Seducing Anya Ch. 01


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Valerie stood up, breathless and shaky, and turned to face Cal. They regarded each other under the running water. Valerie's pussy ached terribly, and she could feel her thighs were bruised where Cal had gripped them so firmly. She glanced down at herself and saw her cunt lips were parted wide from his huge girth, overflowing with his semen. He was smiling at her with love and deep satisfaction. She stepped forward and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him hungrily, pressing herself up against his tall, muscular body. The hard lines of his chest and abdomen felt wonderful against her naked breasts as they kissed. His cock, flaccid now but still gloriously big, was warm against her thigh.

Cal ran his hands lightly over her, tracing her shoulders, her slender midriff, her finely curved hips. Then he pulled back from their kiss and reached over to switch off the shower. "Kneel down, babe," he told her softly. "Lesson's not over yet."

Valerie gave a little shiver of delight. She knew what was coming now. She knelt obediently in front of Cal, her naked body dripping wet from the shower. She gazed up at him lustfully as his penis dangled free and huge over her face. Despite her soreness and lingering exhaustion, Valerie felt her pussy tingle with anticipation.

Cal held his cock loosely and pissed a thick, powerful golden stream onto her smiling face. Valerie giggled delightedly at the warm pressure of it. His urine trickled down her cheeks and chin and drizzled onto her shoulders. Then he aimed his torrent onto her breasts, thoroughly drenching them, playing over each of her nipples. Valerie hissed with pleasure and began to lightly squeeze and knead her own breasts as Cal urinated on her. The warmth and wetness and delightful humiliation of it was intensely arousing for her, especially after such a hard fuck.

While Valerie peed much more often than her boyfriend, Cal definitely won by sheer volume. He pissed like the proverbial racehorse. At one particularly beer-laden party a few months before, Valerie had seen him fill two pint glasses with his piss as a dare. He'd easily overflowed both glasses with a strong, continuous stream. She had been very titillated, needless to say.

As his urine formed a spreading yellow puddle around Valerie's kneeling body, Cal directed his stream down her smooth, toned belly, jetting it into her navel. Then he pissed on the rose tattoo on her inner thigh. Finally, as she leaned back and parted her legs wider to welcome his piss, he urinated on her freshly-fucked pussy. His stream was pleasantly warm, strong and teasing on her soft, tender outer lips. With her thumb and forefinger, she gently held her labia further apart to expose more of her cunt to her boyfriend's warm flood. His piss began to wash away the thick white come that he'd so recently squirted into her.

Cal pissed on her there for so long that Valerie laughed and said, "You're really hosing me down, honey."

"Marking my territory," he replied nonchalantly.

"I'm pretty sure it's yours already," she said. But even as she spoke the words, she thought of Anya again, and felt a pang of guilt. Not even the hot reality of Cal fucking her and pissing on her could distract her from that silent ache of longing.

At last, Cal finished his prodigious piss, shaking off the last few drops onto Valerie's upturned face. She smiled and kissed his dangling cock. Then she gave its tip a quick, gentle suck, enjoying the taste and smoothness of his foreskin on her tongue. His warm urine dripped down her naked body into the puddle around her on the floor of the shower. "I'm definitely going to be late for work now," she quipped as she released his cock.

"Still got time," he chuckled, turning on the shower again. He waited for Valerie to rinse all the piss off herself before joining her under the rushing water. They kissed and soaped each other down, Cal stroking and massaging her with surprising gentleness after such a rough, kinky fuck. When they were both clean, he gave her a long kiss on the lips and said, "Come on, babe. Anya's an early riser. She's probably wondering why we've been in here so long."

"I think she might have guessed," Valerie replied with a naughty smile.

Returning to the bedroom, they towelled off and dressed quickly for work. Cal put on a navy-blue formal shirt and dark slacks, while Valerie slipped into a white satin blouse and long black skirt. Her blouse flattered her full breasts perfectly, and Cal's biceps and pectorals bulged impressively through the tight cotton of his shirt. And they weren't all that bulged. Valerie enjoyed watching him struggle to tuck his monster cock into his slacks so that it wouldn't stand out too obviously against his leg. She admired their reflections in the mirror opposite the bed as she applied her makeup. She felt a pleasurable pride at what a good-looking couple they made, whether naked or dressed.

Gathering their phones and keys, they went through to the spacious, open-plan kitchen. Valerie walked a little gingerly; her pussy was still very sore. Cal had stretched her to the limit yet again.

Anya was waiting for them at the breakfast table, drinking a large mug of tea. She looked up from the magazine she was reading and smiled sleepily at them. "Hey, guys. Aren't you going to be late?"

"Oh, not you too," Valerie laughed, but as she said it she found herself unable to take her eyes off Anya. Even first thing in the morning, with her long black hair mussed and her eyes bleary from sleep, Cal's younger sister was utterly gorgeous. She had recently turned twenty-one, and had a dancer's slender, strong physique. She was a tall girl - nearly six feet - and yet she was superbly proportioned, not gangly or awkward in the slightest. Her face was elegant, almost elfin, with perfectly sculpted cheekbones and a cute, sharp little nose. Her skin was a flawless Nordic white. She had a small mouth with delicate lips, sweet and pink and utterly kissable. Like her brother, she had big, pretty sea-blue eyes; Valerie could have stared into them for hours. She was wearing a long cream-white dressing gown, but she was barefoot and Valerie strongly suspected that she was naked under the tightly-belted gown. Valerie dearly wanted to rip it to shreds and expose that luscious body to the world.

"Morning, sis." Cal put one strong arm gently around his sister's shoulders and gave her a quick, affectionate squeeze before busying himself with making breakfast. Anya looked up at him with a quick smile that was both loving and somehow a little sad.

"Did you sleep okay, Anya?" Valerie asked, trying her best to focus on pouring a bowl of wholegrain cereal.

"Fine, thanks. The bed in the guestroom is so comfy."

"Only the best for you, honey." Valerie sat opposite Anya and picked at her cereal, finding she had little appetite. Her eyes were drawn to Anya's exquisite face once again, almost as if by magnetism. She couldn't remember the last time she'd found another female so beautiful.

"You're such good hosts," Anya said, sipping her tea. She met Valerie's gaze and must have seen the lust in it, because she blushed and looked down timidly. "Um. You didn't have to go to all this trouble."

"No trouble, Anni. It's not every day my baby sister comes to visit," Cal told her cheerfully as he poured himself some steaming black coffee. "You know you can stay here any time."

"I don't have to go back for a while, now the semester's over," Anya said. She sounded rather hopeful. Valerie saw that, once again, she was looking at her brother with a sort of quiet longing. It was the same smitten-schoolgirl look she'd been giving him since she first arrived.

Cal was oblivious, drinking his coffee and setting the toaster. "Stay as long as you want. We'll be working most of the time, but we can hang out with you in the evenings. Maybe we could go out for some drinks on the weekend."

"Oh, I'd love that," Anya replied. "I mean, if it's okay with you too, Valerie," she added, sounding nervous.

"Of course!" Valerie said, a little too quickly and eagerly. She realised she must be coming across pretty weird this morning. She really needed to keep a lid on her horniness. She'd been fucked less than half an hour before, after all. "I mean, yeah, like Cal says, work's pretty crazy for us. But we'll make some time for you."

"That's really sweet of you," Anya said. "I love this place. I can't wait to see more of the town. And the lake looks amazing."

"Must be a nice change of scene for you, after the big city," Valerie observed. She knew Anya's university was in a city centre, many hours' drive away. She didn't envy her that - though she was city-born herself, Valerie had always preferred smaller, more relaxed towns like this one.

"Hey, we grew up in the country, remember. Lakes and forests feel like home to us," Cal said as he ate some hastily-buttered toast.

"Yeah, and you still haven't taken me to the family home," she pouted, feigning hurt in her voice. "Your daddy's big old mansion. Anya, your brother doesn't think I'm classy enough to meet the parents."

"Oh, no, our parents would love you-" Anya started, clearly not getting Valerie's joking tone.

"Don't listen to her, Anni," Cal said with a chuckle. "She's met them twice. And they've invited her to visit, it's just hard to fit it in with work and everything."

"That's not the only thing that's hard to fit in," Valerie said slyly, eyeing the impressive bulge in Cal's slacks as he walked past her to put his empty coffee mug in the sink. Cal saw where she was gazing and grinned with easy pride. Valerie wasn't surprised to see Anya glance at it too; the younger girl's eyes widened and she blushed furiously, looking back at her breakfast. Valerie felt slightly guilty for making Anya uncomfortable, but she doubted it was the first time Anya had seen the outline of her brother's big dick.

Suddenly, shamefully, Valerie imagined Cal and Anya fucking - that beautiful girl moaning in helpless pleasure with her legs flung wide as her big muscular brother forced his massive cock inside her. It would be insanely hot to watch, and to join in. Valerie's frustration deepened even further, knowing Cal would never do something so debauched with his beloved little sister.

She finished her breakfast as quickly as she could, washing her cereal down with a tall glass of chilled orange juice and then slipping on her black suede work heels. She couldn't stop stealing glances at Anya, who had returned to her magazine, sipping her tea and evidently trying not to make eye contact.

"Okay, Anni, we have to run now," Cal told his sister when they were ready to go. "Text if you need anything." He gently kissed the top of her head in an almost fatherly way, and walked to the door with his car keys dangling from one finger.

"Yeah, have a good day, honey. We'll see you for dinner," Valerie added as she followed him out of the apartment. She resisted the urge to kiss Anya goodbye herself. She knew that if she tried, she'd end up going straight for her lips.


Cal drove Valerie along the waterfront under a wintry grey sky. It felt colder this morning than it had done all autumn. A strong and chilly wind was whipping up little waves on the surface of the lake. A few small boats bobbed further out, but it was hardly boating weather, and most of the yachts and fishing boats were moored in the harbour. The pine forest was like a dark encircling wall on the far shore of the lake.

Valerie worked in the HR department of a medium-sized law firm in the town's central business district. She'd recently been promoted to a management role, and had received a very welcome raise, but career-wise she was still lagging somewhat behind Cal. His father was a successful financier who had worked for investment banks in both Europe and North America, and Cal was eager to follow in his footsteps. Those family connections, combined with a good head for numbers, had helped Cal get a lucrative job in a property investment company on the waterfront. Even as a junior manager, he made substantially more than Valerie. "It's not fair. You get to be pretty, and rich too," she sometimes joked to him.

"Hey, at least you still get to be pretty," he'd reply. "And tight." Although, of course, he was doing his formidable best to loosen her up every night.

"Anya's so cute," Valerie said to Cal as they waited at a red light. The roads were clogged with rush-hour traffic. They were both almost certainly going to be late for work, but Valerie found she didn't care much. "Is she always this shy?"

"Yeah. She's never been a big talker. Just loves her dancing."

"She likes talking to you, though. I can see it. She really loves you." Perhaps more than Cal realised, Valerie thought.

"Well, she's my baby sister," Cal said. "I take care of her, you know? Best as I can, anyway."

"Chasing away boys who want to get into her pants, that kind of thing?" Valerie smirked.

"Sometimes. She got a lot of attention back home. Some of them kind of pervy. I had to scare a few creeps away."

"Aww. You're a good brother, honey." She reached over and stroked Cal's thigh affectionately as he drove.

"I could be better," Cal replied. He looked suddenly a little grim. "I wasn't always there to protect her. She had some bad boyfriends the last few years. Bunch of assholes, really screwed her around. One after another."

"How bad?"

"I don't know. She doesn't like to talk about it. Cheating, lying...the usual shit, I guess. Tell you one thing, Vali. If I ever met them, I'd break their fucking faces."

The idea that someone would hurt Anya made Valerie feel faintly sick. She wondered if this was why Anya kept looking wistfully at Cal. After being fucked over by a bunch of cheating bastards, who could blame her for longing for a real man?

"Is that why she's come here, do you reckon? Getting away from it?"

"That's probably part of it. She used to come to my room to cuddle when she got scared, back when we were kids. I guess this is the grown-up version." Cal turned the car down a sidestreet that led up to Valerie's workplace. "Here's your stop, babe. Run."

He stopped the car to let her out. They kissed briefly, and - as she always did before leaving the car in the mornings - she squeezed the thick shaft of his cock playfully through his slacks. "Will you be thinking of me while you're at work?" she asked him, mock-innocently.

"Always. Now move your ass. You're late."

She gave him a final wave as she walked to the revolving door of her company's building, and he drove off behind her. Her pussy was tender and sore from the rough fucking he'd given her, and the mere thought of him still gave her a quiet sexual thrill, almost like a reflex. But try as she might, she couldn't stop thinking about Anya's lovely face, and her tall, beautiful body hidden inside that dressing gown.

Valerie realised, with a familiar sinking feeling, that she was falling in love.

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gbdkcpgbdkcp21 days ago

I enjoyed the first chapter and thought the writing was good. Looking forward to reading the rest again f the story.

GoldustwingGoldustwingabout 1 month ago

This is well written and very erotic, I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Great start. Guess the score is because of the pissing. I'm not into it in my persinal life, but I don't mind reading about it; it kinda spices things up, which is nice when all these stories start reading the same. 5/5

bshell47bshell47almost 4 years ago
Nice start

Not into peeing it the rest was good.

Can’t wait for the next chapter

allenknott3allenknott3almost 5 years ago
Your story!

Your story would be good minus the pissing, part. Seriously! Because of that, I had to give it one star.

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