Seduction of Mrs. Clarke Ch. 04

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Long distance romance.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/01/2022
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Long Distance Romance

Jane: Hi Jo, what's up?

Jane, do you have time to talk?

Jane; Sure, I will always make time for you.

No, I mean do you have ample time to talk.

Jane: Oh this must be about Matt.

Well, yes in a way. Gee, I'm sorry, it seems like that is all we talk about anymore.

Jane: Don't be sorry, I look forward to it. Hell, it is the only excitement in my life right now. It's better than any romance novel. LOL

That is exactly why I'm calling. There is no excitement in my life. I feel so empty, alone, and bored. I don't know what I'm going to do. It's like my old life is gone, I entered a new world and have now been sent back to my old life and I don't fit in anymore.

Jane: Jo, that is certainly understandable. Matt guided you into this new awareness, and now you don't have a guide. And he treated you in a way that made you feel so special nothing will come close to that. It is no wonder you feel this way.

So, what am I going to do?

Jane: Have you tried calling him on the phone he gave you?

No, I don't want to seem needy, but I have thought about it a thousand times. I have picked it up and started to hit the button and then put it back down. Anyway, I don't know what to say, and I think phone sex is really not the answer anyway.

Jane: Well, you said there were some things you didn't cover about the weekend because there wasn't enough time the last time we talked, so tell me some of those stories, I bet that will help

Good idea. Well let's see, I didn't tell you about some of the lingerie he had me wear. I felt so sexy in them and one time even said, "you would make a great Victoria's Secret model." And some were very erotic with most or all of your erogenous exposed.

He even gave me one of the less risqué ones to take home, he said "your husband might enjoy this, tell him you bought it for him." Isn't that so sweet, he is knowing I will need some excitement when I get home, and oh boy was he right. But what he doesn't know is that he has ruined sex with Bob for me. Bob was never that good anyway but now, oh gosh it is so boring it is like a chore.

Jane: Maybe you can try and spice some things up with Bob, show him some of what you have learned.

You're right and I have already started working on that, but I am going to have to take it very slow so he doesn't get suspicious. I gave him a blowjob the other night and took him deeper than I ever have, not deepthroat but close. By the way I didn't tell you but I am excellent at deepthroat now, and before I would have been grossed out by that, but after you get the hang of it, it's not bad. I don't take much pleasure from it physically, but the pleasure you give your partner is stimulating. Anyway, I am giving Bob the best blowjob of his life and he says," Damn Joanne you must have really missed me." He thoroughly enjoys it, but what dumb me forgot is he is not young and virile, once he cam he was done for the night and I was left there frustrated.

Jane: Well that is most times with me and Larry even during regular sex. LOL.

Oh, I know Bob can't bring me to orgasm no matter what he does now. Anyway, I told you there were many devices for being bound, well one was called a sex swing, I guess. In this one all your limbs are bound; you are suspended off the floor and are in a sitting position. The best way to describe it would be like one of those hammock chairs but your hands and feet are bound and most of the chair is gone. It produces some wonderful sex. (I babbled on for some time relating various things)

Jane: So, has this helped?

Oh yes, very much. Thank you for taking the time to let me cry on your shoulder and ramble on.

Jane: No problem, call anytime. I am really enjoying living vicariously through you. LOL. But when are you going to call Matt?

I don't know, I guess when I can't hold out any longer, maybe tomorrow afternoon. LOL


Hello Jane, I didn't expect to hear from you again so soon, what's up.

Jane: I needed to get my Matt and Joanne fix, what's the latest?

LOL, you're hooked too hunh? Well, you're in luck, and you're not going to believe it.

Jane: Tell me, tell me, this sounds good.

It is. So I finally break down and call Matt. He answers the phone,

"Hello Joanne, what can I do for you?" He says.

Well, I freeze, stupid me hadn't thought this out. I just wanted to talk to him but what was I going to say? What could he do for me over the phone? So I just said "I just missed you and wanted to hear your voice." Ugh, I sounded so needy, like some infatuated school girl. But he immediately put me at ease,

"Well, it is nice to hear your voice too, I'm surprised it's been so long before you called, you must have been busy."

"Really, I thought it was probably too early."

"Joanne, after the weekend you had. You must be feeling empty, lonely, and bored. We had quite the excitement crammed into a short time."

"Oh Matt you're so right, and you always know just the right thing to say to me."

"Well, unfortunately it is going to be some time before we can be together again, and I don't thnk phone sex is going to be enough for either of us. I have been thinking about your predicament, and come up with something. I think you will need some spice in your life to tide you over. Do you think you will be able to hide your phone well enough to not be discovered?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Well put the phone on silent, if you haven't already. It can receive texts. So occasionally I can text you about something. You can read it anytime you are free, and you can text me in return.

You can still call if you need to, but we can use the text more often, and I think it can be fun. First the rules are, it may be several days before you or I can respond, so that should not create any concern. Anything I ask you to do you must do it without questioning and must complete it before any additional text will be sent. If you text any questions about it or try to negotiate any variance that text will not be responded to and no more text will come until the original text is complete. You are welcome to take as long as you need to complete any text. Do you accept these guidelines?"

"Yes, sure. And I want to tell you I miss our time together and wanted to thank you again for oh just everything." Ugh, I sound like a needy groupie again.

"You're welcome, I think we should go now. Have a good time with the texts Mrs. Clarke."

Jane: So: has he texted you yet?

Yes, several.

Jane: What did they say?

The first one said, - Don't wear a bra to work tomorrow - .

Jane: LOL that little devil. That's perfect. Have you done it yet?

Well it took me a day or two to build up the nerve, but then I realized the longer I waited the longer it would be before I had contact with him so yes.

Jane: What happened, how did it make you feel?

You know before all this I would never had done this. but I did and I felt like I did that night Matt took me out to the restaurant and dance club. I began having fun with it.

Jane: What did he say when you texted him back.

I texted - I did it - . And you know what that shit sent back?

. - No wear a sexier top -.

Jane: LMAO, I'm about to fall out of my chair. He really is something.

I know. I'm wondering, does he know me that well, or is he able to watch me somehow. I had worn the most conservative top I have.

So anyway, I wear a sexier top the next day, oh boy you can't imagine the looks I got. But due to my transformation that Matt brought about instead of being embarrassed like I would have, I felt sexy and aroused. I was wet most of the day and I had to masturbate as soon as I got home. And I realized I loved Matt more. Even now with no direct contact with him he was still putting excitement in my life and making me feel special. I don't know what I would do without him now.

Jane: Just be careful, I think you may be falling down the rabbit hole. Have fun with this, but don't lose touch with reality. So, what happened after you texted him back.

He texted, - describe your best experience -. And I did, and I masturbated. It was a day or two before he sent the next text,

- Same thing but pay attention to only the response from the women. -

Jane: Oh, it must me the lesbian thing. What happened with that?

It's so funny how he makes these experiences recall our weekend. I noticed I got two kinds of responses, just like those two girls in the bathroom. It was either snarky and a look of disgust, or a look of appreciation. I was shocked that I got more looks of appreciation. I first thought it was the lesbian thing too, but it boosted my self-esteem, just like our weekend. And he must have known that because when I responded and he asked about my experience the next test said

- You give one or multiple women that same look to boost their self-esteem by taking time to realize their beauty. -

"Can you believe that?"

Jane: You're right, this guy always seems to amaze. Is there no end to him? I think I'm starting to fall for him. Anything else exciting?

Well, one had me use Ben Wa balls for the day at work. Do you know what those are?

Jane: Yes, they cause you to have an orgasm, I think.

Well yes, but no. That is what most people think but I read up on them and after using them, they strengthen your kegel muscles which enhances your sexual pleasure, they do not cause an orgasm but tease. Almost like the bridging Matt showed me. That's when you almost reach orgasm but not. Damn that was a frustrating day.

Jane: It's amazing how he keeps reminding you of the weekend isn't it.

Yes, I get to relive it over and over. (And chatted on for a while)


Jane: Hi, Jo glad you called.

Oh Jane, we've got to talk. You've got to try and help me know what to do?

Jane: This sounds serious. Tell me what it is sis.

Well you know I was telling you about the texts from Matt. He had me do a few more simple things, mainly for my sexual enjoyment. Then he sent a text that said - Flirt with a stranger. -

Jane: That sounds simple enough. You have always been pretty good at that. Why has this got you all shook up

That's not it, it went on. So just wait let me give you the whole story. The next text said

- Flirt with a woman. You do not have to proposition or seduce her, unless you want to, but it has to be heavy flirting, no you look nice today. And it can't be someone like your sister, or good friend. -

I had to think about that one for several days. Trying to figure out how or who, but I finally one day was in the grocery store. There was this attractive woman I kept passing in the isles and we had exchanged pleasantries and she was very friendly and outgoing. So, I thought, this is my chance. When I ran into her again, I said, "we have got to stop meeting like this" and giggled.

Lady: giggle, "I know - right?"

"But I don't mind it, you are very attractive." to which I could tell she was briefly taken aback, but she was a strong confident woman as well, which I guess is what drew me to her, so she responded.

Lady: "Well you are attractive too, honey."

I look her up and down, like Matt did me the first time we met and say, "Well I think you are extremely attractive and something about you just draws me to you. I think we could be very good friends."

Lady: She literally blushes and says, "OH, so you mean..."

"I mean whatever you want it to mean," and wink. I was flushed at this point. I don't know how I had come up with this and how easily I was apparently seducing this woman. And it was getting me excited.

Lady: "Oh, um, well, honey I am very flattered - - - and if I were uh; inclined that way I would have no problem, but I am married."

I was surprised that she was not offended, but then more surprised at myself for not ending it there, but saying, "sweety it is ok, I'm married too. And we wouldn't tell anyone." This had become like a fun game and I was role-playing without realizing it. I swear, looking in her eyes I think she may have been considering it.

Lady: "I don't want to offend you, but I am going to have to decline no matter how enticing it might be."

Damn, she made it sound like I almost had her, and for some reason now I wanted her. Even though I had never had a sexual experience with a woman I was desiring one with this one. Was it because I could tell deep down she wanted it too and I had brought that out in her? Was it because she was denying me? Anyway, I knew it was time to end it, so without hesitating the only thing that came to my mind to say was "Well, if you ever change your mind, let me know." winked again and walked off.

Jane: Damn Joanne, I don't even know you anymore.

I know, I'm not sure I know myself anymore.

Jane: Are you ok with the way this boy is changing you?

You know, I sometimes briefly question that, but in the end, there is no way I would trade the way I feel and the way I feel about myself. I still feel like I have my limits and have self-control. Hell, with that woman I felt so strong and assertive. So yes, I am ok with it.

Jane: So that is what you called to talk about?

No, so let me tell you.

I texted Matt about the experience and I could tell he was more than pleased. We actually texted back and forth about it. He asked.

-What would you have done if she had accepted your advances? -

I texted back that I didn't know, I hadn't considered it. At the time I felt so strong and confident but now I think I would have backed down and run.

- Are you having fun with these texts Joanne? -

- Oh, yes thank you for thinking of this. I think without this I would have gone crazy by now. -

- Well good we certainly should continue. -

It was several days before I got another text. I was beginning to wonder a little but he had said we should not be concerned that he may be busy so I waited. Then another day or two passed and I was beginning to yearn for another text. I had started to drift back into boredom. Then the text arrived.

- Kiss another woman -

I froze. The flirting had been almost more than I could bring myself to. And kissing another woman meant that I had to find one willing, or would have to seduce one to that stage. And then how would I be sure it stopped at kissing? How was I going to do this? I thought about texting him back and saying I can't do it, but I knew he would not respond until the task had been completed.

Jane: Just text him back and tell him you can't and won't do that.

I thought about that, and I am sure that would end this. He wouldn't respond and wouldn't send anymore texts and he also said he would not answer the phone until the task was complete. I'm also afraid that means he will not even call me until this task is complete. Jane, I know this may sound pathetic but I can't live without this continuing.

Jane: Well that actually does sound a little pathetic, but I understand where you are and as I said I do not judge you for that. And you would be so sad and lonely I wouldn't be able to stand you. LOL.

Oh sis, I love you so much. What would I do without you? But what am I going to do?

Jane: Well, let's think. Hey, I got it, just tell him you did it. Just make up something. He won't know for sure.

I thought about that too, but you know him. I guarantee he has already thought about it and has a way to catch me. Remember the first one about the bra. And I don't want to lie to him because I think that maybe could end our relationship altogether.

Jane: You're probably right. So hey, what about this. You kiss me. Now before you get any ideas, I would just be doing this to get you out of a jamb.

I thought about that. You remember the text about flirting with a woman, it said "and it can't be your sister or close friend." I am sure he expects that to apply to this one.

Jane: Probably so, hey so you thought about kissing me?

Be serious Jane, how am I going to get out of this one?

Jane: How about going and hanging out in the grocery store to find that woman.

Yes I know, but that ship has already sailed.

Jane: you have thought about this a lot.

It has been all I could think about for a while now.

Jane: Ok, how about this one, and this is all I got. You go to a lesbian bar. Women there will be there for a pick up, you meet someone and kiss there. When they ask you or try to get you to go back to their place, you make some excuse and tell them you will have to do it again sometime. Oh, and hey, you can also tell them it is your first time so they will be gentle with you. He didn't say anything about that.

You are a genius. And no one there would know me, and hopefully I would never see them again. It's perfect.

Jane: Joanne you don't have to do this if you don't want to. Even if this ends things with Matt, I will help you through it somehow. But if you do call me and tell me what happens LOL.

Oh sis, you're crazy, but thank you, really. You will never know what it means to me for you to be so supportive.


Jane: Hey sis.


Jane: So, did you do it.

Yes I did.

Jane: Ok well tell me all about it.

Well, I went to the lesbian club like you suggested. I went and sat at a booth kind of in the back to try and not be conspicuous, to just get a feel for things and to try and calm my nerves. Ladies would pass and smile. It was a kind of subdued atmosphere which was nicer than I expected. Several butch types came up and tried to hit on me, but I told them I was waiting on someone. I looked around trying to see who, if any, I wouldn't mind kissing.

Then a lady somewhere close to my age came in and sat down at the bar. Funny thing is, she reminded me of the lady in the grocery store. She was even more striking though and dressed more suggestively. She was about my build but one or two cup sizes larger. She sat there for a while seemingly happy to just sit at the bar and sip her drink, I could tell she was a strong and confident woman. We exchanged glances once or twice and I would look away shyly each time. I was looking the other way when I heard...

Lady: "Would you care for some company?"

I turned and it was her. "Sure, I said, please have a seat."

Lady: "My name is Miriam, but call me Mimi."

"Oh, what a nice name, my name is Joanne, you can call me Jo if you like."

Mimi: "Joanne is such a lovely name, that is what I would prefer to call you if you are alright with it."

"Sure, it's fine."

Mimi: "Joanne, it is so very nice to meet you."

"Likewise, Mimi."

Mimi: "I hope I'm not being too direct, but Joanne you look a little out of place here. You do realize what kind of club this is don't you?"

"Oh gosh, is it that obvious? I do know what kind of place this is, but it is my first time. Recent events have caused me to be curious about, um, well this lifestyle."