" and practically leapt into her arms, almost knocking her down. "Oh my god," she managed, between sobs. "How?" she asked, finally letting go.

"You look like I felt when I saw your Dad here. This is my fiancè's mom's home, Amber. I'd like you to meet Drew Barnes and his mom, Tina. Drew, Tina, this is my old girlfriend, Amber Kilson."

Amber shook her head, looking confused. "Hang on, Tina is Daddy's new girlfriend, and she's also your future mother-in-law? The only thing that would top that is if you were going to live here, too."

We all laughed. Patti said, "I almost do, already. We will also be your neighbors, after graduation. Drew and I already own the house on the other side of this one, although we haven't moved in yet. A friend of the family is staying there as our guest, right now. I'm still technically living with my parents, at least until our wedding, which is next Friday. Please tell me you can come?"

It was Amber's turn to be speechless, pulling Patti to her again. I barely heard a whispered, "I'm so sorry. I messed up."

Patti looked at the rest of us, and said, "Amber and I need to talk through a few things," and took Amber's hand and led her up the stairs to my room, and closed the door.

Just after that, the doorbell rang again, and we welcomed Henry's 18-year-old daughter Sandy, a couple inches taller than Amber, and more athletic in her build. After introductions, Henry said, "I've got a surprise for you. It turns out that Drew's fiancè is Amber's friend Patti Taylor."

"Really? Wow! Where is she?" Sandy squealed.

Henry pointed towards the stairs. "She and Amber are upstairs talking. Probably about whatever made them stop being friends."

Sandy blushed at that, and I wondered if she was aware of Patti and Amber's sexual activities. At that moment, Patti poked her head out my bedroom door, and shouted, "Hey Drew, could you come up here?"

"Excuse me," I said, and climbed the stairs, then walked into the bedroom. Patti and Amber were sitting side by side on my bed, and smeared lipstick told me there had been some passionate kisses exchanged. The look on their faces could best be described as nervous excitement. At a gesture, I closed the door, and sat on one of the desk chairs "Okay, this is either good news or bad. Which is it?"

Patti said, "I think it might just be great news," before looking to Amber to continue.

Amber took a breath and said, "You see, the reason Patti and I broke up, which I couldn't tell her then, was that my father and I had started having sex with each other, and I was afraid she'd catch us."

Patti chipped in with, "What she didn't know was that I had already caught them kissing once, right before she broke us up, and if she had told me, I would have told her I was okay with it, that I don't believe it's immoral, at all. I told her she could also trust you, and that she would definitely want to hear what you had to say on the subject. But I didn't share more than that."

I felt scrambled for a moment, then everything just clicked into place. "I'm... wow. Okay, here goes. Amber, you and I share the same secret. My mother and I became intimate just over a year ago, together with Patti. Our wedding next week is mainly for show, for public consumption. Privately, the three of us have been married in our hearts since last year's Spring Break, when I asked them both to marry me."

Amber took quite a few seconds to absorb this, her expression going from relief to joy to confusion. "So, your Mom dating my Dad? Is that just a public cover story, too?"

I nodded, asking, "Since you asked that way, I assume it's a cover for him, too?" to which she nodded. I then said, "I think we should go tell them!"

The three of us walked quickly downstairs, and Henry and my Mom were sitting at different ends of the couch in the living room, and I didn't see Sandy, and in the general excitement, I'd forgotten to tell Patti and Amber that she'd arrived.

Patti took the bull by the horns, grabbing our hands, and walking us towards the couch, winding up with Amber in front of Henry on the left, and me in front of Mom on the right, where we each took the hand of our parent. She said, "Henry, Tina, brace yourselves. It has come to my attention today that you are both dating each other for the same reason, to cover up your relationships with your children."

That's when Sandy walked out of the downstairs bathroom, heard Patti, took one look at Amber and screamed, "You bitch! You promised you'd never tell!" and ran straight out the front door.

Amber's "But I didn't say anything about you..." went unheard, by Sandy. The rest of us heard it just fine.

Henry looked at us all and said, "Well, I guess the cat's not only out of the bag, but the bag's just been torched. Yes, Tina, I've been sexually intimate with both of my girls, after each of their 18th birthdays, to be clear. Sandy discovered the truth about Amber and I last summer, and waited until she was 18 to ask to join in, but she's been really conflicted about it ever since she gave me her virginity a month ago, and hasn't been with me again since. On the other hand, Amber and I are committed for life, so I needed to throw off suspicion by dating occasionally. I know It's been just a year-plus since your Tom died, but it's been six since my Tonya passed, and the expectations to find someone new were coming at me from all sides."

Henry paused, looking towards the door. "I'd love to talk more about this change of events, but I should really go check on Sandy, and explain that Amber only exposed her own relationship with me, and Patti knew nothing about Sandy until she got upset and blew her own cover. Amber, give us a while, okay? I'll call you when she's calmed down."

Amber agreed, and Henry left, after giving Mom a quick peck on the cheek, and a look that definitely meant they had a lot still to say. The four of us moved to the kitchen table, Patti between Amber and I, holding both of our hands, as Amber rested her head on Patti's shoulder. "Baby, are you okay?" Patti asked Amber.

Amber shrugged, and said, "She'll calm down, especially if Dad can get her to see that we can trust you guys because we're at least in the same model boats. If only I had trusted you back then..." before tears started to fall.

Patti hugged her tight, before saying, "I think it maybe worked out the way it was meant to, Amber. If we had still been together when I started college, odds are good that I wouldn't have dated Drew, and I wouldn't be here today, and he and Tina make me very happy. Without me here, Drew and Tina might not have gotten together, either, and those boats wouldn't be so identical. What's important to me is we've found our way back to each other's lives, if you're willing to share me with Drew and Tina, that is? I still love you, babydoll."

Amber got out, between sobs, "I love... you too." then kissed Patti hard and long. When she stopped, she wiped away tears, and looked at Mom and I and nervously laughed. "Great first impression, huh?" which put us all into giggles.

Mom hadn't said much thus far, but reached over to Amber's hand, and said, "Amber, I just met you, after hearing your Dad talk about you for almost two months, and I can already tell I want you to be part of this family, in some way. Patti is my wife, and she loves you, so that's more than good enough for me. I don't know yet how this revelation is going to affect the relationship between your Dad and I, or how your relationship with Patti will mesh with ours, but I want to make all of it work to our mutual benefit."

I added, "That goes the same for me. There will be a place for you in our lives, for as long as you and Patti want there to be."

Amber looked stunned. "I... I... oh, god, I can't believe this has all happened today. I thought I'd have to hide my love for my Dad forever, and today, I not only regain my Patti, but get so much acceptance and love from both of you, too. I've never felt love this quickly before, but I feel it here. I... I love you both. I can't believe I just said that, but it's how I already feel. I... I was going to ask if I could make love with Patti tonight, but instead, could I... could I join the three of you tonight? I want as far in as I can get, so long as you know you'll be sharing me with my Dad."

I looked at Patti and Mom, and saw acceptance in their expressions, as they saw it in mine. Something about Amber was drawing me to her, something more than her connection to Patti, something I hadn't identified, yet. Patti squeezed Amber, and said, "First, dinner."

Amber sent her Dad a quick text letting him know she was going out to dinner with us, then we drove over to a new Greek restaurant Mom had found. We spent the whole meal getting to know each other better, while the sexual anticipation built in all four of us.

We were practically throwing sparks by the time we got back to the house, and quickly went up to the master bedroom. I finally got the "Welcome Home" kiss I'd been waiting for from my Mom, as Patti and Amber embraced as well, then Amber and I exchanged our first kiss while Mom welcomed Patti, then finally Mom kissed Amber. We undressed each other, and moved into a pair of 69s on the bed, me over Mom, and Amber over Patti, facing the same direction by my side. Amber had a pair of B-cup tits that actually looked big on her thin 5'3" frame, but they were quite pretty, and her smile reached into my heart. We locked eyes and exchanged another quick kiss, before lowering our faces into our partner's snatches. Mom quickly had me down her throat, as I ran my tongue through her lips and pushed it into her vagina, trying to reach her g-spot with my tongue. I never quite reached it, but it was sure fun trying.

I switched to licking towards Mom's clit, while my index finger took my tongue's place, as she drove me closer to my edge with her tongue and throat. I surrounded my Mom's clit with my lips, and a quick suck, along with rubbing her g-spot, was enough to put her over the edge, and she pulled her mouth off of me to scream, "Drew, oh damn, I've missed you! I'm Cummmming! Fuuuck!" and shuddered below me.

Amber was looking at me out of the corner of her eyes, then looked behind her to get a good look at my cock. I asked her, "May I fuck you?".

She nodded, before saying, "Give it to me hard, Drew." I moved behind her, and Patti gave me a quick suck before placing me against Amber's pussy lips, and I slammed into place, and started fucking her as hard as I could. I'd been pumping her for two minutes, while Patti was sucking her clit below me, when Amber screamed in a high pitch, and her pussy clenched on my cock hard, not wanting it to move at all. I paused, letting her orgasm roll around me, then resumed fucking her hard, and I lasted another three minutes or so, cumming when she came again, clamping almost as tightly, but allowing me to make short quick strokes in her which pushed me over the top. I gushed my sperm into her, then collapsed onto my back into the space between Amber and Patti and my Mom, who quickly cleaned me off, while Patti went after my cum inside Amber, bringing her quickly to another screaming orgasm, at the same time that Patti started shaking from Amber's attentions as well.

Mom's mouth got me hard again, and she soon spun around and dropped her pussy on me.

It was this scene that Toni walked in on, and at first I was the only one to see her. She quickly disrobed, climbed onto the bed and straddled my head, then I started licking her lips and sucking down her juices as they quickly started to flow. Amber squeaked when she realized we'd been joined, but continued licking Patti.

Mom was bouncing on me, while kissing Toni and squeezing her tits. They both reached orgasms at the same moment, and then did it again. I had totally lost track of Patti and Amber. It took 20 minutes for me to reach my 2nd orgasm, and my moans while sucking Toni's clit set her off one more time.

We'd all collapsed, Mom was laying on my chest, eyes closed and almost snoozing while her fingers played in my chest hair, and I wound up with Amber on one side and Toni on the other, and I quietly said, "Amber, I'd like you to meet my Aunt Toni, my uncle Dave's ex-girlfriend, and as you can guess, she knows about my Mom and me. She's the friend who's been living in our house next door since they broke up. Toni, this is Amber, our neighbor and also Patti's high school lover. I don't think her family moving here without consciously knowing Patti's connection to me is coincidence, do you?"

Toni reached her arm over, and clasped Amber's hand. "You know I don't believe in coincidences, Drew. So, you're Henry's college daughter? I've heard a lot about you, all good. So, Drew, did you get caught a third time, or did you reveal yourselves by choice?

Amber smiled, and said, "Drew told me after I revealed my relationship with my Dad to Patti."

Toni snorted. "Two incestuous families side by side? Definitely not a coincidence. The gods are watching out for you all." She looked a little sad, as I'm sure she was wondering why they hadn't helped her Dad and sister. Once again, I would let Toni decide whether to reveal her past to Amber or her family.

Amber propped herself on one elbow to see Toni better, and asked, "You said 'caught a third time.' so I assume they've been caught twice and you're one of those, who was the other?"

Patti had turned herself around to lie spooned behind Amber, and answered, "Jean, a fellow intern Drew and I started a threesome with last summer. If you come to our wedding, you'll meet her. She's dating Drew's best man now, and is my bridesmaid. I'd ask you to stand with me, but it's too late to get you a dress."

Toni sighed, saying, "I'm the reason Jean caught them. The weekend I found out, Tina invited me into their bed, and I turned them down. I came here after Dave threw me out, and indicated I was ready for my rain check with them, not knowing Jean was in the house and she heard me. She realized from it that Drew and Tina were intimate, but was open-minded about it."