Seducing Jennifer Pt. 23-24

Story Info
Native American story; modern teenage lovers and friends
10.3k words

Part 18 of the 30 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 04/24/2014
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Please note that all participants are at least 18 years old unless otherwise specified.

Part 23

I awoke at the first glimmers of false dawn and found Tse-ni-sa sleeping on top of me in the position in which we had collapsed the night before. We were covered by several blankets and a thick bear skin, and I was warm enough with her hot little body above me, but if I moved at all the cold seeped in and I knew that the temperature of the house was near the freezing point. The dog was curled up at our feet, and I prodded her gently with my toe until she crawled out of the bed and shook herself. I looked around our new home, slowly realizing that we were no longer in our little mud house on the edge of the prairie, and remembering why.

Our new home was a snug cabin of hewn logs, expertly notched and stacked, and chinked with moss and clay against the winter wind. A native stone fireplace occupied most of one end of the building, and the coals of last night's fire still glowed dully on the hearth. The dog, her fur tousled, had removed herself from the bed and curled into a tight ball close to the fire. Our bed, a small table and two stools comprised the furnishings. A small window, now rimed with frost, let in light from the east and a stout door next to it was firmly barred against intruders.

The savage north wind howled around the cabin despite the sheltering thick forest surrounding it and I remembered the events of the previous day. We had been sitting in our little mud house, shivering, and trying to compromise between keeping the inside temperature warm enough to be somewhat comfortable and conserving firewood. It was very cold and we were very hungry. Snow had come early and game had disappeared correspondingly, and we existed almost exclusively on corn and beans from the food cache. But this was to be expected. What was not expected was the sudden blizzard that swept in from the north-west.

Its questing, deathly-cold fingers arrived early that day, and the rattle of the thatch alerted me. I crawled outside and stood, looking toward the north worriedly. The dog stood beside me, shivering, rather than dancing and grinning a greeting as she usually did. She knew what was coming better than I, it seemed. The sky in the northwest was darkening steadily, rather than lightening as it should have been doing at this time of day, and a dull sensation of dread settled in the pit of my empty stomach. The dog whined mournfully, then howled. Answering howls came from the distance and she growled deep in her throat and huddled against my leg. The wolf-people were hunting. They would hope to feed before the storm hit in earnest.

The wind began gusting, carrying with it stinging pellets of ice that scoured my face and found their way into every gap in my deer-hide clothing. My long hair swirled and tangled as I relieved myself and crawled back into the house, the dog close behind me whining nervously. I stood up and went to squat next to Tse-ni-sa, who was crouching beside the meager fire attempting to heat water in a pottery bowl.

"A storm approaches, love of my heart," I told her. "I should bring in more firewood before it gets here."

"Take that stinky dog with you," she retorted. "She is in the house again. And her smell is no less unpleasant than it ever was."

"She will have to stay inside tonight, or she will certainly freeze to death, my love. Remember that she brought us a rabbit only yesterday...and although she does smell bad, I suppose that we do too, at this point."

Outside again I kicked wood loose from the frozen pile and pitched it into the hut's entrance tunnel. The dog sniffed excitedly around the woodpile, her tail wagging. Perhaps there was a rat's nest in there. The meat would be most welcome if she could flush it out and catch it. I salivated just thinking about it. A gust of wind buffeted me and the ice rattled against the thatch as I pushed firewood into the house and stacked it near the fire pit. The house was smoky, with inquisitive bursts of cold wind finding their way down the smoke-hole and swirling around the room.

"Eat this, Husband," Tse-ni-sa, said, thrusting a gourd bowl filled with a watery stew of corn and beans into my hands. "I'm sorry there is no meat. But eat quickly and we will get back into the bed and try to stay warm."

I took the bowl and slurped up the stew. My empty stomach accepted it gratefully. "Did you eat?" I asked.

She waived a thin hand at me impatiently. "I eat more than I need. I am too fat already. Drink this." She thrust another gourd containing tea into my hands. "It will soothe your souls."

I drank the cooling tea quickly. It was an unsweetened herbal brew, and it was bitter, but I did as I was told. Women have their place. And it was superior to mine in most respects, as undoubtedly the Creator intended it to be.

"Now into the bed, Husband. We will sleep until the cold breaks."

I left the gourd bowls on a woven mat near the fire and crawled into the bed, shuddering with cold. Tse-ni-sa joined me hurriedly, taking her blanket from her shoulders and spreading it over the bear skin, but leaving her deer-hide dress and high moccasins on. We held each other close, shivering spasmodically, and gradually warmth began to build in our little nest while the cold wind howled viciously outside. The dog crept into the house and lapped out the gourd bowl, then huddled at the end of the bed, hoping to remain inconspicuous as long as possible.

"Tell me a story, Husband," Tse-ni-sa said, her face burrowed into my armpit. "Make it a warm one, please."

I thought for a moment, then began: "When I was a boy my uncles used to tell me about the First People, Se-lu and Ka-na-ti. 'Se-lu' means 'corn woman' in the old language, and 'Ka-na-ti' was known as 'The Lucky Hunter.' And they had been given great gifts by the Creator, for Se-lu had merely to go into her empty corn-crib with her baskets, and rub her stomach, so –" I rubbed Tse-ni-sa's gaunt belly, "and her basket would fill with fat grains of corn. And when she rubbed her breasts, so –" I caressed Tse-ni-sa's small breasts tenderly, "her basket would fill with dried beans. But she did this in secret, because this was sacred women's knowledge, and her husband did not need to know." I pulled my lovely wife closer to me, and placed a hand on her hip.

"And Ka-na-ti had been granted a gift of his own by the Creator, for he went into the forest every day, and in a secret place only he knew of, he would roll aside a stone that sealed a vast cave, and he would sing a sacred song, and the animal he named in the song would come out of the cave. He would kill it swiftly with a single arrow, and as it died he would sing his apologies to its spirit, thanking it for its gift and promising not to waste any of it. Often it would be a fat deer, but sometimes a raccoon, or a rabbit, or a turkey, whatever he wanted. But whatever he killed, it would be reborn instantly inside the cave, and so there was never any shortage of game. And he always kept the cave sealed, except for when he wanted meat."

"I wish we could live like that," Tse-ni-sa murmured sadly.

"We might have," I continued, "but in spite of living in paradise, they longed for more. Se-lu wanted a child, and although she and her husband made love frequently and happily, no child came of it. So one day she went into the forest and gathered certain herbs, and made tea from them and drank it, and soon she gave birth to a child that they called 'Little Boy.' Ka-na-ti and Se-lu loved this child, and gave him all that he could desire, except a companion."

The wind howled more insistently, and sporadic gusts of snow made their way through the smoke-hole. The thatch above us rattled loudly.

"Now Se-lu was in the habit of washing the blood from the meat Ka-na-ti brought her in a little stream near their house. And Little Boy was fond of playing near this stream as his mother worked, and often all by himself. He wished for a playmate, and one day, as he played in the water, another little boy appeared and they played together happily all that day. This continued for several days, and Selu began to wonder why her son was so fascinated by the little creek. Then one day Se-lu and Ka-na-ti were sitting outside the house, enjoying the cool of early evening, and they heard talking and laughing down by the stream. They were sure they heard two voices, but when they went down there, they saw only Little Boy. They asked him who he had been talking to, and he told them that another boy would come out of the water to play with him, and that this boy had claimed to be his elder brother, and said that he lived in the water because his mother had thrown him away and he had no other home. But he was shy and did not want anyone else to see him."

The wind outside our little house had risen to gale force, and screamed wantonly. I pulled the blankets closer around us and continued. "Then Se-lu and Ka-na-ti knew that the other child had come from the blood that Se-lu had put into the creek. And Ka-na-ti told Little Boy that the next time Elder Brother came to play with him, he should say that he wanted to wrestle, and hold Elder Brother down as long as he could, while calling loudly, so that his parents could come and meet him too."

"And that is just what Little Boy did. The very next day he wrestled with Elder Brother, and when he had pinned him to the ground, he called loudly and Ka-na-ti and Se-lu ran to the creek and saw the strange child. They grabbed him and tried to drag him to the house, but he resisted, shouting, 'Let me go! You threw me away!' but they took him to the house anyway and kept him there and fed him and cared for him until he agreed not to run away. But he was always artful and wild, and led his brother into all sorts of mischief, so they named him 'Wild Boy.' And soon real trouble came to paradise, because Wild Boy was not only clever and devious, but curious as well. And one morning, as he and Little Boy played at hunting --"

A tremendous gust of wind buffeted our little hut, and the thatch began to fly away. Another even more powerful gust took the entire roof off, and Tse-ni-sa and I were exposed to the fierce blizzard. Our possessions were scattered around the house, and heavy snow began to come in. I clutched at the blankets, which were trying to go with the wind. "We must go, my love!" I cried. "We can hide in the cabin I found in the woods. It is strong, and sheltered by great trees, so if we go there we may live."

We gathered what we could, and with the dog following, we stumbled through the drifting snow into the forest. Soon, despite the sheltering trees, we became cold and weary. Finally, when Tse-ni-sa could walk no more, she told me to go on without her, for she knew she must die. But I picked her up and carried her, determined that we would live or die in each other's arms, if that was what the Creator willed. And quite soon we came to the little cabin, and I carried her in and settled her on the bed, covered her with the blankets we had brought, and managed to get a fire started in the stone fireplace before crawling in with my wife. I coaxed the dog into the bed with us, and it curled around our feet, adding its warmth to ours and so we all survived the storm. I fell asleep almost instantly and dreamed of a warm, cloudlike bed, and in it I was naked, with my lovely wife sleeping upon my chest, and as the light of dawn glimmered through a huge window I –


-- awoke to find Jennifer above me, clasped tightly in my arms. She writhed and muttered in her sleep, and I smoothed her golden hair to calm her. "It's morning, my love," I whispered. "The storm is over and we are safe."

She startled into wakefulness. "Tse-k'," she murmured, "I did carried me, and I thought we would both freeze to death..." She rolled off me and sat up, smoothing her wrinkled satin gown across her breast. "Oh my God, what a dream! It was so real..." She looked at me uneasily. "Did you...?"

"I did, Sweetheart," I said, patting her thigh. The gown was still rucked up around her waist, and the skin of her bare thigh was silky and slightly moist under my hand. "We were there together. In our new house, safe and sound. Just like we are here."

"Too weird," she mused. "Still, it's kind of fun, isn't it? Are we going to survive the winter, Jack?"

"I'm sure we will. Although in the future things would be easier if you would put a little padding on your tiny bones before the cold season comes."

"Pooh." She put her tongue out at me and I moved to kiss her, but she covered her mouth with her hand. "I desperately need to brush my teeth. And I am famishing! Feed me and I'll be yours forever."

I swung off the bed and donned my discarded robe. "I like the sound of that. Breakfast in bed coming up, your Highness. What does your royal heart desire?"

"Anything that doesn't take more than two minutes to get here."

I went into the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator. There was plenty in there, but it would take more than two minutes to cook. But the cheesecake was still on the counter...and it was a fine-looking one too; thick, firm and smothered with cherries. But I should test it before offering it to the princess. I cut a slice and stuffed it all into my mouth at once. Excellent. And there was orange juice, most definitely NOT from concentrate, so I mixed two Mimosa cocktails in tall crystal glasses, using the leftover champagne, put two wide slices of cheesecake on plates, and took it all to the princess bedroom.

Jennifer sat upright on the princess bed, her back supported by pillows. She was still clad in the white satin gown and looked positively angelic with her golden hair loose around her shoulders. "I was kind of hoping you would lose the nightgown before I got back," I said wistfully, handing her a plate and a glass.

"Not in the princess bed!" she scolded. "It wouldn't be seemly." She set her glass on the nightstand after taking a sip and forked up a bit of cheesecake. "Mmmmm...perfect, Jacky. Perhaps the princess will let you keep your head for another day or two."

I sat down next to her and dug into my own cheesecake. Most excellent. I finished it in three bites and wished I had brought more. I supposed I could go back to the kitchen for another round, but I didn't want to miss watching Jennifer eat. It was truly a sensual experience. She took tiny bites, and her pink tongue peeped out to lick the crumbs off her lips after each one. I watched her slender throat work as she swallowed, and couldn't help thinking that this was what it had looked like when she swallowed my sticky love-offerings the night before...

Yeah, I know. I'm a real pervert. Classic, timeless beauty right beside me and all I can think about is sticking my cock into it.

"So what happened to Se-lu, Ka-na-ti, and the boys? I feel like I should know, but the details are just out of my mind's reach, somehow," Jennifer said, putting her plate and glass aside and turning to face me, her feet tucked under her. "Do you know, Jack? Or do we have to wait for the next dream?"

"I do know. It's a very old story, sacred to the Cherokee people and some others as well, with variations of course."

"Then tell me. I was starting to get the feeling that something unpleasant was about to happen."

"Yes. Well, one morning when the boys were playing with their little boy-sized bows and arrows that Ka-na-ti had made for them, they saw their father come out of the house with his adult bow and head into the forest. 'He's going to hunt for meat,' Wild Boy whispered to Little Boy. 'Let's follow him and see where he goes.'

'He told me never to follow him,' Little Boy said. 'He will be angry if we do.'

'Only if he catches us. We will be very quiet and he will never know.'

So they followed Ka-na-ti into the forest, staying well behind him, and hiding in the underbrush whenever he turned to look back. They passed over six steep hills before coming to Ka-na-ti's secret place on the seventh hill. They watched from under a bush as he rolled the rock aside and a fine buck deer leaped out. Then he killed it, sang his song, offered the hamstrings to the Little People as was customary, draped the deer over his shoulders and set off back toward home after rolling the rock back into place.

The boys crawled out from under the bush and went to look at the rock. 'We could do just as he did,' Wild Boy said. 'Then we would be great hunters too.' So the two of them pushed and pulled at the rock for hours and hours until it finally rolled aside, and sure enough, a deer bounded out. Now in those days, when the world was still very young, deer's tails hung down like other animals, and when the boys shot their arrows at the deer, Little Boy missed altogether, but Wild Boy hit it in the tail and made it stand straight up, showing the white under-fur. We know that this is true, because even today all deer run with their tails standing up, unlike other animals. While the boys stood laughing at this strange sight, more deer ran out, and they were followed by all manner of other animals who rushed out and disappeared into the forest. Behind them came huge flocks of birds of every variety, so many that they darkened the sky and their wings made such a deafening rushing noise that Ka-na-ti, already back at the house, heard the noise, like distant thunder in the mountains. 'Oh, no,' he said. "My bad boys have gotten into trouble and I must go and see what they have done.'

Ka-na-ti ran over the six hills to the seventh where the cave was, and he saw the boys standing there, peering into the empty cave. He knew all the animals had escaped, and his heart was heavy. He dragged the boys into the back of the cave, and there they found four huge clay pots which were sealed with wax. Without saying a word, Ka-na-ti kicked the pots over, breaking them, and out swarmed millions of insects: fleas, lice, bed bugs, gnats and mosquitoes. The bugs attacked the boys and they screamed and cried and rolled around until they were almost dead. Then Ka-na-ti felt sorry for them and brushed the vermin away, saying, 'Now you rascals have always had all the meat you wanted to eat without working for it. Whenever you were hungry all I had to do was come up here and get meat for you. But because of what you have done today, you will now have to work hard, searching the forest for animals and sometimes not finding any. Now go home and ask your mother to feed you, and don't get into any more mischief. I will rest here for a while, and then I will catch up with you.'

So the boys ran back through the forest, still crying and scratching at their bites and sores, but by the time they got back they were full of mischief again. They asked Se-lu for food, and she said, "Wait here and I will get corn and beans and make a stew for you." As soon as she left, Wild Boy whispered to his brother, 'We should follow her and see what she does.'

The boys had long wondered where all the corn and beans came from, because the corn-crib was small, and they never saw anyone put anything into it, yet every day Se-lu went to the storeroom alone and came back in minutes with a basket full of corn and beans. So they followed her, and when she climbed into the little hut, which had only one door and no windows, they climbed up at the back and poked some mud out from between the logs so they could see what she did. She stood in the middle of the empty corn-crib, set her basket on the floor, and began to sing in a soft voice, and when she rubbed her stomach, like this --" I rubbed Jennifer's flat tummy, "colorful kernels of corn poured into the basket. And when she rubbed her breasts, like so –" I stroked Jennifer's firm little breasts, "dried pinto beans filled it to the brim."