Seducing Mom Ch. 10


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"Ok great then!" She responded before going on, "I had a feeling you'd be up for it! Just think for the next four years, you'll be financing a house, and oh...I forgot to mention an annual trip with your closest ladies! I think for the most part you'll like this, but there will be some ladies, like your first, who may not be the most attractive ladies in the world; but you must please them and make them pregnant! Do you understand me?"

"Yes Lady J." I replied.

Then she added, "This weekend, if all goes well, I think you'll impregnate up to ten women, maybe more. With seven so far, you're off to a great start!" She got up and told me, "You're tired and you need your rest now, so I'll leave you. You'll find bedding in the bathroom. Get some sleep now." She left and latched the door. Soon I was asleep.

I awoke the next morning to a bell and mom serving breakfast at the table. It was a big breakfast and I was hungry. Mom and I talked a bit about things as I ate and she put up my bedding. She just kept warning me and sharing her and Kathy's concerns for Sue. I would have to watch her more and we clearly needed a lot of 'alone time' on vacation. Mom shared her and Kathy's beliefs that this truly wasn't OK with Sue. Then the door opened and it was Lady J. She said, "Well good morning sleepy head. You've got a busy day ahead, so finish up and go to the bathroom, shave, and clean up. We'll all be up in about a half an hour, so hurry...and NO sex you two! Oh, here you go." She had a pill in her hand and I swallowed it down with juice as she watched. She left as I quickly finished and mom followed me into the bathroom. She shaved my pubic area as I shaved my face! Then I brushed my teeth and got in the shower. I felt the rush again as I showered and dried off. Then mom took me back in the main room and I got on the bed as she tied me down. She left, and moments later Lady J entered, in her outfit followed by mom, Sarah, Sue, Kathy, Cindy, Jenny, Jane, Lil, Elizabeth, Jill, my high school teacher, and about a 6-8 other women—some I recognized from the night before, but a few new ones too.

As the ladies filed in and sat down, Lady J walked over beside me, put the red piece of silk in my hand again and said, "OK ladies. You all know how this works, draw a marble from the bag." Then she looked at me and added, "There will be no blindfold today Joe." She went down the line and all of them drew, except for mom and Sarah. They held their fists out until she said, "Reveal your marbles." They did and the teacher from my high school (Joan) had the green marble. She wasn't bad looking either. I watched as she dropped her black silk robe and walked over beside the platform next to me. I was already rock hard. She straddled me, slipped my cock into her wet pussy and started riding me. She actually felt pretty good to fuck! We both starting moaning and I felt her cum as she screamed out. That made me cum, and as I was finishing she came again. Lady J told her, "You know what to do Joan." Joan got off me and immediately began licking and sucking my cock clean, as she got it hard again. Meanwhile, Lady J said, "Round two ladies, who will be next?"

They all drew marbles and held them out. Once Joan had me fully erect again, Lady J told them to reveal their marbles. This time Jane won, she slid my cock in her pussy and started fucking me hard. Jane came about three times before I did. Then she squeezed one more orgasm out as I got soft inside her. When she got off, Jane went down on me and started licking my cock, balls, and pubic area as they kissed and made me hard again. Lady J, had started another drawing and announced round three. As soon as I was hard again, they revealed. Cindy was the third winner and came over and started fucking me. The lottery continued and there was a lady I didn't know, then Jill, then Kathy, then Lil, and then another unknown lady. I noticed all the women were using vibrators moaning as they watched. At one point, Lady J got on the far corner of the platform and summoned some of the others to pleasure her in turns.

Lady J then said, "OK, that's eight and a new record from last night! Now, Joe needs a break and you all need to prepare lunch...Joe take a shower and put your robe on. I'll wait and take you for a tour before we have a late lunch." The women all left except Lady J. I went to take a shower and when I got out she was still there. She took me on a tour of the four-story house and basement. While she walked me around, she explained the history of the house and how it came into her hands. Lady J too was an only child to very wealthy parents. Since they didn't like her husband from the start, they quietly put everything in a trust for her to control as long as never told him. The fourth floor was half attic and half a large bay with a small half bathroom. She explained for large parties, it was an overflow area. The third floor had seven bedrooms and three bathrooms. The bedrooms on each end shared two of the bathrooms. It also had a large walk-in closet for linens. The second floor had five larger bedrooms and three bathrooms, including the huge Master bedroom I was very familiar with. The back two bedrooms shared a bathroom and a small balcony that had stairs leading down to the patio. When we went back into the Master bedroom she opened the heavy curtains revealing a door to a small balcony in front. Then I saw Sarah, Kathy, Jane, and two other women I didn't know with sheets, changing out the the platform. The large staircase in front and the stairs leading to the basement in back split the main floor. As we went to the main entry room, Lady J had me grab my clothes. On one side was a large sitting room in front, with one of those circular benches with the pedestal in the middle in the center of the room. Behind that room was an office/study and then a half bathroom. On the other side was a den or "Rec. room" as Lady J called it, with a large TV, stereo, pool table, and a well-stocked bar in the corner. Behind that room was the dining room with a table large enough for 16 people. The kitchen was in back and had commercial appliances. There was a walk-in refrigerator and freezer on the backside of a pantry that was behind the bathroom. On the back patio was a large hot tub, sauna, partially covered deck with a bar, and a large grill leading out into the back yard. It was entirely enclosed with an eight-foot privacy fence and trees. The basement had commercial and home washers and dryers, a small workshop, a storage room and Lady J's dungeon. As she pulled her keys out to open it, she told me, "You don't ever want to come here, unless I send you down here to get me things." It was her "Dungeon" and as she unlocked and opened the door, there was the lady I recognized from Zapata's tied up. Lady J went on, "Oh this is Yolanda. She violated a major rule of mine by seeing a man outside our coven, having sex and doing drugs with him. She chose to ignore me and won't be joining us this weekend. Yolanda was tied to a cross, and when Lady J untied her, she ran to a half bathroom in the corner relieved herself, and came back to be tied up again. I noticed that she had several sores on her back and ass from being whipped. After Lady J tied her up again, we left and Lady J locked the door saying, "Don't worry about her, she'll be OK. She just has to learn that MY rules won't be violated and I am watching." Then she led me to the storage room, pulled away a rug revealing a hatch. She opened it and led me down a narrow spiral staircase. The lower basement was a wine cellar/storm shelter. There were many wines, liquors, and cases of soda and beer. She took my clothes and asked me to get a case of beer and Coke and bring them back upstairs.

I followed her back up with the beer and Coke and took them to the bar where Lil was waiting. After I put the drinks on the bar Lady J said, "Come with me to the office." As she handed me my clothes she yelled out, "ELIZABETH, join us in the office." I heard Elizabeth reply as we made our way to the office. Once Elizabeth came in she shut the door and Lady J said, "Elizabeth is a doctor, board certified in OB/GYN and she took additional formal training in reproductive services. She is the director of that clinic you visited this past week. We met a few years ago when I was trying to have children, and after that we hit it off. I decided to invest in her clinic. Over time we found that there are MANY women who want to have kids but can't. Some are married and their husbands can't produce, some are single and choose to stay that way, but they want a child of their own. While some women choose to be artificially inseminated in her clinic, we've found that many women want to get pregnant the old fashioned way and some just want to be with a man without marriage or a relationship. Well, Elizabeth has them fill out her forms and she carefully sorts through them. Those ladies that fit the criteria are referred to me. With time and refinement of her forms, we've been highly successful in helping those ladies who want a child. Now I'm going to check on lunch while Elizabeth examines you." Lady J left the room.

Elizabeth said, "I told you to be careful at the clinic. I'm glad you decided to join and even happier that you've done better than Lady J or I expected, so far. How are you feeling right now?"

I replied, "Actually I'm tired. I feel like I've been through a really hard workout."

Then as she examined my hardening cock she asked, "How is this feeling? Do you still feel yourself ejaculating each time you've had intercourse?"

"Yes Elizabeth, but thinking about it now, I noticed the last two or three times that it felt like I wasn't cumming as hard or spurting as much." I replied.

Then she said, "This is normal, as is loosing some sensation. I have some ointment for you to put on your penis that will take away the redness. Also, I think you need a high-protein shake with fruits and salad for lunch. I'll give you a sedative because you need a nap this afternoon young man. Lady J won't like it, but you must rest and recharge a bit. By tonight, your system will have digested the shake, and I'll take a look at you again before dinner OK?"

"OK doc." I answered.

Then she called for Lady J. When Lady J came in she explained, "He needs a shake for lunch with fruit and the salad. I'll give him a sedative with lunch and some ointment, because he needs a nap and time to recharge, but I think he may be good for tonight."

Lady J said, "Well...OK. He has done better than we expected...I guess I'll give him a break this afternoon as a reward. I can just change my plans a bit. Finish up here, make your shake for him; and Joe, when she's done with you, join us in the dining room."

"Yes Lady J." Elizabeth and I replied in unison. Lady J just smiled at us as she left the room.

Then Elizabeth went on, "You VOLUNTEERED for a drug study—a drug study with those pills Lady J has given you. Now I need for you to answer some questions sign some consent forms." She went through all the questions, I signed the consent forms, and she handed my more pills as she told me how and when to take them. She also gave me ointment and a sedative to take with my lunch. We left the office, Elizabeth went to the kitchen and I went to the dining room where all the ladies were seated. Lady J was on one end of the table and motioned me to the other side where Mom, Sue, Sarah, Kathy, Cindy and Jenny were seated. We were all just wearing our black silk robes.

After a few minutes, Elizabeth came in with my shake in a tall glass, put it beside me, and took her seat. Then Lady J said, "I am delighted with Joe and look forward to the merger of our 'covens' Joe. With this merger, I'm sure some of the rules of the house will change, but we'll discuss that next Sunday when Joe and his ladies return from their vacation. Some of our friends are unable to join us today, but they are all with us in spirit. For those remaining, our afternoon plans have changed slightly because the good doctor has said that Joe needs rest and time to recharge a bit." After some of the ladies chuckled a bit, she went on. "We ladies will have fun and be quiet so as not to disturb Joe. If he's up for it, we'll still have fun tonight... Our next gathering will be in two weeks. We will start the festivities at 6 with a social, then dinner at 7. Those of you preparing the dinner should be here around lunch. I have some special guests coming and it should be fun. Now, we'll bless the meal and eat." We all joined hands and Lady J led the blessing. I had my shake first. It was rich and gritty but tasted like a malt. Then I had salad and fruit as Elizabeth directed. As we finished lunch, Lady J whispered something to Lil, who got up, went behind the bar and returned with a large and ornately decorated wine bottle. Lady J offered my 'coven' and I the first toast, then we all toasted our new friendship and partnership, and then we toasted all those who couldn't be there. As we finished lunch Lady J directed me upstairs.

I took the sedative with some water, put the ointment on my cock, and started thinking about her word 'coven'. Though I heard or read the word before, I couldn't remember what it meant as I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, I saw two women in the room. One came over, handed me a letter, and left the room. The letter read: "Dearest Joe, You're invited to join my coven downstairs later. Someone will bring your dinner up shortly. In the meantime, enjoy a massage and hot bath. Your coven of ladies departed to begin their vacation. You will join them when you're finished here. Unfortunately, I must leave and take care of my kids tonight. The ladies have their instructions and will follow them in my absence. I'll see you tomorrow morning, so we can talk a bit more. Lady J" again with her stamp. The other woman came over, laid some towels out on the edge of the platform and motioned me over. She started with my head, and slowly worked her way down, using warm oil. It felt so good, relaxing yet invigorating. After about 20-30 minutes she had me roll over and she massaged my front side, avoiding my erect cock.

When she finished she said, "Just lay there for a few minutes without moving. Someone will be up with your dinner and to draw your bath shortly." I just laid there for a few minutes then another woman came in with my dinner, chicken, rice, salad, soup, and wine. As I finished, she went to the bathroom and started the water. I followed her in and she bathed my entire body and then dried me off. She then handed me another pill and a glass of water. Before she left with the dishes, she handed me a fresh clean robe. I put on the robe and followed her downstairs. There were seven women gathered in the Rec. room that I had never seen before. They were all mostly attractive and ranged from their 20s to their 40s. One of them offered me a glass of champagne and led a toast to the evening. We just socialized until the clock struck 8:00, then they all put down their glasses and I followed them upstairs.

When we got into the Master bedroom they all removed their robes, so I did too. However, they grabbed me and tied me down to Lady J's chair. Then they all got on the platform and started kissing and caressing each other! Soon, they were getting more intimate. It was hot to watch and I could feel my cock just throbbing. They pulled out double dildos and strap ons and started using them while I just watched, my cock just throbbing. I watched them for what seemed like an eternity, it was at least an hour. Then they all got up and two of them came over to me and started untying me. One of them got the video camera from the corner, put a tape in, set it up and started it. The two women finished untied me and led me to the center of the platform. All of the women got on the bed and an orgy ensued. As I would cum in a wet pussy, that woman got up and left the room. We went on for hours, our bodies intertwined in a mass on the center of the platform, with the woman thinning out. Finally, there was just one. After we came together, she got up, turned off the cammera, got the video out, and put the camera back in the corner. She then put her robe on and left with the video. I put my robe on and went downstairs. They were all in their clothes, except for the last one, and in the sitting room. We talked briefly and they introduced themselves by first name, until the last woman came down dressed. Then they all left as each of them said goodnight to me and gave me kiss. I walked around the house, and with the exception of Yolanda, in Lady J's locked dungeon, there was nobody there. I went back upstairs, got a beer from the bar, and some chips in the pantry, and went back to the Rec. room. It was after 2:30, but I wasn't tired. I turned on the TV and watched it for a few minutes before going back to the Master bedroom. I went to sleep quickly again.

I was awakened by Lady J. She had a black robe on and brought me breakfast saying, "I let you sleep in a bit, but after watching most of the video from last night, I'm quite hot right now. Go ahead and eat your breakfast. Then, take a shower and clean up. Today, I get you all to myself and we will talk a bit more about things. If you please me, I promise to let you go join your ladies on vacation. I'm going to watch the rest of the film while you get ready for me." Then she left the room. I ate, shaved, and showered. When I came out of the bathroom, Lady J was on the bed naked. She looked at me and said, "Alright, now come over here and fuck me good and long Joe!" I joined her on the bed and we istantly started kissing and fucking. Her pussy was so wet. We went on for a couple of hours. As I'd cum, she'd go down on me, get me hard again, and then we'd go back to fucking. It culminated with me fucking her ass. It was soo tight it almost hurt, but she came wildly. After I came in her ass, I got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. I heard her say, "OK, I'm more than satisfied now. After you clean up, join me downstairs for lunch."

I cleaned up, went downstairs and found her in the kitchen. She made herself a salad and made me a double hamburger and fries. We sat down and ate as we talked about the previous week and weekend. She was happy that I enjoyed the whole experience so far. Then she said, "We need to talk about Sue first. I don't think she likes this arrangement." She went on telling me that Sue was the most apprehensive and yet respectful about it. She told me that my other ladies were working on her and talking about it as we spoke. Then she said, "Now, my rules:

1. With the exception of Sue, and I'm making a special exception here, you will NOT have sex with any other woman, without my permission. The only other exception will be when you're on vacation like you will be this week.

2. You will NEVER have sex with any woman who is not a member of my coven...EVER!

3. You WILL abide by the contract you sign. They are legal and binding. One of the women you were with this weekend is a lawyer and drafted both versions. You have the choice of which one you choose as do your ladies, but I think they want to move here. You all may choose to move and live here, or stay where you are, but in either case you WILL abide by the contract as will I and all others involved.

4. You will NEVER discuss this arrangement outside this house, except with other members of the coven, and ONLY in private.

5. You will stop by your place of work and give your manager your two-week notice. You needn't worry about money, I will pay you, starting today. As you will find in the contract, you will be compensated, based upon how many women you impregnate. I will give you a small advance.

6. Finally, you WILL obey my orders to the letter!"

We finished eating and went to the office where she handed me a large manila envelope and a check for $300! As she handed it to me she said, "This is an advance. You'll get the rest in two weeks, when we know who is pregnant. The contracts and other information are in the envelope. Don't forget that you and all your ladies need to stop by next Sunday on your way home. Be here at 5 and we'll have dinner... Now go have fun this week. We'll talk more next Sunday." I went upstairs, showered, got dressed and left the house. Lady J gave me a long and deep kiss as I left.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7a6 months ago

Extremely interesting story with subplots seamlessly merged. For all the women Joe's life, the story is logically coming to a conclusion. Sue is either to immature emotionally or psychologically and/or lacks a solid ego for Joe and/or this group. Joe has weighted the pros and cons of his situation and has made the most practical, mature, and logical decision possible. A mature, logical being with a solid ego and id can make personal trade offs for extreme personal gains.

WHYN0TWHYN0Talmost 4 years ago
This completely ruined it

Chapter 3 was already really bad, but this just utterly ruined the story. It was already mentioned he didn't like how he was tied up and forced to do whatever his mom and aunt wanted him to do , how did this make any sense?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

you ruined it

I won't read anymore

it went from good to spineless piece of shit

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

You are a spineless waste of life. Do yourself a favor and just get your junk whacked off permanently and quit pretending to be a man

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Man, You ruined your story by bringing this 'Lady J' and blah blah...

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