Seeking Seduction


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Sounded exactly like The Seductress. That's what could have happened to me in Rome, if Platinum Panther hadn't interfered!

Someone had gone through a lot of trouble to make sure the Libido League didn't find her. But no one was going to stand between me and my second chance at submission. October started in three days and I knew where I had to be.

# # #

Where should the Seductress have me? I wondered as I strolled down the virgin white-sand beach. The resort was extremely exclusive. I had to use every last drop of my father's influence to get through the gate, but I was here! Soon, the Seductress would be here looking for a girl to seduce, like she did each October. This year, Zoe Zimmer would be that girl.

Just imagining sinking to my knees before Mistress Seductress, after chasing her for so many years, kept me a slick and horny mess the entire week. I patrolled the resort day after day, eager for some sight of my Mistress. It wasn't until the final afternoon that I caught sight of her. Her elegant silk beach wrap, tasteful jewelry, and waves of raven hair showed that her beauty was undiminished. The set of her jaw and the confidence of her stride sent shivers to my most private parts as she stepped into an elevator.

The doors slid shut before I could follow, but I charged up the stairs. Peeking into the hallway at each floor, I caught another glimpse of her stepping into her hotel room on the fourth floor.

She wasn't alone.

A petite blonde in a silver string bikini, her head submissively bowed, padded after The Seductress. The door closed behind them.

How could this have happened? I had found my Mistress when no one else could find her and she'd chosen another playmate?

I shut myself inside the vending area and sank against the door. The grumble of the ice machine covered my sobs. I had never considered that I might not be The Seductress's first choice. Why would she want me, after all? I wasn't the most beautiful woman, or the richest. My father wasn't even an ambassador any more. I was just a needy slut whose obsession had turned her into The Seductress's biggest fangirl.

That's right. I was her biggest fangirl. Whoever this skinny, blonde skank was, she didn't know half as much about The Seductress as I did! Her devotion couldn't hold a candle to mine.

Besides, once Mistress Seductress took me, she'd have two loyal slave girls. I hated the idea of sharing my Mistress, but I was confident that my Mistress would reshape my mind until I loved it. That thought slicked my thighs. I sat on the floor across from the ice machine and rubbed myself to the edge of a hot climax thinking about all the ways that Mistress Seductress would make me submit.

I forced myself to my feet, my body trembling with the edge rather than with shame at not being chosen. Touching up my makeup, I marched down the hall and tapped on The Seductress's door. "Room service, Mistress."

"I ordered no room service." Her voice was like ice, but somehow it made my insides hot.

I swallowed. "You'll like what I have to offer, Mistress Seductress. You tried to claim it once before, in Rome, but Platinum Panther stopped you."

The lock unfastened with a click. The door opened. Swallowing, I stepped inside.

The blonde skank closed and locked the door behind me. She was completely naked. Her eyes were glassy, unfocused. She glided past me to the main part of the suite, where Mistress Seductress reclined on a divan, one beautiful breast peeking from beneath her swimsuit. The blonde trembled, sinking to her knees and fastening her lips to Mistress Seductress's gorgeous nipple.

My mouth watered with jealousy. "You won't need her tongue any more, Mistress."

Her dark, commanding eyes surveyed me like a scientist studying a lab mouse. "Just who dares to presume to know my needs?"

My pussy twitched at the diamond-edged diction of her words. "My name is Zoe Zimmer, Mistress Seductress." I bowed my head, clasped my hands behind my back, and spread my legs. "I'm here to make you enslave me."

To Be Concluded...

6. Finding Fulfillment

"How, exactly, do you intend to make me enslave you?" The Seductress's bottomless eyes stared up at me as she studied every twitch of my lips, every breath in my chest, every quiver of my hips. I had never felt so studied, so seen.

"In an hour, your location will be sent to the Libido League, unless you make me want to stop the transmission."

"You are trying to blackmail me... into enslaving you?"

"Yes, Mistress Seductress." I bit my lip, hoping I hadn't gone too far.

"Fascinating." She raised one eyebrow.

I let out the breath I hadn't known I'd been holding. "I want nothing more than to be your obedient, little -"

"Silence! You will speak only when I command it. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress Seductress." I fixed my gaze on the floor. The blonde skank's silver bikini lay in a heap. Staring at a reminder that I wasn't Mistress Seductress's only choice would keep me humble... I hoped.

"Don't think I am uninterested in you motivations. You will tell me your reasons, your deepest dreams, your most shameful fantasies in every lurid detail. But not yet."

"Why not?... Shoot." My whole face burned with shame at speaking unprompted.

"Stubborn and willful! You will pay dearly for those qualities before I'm done with you." Her voice cut as sharp as any whip. "I will tell you because I want you to know that your waking mind is not trustworthy. It tells stories. Fibs. It exaggerates its own importance. Your mind is filled with pride and confidence because it thinks that it plotted how to find me. Your mind thinks that it is in charge of you. Your mind thinks that it is Miss Zoe Zimmer. Your mind thinks that it is the girl who tracked down The Seductress. Doesn't it?"

"Um, yes, Mistress Seductress," I struggled to follow her train of thought, so I could better obey her. I wanted to embrace it, but it didn't make sense. "Because... I did find you?"

"Two strikes, little Zoe. You will regret your words soon enough." My breath caught in my throat. "Your waking mind is not responsible for you being here. Oh, it surely read some maps and asked some questions, but it didn't decide to find me. That was your soul seeking its place at my feet. That was your body thirsting for the pleasure, the discipline, the control that only I can give it. Your mind dithers about what you need to do to get this, what you want, but your body already knows it belongs to me. Knows without any doubt. Knows with absolute certainly."

The Seductress's hand was between my thighs. I gasped. Her finger dipped inside my steaming, dripping pussy. I couldn't breathe. Her eyes didn't move, didn't blink. They just gazed into my soul and engulfed me. Her hand touched my cheek. A finger slid into my mouth. Musk and salt covered my tongue. I moaned around The Seductress's finger.

"This is your proof that your body knows its place. The taste of your submission. You must understand what I am taking from you. I am taking Zoe from you. 'Zoe' means 'life.' I am taking your life. Every bit of it. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"There will be no ransom demand to the former Ambassador Zimmer. There will be no other aspiring dominants like Mynx or Duplinatrix vying for your mind. There will be nothing to save you from me."

My heart leapt to know that she had remembered me, had followed my quest, had seen me. It took every ounce of strength keep from letting out a squee of joy right there.

"Look at this slavegirl, Zoe." I glanced over at the little blonde. She knelt with her thighs spread, her fingers laced behind her head. "For fifty-one weeks a year, she hates everything I stand for. She makes billions running a tech company. She sponsors the Libido League and even has Platinum Panther on her personal payroll. But all that wealth and power and influence cannot save her from my grasp. She hides my movements from the heroes without knowing it, and one week a year, she kneels before me. As will you, Zoe."

Was this even possible? Had the Seductress really brainwashed the reclusive billionaire Penelope Payes into her sex toy? How could Platinum Panther not know that her boss was a thrall of her most hated enemy? How long had the Seductress known I was hunting for her? Why didn't she give me a clue earlier? Had she ruined my father to make me desperate?

"Your mind swirls with questions, little Zoe. It is a nuisance. I have no need of your mind right now, girl." Her fingers were inside me again, like knives of bliss. My questions evaporated like smoke. "When I want you to have a thought, I'll put it there."

She pulled a finger from my pussy, held it before my eyes, slender and glistening. She's really going to take away my mind. I squeezed thighs together.

"You..." Her voice was like silk.

She moved the finger side to side, swaying like a snake about to strike. I will be helpless. Completely in her power.

"... are..." Her voice coiled around my mind.

She tweaked a nipple. Electric pleasure arced through me. My eyes nearly closed, but I couldn't stop looking at her finger. I cannot resist. She has too much power over me.

"... mine."

She tapped her finger between my eyebrows. My eyes rolled back. My body went limp. My mind shut off.

At long last, The Seductress had me.


With much thanks to ZoeHypno for the provocative question that inspired this story.

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