Second Year After Ch. 03


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"Let me go talk to him," Sandy said. "Besides, I'm so turned on right now, I need him to... you know."

Sandy picked up her bathing suit, threw a robe on, slipped into sandals, then came back to me, and gave me a big kiss. She looked me right in the eyes, and said, "Soon, okay?"

I could see Patti and Amber holding back laughs as Sandy walked into the house.

"Oh, Drew, she's got it bad," Amber said, after the slider closed. "You and my Dad, you both get women to fall for you. You do it in totally different ways, but still it happens."

"Does that include you?" Patti asked. "Have you fallen for Drew, too?"

Amber turned to look me in my eyes, and softly said, "Yes." I think my heart skipped a beat. "Understand, it doesn't match the feelings I have for Dad, but that's had almost four years to grow into the kind of love that lets us think of each other as husband and wife. But given that I only met you a few days ago, I would have to say I am falling for you. But don't you go asking me to marry you, unless Dad is part of the deal, and maybe Sandy, too. He's simply not ready for that, though."

"I don't think your Dad's the only mind reader," I said, quietly. "Whether you're part of our marriage in the future has been on my mind since we first met, initially because of how it would make Patti happy, but quickly because of how much I've been drawn to you myself. Part of me wants you in our lives, and it's not just that part you're sitting on. Even as Toni was becoming my wife yesterday, I was wondering whether you're next."

Patti got off the lounge, and dropped to one knee beside us. I felt Amber tense up. "You didn't say anything about me proposing. Amber Kilson, will you marry us?"

Through tears, Amber said, "No." It took her 30 seconds to add, "Not fair, Patti. I just said why I couldn't accept. Not until Dad is ready to be married to you all, too. If I have to choose, I choose him. Please don't do that to me again." And with that, she got up, got into her own robe, and walked into the house. I saw her freeze by the front door, her hand trembling over its handle.

She turned around, and came back to us, sitting by Patti and hugging her, tears streaming down both of their faces. Finally, she said, "Patti, I can't express to you how much I love you, except to say that my Dad is the only person I love more, the only person I would choose ahead of you. I made that choice once almost 4 years ago, and we both lost out. But, do you understand? I don't want to make that choice any more. I want you both, plus this lunk here, and Tina and Toni, and even my brat sister, if that's what she wants. But the only way that all happens is within my Dad's limitations. A group marriage is maybe impossible for him, if he can't share us physically, if it makes him hurt. That's why I sent you to him today, to start working on whatever barriers he has up. And it's why I'll send Toni to him tomorrow night. If he changes, and nothing else does, I'll say yes someday, okay?"


March 18, 2014

Tuesday, I spent with my groomsmen, just fooling around and playing video games, acting like we did in high school, aware the whole time that our lives were changing. For the better, but changing for sure, and the kind of friendship we had would be changing with it, as we gained wives and kids and jobs. It was one last gasp of the way things used to be, and we would never have another day like it.

Afterwards, I got back to house #1, about an hour before Mom was due to come home, and discovered Amber, Sandy and Patti in a daisy chain on the bed in the master bedroom. They spotted me, and pulled me in, getting me undressed in a whirlwind. Sandy sat back and watched, as Amber and Patti have me a dual blowjob, and then decided she wanted to ride my face, and I happily let her. She squealed through six orgasms in six minutes, before she had to push herself off, to collapse next to us, just as I was coming into Amber's mouth. I heard her mutter, "Dad doesn't..." before I heard Mom come in the front door.

"Up here, Mom!" I yelled, and Mom climbed the stairs.

She chuckled when she walked in to see us all naked and sweaty. "Is this all you guys did today?"

I laughed, "I'd be dead. I don't know what the ladies did while I was gone, but I spent most of the day playing video games with Duke and Kenny, only to find these three at it when I got home."

"Well, I brought takeout home, so get dressed and we'll eat," she said.

Over dinner, Mom asked, "I texted Henry and Toni, but they didn't respond."

Amber said, "Good. I sent Toni over to Dad's house. Hopefully they're eating each other right about now."

"Is that wise?" Mom asked. "You describe him as almost phobic, and you keep pushing at him."

"He didn't complain about Patti showing up yesterday, and Toni was logically next in line. If he's ever going to marry us..."

"What?" Mom interrupted. "Who said anything about marriage?"

Amber answered, "Well, apparently Patti and Drew are both thinking about it. Patti even proposed to me yesterday. I said no because of Dad."

Mom frowned slightly, before saying, "We all have the time to get this right. Don't rush into anything and spoil it, okay? And don't push your Dad too hard."


March 20, 2014

Wednesday turned into a chores day. Laundry, cleaning the house, etc, because we knew we'd be on the go for the rest of Break.

Thursday, Jean, Matt and Sophia all arrived for the wedding. We got them rooms at the same hotel where the wedding would be, as well as rooms for Henry and Mom, Amber and Sandy, and Patti and I. We offered Kenny a second night in his room, but he turned us down, and said he'd see us in the morning. Toni had to work Friday morning, so we would see her at the wedding. We didn't know who would wind up sleeping in each room, but publicly that's what it was going to look like.

We all went for a big pre-wedding dinner at a steakhouse nearby, finally introducing our roommates to everyone else, and we had a fantastic time, swapping high school stories for college ones, although Foursome Friday wasn't spoken of. Not that I would have minded, since all of the women around the table had been my lovers over the past year. I just couldn't say that out loud.

After dinner, we headed back to our hotel. In the end, Mom and Amber joined Patti and I in our room, and Sandy slept with Henry, leaving one room empty. I made love to all three women, each of my orgasms filling them up, and I finally fell asleep drained and content.


March 21, 2014

I awoke to a hand caressing my cock, which was hard from the attention. I opened my eyes to find a still-naked Amber watching my face. "Good morning, sleepy head. Tina and Patti already went down to the buffet for breakfast, and asked me to wake you gently. Could I get your last single fuck, instead?"

"You remember I already consider myself married, right?" I foolishly asked.

"Are you turning me down?" she asked, sounding almost hurt, but with a smile on her face that told me she was playing with me.

"No, I may be dumb in the things I say, sometimes, but I'm not that dumb." With that, I kissed her, and rolled her to her back. A quick check of her pussy showed she was already wet enough, so I climbed aboard, and slid my cock inside, feeling like we'd been lovers forever. Had it really only been a week since we had met?

I began a medium pace, until she moaned, "harder, fuck me harder," and I gave it all I had, bouncing us off the mattress a little. Amber came quickly, clamped down tightly, and I exploded in her 30 seconds later, a tingle starting in my feet and racing up my legs, before exploding from my groin. I had never felt an orgasm quite like it.

No sooner did I collapse on top of her, than we heard applause. I rolled off Amber and sat up, as Mom, Patti and Jean surrounded the bed. Jean said, "Dude, you're so lucky Duke and Kenny stayed downstairs while we came up to get dressed for the wedding pictures. Once we're done, they'll come up and you can get in your suits."

Mom had walked over to the bathroom, then I heard her exclaim, "Oh my god..."

Patti asked, "What's wrong, Tina?"

Mom walked out of the bathroom, saying, "Dammit, I forgot to pack my birth control pills, and we don't have time to go back to the house and get them before we start on pictures. I can catch up tomorrow, but I'm at risk of ovulating, now. Can I borrow one of yours, Patti?"

Patti shook her head no. "I stopped taking them, remember? I don't have any with me. How about either of you?" she asked Amber and Jean.

Jean answered that she was on the Depo-Provera shot, and Amber had an IUD, so neither had a pill Mom could take.

Mom shrugged. "Well, Drew, for the next couple of days, it looks like you either buy some condoms, limit yourself to oral with me, or I spend more of my time with Henry, since he's had a vasectomy. Now, you need to get downstairs and wait with the guys."

I got into sweats, and went down and met the guys and had a small plate from the breakfast buffet right before they closed it. I wanted to duck into the store in the lobby to buy some condoms, but couldn't explain them to the guys, since they already knew Patti and I were trying to get pregnant. 45 minutes later, we got the all clear - the women were out of the room, and headed to meet the hairdresser. Duke, Kenny and I got to the room, I showered and we got into our suits, and headed down to the ballroom. The Kilsons were seeing some of the shops in the area of the hotel, as they weren't involved in the wedding party.

We had chosen to do most of the wedding pictures before the ceremony, since we were holding it at night, so that we wouldn't delay the reception too much, and doing our rehearsal right before as well. I wished that Toni were there for some of these shots, but we would get her into some with Mom, Patti and I after the ceremony.

Finished with the pictures, Patti ducked back upstairs before any of our guests showed up to check in, taking the other ladies with her. No sooner had she disappeared, than Grandma Anna and Grandpa Scott, along with Aunt Maria, showed up. I gave them all hugs, then Kenny checked into his room for the night, and we hung out there or a bit, chatting and watching some TV. Meanwhile, the hotel was putting finishing touches on the ballroom for the ceremony.

Finally, it was time for us to head downstairs. Duke, Kenny and I greeted and escorted arriving guests, until it was time for the processional to start. I took responsibility for walking all of the grandmothers and Patti's Mom Carrie to their seats. When it was time, I walked to the altar first, followed by Patti's sister Jody as our flower girl, scattering petals, then Duke escorting Jean and Kenny escorting my Mom. I know it's usually the best man who escorts the maid/matron of honor, but we felt this worked better for us.

Then it was Jack's turn to walk Patti down the aisle. She had never looked more beautiful. Even though I had already seen her in the wedding dress for the pictures, she was glowing, and my eyes were looking directly into hers.

We had found a non-denominational minister named Clarice who was willing to perform a non-religious ceremony, and she stepped into place behind me, as Jack and Patti arrived.

"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" Clarice asked.

"Her mother and I do." Jack kissed Patti, then gave her hand to me, as she took her place next to Mom, clasping hands between them.

"Friends, family, welcome," Clarice continued. "Patti and Drew have asked you all here today to witness their commitment to each other, and the joining into one family. They have written their own vows, so except for a few questions required by law, I'll shut up now. Drew?"

I tried to take in both Patti and Mom as they sought my eyes, as our vows had really been written with all three of us in mind, and encompassed Toni as well, which is why you'll notice we didn't actually name each other in them.

I began, "Saying 'I love you' never feels like it is enough to express what is in my heart. It is only a start. You are the light to my life, the reason I want to work my hardest to make you proud of me, to provide a home for you, to earn your love. Because you have earned mine, over and over. From helping me get through college, to dealing with the loss of my father, to taking the leap in buying our own home, to just loving me daily, you make me a better man every day. Today we wed, not to change who we are, but to declare to the universe that we are already one, forever."

I reached for her left hand, and slipped the remaining two bands of her wedding ring onto her finger, one to symbolize me, one Mom. So much of the symbolism of the rings was around a triad, I wondered if I could come up with a better symbol for the four of us, or maybe more.

"Patti?" Clarice asked.

I could see Patti squeeze Mom's hand, but considering how closely they were standing, I doubt anyone else could. "If I am your light, you are the windows I want to shine through, now and forever. Your love fuels mine, and the more I give, the more is returned to me. You inspire me to be a better woman, a better wife, and someday a better mother to our children. 'I love you' as three separate words might not say enough, but when my heart knows they symbolize the union of mind, heart and soul that we have, it is more than enough for me. Today we wed, to show that love to all who witness these vows. I love every person in this room, but we are now one."

As Patti slipped my wedding ring on my finger, Mom wiped a tear away with the hand Patti had been holding, grasping her tri-color pendant with the other, then Clarice spoke up. "Lovely. Now for the legalism to make this official. Drew Barnes, do you take Patricia Taylor to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," I said to two of my wives, lawful or not.

"Patricia Taylor, do you take Drew Barnes to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

Clarissa finished with, "So by the authority granted me by the State of Texas, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. Ladies and Gentlemen, Drew and Patti Barnes!" Everyone cheered as I gave Patti a long kiss, then quick ones to Mom, Jean, and Jodi, as Patti did the same for Duke and Kenny. Then we reversed the processional, winding up briefly in the hallway outside the ballroom.

After some more pictures involving family and more of our friends, we got the reception under way. I barely noticed the food, for the conversation around the wedding party's table captured my attention, that and people clinking glasses to get Patti and I to kiss.

Duke stood to give the best man's toast. "Drew, Patti, what can I say? You are the couple that shows me the way I want to be with my girlfriend," giving a glance to Jean, "and without you, I would not have met her. So thank you for that. I wish you all the happiness in the world. Cheers!"

Mom stood to give hers, as matron of honor. "Drew, I have loved you your whole life, obviously. You have grown into such a fabulous young man, and I am so proud of you. Patti, you came into Drew's life, and brought his heart to its full purpose, to be a partner, to give as much love as he can. I could not be happier to call you my daughter and my friend. You are now husband and wife, with all that means to this family and to the world. I wish you continued happiness together, and may your love continue to grow. Cheers!"

Then it was time to dance. Patti and I danced to "Amazed", Mom and I to "The Dance", as much to symbolize the loss of Dad as our love for each other. While Patti and her Dad danced to "Butterfly Kisses". Toni, Sandy and Amber each took their turns with Patti, Mom and I. Eventually, I wound up dancing with my Aunt Maria. She held me close, and whispered to my ear, "I hope the three of you are very happy. Or is it four, or five, now?"

I almost stepped on her toes, as I froze up, saying only, "What?"

She giggled in my ear, and whispered, "Didn't think anyone could guess your secret? I had my suspicions, and I wasn't completely sure until tonight, but I know, I'm okay with it, and I can see the love you and Patti both have for Tina, and she for you both, and if I don't miss my guess, your Aunt Toni and Patti's friend Amber are involved somehow. I'm happy for you, and a little jealous."

Since we were already thinking she could be trusted with our secret at Christmas, so there was no reason to deny it. "What tipped you off?" I asked in a whisper.

"Started last Memorial Day, I guess. You, Tina and Patti showed up at Dad's for a barbecue. I could tell right away that Tina had been getting fucked recently, all three of you had that look, but I've always been able to tell with her. It made sense for you and Patti, but not for Tina, when she wasn't dating yet after losing Tom. Then I started watching how she looked at both of you, and it looked obvious to me, although that wasn't proof."

"So what was?" I still whispered.

"Well, Christmas Eve added to it, when your Mom was hinting at me about having had a physical reaction to you, when I realized she was also hinting at her own. But the real clincher was today. When you were saying your vows, your eyes were flitting back and forth between both of them instead of staying focussed on Patti, and I realized instantly that you were marrying both of them, especially with how you both worded the vows."

"In our hearts, we've been married since last year," I said. "Anything else?"

She touched my ring and said, "Three golds? Quite symbolic, maybe too symbolic. And then I see Toni wearing nearly the same necklace as Tina has worn since last spring, and the way she looks at the three of you? And is your neighbor Amber involved, too? Her love for Patti is obvious, while the way she looks at you is nearly as strong."

"Pretty close. Toni resisted committing to us until Sunday, then asked us to marry her. I had another necklace already waiting for her. As for Amber, she was Patti's first female lover. While they broke up in High School, the love actually remained, and we discovered she's now our neighbor just a week ago. Except for Patti, we've only known her a week, so I don't think Amber is quite ready for me to propose to her. Maybe somewhere down the line."

Maria said, "Your secret is safe with me, nephew, but you are still at risk, and if I can guess it, someone else could, too. It would only take one slip. Can you ask your Mom to meet me in the lobby after the cake is cut? I want to hear her side."

The song we were dancing to, which I can't remember, ended, and I kissed Maria on the cheek and went back to the head table, and sat between Mom and Patti, who had also finished dancing for a bit. Softly, I said, "Aunt Maria guessed. She's okay, but she knows." I didn't need to tell them what. I told Mom, "She wants you to meet her in the lobby after the cake."

After the cutting of the cake, Mom and Aunt Maria took a walk to the lobby, and didn't come back for 20 minutes. Both of them had fresh lipstick on when they came back, which gave me an idea how the conversation had gone.

Patti and I circulated while Mom was gone, chatting for a long while with the Kilsons. While we did, I noticed Kenny was looking at Amber from the head table, where he was talking to Duke and Jean, with a confused look on his face. With everything going on, I had not had a chance to introduce Kenny to my neighbors, although Duke and Jean both knew her from the night before.

It was then time for the ritual tossing of the bouquet and the garter. Patti gave a hard fling, and the bouquet bounced off of Toni's hand, where Patti said she was going to aim, and wound up in Amber's hands instead.

I knelt in front of Patti, and lifted her dress to see the garter, and realized that Patti was commando underneath her gown. She gave me a grin, as I slid the garter off her leg.