Seidh, Od, and Other Hnossir


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Ellis paused, and Ada felt the cheeks of his ass stiffening, and she plunged the Cock as deep into her throat as she could. He went over the edge, then, grunting and snarling, and fucking her face like he was doggy-styling her pussy. Which, in Ada's imagination, he was. She came once from this vision alone, hard, without even touching her clit, and swallowed what he offered her in a fit of bliss.

Ellis smiled down at her, sated and elated, like a benevolent deity, as she cleaned him off and lovingly licked the sweat from his balls. He sat down on the sofa and watched her work, patting her hair as he would a prize bird-dog. "You'll be a welcome addition to the crowd," he giggled. "You give seriously great head, baby. I think you'll be my special girl."

She got a little thrill from that, but she wanted more. She intensified her "cleaning" efforts in a no-so-subtle effort to entice him into trying one of her other openings, and it seemed to be beginning to work when a voice rang out from the other room.

"Ellis, dude. It's my turn."

Ellis looked momentarily annoyed, but then shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, okay. I'll send her in. You send out Titty-Fuck?"

"I was planning on keeping Titty-Fuck for the event. I want to make them cunt-munchers like last night."

"That can wait. The deal is you get her right after me, not that you get to do everything you want to her immediately."

"The Redhead, then?"


"Aw, all right. Just send her in."

"Okay." Ellis put his hand under her chin, looked into her eyes, and told her to go and serve Dorian. "If you're good, I'll fuck your pussy."

Ada was reluctant, but hopeful. Would he, really?

He answered the unasked question. "Hard."

The muscles in her womb clenched with eagerness, and she found the will to stand up and move to the door to the adjoining room.

There she met Callista, clothes discarded, curly auburn locks unruly, everywhere, enhancing rather than concealing her nude form. She kissed Ada deeply, providing an enticing taste of herself, and stroked Ada's ass as she passed. "Later," she promised with lust-glazed eyes.

On the other side of the door she met Brandy, who was clad in nothing but a thong and a smile. The space between her breasts was red from friction, and her face and neck displayed evidence of lotions L'Oreal would not sell. She hugged Ada and said, "Welcome to the family, dearie!" then rushed through the door to get to Ellis.

Dorian was on the bed, the covers a tattered mess, an adult video playing on the television. "Come 'ere, bitch. Let's figure out what to do with you."

She longed to flee, but knew that if she satisfied this man, Ellis would fuck her.Hard, she heard him say again in her memory. And that was more than enough for her.

Ada strode, excited, to the bed. "Anything you want, Dorian. It's my pleasure."


Ada's nipples sent tingly bursts cuntward as Brandy gently but insistently twisted and pinched them, and the taste and smell of Callista's steamy pussy filled her senses. She could barely breathe with the other girl astride her face, but she wouldn't have it any other way, for Ellis was inside her at last, reaming her ass for all he was worth. Dazzling light played in her brain and her fingers played in her snatch, all of her senses raw and excited at the pleasure she was feeling, and as he squirted into her she sighed her muffled climax into her girlfriend's muff.

Ellis lay back, momentarily satisfied, and watched Ada finish Callista off while Brandy sank to her knees to service them both with fingers and mouth. Places switched several times, and the tangle of bodies pulsed together once or twice more, then lay spent across the sofa. The air was full of the smell of sweat and sex, and Brandy and Callista smiled contentedly and want to sleep. Only Ada was left to talk to her wonderful Ellis.

He smiled and beckoned to her, and she came and sat at his feet, massaging them. "Thank you, my little slut."

The word was wrong, but despite that (or perhaps because of it), it gave her a tiny thrill. "Anything to give you pleasure, Ellis. Just please use me."

"I will, kid, I will. A lot. And for a long time. Can't imagine getting tired of doing you, but my cock is sleepy for the moment, so we can talk."

"I... I have questions..."

"Oh? And what are they?"

"I've never felt... the way I'm feeling with you. Have felt with you ever since I got here. What is--"

"Why do you feel like you need to fuck me and will do whatever I say in order to be allowed to do so?"

She blushed, and when she heard the word "fuck" she glanced down at his Cock, which was, alas, still recovering. "Yes. Why? When I first saw you, I didn't feel that way at all, but things are so different now."

He looked thoughtful. "I'm not exactly certain myself, babe. It has something to do with this." He pulled the thong around his neck, slowly revealing what hung on its loop. The revelation of Od was relatively anti-climactic-- for all of its power, it looked like a terribly old clay idol with a couple of marks scrawled in it. "Me and Dorian found this in a cave while we were spelunking in the fjords a couple of weeks back."

"What... what is it?"

"I don't know. It's pretty ancient, I know that, and I thought I'd sell it to an archaeologist or somebody, but it became pretty obvious that it's much better than a quick source of cash. See, soon after I started carrying it around, women started doing whatever I wanted. Begging to fuck me. Literally begging. I know it's hard for you to believe right now, but I've never really been much of a ladies' man-- Dorian's more successful at that."

Ada was dumbfounded. If she thought about it hard, tried to distance herself from her libido, Dorian was objectively a little better looking than Ellis. And he was certainly very kinky and creative in bed. But the way he treated her, the way he acted when he knew the girls in his bed were a sure thing... he was a total asshole. Ellis had Od, and there was no question it had an impact on his attractiveness, but he looked at all of this from a different perspective, and Ada could appreciate the difference even from a non-sexual standpoint.

"Anyway, when I figured it out, I told Dorian, and it was his idea to see how far we could take it. We... um... switched off on one of the local girls, then a couple others... but they had too many ties, here, and there were problems with family and friends. Nothing I couldn't handle, of course, but I don't enjoy controlling angry boyfriends or fathers very much."

Ada noticed he said nothing about angry girlfriends or mothers. She thought there was likely a good reason for that, and the image of him taking her mother made her uncomfortably horny. The more disgusted she became with herself, the more she juiced. She tried to ignore her feelings and listen to him talk. Such nice lips, and tongue...

"Eventually, we decided to move out here to the countryside and to limit our pickups to tourist gals. And you're the first set. I haven't yet decided whether to send you back to London or to keep you here to recruit some more hotties for us."

"Oh, please keep us!"

He chuckled. "We'll see how good you stay. This thing," he indicated Od, "doesn't work too well the farther away you get, I've learned that much. But I do like to have you here, and I can think of a couple of occupations for you girls which will ensure you're able to help support the household." She shuddered and imagined herself fucking people for money, and giving it all to Ellis. "I'm an old-fashioned guy, and I think I'll make everyone contribute to the household upkeep. Except for Dorian, that fucking freeloader." He wrinkled his forehead.

"If you're so annoyed with him, why don't you take control of him as well? Make him be less annoying?"

"Nuh uh. This thing is all about sex. When I made the banker get me loads of cash from the vault, the guy spent most of the time begging to suck my cock. Which I'm very not into. Creeped me out. Plus, I just wouldn't do that to Dorian. We've been friends since the second grade! He pisses me off now and then, but he's still like a brother to me. Someday, if I get bored with girls..." He shrugged. "Well, never say 'never', I guess.

"But that day's not going to be soon, hon. You are fine, and smooth, and clean where it matters and dirty where it's best, and I am going to fuck you again, in your pussy this time. What do you say to that?"

Intense thrills danced in her synapses. She spread her thighs astride him in the chair and begged, "Oh, please! I've been hoping and waiting soooo long..."

He was happy to oblige, and the shock to her clit as his bulk filled her sent her into instant paroxysms of joy. Her body thrust of its own accord, hard, fast, pulling him deeper, wishing she could take his entire body into her, every centimeter of his skin a source of pleasure. He had been doing little else but fucking for days on end, so he was hardly on a hair-trigger, but the passion with which she seized him and the desperation in her eyes as she plunged him into her over and over again... It was mere moments, rather than tens of moments, before he gripped her shoulders for leverage and pushed up into her in his own thrilled climax, and as his come entered her it was as if a chime went off in her head. It sounded like her mistress's chime...

His breath was ragged, smoothing into exhausted pants, and then drifting him into slumber atop the table surface.

Ada, sated and giddy, crept across the room to the sofa, where she collapsed beside her friends. She was almost asleep, herself, when she heard, distantly, the sounds of a parking car. The front door opened and Heidi stepped inside.

"Mistress!" Ada was embarrassed to see her lover, partly because of her own disheveled state (and what it revealed about what she'd been doing), but also because from the moment Ellis had invoked Od she hadn't given a single thought to Heidi or the love they shared. She felt shame. "I-- I'm sorry, mistress. I-- Od-- it felt so wonderful, and..."

Heidi paid her little heed. "Is that the one?"

"Yes." She was embarrassed at her betrayal, but wanted to be honest. "I... fucked him. And the other one, too."

"I don't care who you 'fucked', little fool. The spell I cast on your womb last night was potent enough to exhaust ten men, let alone two men. Or women," she remarked absently, with a glance at the unconscious girls on the couch. There was something cold and distracted in her tone. "Is he the one who holds Od?"

"Oh... oh! Yes! He is! I will get it for you..."

"NO!" snapped Heidi, or Gullveig, or Freyja. Whoever she was right now, she didn't seem like the caring woman who had caressed her soul for the last several nights. Without touching Ada physically, the tall woman pushed her aside with a hand wave. Ada tripped back and fell on the sofa. "You'll not touch Od. No one again ever will. No one but me. And all the world will once more dance to myseidh."

Heidi strode to the center of the room, slowly, deliberately, as to her coronation. She whispered to herself in a long-dead tongue, but no translator was necessary to understand the meaning of her words:Finally, and once more, Od is mine!She neared the table, already extending her arms across it toward the man sprawled opposite her.

With a buzzing noise and athwok, the feathers of an arrow sprouted from the table in front of Heidi, who froze, poised in the midst of reaching for Ellis's neck. The source of the arrow was evidently Ezekiah Rutledge, who looked mildly ridiculous in a snowsuit and a longbow. He may have been aware of how he looked, as he was grinning, but the smile never touched the brown of his eyes.

"It's really a damn shame I couldn't bring my Glock, but, gun control, you know? This'll have to do. Get away from that man." A new arrow was nocked and poised to spring. "I placed fourth in the national championship, lady. Don't play games."

She smiled, glancing toward Ellis, calculating timing. "I can't be killed that easily, pet. Whatever threat you offer,believeme, it's been done. The burning was the worst, and they tried that three times." She was pensive. "Yet I am still here, and they are not. And now I will have Od once more." She reached for Ellis and the thing he held.

"Step the fuckback, lady. I'm warning you."

She ignored him and got her hand pinned to the table with an arrow. Zeke was indeed a hell of a shot.

Heidi grunted, trying to free her hand so she could reach Ellis. The pain didn't seem to bother her at all: just the annoying reduction in mobility. She glared up at him even as she tried to loosen the arrow in the oak.

"I will recover it. I have always recovered it, regardless of the cost. Once, I pleasured four dwarfs for several days in order to get it back."


"On the contrary, Ada. They were very creative. I highly recommend it, should you have the opportunity. In fact, I can arrange--"

"This is all very amusing," Zeke interrupted, "but I think it's time for you to get away from that nice gentleman, there.Now."

The uncertainty in Heidi's eyes was evident-- could she get to the runestick before the archer hammered a shaft into her chest, or would his aim be true and fast? And would it matter if she got the precious thing in hand, only to have her heart pierced by an arrow before she could use it? Finally, her shoulders sank in defeat. She waited calmly, ignoring her jagged mess of a hand on the table as Zeke took the stairs down, his eyes never leaving her body. Her eyes never leaving his.

It was Ada who realized what was happening, who heard the alto hum coming from Heidi's chest, microtones sounding alien in the warm firelight. She grinned at her mistress's cleverness, seeing Zeke come slowly, deliberately under her thrall. It wasn't until theseidhhad escalated to actual speech and Zeke's eyes were becoming half-lidded that Ada felt the reins on her mind loosen, fall away, disappear.

In that instant, Heidi was no longer an object of worship, the emotional and sexual center of Ada's universe-- she was a dangerous and power-crazed madwoman whose plans for the rest of the world were to make them all her eternal servants. Worshipping her as Ada had, selflessly and adoringly. And while Ada had enjoyed it at the time, was still enjoying looking at Heidi's tight ass and horrendously turned on by the fact that Zeke's arms were lowering slowly in an obedient sleepiness... she knew it was just the tattered remnants ofseidhclinging to her brain.

And that was why, as Gullveig triumphantly thrust the Texan aside and leapt for the thing around Ellis's neck, Ada took a two-handed swing at the other woman's head with the fireplace poker. The feelings for her mistress had not fully subsided, and tears streamed down her cheek as she whispered, "Forgive me, mistress," and hit Gullveig/Heidi again, this time square in the forehead. The tall woman dropped to the ground, motionless, without so much as a groan, and Ada wept hopelessly into her fists, refusing to look down at her once-lover, mistress, goddess. The pain was still too great.

Zeke had collapsed into smiling slumber, and Ada let him rest as she stepped over him to climb atop the table. The thong Ellis wore broke easily with a yank, and he barely paused in his snoring. She paused to smack him (Hard! she thought to herself), and was about to pocket the totem when fingers gripped her ankles from behind.

In horror she shrieked, spinning around, Heidi's ruined face jabbering at her in a futile attempt to speak, to threaten, to demand. Noseidhcould be pronounced through the destroyed jaw, but the light of intelligence and fury still shone from those eyes. The clawing, grasping hands that caught at the table legs in some incoherent fashion, trying desperately to pull closer to Od, promised rending torment of the girl who had stymied triumph, and it was this image that shook loose Ada's last filaments of sympathy or affection for this woman. Raising the iron rod once more, twice more-- a third and final time-- she completed in anger and fear the work she had neglected moments before out of sentiment. And the witch finally lay dead. Again. For now.


Mount Hekla loomed ahead of her. Use of Od had permitted her to dominate one of the patrolmen stationed at the "safe limits", and he'd not only bowed at her feet, begging to serve, but had told her the quickest and safest means of getting to one of the lava flows.

She gagged on the sulfurous fumes long before felt the scalding heat on her face. Figuring she'd regret it later, she removed her jacket and hat. She was sweating profusely, now, and it would only get worse. But what else could she do? It was imperative she destroy this thing; otherwise, Heidi/Gullveig would eventually find it and submerge everyone in her thrall again.

But would that be so bad?a voice inside her chanted, almost musically. Lulling, the rhythm matching her steps, and...

She stopped, shaking her head to clear it, recognizing the voice.

"Ahem. Aren't you supposed to be entering some poor woman's birth canal right now?" she thought at the disembodied spirit, wherever it was now.

Alas, my pet, this time I'm to arise in a great-granddaughter from Norway, and it will not be daybreak there for another week, now. I really hate that sunrise stricture in the northern latitudes.

"I'm so sorry you're inconvenienced. Look me up in twenty years or so and you can tell me about it over a beer. I'll let you know how Od looked as it melted into slag."


Ada, darling, do you really want to do this? Just to get back at me?

"I'm not doing this to get back at you, you self-centered bitch, I'm doing this because no one should have this kind of power. You justespeciallyshouldn't. And I know that no matter where I put it, you're eventually gonna find it again, so it's time to destroy it."

Dearest, I am not infallible. It's entirely possible that I will never find you-- I mean, it-- again. And you would be throwing away a very interesting lifestyle, no?

Images filled her head, then, of a life of opulence, hedonism... powerful orgasms delivered constantly by the world's most beautiful people. Zeke was great... but why not more? Of both sexes-- Gullveig had already hadthateffect on her preferences, her experiences with Callista and Brandy having been mere icing on the cake. Her nipples tightened, but she still dismissed the pussy-dampening thoughts with, "No."

Why not?

"Because it would be wrong."

You are deceiving someone, pet. And it is not me.

Sigh. "And because you'd eventually come for me and take it away. I'm no match for yourseidhand I know it. I learned that in the chair a week ago. I won't give you that chance."

I can still reach you with theseidh,dear, even if Od is gone. The tone was threatening-- the voice of a woman who'd been clobbered from behind with a long piece of metal from an erstwhile servant.

"What purpose would that serve? You're gonna spend the rest of my life tormenting me because I torched your little trinket?" She thought of Heidi's half-dead body, clawing its way up the table leg, trying desperately to touch Od before collapsing... "Okay, so maybe you would. I'll take my chances."

There is another way, you know. We could share Od.

"Huh. I don't think so. It would only be a matter of time before you took it and I ended up worshipping your cunt day in and day out."

That's not what I meant. Although I admit you do paint an arousing picture. When I said "share", I meant... There is no reason we have to be in two different bodies, pet.