Secret Admirer


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Not moving her eyes from the screen, she slipped one hand inside her panties and touched herself. She gasped at the contact. Just the gentlest of contact had her clit pulsing with excitement and she realised that she was on the verge of climaxing. Her secret lover stopped his movements and she watched his cock pulsating rhythmically as the blood throbbed through his swollen manhood. It was then that she realised that he too was on the edge of cumming. She leaned forward and typed.

'I want to see you cum!'

'If you carry on like that, you will do!'

'No, I mean it. I want to watch you cum over your tummy.'

'I am really close to cumming - you turn me on so much. I wish I could cum over YOUR tummy instead!'

'That would be nice - I would like that. Watch me and cum...'

She brought her legs back down and lifted her hips so that she could slide the sopping wet piece of material down her legs. Naked now, she exposed herself to the camera and saw how her lips glistened in the light of the office under a light dusting of fair pubes. Her secret lover started wanking again and so she slipped one finger between her lips and started stroking herself in time to his movements. She was only moments away from cumming and was surprised when she saw him stop what he was doing and type something.

'Would you really like me to cum over you?'

She grinned and wrote back.


'I would love to do that one day - to kneel between your thighs and cum over your shaven pussy...'

'That would be perfect - to have your cum trickling over my pussy ... of course I would have to shave first. As you can see :-)'

He took hold of his cock and started to jerk himself in short rapid movements. Not wanting to be left behind, Katya spread her legs for him and started masturbating and was rewarded with a stream of white cum which shot out and splattered over his tummy, closely followed by a second and third pulse. This was too much for her and she came herself, pushing her fingers hard against her clitoris as her thighs twitched uncontrollably.

A minute or two later as she calmed down again, she saw that his cock was beginning to soften and was surprised to realise that she felt no sense of embarrassment at all. She leant forwards.

'Thank you - that was really hot - we have to do that again some time.'

'Any time you want :-)'

'I have to see. It is not always easy...'

'That's OK, but do me a favour ...'

'What's that?'

'Shave yourself.'

She thought for a second.

'OK. Anything else?'

'Hmmm. Promise me that we will meet up one day?'

'I can't promise that!'

'Would you like to?'

She thought again, and then decided to be honest.

'Yes, but ... I don't want to hurt my husband. I DO love him - despite what we've just done.'

'I understand that. OK, then let's see how things go. When can I see you again?'

'I don't know. As soon as I do, I'll let you know.'

'OK. I think I have to go and get cleaned up. Bye for now ... and thank you.'

'Good night. I enjoyed it too. Sweet dreams.'

With that the screen went blank. Katya switched the PC off and picked up the bundle of damp underwear. Walking out of the office, she switched off the light and went down the corridor to the bathroom, where she ran a bath and dropped the undies in the laundry bin. She took a safety razor and Andrew's shaving foam from the bathroom cabinet and lay them on the edge of the bath. She poured some bath foam into the running water and mixed the water with her hand until the temperature was just right. She climbed in and sank into the hot water, feeling herself relax as the warmth seeped into her muscles. She closed her eyes and thought back to what she had just done. That was the moment when she decided that she really was going to shave herself for him. Andrew was unlikely to complain - he had always dropped (sometimes unsubtle) hints about shaven pussies, so it shouldn't be too difficult to convince him.

She climbed out of the bath and sat down on the rim. Shaking the Nivea shaving foam, she sprayed some of the foam into the palm of her left hand and then used the fingertips of her right hand to smooth the foam evenly over her pubic mound. Rinsing the foam off her hands she dried them on the nearby towel and then picked up the safety razor. Cautiously at first, she started tugging the blade gently through her pubes, moving slowly towards her valley and rinsing the blade off at regular intervals. She felt the blade nagging on the thicker pubes over her slit and wondered whether she shouldn't have trimmed them short with a pair of scissors first. Too late now, she thought. Spreading her thighs even further, she worked down between her thighs and felt the familiar tingle of excitement as she carefully shaved her swollen lips. As she drew the blade over the last patch of foam, she sank into the water and rinsed herself thoroughly before running her fingers over her freshly shaved pubis. It felt slippery and smooth but she noticed a few prickles of stubble, which she quickly removed with the razor until she was satisfied with the result. Climbing out of the bath, she rubbed herself dry and then smeared herself with a lightly scented body lotion, paying particular attention to her pussy.

Still naked, she walked into the bathroom and stood in front of the full-length mirror. She looked at herself critically. The skin under her now-shaven pubes was lighter than the rest of her so that she had a pale 'v' at the junction of her thighs. She decided that she looked like a pre-pubescent girl - her smooth mound hid nothing and she examined her swollen lips with interest. As she continued to inspect herself, she realised that she liked the look. There was definitely something thrilling about being smoothly shaved - and it had nothing to do with the girly look. It was the taboo factor. She felt naughtily exposed and precocious.

A thought occurred to her. She went into the walk-in cupboard and started rifling through her clothes. It had to be here somewhere. There! She pulled out her old pleated tennis skirt and smoothed it out. Her figure was pretty much unchanged, so she should still fit into it. Grabbing a pair of white lace panties, she slipped them on and then wrapped the tennis skirt around her. It was a little tight, but she still managed to get the button and zip done up without too much problem. She walked out and looked at herself in the full-length mirror. Wow! The skirt was much shorter than it used to be - she had obviously grown since she last wore it. It didn't even reach half way down her thighs any more. In fact, if she move too quickly in any direction, she was almost certain to give anyone watching, a flash of her undies.

The only thing that was missing was the blouse. She quickly found her thin white blouse and pulled it on, buttoning it up before walking back to the mirror.

What she now saw made her giggle out loud: The perfect schoolgirl.

Her bra-less nipples were hard light brown stubs poking out through the cotton of her blouse. Standing in front of the full-length mirror she turned around and placed the flats of her hands on the bed. Looking over her shoulder, she was pleased to see that the bottom half of her white panties were clearly on display below the grey pleats of her 'school' skirt. She spread her legs and saw how the material of her panties adopted the shape of her shaven pussy so that it was almost like a second skin. She imagined how Andrew or her secret lover would react if they saw her like this ...or maybe BOTH of them together? That would be hot! She slipped one hand down between her thighs and started stroking herself, imagining how she would tease them. Her panties were sopping wet and so she started to rub the wet lace harder and looked over her shoulder into the mirror. She could see the tips of her two middle fingers disappearing into the fold of her ¥pussy, taking the white lace with them. Closing her eyes, she imagined her secret lover and Andrew naked, kneeling on the floor behind her. She pictured them masturbating as they looked up to watch her. This thought brought her close to coming and she imagined them tugging her panties down and rolling her over onto her back before taking turns to screw her as the other one watched on and masturbated at the scene in front of him. This was all too much. She thrust her hand down inside her knickers and flopped onto the bed, burying her face in the soft material of the duvet as she frantically rubbed her erect clitoris. Within seconds it was all over. She slowly came back to normality and heaved herself off the bed. Where was this all leading to?


By the time Andrew got back later that day, Katya had recovered from her escapades. She greeted him at the door, dressed in a pair of tight faded jeans and a pale pink top with spaghetti straps over the shoulders. Seeing that she was braless, Andrew grinned and cupped a breast in one hand as he kissed her.

'Now THAT is the kind of welcome I could get used to!'

'Down boy! There's plenty of time for that later.'


'Yes, later. If you're feeling frisky, then go and take a long shower - I want you nice and clean when I see you again.'

'Fine by me!'

He started off up the stairs.

'When you're ready, come down and take a seat on the terrace - naked - I have something planned for you.'

He looked down at her with a combination of lusty grin and perplexed curiosity. Then he turned and headed off up to the bathroom. Katya waited until she could hear the water running before going upstairs. She entered the walk-in cupboard and quickly got changed into her 'school uniform' this time wearing a pair of plain grey thin cotton panties under her skirt. Before she left, she bound her blonde hair into a ponytail (it was only just long enough) and then sneaked back downstairs again.

From the pantry, she took the washing basket that she had hidden there earlier and carried it out onto the terrace. The basket was full of her underwear and was part of the show that she had got planned.

Earlier that afternoon, her thoughts kept coming back to the idea of the two men watching her move around in her short skirt. She finally came up with an idea to surprise Andrew. She had erected a 'washing line' on the terrace and pulled the leather 'psychiatrists lounger' out in front of it. If you sat on the lounger, you were almost lying down and much lower than in a normal chair. This way, Andrew should get more than just an eyeful as she hung out the washing in front of him. The only question was how he would react, especially when he saw her shaved pussy. She didn't think that would be an immediate problem, but she did wonder whether any difficult questions would follow. Well, it was too late for that now. All she could do was wait.

She didn't have to wait long. After a few minutes she heard Andrew coming down the stairs and she quickly slipped on a dressing gown that she had brought with her. As Andrew arrived, his cock was already beginning to swell. She motioned to the lounger and looked pointedly at his groin.

'I hope you haven't been playing around upstairs?'


'Good, you will need your strength.' She grinned. 'I want you to lie there and enjoy the show. You can touch yourself but you mustn't come!'

Andrew sat there speechless and grinned like an idiot. With a smile, Katya undid the belt of her bathrobe and dropped it to one side to reveal her schoolgirl outfit - her white knee socks finishing off the perfect schoolgirl look.

'Bloody hell Katya, you look awesome!'

'Thank you! So, why don't you just relax, while I hang out my washing?'

She turned her back to him and stood facing the garden, the washing basket at her feet. Keeping her legs straight, she bent at the waist and selected a pair of pale blue transparent panties. In doing so, the back of her skirt rose up and gave Andrew a flash of her grey cotton panties.

'Very nice!'

She grinned to herself. Her plan was working just as she had hoped. This time she spread her legs slightly and once again bent down, this time rummaging around in the basket before pulling out a pair of bright orange stretch bikini panties. She turned around and held them up to him.

'What do you think? The aren't exactly the type of panties that a schoolgirl should wear are they?'

Despite his exposed erection, Andrew still managed to blush.

'Well, I wouldn't mind seeing schoolgirls wear those either.'

'In preference to these, you mean?'

She pulled up the front of her skirt and exposed her pale grey cotton panties to him. She knew that she was wet and was pretty certain that he would be able to see the damp patch on the thin grey cotton.

'Er, well those are ALSO nice...'

'Hmm, let me put it this way...' she hung the orange panties on the line and picked out a pair of transparent white panties from the basket. 'Should I put these on instead?


His hopes were to be dashed as she carefully pulled off her grey cotton panties and slipped on the white ones without letting him see anything. She grinned to herself. This was fun! She turned back to the basket and spread her legs even further before bending down and ... taking her time ... chose a pair of bright red bikini briefs. She knew that he was staring at her and wondered whether he had already guessed that she was shaven underneath.

So, now it was time to move to phase two of her plan. She bent down and pulled a blanket out of the basket and spread it out on the terrace in front of her before dropping the red bikini panties onto it.

'What are you doing now?'

'Just wait and see ... you'll enjoy it - I promise!'

With that, she reached down and picked up the digital camera that she had placed in the basket. Handing it to Andrew, she turned and knelt down on the blanket facing him.

'You can get off the stool now - but no touching! And you have to give me the camera afterwards - they are MY photo's!'

'Er, OK, it's a deal.'

Andrew leapt off the chair, his erect cock bouncing in front of him. He switched the camera on and pointed it at her. She grinned.

'So, now all you have to do is tell me how you want me.'

'Lie on you back and spread your legs.'

'Like this?'

She lay back with her legs spread slightly. In doing so, her skirt rode up over her thighs so that a small white 'v' was visible. Andrew started taking photos of her.

'Pull your skirt up higher!'

She did as she was told, slowly inching her skirt up over her pubic mound until her panties were fully exposed. Amidst a flurry of clicks from the camera, he suddenly blurted out: 'Have you shaved your pussy?'

The moment of truth had come.

'Yes. Do you like it?'

'Like it? I love it! I can see your lips through those panties of yours ... pull them up a bit for me.'

For a moment she was confused and then she realised what he wanted. She reached down and pulled the white bikini panties up until the side straps were high over her hips and the material was pulled tight over her pussy. The perfect 'camel-toe'.

More camera clicks followed.

'Now pull them off ... slowly!'

Katya slowly eased the wet panties down, exposing more and more of her shaven pubic mound, each time accompanied by a barrage of camera clicks. Finally she slipped them down her thighs and off over her feet before dropping them to one side. She looked up at Andrew. His face was hidden by the camera, which was more than she could say for his erect cock which stood out proudly in front of him, its purple head glistening with pre-cum, a drop of which gathered like a Perl at its tip.

'Like what you see?'

She grinned. She spread her legs again; very aware of how her swollen pussy was in full view of the regularly clicking camera.

'No kidding!'

Andrew knelt down between her legs and put the camera to one side.

'No, this is for me. I told you, no touching.'

With a disappointed and rather frustrated expression on his face, Andrew murmured something like 'OK' and moved back a little. With this, Katya reached over and picked up the red bikini-style panties and slipped them on. Lying back onto the blanket, she motioned to the camera.

'Now, it's my turn to take some photo's.'

'OK, just a few more.'

He took a few photos of her lying topless in her red panties.

'One last pic - I want one of you sucking my cock.'

Katya grinned inwardly. Her secret admirer would certainly get a kick out of THAT. She moved over and knelt in front of Andrew. Taking his swollen cock in one hand, she leaned forwards and took him in her mouth. She tasted the slight saltiness of his pre-cum as she ran her tongue over the tip of his cock. With her eyes shut, she focussed on the pleasure that she was giving him, only dimly aware of the clicks of the camera. Finally she pulled back and lay down in front of him, pulling him down between her legs. Taking the camera from him, she focussed on his cock.

'Wank for me!'

Andrew took his cock in his right hand and started slowly stroking himself in front of her. She took several photos until she could see that he was close to coming.

'Cum over my panties, Andrew!'

Kneeling between her thighs with his hips thrust forward, he started stroking faster.

'Katya, I'm going to ... to...'

She pressed and held the camera button, shooting a series of automatic photo's as he ejaculated. She saw how his cum sprayed out in three main bursts, each of which splattered down onto her panties leaving small puddles of smoky-white cum on her pantie covered pussy. As his orgasm subsided, she took a bunch of photos of herself before handing him the camera, so that he could do the same. Almost without realising it, she slipped one hand down between her thighs and under the red cotton material of her panties.

Her smoothly shaven pussy felt different but the second her finger brushed her clit, she jumped with excitement. She was so incredibly sensitive. She teased herself with her fingers until she came with a wave of pleasure that shocked her. What was going on here? Was it doing this with Andrew or was it the thought of her secret admirer seeing the photo's that made her so hot? She didn't really care - it felt fantastic.


An hour later and freshly showered, she lay in bed next to Andrew and looked at the photos that they had just taken. Whilst she had showered, Andrew had copied the photos from the camera onto his laptop. She lay on her tummy on top of the bed covers and was not only surprised at the quality of the photo's the little camera had taken, but was also very pleased and excited by the results. What she hadn't thought about was that Andrew took the photo's from a man's perspective and as a result, they were very much more lurid and erotic than she had hoped. They clicked from picture to picture and as they reached the photo's of her with the white bikini panties pulled up tight, she saw the camel toe that she had created, the thin white - and damp - material spreading her swollen pussy lips in front of the camera. The result was not only slutty; it was also incredibly erotic. She could feel herself getting excited again and wondered what Andrew was thinking.

'Get up on your hands and knees!'

I guess that answers the question! She thought as she knelt on the bed in front of the laptop, her elbows on the bed and her bum and pussy pushed up in the air. She felt Andrew place the tip of his cock between her lips and then gasped as he thrust hard. Normally he was a very caring - even cautious - lover but this was something completely different. He started fucking her. There was no other word for it. This wasn't making love or even screwing her, this was just a simple fuck - and all for his pleasure. Well, not quite. Katya clicked to the next photo. This time she was wearing the red panties and her legs were spread for a close-up photo of her crotch. She wondered what her secret lover would think when he saw it. Would he want to fuck her like Andrew was fucking her? For a second, she thought what it would be like to be taken by both of them, one after another. Her thoughts were interrupted by Andrew's short gasping breaths - a sure sign that he was about to come. She quickly flicked through to the last photos.