Seize the Moments of Your Life


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Mel let her rest for a few minutes, getting up to fetch something from the bedroom.

Sara finally felt her knee patted. She looked up.

"Okeydoke, babe..." Mel waved her finger in a circle. "Over ya go. On your belly."

Hmph, thought Sara, guessing the workout wasn't finished yet. She complied.

"That's my girl. Now just hold still a moment..."

Tiring out, Sara started crossing her arms at the wrists, to use her paws as a pillow. Then she felt something unusual.

She turned to look. Melleny had adjourned to rummage the closet till she found what she was looking for: a dress tie. They kept a tie and jacket or two in case they felt like gussying up special. Mel'd snatched one of the ties and was putting it to use around Sara's ankles, tying her feet together. Sara's brows jumped, eyes widening at this sight.


Mel didn't look up, but continued her merry task at hand—or rather at foot. "Yes, dear?"

Sara didn't believe she'd get a much more coherent answer, but nevertheless, felt obliged to again inquire, "What...exactly are you doing?"

"Why, I'm tying your ankles, goofy. Can you not discern that for yourself?"

Yes, she could. This wasn't exactly what Sara was driving at.


Melleny finished with a nice tight but comfy double knot. "Well, as it turns out, there's a very good reason for that, sweetie," she explained. "The next little number you're gonna do for me'll be some good ol'-fashioned push-ups."

Sara wasn't looking forward to that. She whimpered, turned back to her wrists and defeatedly dropped her face. Mel chuckled behind her.

"Oh, buck up, babe. It won't be that hard. Here's the thing, though. Tying your feet's for encouragement, to get you into the habit of keeping 'em together. Most people keep their feet wide apart 'cause it's easier. But the fact is, you get a better workout with 'em together. Your body's aligned and your limbs are all aimed the same way. So it may be a little harder, but it'll strengthen your core. And do your best to keep your arms and back straight too. Keep your mind and heart gay; I just want your body straight.

"Oh, yes, and of course, the other reason I tied your feet's so you can't get up and run away from me!" Mel winked cheerfully.

"Hm. I'd agree with you, but you'd probably think I was kidding," said Sardonic Sara.

"Moot point, love; 's all moot," smiled Merry Melleny. "Now, I want some good push-ups. Don't you push back up till those boobies touch the mat. And remember, I'm watching."

Tee-rific. "I don't suppose you'd let me get a major breast enlargement first?"

Mel laughed. "Don't ever lose that sense of humor, sweetie. If we have love and laughter together, we have the world in our hands."

This made Sara glow. Maybe she could handle these push-ups after all. She brought herself up, taking care to keep herself straight (so to speak), and lowered until she felt the girls brush the elastomer. Okay, she thought, And back on up...and repeat. Down...and...back up. And again. Her first five push-ups posed no problems.

"Good, good," Mel ascertained. "Keep going..." The naughty smile spread her cheeks.

"...And pay no attention to what you're gonna feel in just a second."

Uh-oh...oh dear, what does that mean?...

Melleny reached beneath Sara, between her straightened-out legs with those magic fingers, and began ever so sensually massaging her moist pink pussy. Sara let out her champion gasp of the day and almost crashed right to the floor.

WHAT the—?! "Pay no attention"?? To this?? You have gotta be kidding me!

Sara felt her eyes roll back. Palms firmly planted in the carpet, toes pressing into the mat, there was nothing she could do about it, even if she'd wanted to. Once again, that sneaky Melleny had slipped a raunchy advance in the middle of her calisthenics, taking advantage of Sara at her most powerless and helpless. Sara resented her and loved her for it. And she knew that Mel would demand she continue, despite the oh so erotic malice heaped upon her. She was already sweating, as horny as a weasel, and her sadist of a girlfriend-coach wouldn't stop. She just poured it on.

She continually rubbed Sara over and between the labia. Sara's knees and elbows wobbled. She didn't want to surrender to gravity, plummeting to the floor and squashing Mel's hand, but she was losing strength. It felt so damn good, so ravishingly Sara longed to roll over and give in to the pressuring passion. How she was dying to melt into this lavic pool of pleasure. But she wasn't to be granted this privilege yet.

Unexpectedly as she'd begun, Mel abruptly ceased, whipping her dominant paw from below to above, and whapping Sara square on the ass.

Spank! "Keep going with those push-ups, missy!"

"Oh-ho-hohhhhhh!" Sara wailed in frustrated agony. How sinister. How downright wicked. Melleny had chosen just the exact moment she was beginning to lose herself, immersing in the sheer sublimity. And she had denied her.

"Oh, plee-ee-ease!" Sara begged, on the verge of weeping. She looked back under her body, past her heaving, dangling tits. "Please touch me!" she pleaded. "I can't stand it!"

"Sorry, Kelton," came the stern reply. "No more rewards till you finish."

The spank on her ass was harsh, but didn't even sting. Sara could focus on nought but her throbbing cunt, aching for the love it would not receive. Her thinking was pretty fuzzy at the moment, but she didn't know the Melleny she knew could be so devious and strict. Then again, they had engaged in fantasies in the past that reflected similarity—playing out the aforementioned top and bottom roles.

What Sara didn't suspect was that Melleny was exploring a new reach in her libido and hormones. She too was inspired by their roleplaying, and saw fit to bring some of that authoritative flavor into their real life. She wasn't consciously meaning to be...well, mean...but in her mind, they were acting. Playing fantasy characters, but essentially portraying themselves. They were allowed to fudge a bit on their sexual résumés in the name of fun and adventure, weren't they?

Sara wasn't thinking so much along these lines. She was concerned solely with getting that warm, soft hand back in contact with her pulsating coochie. She computed she could only accomplish this by getting on with her push-ups. So she shut her eyes, winced, forced back the volcanic pleasure with all her might, and lowered to the mat.

Melleny grinned, secure in the satisfaction that she had Sara in the palm of her hand—figuratively and literally. She could make the girl do anything she wished right now. Moreover, she could do anything to her. She could go so far as to tickle her (tied) feet, which she loved because it drove Sara so insane. Sara hated having her feet tickled, and the perverse, playful side of Mel adored such ways of getting her goat. She wouldn't say she loved torturing Sara, she just...enjoyed having a little fun here and there, if at Sara's exchange for reciprocation. Was that so terribly wrong?

But she told herself to have mercy as Sara struggled and soldiered on with the push-ups. She was obviously working hard at this. By twelve, Sara was grimacing, fighting back sweat and tears, both from physical strain and also the delayed gratification her pussy still so craved. Her teeth gnashed. Her sore muscles smarted. Mel was working her like a dog. Each push-up grew considerably more difficult than the last. Finally, at twenty-two, Sara determined that was all she had, and crashed.

For all she knew, she could've fallen to sleep once her cheek hit the mat. Her mouth hung open, catching breath. A not so tiny trickle of drool dribbled out.

"Hmm..." Mel assessed. Sara blinked, grabbing her bearings, and swiped her lips dry.

"...Twenty-two. Well, Kelton, that's a decent number, but to tell you the truth..."

Sara didn't think she liked the sound of this.

"I was pretty pleased with those twenty-five leg lifts. What say ya gimme three more?"

"Uhhhhh..." Sara groaned. "Babe, jam a fork in me."

"C'mon, sweets, three more. Unless, of course, you'd rather gimme ten more."

"Oh, for eff's sake," complained Sara, "Mel, I'm tired! Haven't I done enough already??"

"Three more good, decent push-ups, boobies to the floor, and that's it; you're done."


Sara felt Mel's nails poke her worst spot. The pink, deathly sensitive, nerve ending-laden soles of her 7½ peds. A chill struck her.

"Oh yeah?...Want your footsies tickled??"

Gasp. "NO! No. Ok-okay, okay." It was effective persuasion for Sara to locate her second wind. She fulcrumed herself onto her joints, propped her toes, planted her palms, descended, and let her girls to the floor.

"Errrrrgggghhh..." she expressed. Twenty-three down—or rather, up—two to go. She blew out her breath and repeated.

"GAAAAAHHHhhhh..." One to go.


At last, she was through. Fwump! she landed once more. Finally, her feet were untied.

"Fabulous!" Melleny congratulated, clapping for her. "That's my Sara Kelton! Well a'right then. I owe you one killer orgasm."

"Ohhhhhhh..." Sara's eyes fluttered closed. She felt she could drop to sleep for about a week. "Mel, I'm too wrecked now."

Melleny flipped her onto her back. A naughty smirk painted her lips.

"Tough, rookie. You'll now keep your wrists above your head. As if someone's glued them there. Disobeying Coach Hayes will lead directly to trouble." Cue the evil wink and grin. Albeit wiped, her sweaty, horny trainee was made happy to comply.

Mel dug her right knee betwixt Sara's legs and forced them ajar. Sara couldn't put her finger on what happened next, but Melleny could. And did. Sara screamed. She began to reflexively sit up, but Mel forced her back down. She passionately clutched Sara's right tit, massaging the nipple between her fingers, leaning down to whisper.

"If you wanna make my team, Kelton..." Mel cooed to her, "...You're gonna have to endure one more intense trial."

Sara's cunt leaked and dripped pre-cum all over itself. She was so wildly, torridly turned on she didn't think she even needed her hands. She gazed up into Melleny's optic cobalt pools with defiance, and smiled back.

"Try me, coach."

Mel's eyebrows arched, complementing her sneaky smile. This surge of defiance on Sara's part surprised her, but also ignited her like alcohol on an open flame. Her panties went damp right through, almost instantaneously. Sara was deciding to take some initiative of her own. Melleny liked this. She elected to take it up another notch and see what Sara'd do next. She slid down till her body horizontally overlapped Sara's, clasped her non-dominant hand around Sara's wrists to hold her down, and nuzzled her nose.

"Moan for your coach, rookie," Mel taunted, intimately rubbing Sara's pussy. Sara arched her back, making herself as helplessly, deliciously vulnerable as possible. Melleny chuckled, feeling her fingers squish in Sara's cunt's love juice.

"Hope you're ready to commit yourself, Kelton," said Mel. "'Cause you're in this for the long haul. You're in my boot camp now."

She was pouring it on again, playfully tantalizing. Sara ground the back of her head into the mat. She, was, loving it: her girlfriend roleplaying a coach who was working her hard, making her pay, sexually "harassing" her to get that which they both desired. She mouthed desirous exultations, daring not talk over her coach, who went on showering her in fiery kisses and kink-bursting taunts.

"And this is just the beginning. What you got from me today was just a taste of things to come, Sara Kelton. I'm gonna put you through the most extreme training you've ever experienced." She dropped her voice even lower, hissing in Sara's ear.

"Hot... steamy... electric... exertion," purred Melleny, feeling Sara's pussy swell. Her clit bulged and throbbed, too erect to hide beneath its hood. And Mel knew it.

"I know your weak spots, Kelton," came the syrupy voice, toying with her mind. "I know exactly how to get you...right where I want you." She took Sara's ear lobe between her teeth. "Consider me your own personal drill sergeant."

Sara couldn't keep silent another second. She screeched, her decibel level shooting from zero to sixty in an instant. Her lust-starved monologue went on as before, now filled in by shouts of yearning. Her tach slammed back down to zero and began steadily climbing the next rev, pleasure and sizzle now multiplied.

"Oooh-hoo-hoo!" Mel giggled in delight and flattery. Though she and Sara'd made each other make such sounds and many others in the past, her enthusiasm didn't waver. She looked up to a pleasing side view of her angelic trainee's sweating face, hopelessly lost in throes of ecstasy, far past any no-return point. Her eyes were pinched shut, mouth gasping pleas for release. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen in her life.

Her wrist started to ache, but its otherwise tangible complaints didn't make it to her brain. She kissed the sweat from Sara's cheek and temple. For her part, Melleny was surprised she'd conjured such torturous, teasing phrases to mock-intimidate her darling with. These threats and menacing words didn't reflect her personality whatsoever—things she'd never say or mean in other settings. She must've been better at this roleplaying thing than she expected. She'd always thought of herself as a half-decent actress, but didn't know she was so good at improv'ing.

Minute after minute elapsed as Mel took her to the edge, let her dangle and pulled her back. Sara was going insane. The fire of passion laced her in aimless trails, meeting and feeding itself ceaselessly. Her body blotched as searing lightning strikes assaulted her. Her puffed, blood-red pussy oozed more and more violently, as Mel melted and milked her. Gravity abandoned her, and she was summoned to the heavens. It was only a matter of seconds now. She could see the portal open through her eyelids. She did her best to wait while brought towards it...could almost touch it...could almost taste it...

Finally, Melleny granted the inevitable access.

"I love you, Sara Jane Kelton."

She barely got out the 'k' sound in her last name.

"OOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! OhhhhhhhYESSSSS!!" Sara shrieked. Tears burst from her eyes, cum from her pussy, as if through a dam, splattering Melleny's glowing hand in hot stickiness. This orgasm was so explosively dynamic, Sara could swear her cum came. It was just how so shaken up and overwhelmed Little Sara was. Now the rest of her was as dizzied beyond belief. In the midst of it all, she felt Melleny get up.

"All right, Kelton, now get your mitt and hit the field."

The words swirled into Sara's brain and took a moment to register. She tried to look up.


Melleny laughed good-naturedly. "Just kidding, sweetie. I'm gonna go do me now."


Practice Still Makes Pretty Darn Good

Sunday, February 28th, 2016, 10:23 p.m.

Sara and Mel's next two and a half months were spent whipping the former into shape for her tryout. They started at a sporting goods store, picking up the objects Sara saw in the clouds, and having catches in the yard. They conducted more exercise sessions, both in-home (which often turned intimate) and at the Oakland Hills Health Club on Arnold Highway (which did not). Mel pitched to her to work on her hitting, and took her to the batting cages. They beckoned assistance from Jake and Sara's Dad, who hit them fungoes and grounders in her parents' yard. And just like when the kids were little, they came back inside to find her Mom having made them a pitcher of lemonade.

Sara's mind was starting to swim from all the pointers and advice. Running, catching and fielding weren't too complicated, but there was more involved in hitting than she'd realized. "Back elbow up, dominant hand on top." "Feet evenly apart, step into the pitch." "Shoulders square, level swing." "Eye on the ball, watch for the possible break at the last moment." Sara's batting and technique improved, but the curve ball unabatedly confounded her. She just couldn't seem to nail it. But she was sure she'd get more practice once she got to camp. The last tip her Dad gave her was, "Watch for the pitcher's timing, let the ball come to you, and you'll learn to sense just the exact right moment. It'll get bigger and bigger, until you can't possibly miss it."

Mel went on keeping her to a strict diet and working her like a dog with their exercises, which she swore were for Sara's own good and benefit. At first, Sara found this tough to believe. Not quite as tough as Mel was in drill sergeant mode, but tough. But as the weeks wore forth, Sara had to admit things were getting easier. She was shedding weight, completing calisthenics quick and thorough, and even starting to develop a taste for green leafy vegetables—to which she'd never before been too partial. Maybe, she sometimes joked to herself, just maybe, she was actually becoming an adult. Gasp!

2016's Leap Year Day would host tryouts for the Sprites, just north of Rochester. It loomed intimidatingly ahead, but Sara kept telling herself to just have fun. To be her amazing self, hang out, meet everyone, and do her best. Still, she couldn't deny a measure of nervousness vis-à-vis the big day. Her family and friends worked her out right up to Sunday the 28th, and easier though it had become, Sara was so jittery she didn't think she could fall asleep. She felt even too nervous to make love, she told Melleny as they lay in bed, gazing into one another's eyes.

"You sure, sweetie?" asked Mel. "A big 'O''ll definitely help get ya to sleep," she winked.

"I'm sure, babe. Just hold me tonight. That'll help me relax. Just snuggle me to pieces."

Can do, Mel thought. She slipped one arm under Sara, the other over and around, shifting her butt and legs closer. "How's this?"

"Perfect, as usual."

"I'm gonna miss you so much," said Melleny, rubbing her head against Sara like a cat.

"Oh, sweetie, camp's just a week," Sara replied, stroking Mel's cheek. "And if I make the team, we're not gonna be traveling that much. And you can come to the home games."

Mel kissed her. Sara's occupied lips curled up into a pleased grin. "Mmm, that's nice."

"Tell me something I don't know."

Sara laid a peck on Melleny's rosy cheek. Mel plopped one on Sara's soft button nose. Sara planted one on Melleny's left eyebrow. As Mel's heart began accelerating, she returned to Sara's plushy lips. She upped her aggro with this kiss, Sara noted. Whether it was deliberate or not, Sara felt the need to put the brakes on.

"Mmm—whoa, okay there, tiger," she chuckled, placing a finger to Melleny's smirking lips. "'No' means 'not right now.'"

Melleny shrugged, innocently casting her gaze to Sara's glow-in-the-dark dinosaur stickers on the ceiling.

"Can't blame a girl for trying."


A Leap Of Their Own (Camp-Fireball Girls)

Monday, February 29th, 2016, 9:01 a.m.