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A sexy tale of second encounters.
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Sitting at the massive wooden desk in my home office, I tried to focus on some paperwork I didn't finish at the construction site. Nesha had been a constant thought making it impossible to focus. Taking things slow was not apart of my general makeup. Already I was imagining long romantic walks and steaming hot sex baths together. Nesha was an expert and it seemed I had met my match. An overwhelming urge to call again was having a tug of war with my pride. I didn't want to seem to eager since I was the last one to call. There had to be some rule about that in dating, like don't call twice in a row or something. Easily distracted from the task in front of me, conjured visions of smooth chocolate skin soon danced behind my closed eyelids.

Standing abruptly, I paced the room, in search of something, anything to focus on rather than the ever silent cell phone resting beside my laptop. The neatly rolled blunt sitting in the ashtray caught my attention. Just what the doctor ordered. I dropped down into the desk chair, mentally exhausted. Leaning back, I propped my feet up on the desk. Manufactured flames from my favorite Zippo lighter served its purpose and soon I released a thin line of blue smoke into the atmosphere.

What was it about Nesha? The chicks I had the misfortune to come across in the past year almost had me vowing a life of solitude. It was hard to find someone that was compatible. Someone looking for the same qualities you are in a person. Meeting Nesha was almost accidental. We were in the same club when the fire alarm sounded. After being herded out like cattle, I found myself standing next to a sexy chocolate femme with light brown eyes. Smiling, I couldn't remember what I said to get her attention and her phone number. A few days later I called and we enjoyed a nice lunch and better conversation. Our acquaintanceship had barely reached the plateau of a kiss when a night mixed with a blunt and sex music resulted in a line being crossed. My tongue was poised to taste her when Nesha had second thoughts.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this." She had hoarsely whispered.

"Do you want me to stop?" I waited a few beats for her reply. When silence followed, I executed my mission. The next morning was awkward. Before she left, Nesha explained she wasn't ready for that step. That was four days ago.

My cell phone came to life beside me and I lunged for it. It was her special ring. "Hello?"

"Hey." Nesha's voice was soft.

"Hey Beautiful. How are you?" My heart beat a wild staccato against my rib cage.

"I'm good. Are you busy?"

Ignoring the stack of papers on my desk, I said, "No. What's up?"

She cleared her throat. "Um, I was just thinking about you."

"Really? I hope they were good thoughts."

"I'll say they were. I mean, um, actually.." Nesha paused. "You know, we haven't talked about what happened last weekend."

"No, we haven't." Apparently, out thoughts had been on the same subject.

"I really wanted to move slowly with you, Casey. My last relationship ended not too long ago. The last thing I wanted to do was get caught up in sexual emotions." She explained.

"I'm sorry about that. I got carried away." I said.

"Mmm. Well, I wasn't stopping you so I'm just as guilty. Shit, I didn't have the strength to stop you. It was feeling...very nice."

I grinned. "Yes, you did feel quite...nice." More than just nice. The sensation of her pussy on my tongue had not diminished in four days.

Nesha giggled softly. "Um, a woman could get used to what you do and I still want to get to know you more. I don't want to get caught up in just the physical."

"We can slow it back down, Nesha. We don't have to have sex and still get to know each other." Pussy wasn't all I was interested in anyway.

"Yeah, I think that would be best."

"No problems here."

"I'm not saying it wasn't good though, because it was. Mmm. It definitely was that."

I laughed. "What was good was your pussy. Damn. I'm sorry, if you don't mind me saying."

"No, I don't mind. What woman would mind that type of praise?"

"Yeah, I guess so." I retrieved my blunt from the ashtray and fired it up. Disappointment weighed down my shoulders and even though I was craving a taste, I wouldn't bring it up unless she did. "So what are you doing?"

"Hmm? Oh, sitting here in bed watching Law & Order." Her voice had a far away lilt to it.

"Good show."

"Yeah it is." Nesha took a deep breathe. "Although not as good as that tongue of yours."

I choked on the smoke filtering out of my nose. That statement was unexpected.

"Are you alright?" Nesha's concern was genuine.

"Yes. Yes I am. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." My ego grew a few notches with the fact that Nesha couldn't stop thinking about our chance encounter.

"Mmm-hmm. Let me ask you a question."

"Okay." The tone of her voice had me searching the room for my boots.

"My last relationship...Well, let's just say I don't want to get tied down too soon." Nesha said. "You think we could do that with no strings attached?"

Two blunts were slipped into my shirt pocket. "Yeah, I could."

"You could?" Nesha was doubtful. "We women can quite clingy after sex."

"True. I don't just fuck around though. I do have to feel something and, you know, I like you." I was a little embarrassed since it was the first time I said it out loud and it couldn't be taken back. A relationship wasn't high on my to do list either but I couldn't resist the obvious invitation.

"I like you too." Nesha replied.

I grabbed my keys from the kitchen table. "And, we can still take it slow."

"Yes, we could still take it slow." She agreed. "When do you think that could happen again?"

"When would you like?" Even though I was confident about my hunch, I paused at the front door.

"Didn't you say you weren't busy?" She asked.


Stepping off of the elevator, my hard-soled boots reverberated off of the hallway walls. Briskly, I searched for the apartment number. Hesitating at her front door, I popped a mint in my mouth. I was experiencing a crazy combination of anxiety and excitement. This wasn't anything new to me. I had received a late night call requesting a little tender love and care before. But somehow, this was different. After a deep breathe, I knocked. She opened the door wrapped in a plush, blue towel.

"Damn, you got here quick." The apartment was dark except for the soft glow casting huge shadows on the living room wall. Nesha padded back to her bedroom. "Lock the door please."

I did as I was asked and followed her to the bedroom. Two candles glowed on either side of the bed as the sexy sounds of R. Kelly filled the room. She was hurriedly removing the numerous stuffed animals off the bed. My fingers itched as she struggled to complete the task with one hand. I had tasted that wonderful pussy of hers once already. Just once. Once was enough to make me fantasize about what I would do to her again. There was so much more I wanted to do.

"I jumped din the shower as soon as we hung up. I wanted to set a certain mood in the room. I don't think I succeeded." Nesha confessed.

"You succeeded." I replied. My horny level had skyrocketed with the realization that Nesha meant business. Pulling a blunt from my shirt pocket, I fired it up. My lungs expanded with the two deep drags then I passed it to her.

She sat at the end of the bed, her legs dangling over the side. I leaned beside her deciding on the best tactic. It was obvious she expected me to comprehend my role in this tryst and I didn't want to fuck it up. After all, I hadn't been invited over for a cup of tea.

Finally, she spoke. "I didn't even ask you how your day was."

"Oh, it was good. Nothing out of the ordinary." That was partly untrue. What had been out of the ordinary was that my thoughts were preoccupied with her all day.

"Good." Nesha passed the blunt to me. In the dancing flickers of the candle, I could see the towel shifting downward exposing her perky breasts to me.

I cleared my throat. "Um, how was your day?"

"It was good."

"Good." I passed the blunt back to her. Nesha took another drag and held it.I didn't want to chit chat any more. During the drive over, I endured alluring recollections of my mouth on Nesha's body. My active imagination only caused the images to become almost touchable. Moans and screams bounced around the sides of my brain. My fingers reached out to feel the supple skin of her arm. Nesha took another drag of the blunt and held it. My breathing quickened as I contemplated what to do first. Sometimes I possessed a tendency to over think things and I recognized that this may be one of those times. I stood to place my body in front of her, moving in between smooth, chocolate thighs. The towel fell away completely, exposing her wondrous, naked form to me. Relieving her of the still burning blunt and inhaled deeply. I handed it back to her and removed my shirt. Bending over, I blew my hit on her erect nipples.

"Hmm." Nesha arched her back. "I can't keep smoking this, Casey."


"Do you want it?"

"I'm done for now." My lips brushed over her nipples with considerable tenderness. I wanted to relish this moment and take my time. Kneeling, my hands replaced my lips. But only briefly, for soon my tongue flicked over one nipple and then the other. My fingers were on auto pilot as they gently kneaded and stroked her breasts. Every other caress my lips would swap with my fingers. I brushed my cheeks over each one and slid my tongue through the valley of her chest. There was something inherently satisfying about playing with a woman's breasts.

"Shit. That fells good." Nesha moaned. "I can tell you have played with breasts before."

"Just a little bit." I replied as her legs wrapped around my back, gripping me to her body.

"I'd say more than just a little bit." Nesha's hands grabbed my shoulders. "Oh shit, I - must be - little sensitive. I'm think I'm about to..."

Not yet she wasn't. I trailed kisses down her stomach, slowly pushing her to lie down on the bed. I allowed my cheeks to feel the silky softness of her inner thighs. My eyes feasted on her engorged pearl tongue and beautiful full labia. I could feel the torrential downpour forming in my mouth as I planned a course of action. This was one groundbreaking point in time that needed direction. Personally, I thought that was a mistake a lot of studs made. Just plunging in, rough and hard turned a lot of women off. A stud had to gage the moment. I buried my face into clean shaven skin and inhaled her intoxicating essence.

"Mmm. You know - teasing isn't nice." Nesha stated, her hands gripping the edge of the mattress.

"Don't I know it." I replied. My lips brushed against her swollen clit and I heard nails scratch across the bedspread. Beginning at the v juncture of her legs, I slid my tongue upwards between her pussy lips. Reaching the very tip of her clit, I felt Nesha's legs tremble and squeeze my back tighter. I could torture myself no longer. Hungry ears needed to hear more than moans. I applied pressure, my mouth opening wide in an effort to fit her completely inside.

"Oh-Oh shit. Okay."

That was a start. Noises made my blood boil and I would be my mission to hear more. Her hips rotated around my head as my tongue simultaneously swiveled around her clit. My hands moved underneath her ass to lift her up to my mouth so I had better access for my feast. I slid my tongue down in between her lips feeling her thighs open wider for me. The tip of my tongue played around the outer rim of her womb. Her hips mimicked my movements and lifted higher. I wanted to ease in, tasting the sweetness of her in short bursts. Both hands clutched at the back of my head as I tugged her clit into my mouth and suckled.

"Ooo shit. I can take this though. I can take it."

She could take it, huh? I was determined to put that to the test. With my shoulders, I pushed her legs higher and thrust my tongue deep. A surprised but lengthy moan of relief escaped past her lips. I made sure my strokes began slow, the tip of my tongue circulating around the walls of her pussy. Nesha's moans were still soft and infrequent even though her hips were high off the bed. My tongue flattened to fill her as she rode my mouth. I tugged her clit back into my mouth and her nails found my head. I loved that feeling of tiny little pricks into my scalp. I held no mercy for her pussy as I gorged on, even refusing to release her thighs when she tried to scoot backwards from me. Nesha mumbled something incoherent before I felt her body shudder. Being merciful, I slowed my assault to gentle kisses. I wasn't anywhere near being through with her but I would give her a minute to catch her breath. However, my kisses weren't helping the waves of her orgasm ebb. Nesha took advantage of my relaxed arms to slide backwards from me.

"You're really going to have to give me a minute." Nesha rolled to her side with her back to me.

"You okay?" I asked, smiling.

"Yes. I'm fine." was the reply.

I stripped down to my boxer shorts and slid into bed beside her. I could tell from her even breathing, she was taking a cat nap. Once again my fingers reached out, this time to trace her spine down her back. I placed feather light kisses along her neck and shoulders while my hands caressed the roundness of her ass. Her arm reached up and grabbed my neck as my fingers conducted a search for her luscious pussy. Knuckles grazed across lips, still swollen from my kisses. Turning her over, I reclaimed my position between her legs. I held her wrists to the bed, kissed down her neck and on to her breasts again.

"Wait. Casey." She moaned, her body undulating beneath me.

"Wait for what?" I asked, shifting to hold both of her wrists with one hand. The other was gently stroking her clit.

"I need a minute." Nesha strained against my hands again. Her breathing was labored as she obviously fought against the tension building within her body. Her eyes were clouded with lust and arousal.

"You need a minute?"


"I need to hear you scream." I inserted one finger then two into hot, wet pussy.

"Ooo shit. Casey!" Nesha lifted her legs higher, allowing me full access to the core of her femininity. Her muscles tightened around my fingers while she grinded into my hand.

My lips close to her ear, I said, "Oh you like that, huh?"

"Y-Y-Yes. Yes, I do."

Using my thumb to increase pressure on her clit, I pushed a little deeper. "Didn't you need a minute? I can stop."

"N-No I don't need a minute. Oh fuck!"

"So it feels good?"

"Mmm-hmm. It feels good."

I pumped faster. "Tell me how much it feels good."

"Oh Fuck! It feels real good, Baby. Damn, you hitting some spots. Okay. Okay. Shit!" Nesha finally succeeded in breaking free of my grasp. She clutched at my shoulders instead.

"I can't hear you, Nesha. Tell me how much." I demanded.

"I am telling you! Fuck! You're gonna cum..oh fuck, fuck, fuck...Casey!"

"What? You about to cum for me, Nesha?"

"Yeah." The reply was low and guttural. My own loins were burning a hole in my boxers and her gyrations were beginning to make me lose my concentration on finger fucking her properly. "Oh, don't stop Casey. That's the spot, Baby."

"That's the spot?"

"Yeah. Oh yes, it is."

I shifted my fingers. "Or is this the spot?"

Her body jerked in reaction to the intense pleasure.

"Oh fuck. Wait, wait."

"Wait for what?" I used my hips to grind into her. "What am I waiting for now, Nesha?"

"O-Oh shit! Ooooh Shit! I'm cumming Casey! I'm cumming!" Her body convulsed in my arms as wave after wave of her orgasm rushed over her. Nesha's lips found mine in a rush as she clung to me. We hadn't kissed tonight until this moment and the electricity shot past my lips to spread throughout the rest of my body.

"You okay?" I asked, breathless after the kiss.


I removed my fingers and moved to the side. She turned over to scoot back against me. One last convulsion caused her ass to come in contact with my own inflamed loins. I pushed my boxer shorts down and grinded into her.

"Mmm. Damn. Don't you take breaks?" Nesha asked as she wiggled her ass.

"Aww fuck. It's your on fault. You shouldn't be so fucking tantalizing." I pushed back wishing it were possible to get even closer to her.

"Oh you like that ass, huh?" Nesha shifted to her stomach.

I kicked off my boxers and settled myself on her plump ass, being careful to use my arms as braces. I humped slowly against her at first, luxuriating in the experience. But when she began to throw it back at me, I lost control. "Shit."

"How's that, Baby? Is that what you wanted?" She taunted.

"Fuck yeah. Damn. That feels good. Your hips do dangerous shit." I said. I wasn't lying. Part of me wanted to be still and let her work that ass against me but her motions excited me so much I couldn't help but hump harder. I came up on my hands to leverage my lower body and crush into her.

"Come on, Casey. I want you to cum all down my ass."

"Fuck, keep doing -- aww shit - what you're doing." She was definitely going to get that result as the pressure continued to build in my body. My feet dug into the mattress when the first wave hit me. "Wait."

"Wait? Oh now you want to wait. What do you want to wait for?"

"I'm about t-to..." I stammered. An unexpected shift in power but I liked it. My hands slid underneath her to caress her breasts.

"What are you about to do, Casey? Are you about to cum? Are you about to cum down my ass?"

"Hell yeah, I'm cumming. Gawddamn, am I cumming. Shit. Shiiiiitttt!" Spent, I rested my forehead on her back. Damn, that was good. I rolled from her back to the other side of the bed. "Those hips are dangerous."

Nesha laughed. "It was the least I could do since you were fucking the shit out of me."

I rolled off of her allowing us both to catch our breath. Sighing to myself, I admitted, "I always did like going back for seconds."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

This shit is the best of the best. Damn!!

reinvestorreinvestorabout 14 years ago
Very sexy!

I liked this short, hot story! Thanks for not putting in dildos and anal sex. Sex can be hot without that expected all of the time, like they seem to be in most of the stories here. I'm a lesbian sistah who likes it natural, most of the time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Love it !!

Is there more to this story? Please do write...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

loved it!...please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Very hot. MORE!

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