Seducing The Principal


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Having realized from the moment she had returned to school the previous Monday that she was already on perfect hunting ground; completely surrounded by literally dozens of forbidden affairs, Britney had remained vigilant and even somewhat apprehensive. Being very familiar with the recent rash of teacher-student affairs all over the country, Britney had of course found the concept very stimulating, but had never really given it serious thought other than passing fantasies. Naturally, her fantasies had always been about seducing male teachers and she honestly had to question her own abilities and weigh the consequences. But with her eyes now cautiously caressing every inch of the new principal's conservative face and shrouded body, it became clear:

"Yes I can, and that is her!"

Though she was completely unaware of it, Doctor Selena Alvarez had just been sighted and tagged as quarry by the most ardent hunter at Scottsdale High School.

Britney Wilcox kept her legs tightly crossed and remained completely captivated for the remainder of the day. Doctor Selena Alvarez stirred something in her that not even the heated affair with her vixen stepmother had touched. For the next several days, Britney carefully plotted out scenario after scenario for seducing this stunning Latin woman. Being very new to this particular game trail, Britney naturally assumed that it would be difficult, but she didn't anticipate being so incredibly aroused by her selected quarry. Still having not even spoken to her directly, Britney went out of her way to observe Principal Alvarez's daily movements, activities and duties; even went so far as to follow her home at a distance. Britney got so completely lost in her lustful thoughts and fantasies as she watched the sexy Latin educator orient herself around the campus and even more so deep in Britney's mind and fantasies. Britney found herself taking very long and hot showers, both morning and night, with Doctor Selena Alvarez all over her mind and hence, all over her beautiful young body and pussy through Britney's own hand and imagination. Britney realized that she must get control of herself in order to logically plot her specific strategy and be optimally effective in capturing and conquering her desperately hungered for prey.

It had now been nearly three weeks since Britney first laid eyes on her quarry and it had taken her almost every day of it to get back to thinking objectively. Walking into her first period English class on Friday morning donning her purple, white and gold cheerleader uniform, Britney was glowing. After her morning masturbation in the shower, her mind was clear and her body was relaxed. The varsity football game against arch rival Chandler High was this evening and since the cheerleaders wore their uniforms to school in preparation for the afternoon pep rally, Britney considered her cheerleader outfit to be one of her most affective pieces of hunting attire.

Halfway through the period, the classroom door opened and Principal Alvarez entered the room. Instantly, Britney was riveted, her heart sped up tenfold and her stomach swirled with butterflies as her eyes locked on the slender and sexy figure of the older Latin woman. As Selena strolled gracefully over to the teacher's desk, Britney's gaze was glued to her sexily swaying hips. The English teacher called the class's attention to the front and Principal Alvarez began to speak; offering a more up close and personal introduction to the individual students and allowed for any questions they might have. As another student offered up a rather long and ridiculously obsolete query, Britney felt Principal Alvarez's eyes fall directly upon her; and like a finely tuned instrument, Britney slowly shifted her body in her seat and sexily crossed her legs as she leaned forward, placing her elbows on the desktop and resting her chin on her folded hands. Britney caught Selena's eyes seemingly locked on her beautiful young legs, perhaps only for a second longer than they should have been, but still there nonetheless. Selena lifted her eyes quickly and they met Britney's with a deep captivity in them. Giving the elder Latin lady a sly smile, Britney batted her eyes and leaned forward in her seat and Selena turned her head sharply toward the student speaking as the bell ending the period sounded. Though she couldn't be certain, Britney was convinced that Selena appeared to be blushing.

As the classroom broke out in a flurry of movement and chatter as the thirty or so odd students gathered up their belongings and departed, Selena stood to one side of the door like the crew of a commercial flight, smiling and nodding to the students as they departed. Britney took her time gathering up her few belongings, allowing her fellow students to depart before her. Based on Selena's reaction to Britney's movement of her sexy legs, it was obvious that her prey was susceptible to her hunter's bait; now it was time for an attempt at first physical contact. Rising slowly, Britney cradled her English book and folder lightly under her arm and gracefully slid her purse over her shoulder. Aligning her path directly toward the older woman, Britney approached slowly and waited for Selena, who at the moment had two other students passing by, to face her.

When the students passed, Britney smiled warmly as the Latin woman turned her head toward the beautiful young vixen that was now hunting her. Then as if fate seemed to stamp its approval on Britney's conquest, the teacher stepped out the door into the hallway, leaving the hunter and the hunted alone in the classroom. Less than two steps away from her unsuspecting seductee, Britney opened her smiling lips as if to speak when she suddenly tripped over her feet. With the honed skill of an Academy Award winning actress, Britney let her books slip out of her hand and let out a frightened gasp as she tumbled forward. Selena's eyes bulged as they filled with surprise and she reflexively reached out her arms to catch the fake falling teen. Britney's body collided with and mashed into the older woman and her arms went around her as Selena stabilized the teenager by placing her hands on her lean and tone torso.

As the two women came together, Britney inhaled deeply the scent of the elder Latin educator and she smelled divine. Getting stabilized against Selena's body, Britney allowed her hands to slowly slide around and off the incredibly firm and slender body of the principal, reveling every second in the delightful feminine softness the woman possessed. Selena was a good two inches taller than Britney; but taking into account that she was again wearing high-heeled boots, Britney estimated that when she finally had this stunning woman in the throes of heated and naked passion, they would be almost the same height. Finally standing up straight and faking complete embarrassment, Britney noted that Selena almost appeared to be taking her own sweet time in removing her hands from her young body.

"Are you all right, Miss?" Selena asked.

Britney heard "mistress" in her own mind initially and immediately felt her pussy go from lukewarm and moist to sizzling hot and soaked. As her hormones were surging, Britney had to quickly gather her thoughts before she responded. The pheromonal scent of this woman was exceedingly powerful; almost intoxicating, and it was one that could set even the most seasoned of sexual hunters like Britney Wilcox ablaze.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay, Mrs. Alvarez. God, I am so sorry. Are you okay?" Britney said.

Selena slid her hands back from around Britney's torso and the bare skin of her palms grazed down the skin of Britney's bare arms and away. Britney felt a shockwave of immense erotic power rip through her young body as their skin came together; it made her heart race and her breath get short and labored. The simple touch of Principal Alvarez's hands to the skin of her arms was more erotic to Britney than her stepmother's seething naked body rubbing firmly against hers in the intense heat of passion. Britney could clearly sense that below the extremely plain and conservative surface of this salient Latin woman was a wild sexual tigress just aching to be released.

"I'm fine." Selena replied softly.

With their eyes locked together, Britney suddenly felt her face flushing.

"Say, you're Britney Wilcox, aren't you?" Selena continued.

Britney's heart skipped a beat at hearing her name escape from Selena's full and succulent lips. How did she know? Britney then felt her legs faltering and turning to Jell-O. She was losing control of the situation and the thrill of the hunt was quickly evaporating. It was something in the woman's touch. In an instant, Britney wanted this woman more than she'd ever wanted anyone in her life, and she wanted her right now.

"Yeah." Britney managed to stammer. "Yeah, how did you know?"

"I saw the varsity cheerleading squad photo from last year in the front office. You all were the state champion squad." Selena replied. "And you are exceptionally hard to miss, my dear. You're quite lovely."

Britney was completely captivated by the soft, sensual voice of the Latin woman and every fiber of her being shouted for her to flee. She was entirely outmatched! She wasn't ready or even worthy to claim such a prize as this woman.

"Thank you." Britney replied almost innocently.

"Very nice to meet you, Britney; and please feel free to come by my office anytime if you should ever need anything; it's always an open door to my students." Selena said as she smiled.

Britney smiled as best she could and with all the dignity she could muster, gathered up her books and exited calmly out of the classroom.

Less than two minutes later, Britney locked the door of one of the bathroom stalls and sat down on the commode to collect her thoughts and pull herself together. This must be what a hunter feels like when he's stripped of his rifle and pinned to the ground by his intended prey. He has become the prey himself, or herself; but at the last moment, the beast departs, leaving the hunter unharmed and in emotional shambles. Taking several deep breaths, Britney conceded that this woman was going to be an extreme challenge, but now, she was more determined than ever to have her; and as quickly as possible! The intense heat and passion that the Latin woman had stirred deep within the cunning young vixen was almost overwhelming and it was obvious that the sensual and illicit passion in Principal Alvarez though not acknowledged or even understood by the woman herself, must run very deep. There was no way that Britney was producing this much unbridled passion all of her own. No, Selena Alvarez was indeed a dormant sexual tigress just waiting to be awakened. Britney realized now that the usual want for and thrill of the hunt was fading rapidly; caressing and fondling herself sensually there in the stall, Britney closed her eyes and reminisced on how badly she had wanted to take Principal Alvarez right there on the teacher's desk. Britney saw herself ripping Selena's clothes wildly from her body and delving deeply into the Latin woman's sexual core.

Britney reached for her I-phone and searched the web for the number of the nearest florist. Regaining her composure now, the cunning seductress knew what had to be done next. The touch barrier had been distinctively broken; Britney knew beyond any doubt that her prey was vibrant and would respond to proper stimulation. Britney placed an order for an arrangement of flowers and balloons to be delivered to Principal Selena Alvarez at Scottsdale High School before the end of the school day and she instructed the card to read:

"Welcome to Scottsdale High, Principal Alvarez;"

And to be signed - Love, Britney Wilcox and the varsity cheerleading squad.

Britney paid with her Debit Card and concluded the call. Immediately Britney proceeded to text message all the members of the cheerleading squad to inform them on what she had done and concluded simply:

"No fucking questions asked."

Britney then clicked off her phone, exited the stall and headed for her second period Pre-Calculus class. As the bell rang ending her third period Economics class a couple of hours later, Britney checked her I-phone again and found an email delivery confirmation of her floral order. Her heart fluttered and she anticipated a response during her next class. However, none came.

Britney met a group of her friends for lunch in the middle of fourth period and thought perhaps Principal Alvarez might make an appearance then; but again, nothing. After lunch, Britney returned for the second half of her fourth period World History class and then proceeded to her fifth period Government class. It was nearing the end of her sixth and final period of the day, Chemistry, when the lab door opened. Britney lifted her head from her equations and saw a student office aide enter the room, carrying an office request slip. Handing it to the professor, the aide departed as the professor quickly studied the slip and then turned to the class.

"Miss Wilcox. Principal Alvarez would like to see you in her office." The chemistry professor announced.

Britney's heart again skipped a beat and her body experienced another flash of lustful heat. Having to pause momentarily to give the appearance of indifference, Britney casually rose from her lab station, took the slip from the professor and left the room. Britney strolled in her usual confident and sexy manner through the halls and arrived at the front office to find Principal Alvarez looking over the shoulder of her secretary seated at her desk, studying the flat screen computer monitor. The two women looked up at the sound of the office door opening and saw Britney enter.

"Hello, Britney." Selena said and smiled.

"You wanted to see me, Mrs. Alvarez?" Britney asked, faking naivety.

"Indeed I do. Come in, won't you?" Selena said as she directed Britney toward her private office.

Britney stepped into Selena's office and found the beautiful assortment of flowers and balloons sitting on the desk. She couldn't help but grin for she knew what was coming. Selena closed the door behind them.

"Would you care to explain that, young lady?" Selena asked in a surprisingly harsh tone.

Okay, so maybe she didn't know what was coming. This was definitely not what she was anticipating. Britney's grin evaporated almost instantly as her eyes darted to the side to find Principal Alvarez passing by her and going around to the back of her desk with a very stern scowl on her face.

"It's a welcome gift." Britney answered.

"It's also very inappropriate." Selena growled.

"Inappropriate?" Britney asked, completely baffled. "Why?"

"Sit down, young lady!" Selena commanded.

Britney sat slowly and then proceeded to endure a harsh reprimand loaded with principalities and ethics concerning such a gift from a student to an administrator. Britney sat solemnly with her head pointed at the floor, just to give the appearance of normalcy of a student in trouble, but she couldn't figure out where this outlandish reaction of such an innocent gesture of friendship and welcoming was coming from. The rant went on for nearly ten minutes and by the time Selena had finished, Britney found herself on the verge of detention and/or suspension. The bell ending the sixth and final period of the day rang and Selena dismissed Britney with a harsh wave off.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Alvarez." Britney whispered.

"Doctor Alvarez, please!" Selena barked harshly.

Britney left the office and as the door closed behind her, a devious grin appeared on her face. Though the response had not been the one she was anticipating, there was a tremendous emotional reaction nonetheless. Any fears or concerns the young vixen may have had about not being worthy to hunt and claim such a game prize vanished instantly and Britney was hotter, wetter and more inspired than ever. Doctor Selena Alvarez was going to be this young sexual huntress's greatest catch. The Latin woman was ripe, and based upon her heated reaction to the gesture, was on fire with unrecognized unbridled passion; but evidently wanted to play rough and hard to get.

Britney returned to her chemistry class to retrieve her belongings and then went to the boy's gymnasium for the after school pep rally. Filled to capacity with students and faculty, Britney led the state championship cheerleading squad in a series of their best routines and soon realized that she was being intensely watched by Principal Alvarez. Britney put forth her best effort to display her remarkable flexibility and amazing contortion for her avid fan, standing rigidly in the far corner. Britney didn't honestly know what kind of nerve she had struck within Selena, but the important thing was that the young vixen had successfully gotten under the older woman's skin, and that was a step closer to actually getting all over her skin between the sheets.

Britney and her squad cheered Scottsdale's varsity football team to a decisive victory over their arch rival Chandler that evening and again, Britney felt the stern eyes of Doctor Selena Alvarez on her the whole evening. The evening was quite warm and Britney's sweaty legs and arms were glistening under the lights of the high school stadium. Again, Britney put her best effort forward to strut her agility for her devoted fan and as the third quarter came to a close, took a quick breather as the teams on the field switched sides. It was then that Britney noticed her dear mother Elaine in the stands and to her utter shock, saw her mother hugging and conversing excitedly with Principal Alvarez. They looked like a pair of sisters who hadn't seen each other in years. As the fourth quarter began, Britney found herself struggling to concentrate on completing the scheduled set of routines for the game. Elaine and Selena seemed totally oblivious now to the game as they continued to enthusiastically converse.

After the game, Britney scanned the stands frantically for any sign of her mother or Selena, but could find no trace of them. Returning to the girl's gymnasium locker room, Britney showered and changed as quickly as she could. Without so much as a goodbye to her fellows, Britney was soon racing through the night toward home at over 100mph in her Corvette. When she arrived home, she found her mother's car in the driveway. Bursting through the back door, Britney found her mother sitting calmly at the kitchen table, sipping a glass of wine.

"I had a feeling you'd be home pretty quick." Elaine said coldly.

"What are you talking about?" Britney bluffed.

"You saw me chatting with Selena Alvarez at the game, didn't you?" Elaine said.

"Who?" Britney asked.

"If it makes you feel any better, you're on the right track." Elaine offered.

"What?" Britney replied.

"Britney, you are definitely your mothers' daughter. I know you as well as I know myself. After all, I trained you to be exactly what you are; an accomplished seductress, a cunning vixen and a vengeful femme fatale." Elaine expounded.

"Like mother, like daughter." Britney smiled.

"You've reached a point where seduction has lost its flare and excitement for you. It's become far too easy to accomplish and hence, you're bored. So now you are expanding your horizons in order to challenge yourself. You're trying to seduce Selena Alvarez, aren't you?" Elaine said.

"She knows?" Britney asked, feeling her heart pound.

"No. She mentioned that you had sent her some flowers as a welcoming gift. But I know my apprentice far better than that." Elaine continued. "So, as I said in the beginning, you're on the right track."

"How do you know her?" Britney asked coldly.

Elaine went on to explain that when she was a 17 year old Miss Arizona, 19 year old Selena Alvarez; or rather, Selena Viso at that time, was Miss New Mexico and the two were roommates during the week leading up to the Miss America pageant. The more Elaine recalled her long ago relationship with the Latin beauty queen, the hotter Britney got, for her suspicions about Principal Alvarez were all proving to be correct. The woman was indeed a caged sexual lioness that had been living dormant for nearly thirty years. Elaine went on to confess that Selena and herself had spent one night in the throes of sexual passion together and that Selena was everything Britney was hoping she would be; and more! In fact, now that Selena had lied dormant for so long, Elaine suspected that Britney would more than likely be sexually torn to ribbons if she could in fact conquer and unleash the sexual beast being held prisoner deep inside this now prim and proper educator. After nearly thirty years of inactivity, the repressed sexual energy built up in the woman must be immense.