Seducing Jennifer Pt. 15-16

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More strange dreams, and a distress call from Jennifer
4.1k words

Part 14 of the 30 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 04/24/2014
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Part 15

I woke from my dream with a start when Anna stepped on the brake and the car decelerated rapidly and came to a halt. Of course I had a raging boner in my pants. Momentarily I had no idea where I was, as if I had been catapulted out of one world and fallen sprawling into another alien one. I desperately longed to go back to the last one, with my two beautiful wives and our little mud house on the edge of the prairie. The dream stayed crystal clear in my mind, rather that rapidly turning to mist, as most of my dreams do. I was quite sure that I could replay this one in my mind, like a DVD, and review it in perfect detail.

I had read that many of the Ancient Ones believed that dreams are just another form of reality, and are valid forms of experience in every respect, as well as being filled with meaning and prophecy. I had dismissed that as superstition, but I was beginning to see their point of view. This dream, or vision, had been more real, more colorful, more full of scents and sensations than reality. I liked that world a lot better than this one. Anna had parked behind a liquor store near my parent's home. She shook my shoulder gently. "This is your stop, Jacky," she said sadly. "Sorry I can't bring you to my house for the rest of the day, but it wouldn't be wise right now." I sat up, my head still swimming from interrupted sleep. "When could I come over? Or maybe we could go somewhere next weekend?"

"We'll see, Jacky. I'm pretty sure Jennifer will be calling you sometime this week. So we'll see if we can work something out then."

"I've called and texted her so many times I can't remember. No answers."

"Just keep trying, Sweetie. Don't let her forget how much you love her. And have faith. Everything is going to work out."

I leaned over to kiss her and she turned her face away from me. "You need to get out now, dear. It's really important that no one sees us together."

I slid over and opened the car door, my face burning. I got out, shut the door gently, and said through the open window, "Thanks for the ride, Mrs. C." I blinked away acid tears of loss and sorrow.

"That's exactly right, Jack. And believe me, it was my pleasure." I tried to fix an image of her beautiful face in my mind as the car window whirred up. I stood and watched while she drove away, then plodded toward 'home,' hands in pockets, shoulders slumped, the picture of dejection. When I got to the house my parents barely looked up from their religious television show. Perfect for after-church viewing, don't you know.

"You missed church this morning, so don't even think about trying to skip the evening service," my mother snapped over her shoulder. "And that trashy little girlfriend of yours called. I didn't tell her you were sleeping over at Tommy's house. None of her business, the nosy little slut."

Yeah, and fuck you too, Mom, I thought.

I hurried to my room and pulled the cell phone I wasn't supposed to have out from under my mattress. The message light was on! My hands shook as I checked my messages. I had one text message, from Tommy. I opened it.

"Hot wknd dude tell me abt it."

I grinned in spite of myself. Tommy was as big a perv as I was. I texted back. "Thx 4 the wknd dude just got home. Tell yr mom it was a gr8 dinner." His mom was half in the bag most of the time, and if he thanked her for giving me a great dinner she might well believe she had. I sent the message and checked for missed phone calls. There were a bunch of calls from numbers I didn't recognize, and one from a number I did. Jennifer's. The phone beeped just as I was about to press 'return call.' Another text message.

"U & Jenny do the dance w/ no pants?"

Not a good thing to send over the public airways. I texted back: "Yr sick dude. Talk 2 u at school 2morrow." I had a sick feeling in my stomach. I hoped Tommy could stick to our prearranged story. If it ever came out that I had been at a lake house that mysteriously blew up the shit would hit the fan in a big way.

I went back to 'missed calls' and hit 'return call.' Jennifer's phone buzzed seven times and went to voice mail. A metallic voice asked me to leave a message. I stammered into the phone, "I'm home, Jennifer. Sorry my mom's a bitch. Call me. And, uh, remember I love you, OK?"

I sat on the edge of the bed for a long time, willing the phone to vibrate. Finally I stuffed it back under the mattress, kicked off my shoes and lay down. I closed my eyes and tried to picture wild horses pounding across a wind-swept prairie...


I crawled through a short, curving tunnel into the house. It was cool and dimly lit by a tiny fire and a shaft of sunlight coming through the smoke-hole. As I stood up, my junior wife, Tse-ni-sa, was just stripping her deerskin tunic off over her head. I stood quietly, enjoying the view. She stuck her tongue out at me, impishly, and spun around to give me a good look at her delicious little body from all angles. Her thick blond hair swirled around her like a cape, strands of it curling around and caressing her proud nipples. My senior wife, A-na, crawled in behind me and put a hand on my arm to steady herself as she stood. "Ah, Tse-k', she's a pretty thing, my daughter. I once looked like her, you know."

I laughed as I slipped an arm around A-na's waist and kissed her neck. She was fragrant with wood smoke, fresh herbs, and a hint of mysterious female musk. "You still do, A-na. You could be her twin sister."

She slapped at my bare arm playfully. "You should not say such things out loud, Tse-k'. The hu-hu will hear and come to steal us both from you."

"Then I'll just pluck him and roast him," I said. "And we'll all suck the marrow from his bones." A-na kissed my shoulder and poked at the fire with a charred stick. "Go tend to Tse-ni-sa," she told me. "Her we-sa is weeping for you."

Tse-ni-sa had flung herself down on the bed of stacked hides covered with a huge bear skin. She was eyeing my tented breach cloth covetously. "Perhaps I will go look for a hu-hu," she said. "I cannot get any attention here."

I crossed to the bed and dropped my breech cloth to the reed mat covering the packed mud floor. My cock stuck out at a right angle to my body, not fully erect but getting there quickly. Tse-ni-sa stared at it and reached for me, then crossed her arms over her breasts and rolled over to face the wall. "I think you are hard for A-na, not for me. Her we-sa is bigger."

"I have been working on stretching yours," I told her. I reached out and stroked the perfect curve from her ribs to her hip. "I think your we-sa needs extra attention, though. I think perhaps she gets so hungry she eats green persimmons when no one is watching."

A-na giggled as she squatted by the fire, fishing for a hot rock to drop into the water pot. "Perhaps I will try feeding green persimmons to my we-sa. She has grown fat and sloppy from too much attention. And plenty of fat meat."

I stretched out on the bed and rolled Tse-ni-sa over to face me. She came into my arms and hugged my neck. "Poor we-sa," she pouted. "She's so hungry."

I kissed her deeply, our tongues meeting and caressing as if they were old friends who had missed each other. I took a small hard breast in my hand and stroked the nipple. Tse-ni-sa reached for my cock, squeezed out a drop of pre-come, and smeared it around the crown. "We-sa cannot wait," she whispered.

I knew it was too soon but I allowed her to mount me. She rose up on her knees, took my rigid tool in both hands, and tried to work the head into herself. I groaned when I felt the hot slickness of her opening. But she got no more than the head of my cock into her before she trembled and fell forward, letting my cock slip back out of her. I helped her sit back up, pulled her hips up to my face and plunged my tongue into her tight little snatch. I thrust it in and out of her a few times, her clitty bumping my nose, and then transferred my oral attentions to that sweet little bud while cautiously probing her snatch with a moistened finger. She combed her fingers through my hair as I worked to bring her desire to a boil.

A-na watched us approvingly as she spooned tea into the water pot.

I withdrew my finger from Tse-ni-sa's hot little snatch and inserted my thumb. I crooked it toward me as I nibbled at her tiny clitty. She moaned and thrust herself toward my face, then backed away, slid down my body, and impaled herself on my leaking prick. It went in nearly half way before she had to stop to catch her breath. I waited patiently as she got used to my girth filling her, and soon she began to move her hips back and forth, trying to take more of me. I lay there with my hands behind my head, watching her. She gazed into my eyes as she humped my dick shallowly, running her hands through her long hair, combing it straight and letting it fall again. She cupped her small breasts in her hands, the nipples hard and pebbled, as if she were presenting them to me. Droplets of sweat were forming on her forehead as she tried to engulf me completely. She squeezed her eyes shut and I knew she was in pain.

I sat up, grabbed her around the waist, and rolled her over without losing much ground. I began stroking in and out of her gently, holding her trim butt in my hands as I fucked her. She moaned and burrowed her face into the hollow of my neck. I felt my come rising, and penetrated her a little deeper. "Fuck me, Husband!" she moaned. "I am coming!" I increased the tempo a little, but held back until she shuddered through her climax, her breath sobbing in my ear. Then I thrust into her as far as I dared and spurted my hot load deep into her pussy.


"Jack!" someone yelled, grasping my shoulder roughly. I leapt off the bed, reaching for my stone knife, and found myself in the bedroom of my parent's house, my red-faced putative father glaring at me. "Were you having filthy dreams again? We heard you moaning all the way downstairs."

"Nightmares, Dad," I said, my dry tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth. "Nightmares about white people stealing me from my real family."

His red face turned nearly maroon. "You ungrateful little bastard. After everything your mother and I have done for you—"

"And don't forget what you've done to me, either," I said.

He hissed at me venomously. "The day you graduate from high school is the day you leave this house. And it can't come too soon."

"It might happen sooner than you think, Dad," I said.


Part 16

When Monday morning came around I was so stiff and sore I could hardly walk. My ass burned. My dick was chafed nearly raw. I coated myself liberally with aloe gel before getting dressed, and swallowed a couple of aspirins. And vowed to myself that when, or if, I took Jennifer's virginity I would be extremely gentle with her inexperienced pussy.

I plodded through the morning, looking forward to getting back to the house and checking my messages. In case Jennifer might call. Not that I expected her to. But she might. Or maybe I would hear something from Anna. I missed her so desperately it felt like there was just a big empty space where my heart used to be.

Tommy crowed in beside me at the lunch table, his nearly black skin and my deep bronze hide looking like lumps of coal in a snowdrift. "So, Dude, how was the weekend?"

"Fantastic. Thanks so much for having me over to your place."

Tommy lowered his voice conspiratorially. "Details, Dude. I need details. You got lucky, so you owe me at least something to think about while I whack off."

"Well, we played a lot of video games. You and I stayed up all night playing Grand Theft Auto. And we got into your Mom's vodka and drank so much we both puked off the back porch."

"Yeah, I get it. Moms was so bombed she'll back us up too. So what REALLY happened? Inquiring minds want to know."

"Best weekend of my life, Dude."

"Fuck you! Give me something I can fantasize about, at least!"

I leaned over and murmured close to his ear. "I had my tongue in her pussy. And she liked it."

"Jeee-sus!" Tommy blurted out loud, attracting the attention of the hatchet-faced lunchroom monitor, who started stalking towards us, beckoning to her ass-kissing student assistant. Tommy quickly clasped his hands under his chin and bowed his head over his plate of mac and fake cheese. "And bless this glorious food unto our bodies, Amen." He raised his head and looked around innocently. The thought-police wandered off in another direction, beady eyes scanning for other, more interesting sins to punish. "So how did you get to that point?" he murmured out of the side of his mouth. "Prissy little Jenny just drop her drawers, shove her puss into your face, and scream 'eat me?'"

"She did," I breathed. "Then she sat on my face and came all over me."

"No way! You lying sack. Come on; how far did you really get? A little stink-finger at least?"

I sighed. "It's really kind of personal, Dude."

"Personal? You twat. I'm the one that taught you how to jack off, remember? And you talk about personal?"

Luckily the bell rang at that moment, signaling the end of our allotted time for forcing down our delicious swill. "I'll talk to you later, Dude. All the details, I promise. But I really need you to back me up about the weekend. In case anyone ever asks."

"You know I will Dude. But we WILL discuss this later."

I spent the afternoon thinking up things to tell Tommy that would pacify him. I certainly wasn't about to tell him the truth. And I felt terribly guilty about saying anything that would be embarrassing to Jennifer.

After school Tommy and I walked home together. Once again I did not see Jennifer anywhere. We caught up with one of her classmates, however, and walked with her for a city block. "Did you talk to Jennifer today?" I asked.

She shook her head, glancing sideways at me uneasily, probably wondering if being seen talking to someone as disreputable as me would damage her reputation. And maybe thrilled at the idea that it might. "She hasn't been at school for quite a while. Maybe a week. She doesn't answer phone calls either. So she must be pretty sick. Or something. Have you heard anything?"

"No, and I'm pretty worried, Mary Louise."

"I heard you were over at her house most of the time these days."

"Not this week. We, uh, kind of had an argument."

"Awww...that's too bad." She clutched her stack of books tighter against her pneumatic bosom. "Well, this is my street." She veered off toward a side-street. "Hope you two work things out. Let me know if you hear case she's sick or something." She walked away, her generous behind swaying.

Tommy stifled an evil snigger. "She was hitting on you Dude. Big time. Hoping to get some of that dark meat for herself." He guffawed. "There's enough there for both of us. Maybe you ought to consider –"

"I'll leave that for you. Go catch up with her if you want. It's not too late."

Tommy looked back at the Mary Louise's retreating ass and licked his thick lips. "You know, I might try for a taste of it. Seems like maybe she favors dark meat. Maybe I'll call her later. We can discuss your love life. After you discuss it with me."

"Not all that much to discuss, Dude. Okay, okay. You know I was over there for the weekend, right?"

"I know you sure as hell weren't at my house like you told yo' mamma."

"The things is, it's getting pretty shitty at home right now. I don't think I'll be living there much longer –"

"No shit. Don't sweat it Dude. You can always stay with me. My moms would be cool with it. Probably wouldn't even notice, actually."

"Thanks Dude. I really appreciate that."


I sighed. "OK, this is what happened. And if you tell anyone I'll kick your black ass all the way back to Alabama."

"Come on, Dude. They could crush my nuts in a vice and I wouldn't narc on you."

"I went over there Friday after school, right? In fact, her mom picked me up after school and took me over there. Said she wanted to have a talk with me. Said she was worried about me and Jennifer...getting in trouble. You know?"

"She oughtta be. Hey; Jenny's moms is a MILF for sure. Maybe you ought to keep your hands out of Jenny's pants and tap mamma instead."

Whoa. That one was too close for comfort. "Nah. You know how I feel about Jennifer. But anyway, her mom starts getting all religious on me, and then she comes right out and says that fucking is better than whacking off! And it turns out that she's cool with me and Jennifer, uh, doing stuff as long as she doesn't get knocked up!"

"Christ on a crutch!" Tommy exploded. "I never woulda seen that coming. Did she actually say 'fucking?'"

"No, you asshole. But that's what she meant. And she said she was going to start Jennifer on the Pill right away. Just in know."

"Mother FUCKER! Oh, you lucky bastard! So how far did you get this weekend?"

Farther than you can imagine, Buddy, I thought. "Well, Mrs. C. hung around and kept a pretty close watch on us. But she let us have a little privacy. Even let Jennifer sit on my lap while we watched TV. Shit, my dick was hard enough to cut glass. And later we made out for a long time and got a little touchy-feely. Course she wouldn't let us sleep together. But after six weeks, when the pills are working and she's is ON, Dude!"

Tommy looked over at me suspiciously. "You wouldn't be shitting me, would you Dude?"

I put my hand over my heart. "I swear to Christ. Or even Santa Claus if you prefer. But you gotta keep this on the down-low, Dude. I want my folks to think we're broke up. And everybody else, for that matter. At least until school's out and I'm free."

We bumped fists. "You da man, Dude," Tommy said admiringly. "Well, this is my turn-off. Hey, why don't you come over to my crib and play a little X-box?"

"Wish I could, Dude. But they're still pissed at me for missing church yesterday. So I'm kind of grounded."

"Well, don't let your meat loaf. See you tomorrow, Chief."

"Not if I see you first, Buckwheat."

I hurried back to the house and went straight to my room to check my phone. Surely I would have a message from Jennifer.

I didn't. I dialed her number. No answer. I didn't leave a message.

I got through the evening somehow and went to bed as soon as I reasonably could without arousing suspicion. In truth I was still tired, and I hurt all over. Inside and outside. It took me about thirty seconds to drift off to sleep.


I gently rolled half-way over with Tse-ni-sa's hot little body clasped in my arms, putting her back next to the mud-plastered wall of the hut. She sighed and relaxed, her hair disheveled and damp with sweat. She straightened out her legs and my slimy cock slid out of her. "Noooo..." she whimpered, reaching down and trying to tuck me back into her drooling snatch.

"You are a greedy slut!" A-na scolded. She rose from the fire pit and brought a gourd dipper to the bedside. "Our husband needs a cup of tea to keep up his strength!" I rolled to put my back to Tse-ni-sa, who spooned against me comfortably. A-na handed me the steaming dipper and stepped out of her deer-hide tunic, then seated herself beside me on the bed. "Drink, Husband," she ordered. "Your work is not yet done."

I raised myself on one elbow and sipped the tea. I tasted honey, sassafras, willow root, and other less common herbs. It was quite invigorating. Particularly to my cock, which halted its gradual deflation and hardened again.

A-na took the dipper from me, drank it to the dregs, and set it on the floor before gracefully lowering herself into bed facing me. She caressed my face lovingly and looked into my eyes, her deep blue orbs electric in her dark face. "Love me, dearest Tse-k'. No playing. Just love me."