Seducing Jennifer Pt. 21-22

Story Info
Jack and Jennifer move to a new apartment.
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Part 17 of the 30 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 04/24/2014
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Part 21

"Son of a BITCH!" I groaned. I briefly considered ignoring the doorbell, at least until I could shoot my load. I envisioned my hot spunk jetting onto Jennifer's rosebud lips, her eyes wide in amazement as the thick spurts continued, perhaps opening her mouth to taste my love-offering...but the doorbell continued to chime. Something had to be seriously wrong.

She whimpered as I lifted her limp body off my chest and scrambled out of bed. I wriggled into my shorts, my cock most uncooperative in this endeavor, and I stumbled down the stairs. I went to the front door and peeked out the window. All I could see was the security guard's broad back pressed against the door. I heard the muffled sound of raised voices, the security guard stating loudly that he had already notified Attorney Vholes and that he would not move from the door until ordered to do so by his employer. Uh oh. This did NOT look good.

I froze for a moment, trying to think. Apparently Vholes had already been called, but someone was demanding immediate entrance, undoubtedly the police. We needed to get ready for company, in case Vholes failed to get here in time. I dashed up the stairs two at a time. "Jennifer," I said. She was still sprawled on the bed where I left her, gloriously naked in the dim light, a beatific smile on her flushed face. "Honey, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'm afraid we're about to have company. Looks like the cops are out there, and the guard is trying to keep them out, but I don't know how long that will last. Vholes is on his way, but if he doesn't get here real soon...

Jennifer lifted her head, panic in her light blue eyes. "I think you should lock yourself in the bathroom and get dressed, but stay in there. If they get this far, tell them you're in the shower, and you'll be out in a minute. Anything to delay them until Vholes gets here. I'll be downstairs, where I was sleeping –" Jennifer nodded, "and they're not going to get past me without a ruckus, so you'll have some warning." I turned to go back downstairs. "And remember that I love you!"

"I love you, Jack. And please be careful. Don't do anything dumb – "

I ran back downstairs, snagged a pair of jeans and a shirt and dressed as I stumbled to the back door. The guard was standing up, his fists clenched, at the ready. I opened the door and said softly, "Hey, man. I think we're about to have some trouble. Maybe you ought to come inside, because I think the cops are about to bust in." He nodded and followed me into the house and out to the living room where he went to the front door and looked out through the window. "Shit, they just cuffed my partner," he whispered. "They're gonna come in, but they're gonna have to go through me to do it. Hope your attorney gets here quick, because this is going to get real nasty." I tried to look over his shoulder but could not see anything.

A flurry of thunderous knocks and kicks hit the front door. "Police! Open up!" I thought I recognized Doolan's gravelly voice and backed off a step.

"Get back, kid," the guard said. "I'll try to slow them down a little. Maybe you ought to make sure your little girlfriend is at least dressed." I didn't move. "Go on, kid. They'd like an excuse to beat the crap out of you, unless I miss my guess."

"They're going to get hurt if they try it," I said, trying to sound fierce. "I've had all of their crap I can take already."

"Don't –" the guard began, and at moment the door shuddered, the frame splintered, and the heavy front door banged open, striking the guard in the head. He stumbled backward into my arms, his knees folding.

Doolan appeared in the doorway, grinning around his damp cigar-butt. Officer Tinkler stood next to him, looking sheepish. "I have a warrant to search this joint," Doolan barked. "You two assholes get down on your knees and put your hands on your head, NOW!"

The security guard regained his balance, but he was still wobbly. Blood was streaming from a cut on his forehead, and I still supported him with a hand on his beefy arm. "Show me the warrant," he groaned.

"Obstruction of justice," Doolan announced triumphantly. "Subdue this asshole, Tinkler, and cuff him. He's under arrest."

Tinkler shuffled forward and slammed his baton into the guard's midriff. He fell to his knees.

"Back off, Tonto, or you're next!" Doolan screamed. He reached for me and I stepped back. He came after me and tripped over the gagging security guard. I may have accidentally kicked him in the face as he fell, although I'm hazy on that point. He pulled a gun out of a shoulder holster and pointed it at me. "Better start your death song, Chief," he snarled. "You just pissed me off, and that can be fatal."

I backed up further and held my hands up, although my first impulse was to kick the gun out of his hand.

Cameras flashed in the background, and I saw a crowd of reporters standing on the front porch, edging closer with microphones outstretched.

"Get your thumb out of your ass and shut the door, Tinkler," Doolan said, "and get some back-up over here. We got ourselves a situation. I'll take care of the kid."

I backed up slowly, considering making a run for the back door, but Doolan had regained his feet and was still pointing his gun at me. Tinkler kicked the door shut and leaned his back against it, fumbling at his radio with shaking hands.

"I'm going to give you one last chance, Buck. Lucky for you I'm in a good mood. Get down on your knees and keep your hands on your head. NOW! Or I swear to Christ I'll blow your brains out right here."

I took another step backward and dropped to my knees, lacing my fingers together on top of my head.

"Aw shit," Doolan drawled, menace in his red eyes. "You just failed to make my day, douchebag. Now get down on your face. You're under arrest for possession of alcohol by a minor, supplying alcohol to a minor, resisting arrest, and some other shit I haven't thought up yet. DO IT!"

I clumsily fell forward into a prone position, taking the impact on a shoulder and keeping my hands laced firmly atop my head. "Cuff this cocksucker, Tinkler!" Doolan screamed. "God damn you are about as useless as tits on a boar hog!"

Tinkler stumbled toward me, the door creaking open behind him. "I still ain't called for back-up, Loo," he whined. "Fuckin' radio won't work. I think the battery's dead."

"You dumb shit. Just cuff him, and then use the telephone. You think you can handle that?"

Tinkler knelt beside me, wrenched my hands off the top of my head, and tied them behind me with a plastic zip-tie. Cameras began flashing again through the open doorway. Screaming sirens became audible in the distance and rapidly came closer. "Dammit, Tinkler, why is the fucking door open again?"

Tinkler rocked back on his heels. "Watchoo want me to do first, Loo?" he said recalcitrantly. "Want me to hold the door closed, find the phone, or clear the rest of the house? Like we shoulda did already. Like we woulda did if we'd brought another couple guys like I said."

"Jesus, Tinkler! You are just plain stupid." Doolan kicked the front door closed again and leaned back against it. "I thought you would be enough to take down this dumb red nigger and one little girl. Find the goddam phone and then clear the house if it makes you happy. We know damn well there's nobody else here, except that one little twat."

Tinkler stood up and looked around the room. "I don't see no phone, Loo."

Doolan made a rude noise. "Forget about back-up. Sounds like they're already here." The sound of multiple sirens had become deafening and seemed to be coming from all directions. "Get over here and hold the door, then."

They traded places and Doolan kicked me viciously in the ribs. "Get up, Chief. You and me are going to go find your little pussy." I stayed where I was and kept my mouth shut.

The security guard groaned from where he lay prone on the floor. "Don't do it, kid. Stay right here where I can witness this." He rolled over painfully and sat up, glaring at Doolan.

Doolan glared back and bellowed, "Anyone else in this house get out here right now with your hands over your head! If I don't see you in 30 seconds I'm coming after you!" He put his foot on the back of my head and ground my face into the floor. "Call your little snatch, Chief. Tell her to put her panties on and get down here. Or do you have her tied to the bed, maybe?" He kicked me again, in the face this time.

I stayed silent. He slammed the barrel of his gun against my ear, turning it numb. "Call her, asshole!"

A new voice spoke from the kitchen door, barely audible over the howling sirens. "Cease and desist, Doolan! Step away from that citizen and for God's sake put your gun away."

Doolan backed off. I felt blood trickling down my cheek toward my mouth.

I heard the static of a radio transmission and the new voice said, "Shut off the damn sirens and get the media back to the sidewalk. Secure the premises, but do not – I repeat DO NOT—enter the house." The sirens cut off in mid-scream, and the sudden silence was nearly as deafening.

"OK, Doolan. What in hell is going on here?"

"Well, Cap," Doolan began, an ingratiating tone in his voice, "It was like this. I got –"

"That's Captain Hardwick to you," the voice interrupted.

"Yes, sir, Captain Hardwick. Like I was saying, I got reliable information that the kid here had got some booze delivered, so I figured he was feeding it to the little girl, maybe trying to, uh, get her drunk so he could abuse her. So I got a warrant to look for illegal alcohol, and me and Tinkler came over to search the place and make sure she was OK. Then we had some trouble with these rent-a-cops, so we arrested them for obstruction of justice and assaulting a police officer. And then this kid jumped me, and I had to put him down too. We was just about to call for back-up when –"

"Pardon me, Captain," I heard Vholes' creaky voice saying, "Both my client here and the security guard seem to be bleeding quite profusely. I would request that we invite the paramedics inside forthwith. And remove the restraints from these two gentlemen. I assure you that they are unnecessary in the extreme."

"I'm telling you these two skells assaulted us, Captain," Doolan began doggedly. "You cut them loose and they'll prob'ly – "

"Cut them loose, Officer Stankhouse," Hardwick said to another person I had not yet heard from. "Gently, if you please. And then escort them to the couch and see that they don't leave until I can sort this situation out."

"If I might pose another suggestion, Captain?" Vholes said. "If you could see fit to remove your officers from the house, it would be most helpful. It is becoming extremely crowded in here, and the paramedics will need room to work. There is also another occupant of the house, Miss Jennifer Crowley, who is probably terrified right now, as well as another security guard who I expect has been incapacitated outside somewhere. I will personally vouch for the behavior of my clients and the guards, if you would be so kind as to leave us here and interview your officers elsewhere."

"Outside, Doolan!" Captain Hardwick barked. "You too, Tinkler. Stankhouse, find the other guard and see if he's hurt after you help these two gentlemen to the couch."

The room emptied rapidly, and I began to shiver as the adrenalin left my system. Things became a bit hazy for a while, but somehow the uproar settled down, the paramedics got inside, swabbed and bandaged me, and took the two guards to the hospital to have their cuts stitched up. Jennifer and I sat on the couch with a blanket wrapped around the two of us, and Vholes faced us in his usual straight-backed chair.

"Well then," Vholes said, crossing his skinny legs and straightening the crease in his pants. "It appears that the crisis has abated. Captain Hardwick has assured me that there will be no further interference from the police department, so we may be best advised to relax and debrief, as it were. I believe this calls for a cup of tea all around, don't you agree? Then when we've all calmed down sufficiently, we'll discuss strategy."

I smiled at Jennifer. "Yes please," she squeaked. "I can make it if you like –"

"Don't think of it, my dear," Vholes said, rising to his feet. "I prefer to do the honors myself, actually. And I came well-prepared, so if you don't mind I will just borrow your kitchen again for a few minutes..." He left the room and we heard water running in the kitchen sink.

I put my arm around Jennifer and she snuggled against me. We were both prone to periodic fits of shivering, and I clutched the blanket tightly around us. I sighed deeply and nuzzled her golden hair.

"Oh Jack," she whispered. "I'm so sorry you got hurt because of me. I don't know how you can still love me when I've caused you so much trouble."

"I don't know how NOT to love you. And I don't want to find out. But anyway, none of this was your fault. I was stupid for ordering the beer. I should have known better. And then when Tommy warned me that it had been on the news, I should have called Vholes right away. I gave Doolan just the excuse he needed to come after us."

"You couldn't have known, Jack. If it hadn't been that it would have been something else. They are determined to get into this house, but I really don't see why."

"I figured it was just to mess with us. But now I'm wondering if it's more than that. I can't imagine what they think we have that they want..." I could imagine, though. Anna had mentioned video being recorded at the lake house, and the snippet I had seen on her laptop was something that a few highly-placed individuals might be very nervous about. What if she had some copies hidden in the house somewhere?

"Maybe that Doolan is just a pervert and he was hoping to catch us in bed together. Which he almost did." Jennifer smiled up at me mischievously. I kissed her forehead.

"You might be right. If I were him, I'd risk my job to see you naked. Hell, I'd risk it even if I were me."

"You've seen all there is to see, Jack. And it's not all that."

"You need to look in the mirror more often," I told her. "It is 'all that,' and then some."

"You're prejudiced."

"And you're drop-dead gorgeous. I'll never get sick of looking. And touching. And kissing. And –"

"Ahem," Vholes said from the kitchen doorway. "Tea is served, children." He handed us each a cup and went back for his own, then returned to his chair. He sat and lifted his cup towards us. "To peace and quiet, then."

We raised our cups and I said, "To our most excellent attorney." We all drank.

"Ah. Most delicious. Fortunately I thought to bring along some honey this time. It truly enhances the experience, does it not?"

We made appreciative noises and sipped at the tea. Once again, it brought back vivid memories of my strange dreams, and I wondered if it had the same effect on Jennifer.

Vholes finished his tea in a few gulps and set his cup down. "Excellent beverage. I once considered attempting to market it, but decided that perhaps it was something that the hoi polloi could not possibly appreciate. Or, if it turned out that they could, might abuse it. The effects are subtle, but once one realizes....Ah, well. That's neither here nor there." He shot his cuffs nervously and looked at his watch. "We'll make this brief, children, if you please. I have a modicum of work still to do, and the two of you should get some sleep."

We nodded, drained our cups, and set them down.

"First and foremost, Master Jack: Are you absolutely certain that you have sustained no injuries that should be examined by a physician?" His yellow eyes bored into me.

I nodded my head. My ear throbbed.

Vholes sighed. "I strongly suspect that you sustained a mild concussion from that blow to the ear. Not that anything can be done about it now. But it might be useful to have such a diagnosis on the record...I am considering a tactical strike against Lieutenant Doolan in the form of a personal injury lawsuit. But perhaps that will be unnecessary. It seems that Captain Hardwick is extremely perturbed with his lieutenant. He apparently is a friend of your mother's, Miss Jennifer. Did you know that?"

Jennifer shook her head, her eyes widening. "I've never met him, and I can't imagine where Mom would have...oh. Well, maybe at one of those dinner parties she had to go to with her boss."

"I expect you're right, my dear. In any case, we now know that we have a tentative ally within the police department, which should make us all feel a great deal better. Although by no means should we trust him implicitly. Heavens no. But at least I have obtained his assurance that there will be no more interrogations at police headquarters. He has agreed that he will accept written statements from each of you, which I will prepare tomorrow."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Jennifer said, "Oh, good! I hope I never see that place again."

"Quite. So on to the next topic: your living accommodations."

I interrupted him. "Uh, I guess you figured this out already, but it kind of looks like this was all my fault. I ordered pizza and beer for me and the guard, and somebody got a picture –"

Vholes waived a shriveled hand at me impatiently. "Say no more, Master Jack. Say. No. More. The security guards have both made sworn statements to the effect that they drank all the beer, that you ordered it at their request, and that they accepted delivery and paid for it. Perfectly understandable, and a considerate gesture on your part, Master Jack. The delivery man corroborated the details. Case closed, warrant invalidated. And, of course, that will be your statement as well. Understood?"

I nodded vigorously.

"Still, there is a lesson to be learned here. You must be extremely cautious about giving even the slightest hint that you are in violation of any statute whatsoever. Now, as I was saying." He twisted his gray pony-tail reflectively. "Ah, yes. Accommodations. I'm afraid that you children cannot continue to reside here. For a number of reasons, but first and foremost, because the front door can no longer be secured. Oh, I will have it repaired tomorrow, but there are other considerations. Security, for one. The media, for another. So. My driver is prepared to take you both to a rather fine hotel which caters only to a select clientele. The media will not gain access to the building. Nor will the police. I have taken the liberty of reserving a two-bedroom suite for you. So, Miss Jennifer, if you would kindly pack your necessaries? We should make all deliberate haste."

"But..." Jennifer began, "What if Momma comes back and I'm not here? She'll be terrified."

"Not to worry, my dear. She will undoubtedly contact me well in advance of her return and I will certainly apprise her of your situation. And if she were to reappear, it would be best if she were to join you at the hotel rather than here. Indeed yes. So, please, go pack a bag. You needn't bring much more than a change of clothes. I will make arrangements for the augmentation of your wardrobes tomorrow. You may pay for that out of your allowances, and if you need more money we will discuss it."

Jennifer stood up, squeezed my hand, and went upstairs.

"Now, Master Jack," Vholes said, leaning toward me and speaking urgently, "if you know of anything within this house that might be compromising to Mrs. Crowley, or to yourself or the lovely Miss Jennifer, anything at all, please tell me now. I think we should assume that the house will be searched at some point, and we want no surprises."

"Mrs. C. did mention something about video tapes or discs," I said cautiously. "But I have never seen anything like that. And I really doubt that she would keep them here, if she had them."

"Most likely not. But I will take the precaution of collecting anything of that nature and securing it at my office none the less. Anything else? Prohibited substances, perhaps? Documents that might be valuable or threatening to anyone? Large quantities of cash?"