Seed of the Void Ch. 03

Story Info
Rested from his ordeal, Isaen must now carry out his mandate.
6.5k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 02/05/2024
Created 06/19/2022
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Author's Notes

I told you all that chapter 3 wouldn't take too long. I had written this at the same time as Chapter 2 and decided to just split it in half. Lots of authors here swear by the long 10K+ word stories but I much prefer as both an author and reader digestible chunks. I hope as those who read my stories you feel the same. Chapter 4 may take a bit more, as I have not entirely started on it. But I do have the direction and ideas so it just takes me sitting down to do it.

Would love to hear your thoughts and feels in the comments.

All characters herein are 18+.

Thanks as always to the ever busy and sought after editor KenjiSato!


Chapter 3: The Board and Bard

A cold, moist feeling ran across Isaen's brow when he awoke. His sudden consciousness and the feeling of someone near, jolted his senses, clutching him from the depths of sleep.

"Gah!" He shot up, a squeal echoing his exclamation as he gauged his surroundings. Looking around the room, he slowly cast off the drapery of sleep and realized none of it had been a dream. He was still in the room where the witch had given him his charge. But rather than being passed out on the table, drooling into the wood, he was in the soft bed near the wall.

Beside him, a rather startled tavern-maid held a wet cloth tossed back on her romp, against the creaky floor.

"I'm sorry, sire!" The tavern-maid Myla, the absent-minded girl who showed him to this room, looked scared as the alert face of Isaen scanned his surroundings in a daze of sleep.

"The woman bid me to ensure you were well after a time. You have been resting for nearly a half cycle."

"Shit." Isaen sat up from bed and put his feet on the floor. His whole body ached, no doubt from his time in the pit and the collective stamina spells of the mage and his witch daughter wearing off. He desperately found his footing and lunged for the table, Myla watching him with a very nervous expression.

"Sire, you must take it easy. I am told you were injured."

Isaen paid her no heed, desperately looking for the wooden chip with accounts of his embarkation off this rock in his daze.

The tools and implements had been neatly packed away in a sack on the table. As Isaen's eyes came into focus, he found both a bag of coins and the wooden chip lined up next to the sack. Struggling to focus his eyes to read the sliver of bark, he took a sigh of relief. He still had several hours.

Stepping back, he sat back down on the bed and lay back, hand on his head as the room spun around him.



"No, it's Isaen. Call me Isaen."

"Oh... I apologize, sir, I am not usually so familiar."

Isaen gave her a sardonic look.

The girl stood from the spot she sat on her rear against the floor. Her hands folded in front of her as she awaited further requests.

Feeling better, Isaen sat up on his elbows. Looking towards the lass and her body beneath the rose-colored dress and white apron, he struggled with the concept of discretion.

"How much did the woman give you to take care of me?"

"Two silvers..." she frowned. It was a good price to wipe a stranger's brow, but wouldn't get her far.

"Decent coin." He looked her over, the witch's voice repeating, "Discreet," over and over in his head.

Myla seemed keenly aware she was being admired, with a twitch of her eye and an awkward sway as she felt conscious of Isaen's leering.

"Is there anything else I can assist you with... sire?" Her cold eyes looked at him as she stood attentively, just as she did when Isaen had entered the inn.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you mute."

She hesitated, looking away from Isaen as she avoided eye contact. "I was simply instructed to care for your needs."

"What if I need a conversation?"

"There are drunks better at that downstairs."

Isaen laughed, for the first time in a long while. He felt a bit more confident with his situation, a bit more of a relaxed attitude as he eyed the sack of coins on the table and his bag of goodies issued to him.

"Their voices are not as easy to listen to." Isaen smiled at her, trying to reassure her, but his scarred and weathered face had little but intimidation to it. She had a sweet chirp about her tone. He could listen to her soft musings for hours.

A beautiful red tide flowed across her face as she looked at the floor.

"I have little to tell of."

"Everyone has a story, lass." Isaen sat up further and leaned into the conversation. "How did you come to be in a place as dark as this?" Isaen looked at the dimness of the room, just as dark as it was the night previous, the black ocean around them devoid of sunset or sunrise.

"My family fled the Aeonflux when I was little, our barge found us here, and we have remained ever since. Ona built this place with what we couldn't sell off the barge."

Isaen nodded solemnly. To have survived the Aeonflux, this girl and her family were lucky, even if it meant they were here. Many didn't make it away from that tragedy, some before they knew it had even begun.

"Hard place to grow up."

Myla looked at him for the first time, as she sensed just the slightest bit of empathy, though for Isaen, it was laden with motive.

"Hard place to live."

"Your family not interested in leaving?"

"No... this place has become special to them. It's even special to me. Our shelter from the storm. But..."

"It's no life for a young, beautiful lass like you, even if it has meaning."

She blushed even further as he called her beautiful, though she receded a bit as she saw the intention in his gaze.

"Can I assist you with anything else, sire?" Her desire to be granted leave from the room was evident.

"Hmph... " Isaen scratched his chin where a scraggly bit of hair resided.

"Two silvers won't get you off this rock."

Myla gazed impassively at her patron.

"See that purse on the table." Isaen nodded to the second sack of gold he had been given by his 'associates'. He was impressed she had not run off with it while he was out cold; he certainly would have. An honest wench she was.

Her eyes wandered to it, she knew exactly where it was, surely, she had thought about it while tending to him that night.


"You can have it all; should get you far away from here and be able to start a nice new life elsewhere."

She swallowed; it was not lost on her what he was asking.

"A whole purse of gold?"

"A... whole... purse," Isaen said, in a tone oozing with desire.

"I'm... I'm not like that, at least not for coin." She shied away.

"I have no doubt." He sat watching her back away, even more enticed by her faltering integrity.

"And... that's a lot of coin, I don't do things... unnatural things that men pay such coin for."

"I assure you, lass; I wouldn't dream of defiling a beauty like you." Isaen lied, he could imagine a thousand-and-one ways to defile her. "I only ask for the most basic of things." He eyed her up and down, a look that made her bump her rear into the table as she stood back.

The purse full of gold fell over with the distinct jingle of coins as she hit the table. She keenly looked at the lump of cloth, imagining how much of the golden coins were within.

"Imagine how far away you could get. You could even take your family, or live handsomely somewhere else. Somewhere bright, somewhere with green." Isaen enticed her all the while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"The basic of things?" She blushed, looking at him once more.

Isaen had a self-assured grin as he nodded to Myla. "Yes, milady." He wove his tapestry of seduction to the final stitch.

Myla nodded, affirming their agreement, her eyes dashing around, as she took several shallow breaths standing in the middle of the room.

"Well?" Isaen nodded his head to her as if she knew what to do.

The tavern-maid reached behind her neck and back and loosened the apron, which fell away to the floor. Beneath was the beautiful form of a woman, tightly constrained by the rose dyes of a dress no doubt purchased from a faraway realm. Her family must care for her greatly to give her such a dress, accenting her beautiful nature all the more as it hugged every curve of her body. The skirt itself came only mid-calf, where a pair of long, white stockings took over protecting the beautiful visage of her thighs.

Everything about her was shapely, from hip to bust, it was all with ample feminine flesh. The more she began to reveal, the more Isaen could not wait to taste it.

This was truly Isaen's first taste of freedom and his new profession. Not a woman held to a table in a dark pit of a gloomy tower, but rather a maid of his choosing, stripping down under his command, in his own room.

A satisfied smirk and a new breath of life filled the vagabond's lungs. If he was about to get screwed over by whatever shady business, he had caught himself up in, at least he was going to do it having tasted this lass' flesh.

Having pulled her stockings off, she stood barelegged before Isaen, stepping ever closer as she was beckoned to. For her part, an innocent nervousness filled every action, but that was preferable in Isaen's mind, better the maiden than the tramp.

"Come closer." He waved his hands, Myla unconsciously keeping her distance, yet the promise of the purse pushed her before him. She came close enough that Isaen could place his hands on either of her thighs, raising them high and under her skirt to feel the soft flesh of her hips.

"Let's see," he said, pulling up her dress and clicking his tongue to signal that she should be rid of it. The rose-colored fabric gave way to blushing rose-colored flesh as Myla's body was given the air. Only a set of basic beige undergarments covered her nudity, yet her skin intoxicatingly drew him in.

"Lovely..." He planted a kiss just above her navel, as he held her arse and pulled her into him. His hands held tightly to whatever ounce of flesh he could, a shapely lass gave him plenty to play with and even more to kiss, as he smacked his lips against her stomach, sides, hips, and thighs. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he even bid her place a foot next to him, raising her leg so that her thigh was level with him, and he could have a good taste as if it were a leg of lamb. While he didn't bite like he intended to devour, he certainly took a nibble enough to get an idea of just how sweet she was.

"Gayyah!" she yelped, as his teeth playfully sunk in.

"Apologies, you just looked tasty." He played her thigh and let her return her foot to the ground. Once she got her balance, he pointed downwards, beckoning to take her knees between his legs.

Her face was flush red and her breaths labored as she walked through this parade of her body. Then, it was time to get down to business, and Isaen's cock was ready to partake.

"I trust you know what a man wants with a beautiful lass' mouth?" He took a second to admire her soft black hair, no longer than past her ears with a bow tied upon it. He ran his fingers through the darkness on her head like they were ships in the void, taking a whiff as her odor filled the air around them.

Myla nodded, gulping as she began to undo the lacing of Isaen's trousers. Content that she could take it from here, he lay back on his hands and watched her pull his cock from his pants. Myla seemed a bit in awe of it, at first, the quiver of her lips making him twitch even more as he wondered if his was the biggest she had seen, or the biggest she had taken.

"Nice and easy then, lass." He encouraged her, gripping her hair as she placed her lips around the head of his cock. She slowly ingested him, gagging several times as it passed through her mouth. Not even halfway did she have to surface for air, hardly slobbering down his length and she was gasping.

"Tsk, tsk." Isaen patted her head. "I would assume the pretty boys on this rock would have broken you in."

The girl glared at him, there were no pretty boys on Tamberan.

Isaen ventured to guess she was, by far, the prettiest girl; though, no doubt, many offers had been made for her. She must be on her last straw to accept right then. As she suckled his cock up and down, nursing herself to greater depths, Isaen reflected on just how this little tryst with him would change her life. Aside from the money, the baby he would put in her would certainly be life-changing. Beyond raising a child, a mage at that would bring her some form of prosperity. That's, at least, how Isaen justified degrading her a bit.

Reaching behind, he unclasped the crude hooks of her bra and loosened it from her arms. Myla cooperated and allowed him to pull it off her, a beautiful set of breasts bounding beneath as she continued to suck and let her throat get used to the tension.

"Here, girl, let's see them." He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her back. She whined, but followed suit, sitting up from her position on her knees and displaying proudly a woman's full chest. Her bosom was a pure-white milky color, with large pink nipples adorning each of the elastic mounds that jiggled with every move.

Feeling them, Isaen noted how fleshy they were, yet so good to look at. He toyed with the nipples that would one day feed his child, smiling as he tested their elasticity with a pull.

"Sorry, Myla... you just have a body that is beyond belief."

The girl blushed and looked away, letting him toy with her upper body unknowing that he had a purpose for her in mind.

"Come next to me." He pulled her up by the arm, beckoning her to sit. All she wore were her beige panties, but Isaen's hands didn't care. He leaned in to taste her breasts, tongue lapping at them as she whined, Isaen watching them bounce with each pass of his tongue. He soon pushed her down flat on the bed, suckling on her tits one after the other, enough to get a full feel of her nub in his mouth.

Her squealing got louder, enough that he grew concerned that her "Ona" would hear despite his many grey hairs.

"Sush, girl, I haven't even given you a reason to squeal yet." He put a soft hand over her mouth. She nodded, instead biting her lip to keep herself contained. Isaen enjoyed himself for a bit longer, slipping his hand down her abdomen and into her panties to feel her true prize.

Her thighs clenched up as his hand grazed her slit. Squeezing his hand there, she seemed to derive a zing of pleasure from the touching.

"Gods, girl, haven't you been toyed with before?" He laughed, as he sat up from her breast and looked down at her.

Myla, while bashful, bit her lip to hold back a grin. Clearly, she was a little less innocent than she claimed, though he believed her when she said that she had never done it for money before.

"Well then, I think you need to lose these." He sat above her, pulling her panties down her long legs. After tossing them across the room towards his sack, he pulled her legs apart in the air to give her an inspection. She had a well-built pussy, tightly kept with a wealth of hair coating its lips. Like a nice girl, she kept herself clean and well-trimmed. She seemed even proud to show herself off, as Myla got more and more into the act they were about to carry out.

"In the right places, you could earn a sack of gold per night on the night." He patted her moistened slit before sticking a full finger inside of her.

An empty gasp filled her lungs as she looked less and less put off by the idea of what was happening. Though in response to Isaen's assertion, she shook her head.

"I am not a whore to be bought..." she said very assertively, until the second it registered that tonight that fact was not true.

Isaen saw no need to cut her down anymore, he already had a finger, then two, inside of the girl.

"I believe you; you certainly don't look it."

She rested her head on the mattress as she felt his digits go in and out of her, holding her legs in the air.

"Yet, you propositioned me nonetheless." She glared between soft moans.

"Let's think of it as... providing you an opportunity." His thumb wiggled around her clitoral hood in a circular motion as her lower back arched upwards with pleasure. "You don't have to be a whore to take an opportunity, only ambitious..." He stared into Myla's eyes from above, as she looked on at him with a subtle satisfaction and wonder.

"Yeah..." she bought on to the idea, further grinding her lower half against his hand.

With a plop, Isaen released his hand from her cunt; wet and juicy, it dripped with her essence as he came between her legs with his cock and smacked her wet crop of hair with his thick rod.

"Easy now, lass, remember to keep it down." He gave her a few more smacks of his cock as the wet plops amused him, before leaning over and kissing her from breast to earlobe, sensually, as she cooed.

As he tasted her neck, he slipped his head inside of her, a moment that caused her to stir beneath him, as he slowly pushed himself forward.

"Eeeeeeeeyasahhh." Her gaspy exclamations only caused him to desire to push forward more, as he went past her horizons and forged new paths inside of her womanhood. Before long, he found his base at her wet lips and began to thrust his hips at his amusement.

Isaen was not here to pleasure her by any means. All of this was for him, and in small part, his new mission. He fucked her just how he pleased, whether it was low, fast, or inconsistently deep. It was so that Isaen's cock alone could feel the rumble of the maiden's deep passageway and the satisfaction of opening her up further than any man had. She didn't seem the girl to have much experience, but after this, he greedily wondered if she would be stuck with the thought of him throughout her life.

Of course, having his baby would have that effect.

He continued his fucking, her noises making no difference as he ran her through. Flipping her over, he even took her on all fours as he patted her ass for his own amusement. The creaking wood drowned out her pitiful whines as he neared his climax, Myla herself being denied it as he shifted pace time and time again.

"Are you... are you going to take it out?" she whined, as she could feel him throb.

Of course, Isaen had no intention to; grasping onto her fleshy hips, he drove himself in and out as deep as possible.

"I did say the most basic of things? There is nothing more basic than driving your cock deep into a maiden and planting your seeds," he whispered into her ear, as he held her hips tightly.

She looked a bit nervous then, looking back at him with a surprised expression.

"Don't worry, darling, it's better this way."

He drove himself deeply, letting loose a torrent of seed, just as he promised, into her womb.

"Ohhh!" she whined, feeling it swish around her and fill her to the brim. It was a natural pleasure, felt no other way. And Myla reveled in it momentarily, until she realized just what had happened.

"But, but, but, I can't, no, this isn't... hold on," she stammered, as Isaen left her cunt oozing with cum. He walked across the room to the sack of necklaces to grab one for her as she continued to stutter around the idea of what he had done to her.

"I can't get pregnant. This isn't how it suppose--" She flipped onto her back and looked between her legs to see the wet ooze continuing.

"Shhhh, darlin'. Hold still."

Isaen pushed on her shoulder to have her lie back as he loomed over her.

"What.... What are you doing?"

Jewel in hand, Isaen smiled at Myla with as much reassurance as he could give, running the cold jewel across her stomach in an X-formation, just as he was instructed.

Before long, the jewel flashed green, and Isaen smiled triumphantly at his first mark being bred. It was actually decently fun, though this one came easy. He didn't intend to hand out sacks of gold to every bitch he ran across.