Secret Sex-Fight Society Ch. 03


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"Bunny?" Tommy asked, " . . . what are you wearing."

The cute little blonde had a ball-gag hanging around her neck like a necklace, and her plump young breasts were being pushed up by a tight leather bustier.

"Your mom and I are having our BDSM night," Bunny answered casually, just as if she were talking about what was for dinner. "She's picking out which strap-on she's going to use on me, so we only have about a minute before I'll be unable to talk. What's up?"

"Ciara is having me go up against a sex-fighter named Sandi Spitfire tomorrow. You know her, right?"

"Spitfire!" Bunny almost yelped. "Yeah. She's one of my three consecutive losses. It's partly that bitch's fault I'm not in the Society anymore. Not that I'm really angry. I like living with your mom."

"Yeah, well, Ciara said that Spitfire has some sort of special talent I'm supposed to ask you."

Bunny snorted. "Yeah, figures that old bitch wouldn't just tell you herself. Spitfire isn't like a normal fighter. She isn't even a normal human being. Her manager paid out crazy amounts of money to get her genetically modified."

"No way! She's spliced?" Tommy asked. He had heard of this kind of thing, ways of giving people strange powers like being able to see in the dark or telekinesis. The procedures were dangerous and cost millions of dollars.

"Yep. She can spit fire. Literally."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, she actually breathes fire. Like a dragon. That's how she beat me. One puff of fire and I was so scared that I just begged her to beat me up instead of set me on fire. Ciara kept saying that her healing-chambers could grow my skin back, but fuck that."

Tommy swallowed. That was insane. He didn't want to get burnt to a crisp either.

"Good luck," Bunny said, as the busty shape of Tommy's mother entered the screen. Linda was covered in leather straps and little metal spikes, and from her waist emerged a big, black strap-on dildo. "Gotta go!" Bunny said happily, and she turned the display off, leaving Tommy alone in the dark.

"Sandi Spitfire actually spits fire, huh," he thought. "I wonder if she can do that with a big cock in her mouth?"


The next night Ciara and Fook Yu drove Tommy to one of the worst parts of town, an abandoned industrial area filled with squatters, drug-addicts, and violent gangs. This cozy little shithole had become affectionately known as 'The Rectum,' and it couldn't have been more different from Cougarton at all, except in the regard that Tommy had found some good pussy here to.

The limo pulled into a dirty, empty alleyway that had two fire-escapes hanging on the brick walls to either side. The opposing manager was already there, a bald-headed man wearing a slick black suit and an expensive pair of sunglasses. Ciara went out to meet him, and Tommy noticed that she had dressed differently again. Instead of the pencil-suits or her tight white sweaters, she now wore a tight leather jacket and an even tighter leather skirt. Tommy figured she dressed for the environment she was visiting. Her clothing made that sexy rubbing sound of flesh against leather as she strutted over to the other manager.

"Ciara Chocolate," the bald-men nodded. Tommy noticed that he had a number of scars on his face.

"Victor Zevro," Ciara nodded. Unlike her match against Rodrigo, Ciara and Victor did not seem to like each other at all. Tommy could only guess at how much history and drama went on between the millionaires and billionaires of the society.

"This must be the Tommy Gunn kid, eh," Victor acknowledge the 19 year old bully. "I watched your match against the fat rich bitch yesterday. Hot stuff kid, hot stuff. I especially like the way you popped that little slut right in front of her mom. Cold. Dirty. Just my style. You should dump this half-n-half bitch and join my roster. I'd get you what you need."

Ciara sneered. "Propositioning another manager's fighter? Shit, Victor. This is why no one in the Society like you."

He laughed. "Who cares about being liked? This game is all about being brutal, winning, getting paid, and getting fucked. This kid knows what I'm talking about, right Tommy?"

Tommy didn't really respond, he didn't want to piss off Ciara, but he did agree somewhat. He joined the Society for the money, the thrills, the pussy (not that he wasn't getting plenty of that anyway) but he wanted to be liked. He had spent hours this morning reading through all the comments and reviews of his fight with Mother Bomb. The audience was 50/50 with him so far, half falling in love with him after her raped Stephanie, and the other half wishing his nuts would be eaten by wild dogs. In either case, they were shelling out big bucks just to watch him.

Victor Zevro snapped his fingers. "Alright. Let's get started. Sandi! Get your hot ass out here."

One of the doors to the building was violently kicked open, and out stepped a rocker-punk chick that was so fucking sexy Tommy almost moaned aloud.

Sandi Spitfire strutted out wearing heavy combat boots, tight-ass leather pants, leather gloves, spiked choker, and nothing else. She was totally topless. The only thing covering her big, fake tits were nipple piercings and tattoos of fiery dragons. She was running a long pierced tongue over her puffy pierced lips, and every time she exhaled there was a gust of hot air. Tommy could feel the air temperature go up a few degrees just from the heat of her body. Even her short red hair had been spiked and colored to look like flames.

"So," she said to Tommy in a sexy, raspy voice. "You like raping little girls, huh?" She pointed down to her leather-covered crotch. "This . . . this hot pussy . . . this is going to rape you." She then looked up, opened her mouth, screamed, and shot out a pillar of flames so hot that Tommy had to close his eyes. The fire made a high-pitched screeching sound as it erupted from her throat.


"Holy shit!" Tommy turned to Ciara. "You can't actually expect me to fight this bitch."

She shrugged, causing her large breasts to swell in her tight jacket. "There are a lot of people paying lots of money to see you lose Tommy."

"Wait! You're betting against me!"

"I'm making money, Tommy. That's what I do. If you win, I profit off the reward money. If you lose, I profit off of the wager I took against you. Either way, I profit. Now, Victor and I have already agreed that because Sandi has her special powers, you get to use a weapon. I have a large selection in the car."

Fook Yu popped the trunk of the limo revealing an arsenal of illegal weapons, some of which Tommy had never even seen before. There was everything from cheap brass-knuckles to laser-swords that could cut a person into confetti. But one thing stood out to Tommy, and he knew he wanted it. He picked out a big, thick, twelve-inch purple dildo.

Sandi started laughing. "Let me guess, you're afraid to fuck me yourself, so you're going to use the dildo instead. Ha! Fine. I'd rather let a dog fuck my hot cunt than your nasty dick."

"The dildo isn't going to be for your cunt, bitch," Tommy said, taking his starting stance.

Ciara spoke. "Victory conditions are knockouts only. No tapping out, so surrender. Lethal force is allowed, although not encouraged. If you do kill your opponent you sacrifice your share of the reward."

Sandi whispered, "Some things are more important than money."

"You may use the environment of this alley . . . and ONLY this alley in any way you wish. You may NOT involve any other fighters or civilians in any way." Ciara added that last part for Tommy's sake.

Ciara lifted the canister of microscopic camera-bots again, releasing them into the air. They'd make a 3D rendering of every moment of the fight, so that members of the Society could view the sex-battle from every angle possible. When she was done she lowered the canister.

"FIGHT!" Ciara and Victor said in unison.

Tommy was ready this time, so as Sandi started to inhale deeply he knew to move. She screamed, and a jet of fire incinerated the asphalt he had just been standing on, but Tommy was gone. There wasn't much room in the alley, so he ran up the side of the wall like an expert free-runner, quickly gaining altitude on Sandi.

Her scream ended when she ran out of air. Tommy flew down at her with a flying-punch, but she quickly dodged it, spinning on her heel. Tommy heaved in pain as her heavy booted foot spun into his gut, launching him against the brick wall which actually cracked from the impact.

Sandi was inhaling again. She screamed, and she blasted a hole right through the brick wall were Tommy's head had been one second before. That blast had been so close that some of his hairs were singed, but he fell down and delivered a sweep-kick to Sandi's feet, causing her to fall to the ground. She gasped in surprise right before her brought the heel of his foot down into her gut.


She heaved in pain, but no fire came out. That had been Tommy's theory. Sandi had to take deep breathes to use her power. No big breathes meant not fire. He had to keep her winded.

Her leather-incased legs came up and wrapped around his knee, pulling him down. Next thing he knew they were rolling around on the floor, locked in a wrestling hold. That was fine with Tommy. She was too close to use her fire-blasts that way.

But then . . .

"Ouch!" Tommy whined.

She was kissing his neck. Her lips were so hot that it felt like he was being branded. She was burning him slowly.

"Mmmm . . . I'm going to suck your cock like this," she whispered. "And it's going to roast like a sausage."

Tommy's strength surged as he panicked. He got an arm free and he sunk his elbow into her gut, causing her to cough in pain. He got to his feet, but he left himself open. Sandi flipped up with an acrobatic back-flip, kicking out with her boots at the same time. Both of her feet caught Tommy under the chin and he went flying.

He got up just in time to see Sandi's perfect ass spinning around as she launched a master spin-kick to his face, knocking his head into the opposite brick wall so hard that it also cracked. She pulled back her foot, shifted, and then launched it into his gut, pinning his back against the wall. She did the same thing again, this time her heel slamming into his crotch.

"FUCK!" He screamed from the pain. His head, his back, his balls. She had delivered three brutal shots to his body in less than three seconds. This wasn't some sloppy fuck-fight, this was real martial arts.

She spun again, and her heel hit the side of his head so hard that he could feel time slowing down. His body skidded to the ground, every second lasting almost a minute in his pain-addled mind.

She grabbed him by his hair, pulled him up, and started running.


She slammed his head into one of the metal poles holding up the fire-escape. His body landed so hard that the pole was dislodged and the fire-escape shook.

He stood there in a complete daze, the alley spinning around and around, and he was sure he was about to fall down. Before he could though, Spitfire was on him again. She crept down in front of him, putting her hands on the ground. And then, as if she were going to do a handstand, she launched her foot up into his face like a rocket, her entire body pushing behind it.

Tommy left the ground and sailed through the air, landing into a pile of old trash cans.

"Get the fuck up, bitch," Spitfire commanded him, her naked breasts heaving as she breathed heavily. She was glowing with righteous furry, making her dragon tattoos almost seem alive. "Get up, your rapist piece of shit. I want you on your feet when I kill you. I want you to see this fireball hit you in the face. GET UP!"

Tommy struggled to his feet. His back was to the dead-end of the alley. Between the buildings and the trash cans there was no room to dodge, and he was too groggy to even try. He stared at Spitfire's tattooed breasts as she inhaled deeply. She was building up for a real big one this time. She was going to vaporize him.

He saw the dildo. His weapon. He had dropped it in the street. It was laying on the ground right in front of her. He knew what he had to do.

He pushed himself, rolled, and came to Sandi Spitfire's feet. He grabbed the dildo, stood, and rammed it down her open mouth.

"UMPH!" she gagged as all twelve inches of purple rubber cock slid down her hot throat, filling her esophagus completely. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't move, and she couldn't do anything to get the sex-toy dislodged from her gullet. But the fireball was already made, it had been building up in her mutated stomach this whole time. It was getting hot. Really hot. Her face started to turn red.

Tommy dove for cover.



When the smoke cleared Tommy saw that the alley had been blown apart. Either wall had big, flaming holes in them, each large enough to drive a van through. The ground was a bombed out crater. He had expected to find Sandi as a burnt headless corpse, but amazingly she was still alive, although all of her clothes had been burned away. She was laying naked in a pile of rubble, literally steaming as she moaned in pain.

"She's immune to fire and heat," Victor told Tommy. He was working his way through the rubble, his expensive suit covered in ash. "But the concussive force of the explosion must have hit her head like a speeding train. She's lucky to be alive."

Victor seemed upset about having lost, but there was a professional resignation to him that Tommy hadn't expected.

"Come on Tommmy," Caira called to him. She was already in the backseat of the limo, which had been slightly damaged from the explosion. "You won."

"But . . . aren't I supposed to rape her or something?" Tommy asked. This was his first sex-fight without having any sex involved.

Ciara shrugged. "You can if you want, but I'm leaving. You'll have to find your own way back to the tower."

Tommy considered it, but he had gotten laid enough recently. Besides, raping Sandi would just play into her idea of him, and make him seem like a complete asshole. Not that he wasn't a complete asshole, but he realized he needed to brand himself as likeable to keep a dedicated fan base. Tommy wasn't sure if he wanted to be a face or a heel (to use wrestling terms). He still spat on her face as he walked by though.

"My offer still stands," Victor said. "My doors are always open."

"I'm going to take my chances with that half-n-half bitch," Tommy answered.


Tommy got to have a day off before his next match, and he decided to spend it exploring the facilities of Chocolate Tower, as he came to understand it was called. Officially it was the headquarters of Chocolate Industries, Ciara's multinational corporation, but it also served as the home to her personal stable of sex-fighters, high-end prostitutes, mercenaries and other unusual employees.

And it seemed that being a sex-fighter made him a sort of VIP at an exclusive spa, considering the number of free services that were available. Besides the gym there were nutritionists, martial arts instructors, a huge fucking pool, masseuses, and access to Ciara's world class selection of very expensive sex workers, which Tommy could get a decent discount on.

Tommy wasn't surprised to find that the pool was clothing optional, half of it being indoor, and the other half extending out of the building on a massive balcony over a hundred stories up. Everywhere sexy athletes were swimming, diving, sun bathing, and fucking. A large television screen by a cocktail bar was displaying a sex-fight going on at that exact moment. A pretty little girl with long black hair was being painfully stretched over the knee of a much larger, more muscular woman. The caption read "Hammer Bitch vs. Blackbird." It was pretty obvious to Tommy which was which, and which of them was about to get raped. The bookies knew it to. Numbers scrawling along the bottom of the screen showed the odds that people were betting on.

"I saw your match with Sandi Spitfire. Pretty smart what you did. I guess you're more than just a pretty face with a giant cock."

Tommy turned to see a pretty blonde head bobbing in the pool nearby. It was the babe from the other day, Miss Cupid, the one he had seen getting her bouncy tits fucked off by the blue-haired stud Poseidon. She grabbed onto a handrail and pulled her long, slender, big-breasted body out of the pool. Water cascaded down her naked form, making her seem like some sort of glistening water nymph. Tommy wasn't naked, but his tiny speedo wasn't going to do much to hide the erection Miss Cupid was giving him.

"A lot of people are pretty pissed about that. Odds were in favor of Sandi 5 to 1. You know she'd been undefeated for 12 matches."

Tommy smirked, licking his lips at the sight of her erect, pink nipples. "Yeah, well I'm completely undefeated. Mother Bomb and Spitfire might have been my first two real matches, but I owned three bitches before them. And as for the bookies, well, that's what they get for betting against Tommy Gunn."

Miss cupid laughed in a slightly raspy voice. "My, aren't we cocky?"

He grabbed her hand and held it against his stiffening crotch. "You want to find out just how cocky I am?"

Her big blue eyes widened as her jaw dropped in a big, sexy smile.


"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck yes!" Miss Cupid squeaked as Tommy owned her wet, tight pussy. They were in the showers, and he had her bent over with one foot lifted up and resting against a bench. His hands were on her hips, slamming her back and forth almost like he was trying to hurt himself, but he knew his stiff nine could handle a hard fuck like this.

"Oh shit! I'm going to cum again! Fucking . . . GOD!" Miss Cupid praised, shivering in climax. Tommy didn't let up though. He wasn't even close to cumming yet, and he honestly didn't care what the bitch was feeling. He grabbed her by her long, straight blonde hair and pulled back, making her grunt in pain. He slapped her ass, enjoying the way her firm cheeks took the hit.

Another ten minutes of cock-slamming later and Tommy was ready to cum for the first time, after the extremely sensitive Miss Cupid was still recovering from her forth orgasm.

"I'm going to nut," he told her straight up. "Do you care if I drop it in your pussy?"

"No . . . anywhere you want . . . you deserve it."

"Fucking . . . good . . . TAKE IT!" He grabbed her around the neck and choked her slightly as he slammed in for one hard, orgasmic thrust. He came inside her, busting his seed deep within her, making them both shiver from the sheer ecstasy of relief.

When he let go of her she slipped to the floor, her knees wobbling too much to keep her standing, and he shot the rest of his load onto her back, enjoying the way his cum pooled over her tramp stamp. It was a fairly provocative tattoo, the way the bow and arrow pointed straight down to her ass.

Tommy stood there panting for a few moments before reaching down and grabbing Miss Cupid by her hair. He tugged her to her knees and brought her face up to his messy cock, pushing the cum covered head against her cheek.

"Clean up your mess, slut," Tommy commanded, and she obeyed. Cupid was all too happy to start sucking their shared cum off of the muscle which had worked so much pleasure from her.

Tommy was considering fucking her throat for another orgasm, but he was interrupted by the sound of applause.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Tommy looked up to see he wasn't alone in the showers. The blue-haired stud who had been fucking Miss Cupid was there, wearing nothing by an unbuttoned silk shirt and some necklaces. His hairless sex-club swung between his slim, athletic legs. Even soft he was huge. Tommy noticed a tattoo right above Poseidon's crotch that he hadn't noticed before. It was a trident.