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Her secret to stress relief.
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This story depicts lesbian sex, if this is not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise, I hope you enjoy it.


Discretion was a must in Jennifer's game. It ensured that her clients trusted her implicitly with their dirty secrets that they would never want to be aired in public. Today's client was a regular, she lived in quite an affluent neighbourhood and the way Jennifer dressed, she could be taken for any number of occupations and all tabled guesses would invariably be way off the mark.

She always parked away from the client's house and today's warm sunny spring weather was reflected in her enthusiastic stride. Her wavy dirty blond hair flopped and weaved in the slight breeze, accentuated by the bounce in her stride. Jennifer, never Jenny, was taller than most of her circle of friends at 5 10, a strong jawline, high cheekbones and piercing blue eyes held the casual observer in their thrall and that's before they looked down to her lean physique and long slender legs. She was pleased with her appearance but her legs and neatly turned ankles were the focus of her own inspections even if the casual observer might perhaps linger on her pert 36D breasts, assuming they could tease their eyes away from the enigmatic lopsided smile that played across her face.

She reached the required address and pressed the doorbell. As usual, she did not have long to wait, almost as if the homeowner were waiting by the door. As soon as the door swung open, she was greeted by the brightest smile Jennifer had ever received. It was the staff's afternoon off and Nina, the homeowner had opened the door. The woman stood around the 5 8 mark, a nicely rounded figure wrapped perfectly in a white sequined knee-length dress; the colour accentuated the homeowner's mocha skin tone beautifully "Please, come in" was the airy greeting with the accompanying broad smile and a slight bow of the head. Jennifer stepped inside and the door was closed behind her; the outside world was closed off and now the real reason for the meeting could begin. Nina took a step forward, gently stroked Jennifer's silky hair by her ear and whispered, "I can't believe I've managed to wait this long for you." Nina leant forward and gently placed her lips on Jennifer's who reciprocated the affection back.

The reality of the meeting was Jennifer was a high-class prostitute who was so popular she could pick and choose her clients and although other clients paid better, Jennifer liked to meet up with this homeowner for the thrill she got herself. Nina was what you could call a trophy wife being wheeled out by her husband whenever a client needed charming. In between times she was allowed to do her own thing but ended up being very, very bored and once a month she would give in to her bi-sexual leanings and pay for an afternoon of Jennifer's time to do as many things as two women can do together in the allotted time. Nina assumed Jennifer was an out-and-out lesbian and Jennifer did nothing to correct her on her assumptions but the truth was she too was bi-sexual and had male clients too, albeit the majority were women which she was more than pleased about; they made better lovers, they weren't as messy and invariably rang her bell. Each client was carefully vetted and she always made it clear where her boundaries were. Jennifer had had friends in the business who were less fussy and had been messed up by the wrong client -- invariably all males.

The two women had instantly wrapped each other in an all-enveloping hug, Nina was a big hugger and Jennifer was happy to comply; so many times in the past few words were needed between them. Nina liked certain things and Jennifer was happy to comply as they coincided with her own agenda. Nina pulled back from the hug and taking Jennifer's hand led the taller woman to the sitting room with its lush roomy sofa that allowed for so many combinations of positions. Make no mistakes, Nina was the client paying for her time and Jennifer felt compelled to ensure this client in particular received value for her money but their continuing interactions were more like co-ordinated moves than any conscious efforts.

As they stood in front of the sofa Jennifer wrapped the slightly shorter woman in her arms to pull her into one of those long lingering kisses that she savoured so much. Their hands ranged up and down the others back, shoulders and buttocks; they had all afternoon and were certainly in no rush. At some point, Jennifer reached for the back of Nina's dress and pulled the long zipper down in a deliberately slow motion. This always seemed to heighten Nina's anticipation for the antics the zipper heralded. Once it sat at the stopper Jennifer peeled the shoulders away and took a half step back to pull the front of the garment down.

Jennifer smiled and gasped "Beautiful." She had seen this sight countless times but Nina looked especially delicious today. Her dress had made her mocha skin pop but the dress was accompanied by a white lacy lingerie set that made Nina's tits look even more heavenly. Jennifer had many different clients but this particular one looked hotter in the raw than when dressed and Jennifer was especially fascinated by Nina's dark lustrous nipples that just craved the white woman's lips to kiss and lick at them. Nina loved the admiration, mainly as she got little from her husband, and her smile lit up her face so brightly, in response Jennifer smiled back and kissed Nina's cheek. As she leant further the blond whispered into the homeowner's ear "You know how delicious I find you but you really take my breath away while I get to strip you naked."

Nina's pussy had been pulsing with the anticipation of Jennifer's arrival and it hadn't slowed down any when the woman stepped over the threshold. She never used the 'L' word in front of her visitor but Jennifer never failed to ring Nina's bell, in her head, she openly acknowledged that she did indeed 'Love' her Jennifer. Yes, she was paying money for her time but the monetary side of the transaction had long since stopped being a topic of conversation. Once a month her lover would make her come in new and adventurous ways so much so that Nina was content to endure her less-than-perfect existence outside of their monthly time together. Her husband splashed the cash but he showed no sentiment behind it and Nina had long since stopped feeling any emotional bond with him. She knew she was crucial to him winning a series of high-level clients and so she made sure she secured a substantial allowance in line with the skills she brought to the party and part of that allowance went directly to Jennifer.

By this time Nina's expensive dress was just a crumbled heap of cloth at her feet. Jennifer took another half-step back without letting go of Nina's hands so that she could take in the view before her. The mocha beauty was reduced to her well-filled white lacy bra and matching white panties that sat high on her hips. "Good enough to eat" was her gasped encouragement. Nina then spent a few minutes stripping her guest down to her underwear; Jennifer looked equally ravishing and once again Nina was thanking the day when the stars aligned and she met Jennifer in a hotel reception because since that day she had acquired a purpose in life. That purpose involved her mouth and the blond beauty's body.

Jennifer leant forward and started to kiss along the expense of breasts that peeped over the top of Nina's bra cups. The flesh was silky soft and smelt of sweet flowers. She used both hands at the side of Nina's tits to push them together and accentuate the expansive valley between them. Nina reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, she then tugged at the straps and pulled the garment away from her tits. Jennifer was now able to show her fullest admiration of the glorious chest. There was a muffled "Oh yes" from Jennifer as her mouth wandered further until she was able to capture the full round nipple between her lips. She teased it mercilessly making Nina coo and cradled her lover's face to her breast. The lips were accompanied by teeth that gently pulled and nipped at the rubbery nub before Jennifer sucked as much as she could inside her mouth the beat it with eth tip of her tongue.

Attention was then switched to the other nipple which encouraged Nina to groan approvingly "Oh god, yes. You know exactly what I like." Jennifer did, it was a scenario played out time and again. In the early stages, she had tried many things and judging by the feedback she received, some were kept and modified for intensity, and others that didn't elicit a response got forgotten in time. Even after all this time, Jennifer was keen to introduce new, previously untried things to keep Nina pleased.

Jennifer's right hand wandered down making Nina's stomach lurched as there could only be one destination for her hand. Sure enough, when the fingertips made contact with the waist of her panties, they pressed in slightly to worm their way inside the waistline and trace further down until they found their prize. Nina's large fleshy clitoris was standing proud and couldn't be missed. Jennifer brushed her fore and middle fingers on either side of the firm nub; squeezing her fingers together as best she could making the beautiful black woman hiss in response. Yes, Jennifer knew the exact treatment to shoot her client into orbit. The blond knew just how long to tease before flexing her fingers to work further down. The tips of the fingers brushed against the moist opening and Nina held her breath while holding on to her lover's shoulders. She knew the next move was for the fingers to drive inside her and there was nothing she wanted more than for that to happen.

She still let out a drawn-out gasp when it happened. Jennifer sensed the usual tightening of Nina's pussy muscles as they gripped firm against the invasion and the blond luxuriated in feeling her lover's copious juices swirl around and past her fingers the deeper she delved inside. Nina's eyes fluttered and her breath came in gasps in response to the sensations being generated by just two fingers. "Oh god" Nina gasped as the fingers delved deeper; no one made her feel quite like Jennifer did, this was the kind of attention she craved on a monthly basis, the blond just knew how to work Nina's body so easily.

It didn't take too long for Jennifer to induce a climax in Nina that made her knees buckle and it seemed the only thing keeping her upright was her grip on Jennifers' shoulders. Jennifer slowly extracted her fingers and brought them to her mouth to suck on making her give off an approving "Mmmmm, delicious." Nina slowly came back down to earth and provided her guest with the satisfaction of knowing she was providing value for money.

Nina leant forward and kissed Jennifer longingly before she pulled back slightly and said with a faraway expression "Mmmm, you never fail to work me so well."

Jennifer smiled back broadly and replied "Well that is what you pay me for. Secretly though, I enjoy doing it to you; you are so sensual and animated while it's happening. It's easy to read what works for you and what doesn't.

"Enough talk" stated Nina, adding as she nodded to the sofa "Lose the lingerie I need to taste you this time."

In Jennifer's job she was invariably servicing the client and yet with Nina it was very much a mutual experience. The blond complied with the request and on sitting down on the edge of the sofa she extended her legs out and wide to her lover's obvious enjoyment. This stance prompted Nina to sink to her knees and lean forward so she could work her tongue up and down Jennifers' labia; she always kept it cleanly shaven and it looked picture perfect. Nina swirled her tongue slowly, covering every crease and fold, luxuriating in how soft it felt on the flat of her tongue. She frequently cast her gaze up to ensure Jennifer was enjoying it; on this occasion, the blonde was smiling broadly down at Nina and her expression purveyed her obvious appreciation of what her client was doing to her. Both knew that they didn't need to rush but Nina lapped away at Jennifer's delicious pussy until the blonde mashed Nina's face into her pussy, wriggling and gasping her way through her climax.

Nina spent a few minutes licking up as much pussy juice as she could before Jennifer slipped to kneel on the floor beside her black lover, this meant they could hold tightly to each other while they frantically pressed their lips together. Nina lived for moments like this; the intimate contact with someone intent on pampering her to the extreme. In fairness, despite this being a business transaction with another client, Jennifer also looked forward to her visits to Nina as it provided an intensity of contact that she didn't get with any of her other clients. Jennifer steered Nina to sit on the sofa, intent on reciprocating the treatment she had just enjoyed although a couple of minutes in Nina asked "Can we mix it up a little? I'd like to lick you while you're doing that."

Nina's expression expanded in delight as she replied, "Oh yes please." Nina lay flat across the sofa and Jennifer crouched above her head, slowly descending her pussy down until she mashed it down on Nina's upturned face. Nina had her tongue exploring away at Jennifer's tangy pussy instantaneously. Having said that Jennifer didn't mess around as she was lapping away at Nina's pussy as though her life depended on it. A whole series of muffled moans bounced around the room as the two lovers twisted and wriggled in response to the other's attentions. Every now and then one would need to give up on their oral appreciation of the other while they groaned loudly or proclaimed, "Oh god." All this seemed to do though was inspire the other to redouble their efforts in getting the other off.

Jennifer took a suitable amount of professional pride in bringing her client to climax before Nina was able to do the same to her but eventually, they lay on their sides panting for breath until Jennifer wriggled around 180 degrees so she could take Nina in her arms once more. The two lay there caressing the other, cooing softly and interspersed with light tender kisses. Nina brushed Jennifer's hair from her face as she announced, "No one makes me come as you do; I mean ever."

Jennifer kissed the dark full lips and replied "Good. I don't want anyone making you come so intensely. It means you will keep coming back for more and I happen to like that idea."

"Mmmmm, yes. I like the sound of that," replied Nina.

Jennifer leant up on one elbow and asked, "Fancy getting some of your toys out?"

Nina smiled at the suggestion and said, "I like the sound of that too." She rose off the sofa and held her hand out for Jennifer who took it in an instant and the two made their way to Nina's bedroom where the 'toy box' was kept. Jennifer reached into the box and extracted the strap-on dildo that they used frequently. Nina nodded enthusiastically saying "I like your choice."

Jennifer pushed Nina's back towards the bed and as she buckled the straps around her suggested "Why don't you get up on the bed on your hands and knees." Nina squealed in giddy excitement as she knew what this would herald and as she scurried on the bed Jennifer was mere feet behind her assuming a position directly behind Nina. The black woman sensed Jennifer's left hand on her hip and then sensed the head of the dildo nudge against her pussy. She pressed her hips back and started to impale herself on the firm plastic toy. Nina insisted on buying the best quality sex toys and each, although cold at the initial touch, was coated in soft rubber that warmed up as soon as they began to please one or other of the women.

Jennifer closed the gap as she sank the plastic dick fully into Nina who tilted her head back and groaned in approval at the intrusion. It had been some time since she and her husband had been intimate but even when they were he never had her beating her fists quite like Jennifer did then that was the joy of buying your own toys, you could buy the length and width that suited you and believe me Nina had a large number to pick from. Many she used on herself but most had been used by Jennifer to get her client off time and again. Their fucking had elevated to the point that Nina particularly enjoyed it when Jennifer grabbed a handful of her dark hair at the back of her head to use as reins while she went to town slinging her hips back and forth; the blond had a ringside seat watching Nina's beautiful round fleshy butt shake and jiggle in response to the aggressive fucking.

Nina contorted her pretty face as the fireworks were going off inside her in quick succession. It seemed that as soon as one orgasm hit, the next was thundering its way right behind. After a while, Jennifer stopped and patted Nina's perfectly round butt saying "Okay lady, change of position. I'm going to lie down and you are going to fuck yourself." With her lay down, Nina crouched her pussy above the plastic cock and then slowly sank down its length. This position allowed Jennifer the access she needed to reach up and play with her lover's beautiful rack. You see Nina had the most amazing nipples; they were significantly darker than the rest of her skin tone and shaped like saucers. Jennifer found herself rubbing her thumbs determinedly over the raised nub making Nina squirm even more. The blond levered her upper torso up meaning she could capture the rubbery nub between her lips to suck on them, pulling her head back ever so slightly while her teeth had a firm grip on the flesh.

Nina wriggled her entire body at the tender torture; she wasn't in pain, the tight grip her teeth had on Nina's nipple was all part of their well-practised encounters and was guaranteed to have her pussy juices flowing around the rubberised cock. Her huffing and mewling were the exact reactions Jennifer had been looking for and preceded the blond clamping Nina's clitoris between a thumb and forefinger triggering a spectacularly large climax making Nina collapse down onto her lover's chest. While Nina was desperately drawing breath Jennifer enveloped her in her arms tenderly kissing Nina's forehead that was beaded in sweat.

They lay like this for some time while Nina returned to terra firma. The dark-skinned beauty slowly tilted her face upwards and was immediately rewarded with a tender kiss making the homeowner smile at the sensations portrayed in such a small simple action. "Oh my god, you always make me come so hard. It's like being part of an orchestra watching the conductor drive and control them."

Another long tender kiss followed before Jennifer replied, "My single objective while with you is to have you at such a heightened level that it will last you long enough until my next visit." Nina knew their coupling was as a result of cash being exchanged and yet Jennifer's voice, her tender caressing, and her attention to Nina's needs was more than just hooker and client, it was 'Love'. It was a word unspoken and yet how they were with each other spoke it in volumes. After a while, Jennifer asked, "Is there anything in particular you want of me?"

Nina kissed her before answering "Hold me a little while longer," which made Jennifer smile affectionately and made her intensify their cuddle. She did eventually pull herself up and was pleased to see Jennifer's gaze switch to her breasts "I think I'd like a turn with the harness." With Nina slowly lifting herself up and off the plastic cock Jennifer was able to remove the harness but before handing it over the blond took the dildo to suck at the juices Nina had left on there. After buckling the harness Nina pointed to the centre of the body saying, "It's your turn to be on your hands and knees." After Jennifer had assumed the requested position Nina knelt behind her and fed the dildo inside Jennifer. As she looked down at the joined crotches Nina asked, "I want to fuck your ass, do you have any objections?"