Security Clearance


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"Let's get a joint meeting with our attorneys early next week and hash out the details," I said. "I have only one exception to what you proposed. I will not under any circumstances go for joint custody. That is too hard on the kids, and I want sole custody. If the mediator orders it I'll go along, but only in that case -- I'm not proposing it!"

I let Allison have the master bedroom while I slept in the guest room. I didn't tell her the reason why since I didn't want to raise the stress level, but now that everything was out there was no way that I was sleeping where Mayberry had fucked her. I didn't know if it was possible to get every molecule of his cum out of the sheets or mattress.

Tuesday we had a joint meeting with our attorneys. We both instructed our attorneys to just do what we asked in a legal manner -- we didn't want them haggling.

The contract that we came up with was a 50-50 split of all marital assets except what was exempted by the pre-nup (which was 90% of our wealth); the name of the mediator (an ex-Family Court judge known with a good reputation); when the hearing before him would be scheduled and when the mediator's secret ruling must be given by; the amount of child support I would pay if Allison were granted either sole or joint custody of any child; the amount of maintenance I would pay Allison for two years or until she got remarried, whichever came first; restrictions on her associating with Mayberry in any way if the children were present (she was insulted by this but said that she had no interest in seeing him any more so she agreed to it); agreement not to talk to the children in an attempt to in any way influence what they would tell the mediator; how much Allison could pay, at my expense, for a new living space (whether house, condo or apartment) if I got sole custody and she had to move out of our house; and what the specific arrangements would be if we had joint custody or what the visitation rights would be if either of us got sole custody of any child.

It took all day to hammer out the details, but we got it done. The potential mediator was contacted the next day, he agreed to handle the case and on his compensation (which would come 50-50 out of our joint assets not subject to the pre-nup), and we even scheduled a briefing date two weeks hence and a hearing date four weeks hence.

I didn't make Allison put it in the contract, but talked with her about it in private and we both agreed that neither of us would bring anyone else into our house while we jointly occupied it, and that after the custody arrangement was decided that the person who had to vacate would do so within two weeks.

Also, I agreed to have my attorney threaten the pay porn site with a lawsuit if they didn't take her videos down, and would return the money to them. Of course this didn't take any effort at all. One call to Jezebel took care of it.

Allison and I were actually civil to each other while we waited for the hearing. I never tried to influence the children, and to the best of my knowledge she didn't either, and we never made any mean, or even sarcastic, comments to each other even when in private. The only "nasty" thing that she did was to walk around the house topless when the children were asleep or not there. I knew why she was doing it, but in exasperation asked her once anyway.

"I want you to get a real good last look at what you're giving up," she said while grabbing one of her boobs and bending its perfect puffy nipple up to her mouth and licking it. I couldn't help tenting my pants. She pointed to my crotch and said "I can see that it's working," then walked out of the room with a diabolical grin on her face.

The day of the hearing I was nervous even though I was sure that I had the upper hand, and that the worst that could come out of it was joint custody. Since I badly wanted sole custody, though, I was almost frantic.

The hearing went pretty well, although just before it was time for the judge to interview the children he made some comments that created a pit in my stomach. He seemed to be leaning toward joint custody. Before actually interviewing the children he threw us a curve.

"I see that you have agreed to watch my interviews with the children by closed circuit TV," the mediator said. "I'm sorry, I can't agree to that. I apologize for not realizing that until just a few minutes ago, but that would destroy the necessary candor and trust I need to have with the children. If either of you can't agree to me meeting with each child in private, I'll have to refund your money and give you a recommendation for another mediator. Since the children's interviews were to be tomorrow anyway, a day that they're off school, let me know by then."

I was almost tempted to say that I didn't agree and hope that we could get another mediator less inclined toward joint custody than this one seemed to be. My attorney talked me out of it, especially since she knew of Amber's antipathy toward Allison, and how from past experience with the mediator when he was a judge that he gave credence to the children's wishes. Amber was only a year away from when, under state law, she could decide herself, and the judge was likely to give more credence to what she had to say than any other mediator we would.

Before Allison and I left for home we met together with our attorneys and we all agreed to the mediator's stipulation. We also agreed we would not interrogate the children, afterward, about what they said.

That night at dinner Allison did make some comments that I thought the kids would pick up on as her expression of a wish for joint custody. I just gave her a hard look, and didn't say anything in rsponse. Amber caught my eye and slyly smiled.

The next day the mediator met privately with each of the children. Jerry's interview took only about twenty minutes. Whitney's took about a half an hour. Amber's took more than an hour. When Amber exited, when she was sure that Allison and her attorney were not looking, she gave me a thumbs-up.

Per our agreement, Allison's parents took the kids out to eat after their interviews, with instructions to drop them back at our house about 4 p.m.

After we broke for lunch, the mediator was ready to render a decision. We didn't expect that; he had another week, under the contract, to decide so there was no obligation to decide then. He didn't even want to hear the thirty minute closing arguments that the attorneys had prepared.

"After reviewing all of the evidence available to me, and considering the best interests of the children as paramount, I award sole custody of all three children to the father, Brian Banks. I also find that under the circumstances the contract that was entered into by the parties before the case was submitted to me is reasonable and in the best interests of the children, therefore the case will be settled on exactly those terms. I will provide a certified copy of this summary decision on Monday for you to submit to Family Court with your settlement. Thank you for entrusting me with this matter and good luck in the future."

Allison and I both cried -- for different reasons.

The ride home was somber. I was in no mood to gloat, and she was despondent. My old enemy, the pall of sadness, had descended upon me again at the finality of the breakup of our family, even though it was on the best possible terms for me given that a breakup was necessary.

That night, when we told the children, Allison was spaced out so I had to most of the talking. Jerry and Whitney were sad, and genuinely hugged Allison. Amber gave her a perfunctory hug. I said only nice things about Allison and told them what the visitation would be like.

I bought another house for Allison in less than a week after the hearing, and she moved into it within the two week time period we had agreed to. The children and I helped her, as did her parents and brother, and we hired a moving company for the big items she was taking from our house (including the king size bed from the master bedroom).

When the divorce was final a few months later I hosted a "victory" party at the house, to thank all of the people who had helped me, and for my closest friends and my parents. I did not indicate to the children what the purpose of the party was; just that it was a celebration in general. Amber, of course, who was now thirteen, had figured it out.

Just before the guests were to arrive and I was making some last minute preparations in the den she came in and closed the door. She made me sit down then sat on my lap.

"Daddy; how happy are you that the custody arrangement came out like it did?" a sophisticated question, even for her.

"Why I'm very happy, Amber; why do you ask?" I replied.

She broke into a big grin. "I knew it would work out when I talked to the mediator. I told him that I had seen Mom and that Mayberry guy having sex in our house when I came home ill one day, and that it had a terrible effect on me."

"Did you see them?" was my startled reply.

"What difference does it make, really? She was cheating, I would have refused to go with her if she was awarded custody of me, and I knew it was best for Jerry and Whitney to stay together with us. I just thought that you'd like to know," she concluded with a big grin. She kissed my cheek, hopped off my lap, and was gone.

I decided not to ever pursue the matter.

What I did pursue, starting with the "victory" celebration, however, was Jezebel.

Jezebel came to the party looking like a million dollars. She immediately bonded with Jerry and Whitney. She played catch and pepper (a bunting and fielding game for baseball players) with Jerry for a good half hour. She was much better with that than I ever was!

Jezebel sat down one-on-one with Whitney. I don't know what they talked about, but they were chatting and laughing for a good hour.

Amber was more reserved around Jezebel than the other two kids were, but she also seemed to have a positive reaction to her, and they talked about fashion.

Jezebel did not leave me out in the courting of our family. Half way through the party she isolated me in the den, grabbed my crotch and whispered "You no longer have an excuse for not letting me fuck your brains out. Have your parents stay with the kids tonight and come home with me. I promise that you'll still be alive when I let you return at ten tomorrow morning, although I can't guarantee that you'll be coherent."

When she saw the look in my eyes she didn't wait for a verbal answer, planted a lecherous kiss on my lips, and then swung her hips in an exaggerated manner as she walked out of the den.

Jezebel did nearly fuck my brains out that night. I had never had three orgasms in an eight hour period before, but I did that night. I made two enormous deposits in her pussy, and one lesser -- though just as rewarding -- one in her ass. I sucked on those monster tits almost constantly when we weren't fucking, and even though it was in a losing cause she tried to suck me hard again two more times.

As I was leaving I said "Jezebel, I don't know what you see in me, but Goddamn it, I sure love being with you. Do we have a chance for a real relationship?"

As she stared into my eyes she licked her lips. "What I see in you is a kind, generous, smart, giving, person with a great dick and a high libido. Why don't you take me to a resort the weekend of the 14th for three days, and we can see if we both want a real relationship. To be honest with you I'm tired of fucking around. I want a man who is mine and mine alone."

She gave me another lecherous kiss then closed the door on me, saying "Get home to those beautiful kids!"


Two years after my "victory" party there have been a number of changes in my life.

All three kids are well adjusted, happy, and thriving in school, social life, and activities.

Allison has not done anything ugly, and has taken full advantage of her visitation rights, and has done nothing to abuse them. Amber now has a much better relationship with her than they had when we were a family. In fact Amber even went with her and the other two kids to Allison's parents' lake house for ten days last summer, and had no negative reports when she came back.

My business is thriving and I'm making more money than ever. My ownership of the operating companies was inadvertently disclosed, however, when a report we filed with the government was sent to a number of employees who we didn't intend to have it. Even that has worked out, however, and no one treats me any differently than before.

Roger Mayberry left town shortly after the victory party, and according to the only employee who still has any contact with him has an entry level sales job with an electronics firm on the west coast that does not deal in sensitive technology.

The children have more than accepted Jezebel. All three look on her more as a friend than a mother-figure, and really enjoy her company. After two years of fucking whenever we could, Jezebel decided that we needed to be exclusive. Last month she sold her porn website and moved in with the kids and me. Although she doesn't want to get married, she wants only me and wants to perform friend/motherly duties for the kids while at the same time running a small specialty clothing Internet sales company out of an addition I had put on the house for that purpose.

At the same time that the addition was being constructed, I also had the highest quality sound proofing installed in the master bedroom.

I found that fucking Jezebel's tits is almost as rewarding physically as fucking Allison's was, with a lot less angst. Jezebel also wants to fuck essentially every day and never ceases to be able to get me hard within minutes whenever the mood strikes her.

Last night, as I was pounding Jezebel's pussy doggy, while moving a butt plug in and out of her ass and still trying to watch her pendulous boobs smack into each other, I asked myself "Am I the most satisfied man in America!" Just then Jezebel started screaming and spasming in orgasm as I rocketed a full load into her pussy. "Hell YES!" came my answer, loud and clear!

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FluidswallowerFluidswallower7 months ago

Thanks for yet another fun read.

MarkT63MarkT639 months ago

Very nice revenge story!!!

miket0422miket042210 months ago

Traded in a cheating wife for a retired porn star????

Even after reading this I'm not sure what to think about it.

SexecutionerSexecutioner12 months ago

Pretty ordinary, destroy the affair partner but buy the slut a house? Have a pre nup but get simpy and overly generous?

Neither bad nor good,

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDay12 months ago

Would have been a 5 but for the appalling lack of an explanation for her behavior. And if all his kids share his genes.

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