Selfie Swapped


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Then my Aunt Mary spoke up.

"No, I don't get a free pass on this. I may have kept my mouth shut to keep the peace in my own home, but that is certainly no excuse. If anything it makes it worse in my opinion. I'm capable of speaking my own mind but it was easier to just turn my head. Cammie, I envy your strength. You've grown into a beautiful woman and I'm so sorry I haven't been around to witness it for myself."

"Aww, thanks Aunt Mary."

We shared a nice warm hug as she whispered in my ear.

"I'm proud to call you my niece."

When I broke the hug with Uncle Tony, he said

"So hugs instead of hand shakes now huh? I guess I can get used to that. "

"You better. You're not off the hook yet mister. It's going to take a lifetime of hugs if you ever want forgiveness."

"I look forward to all of them."

Carter was still in the same position, patiently waiting for me to make my way to him. I was a ball of nerves as he took my hands into his. I looked up to him and said.

"Hey you."

"Hey yourself. I take it this means my girlfriend is sticking around for a while?"

"Yes Carter, this is me from now on. I don't know what this means for us moving forward. I hope there is still an us because I want you to know that I'm in love with you."

"Cammie, I love you too. I knew in my heart that you were going to be the one to walk through that curtain. Then, when I saw the real you walk out, it made me the happiest man in the world. In fact, there is only one thing that would make me happier."

My confused look turned into total shock as he dropped down to one knee in front of me. I gasped when he pulled out the most gorgeous diamond ring I'd ever seen in my life. My hands started to shake and tears filled my eyes as he spoke.

"Camrynn Leigh Phillips, I love you. With every fiber of my being I love you. Will you please give me the honor of being my wife?"

At first I was shocked, I was so overwhelmed with emotions I couldn't speak. My heart was racing, my hands were trembling. This wonderful man who I've fallen madly in love with is asking for my hand in marriage!

"Yes!! Oh yes Carter! I would love to be your wife!"

He slid my new engagement ring onto my finger. The stone sparkled and glittered, it fit my finger perfectly without needing to be sized. As he stood up, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our lips met and we shared the most meaningful kiss of my life...of our lives. The tingling in my pussy and the desire in the bottom of my stomach were at an all time high. This man would be in my life for many, many years, but at that moment, I just needed him inside me. I opened my mouth to him so that our tongues could meet. His strong hands moved from my hips to cup my ass cheeks. He gave each cheek a firm squeeze which caused me to moan into his mouth. I was in my own little world. A world of desire, a world of heat, a world with only he and I in it.

I was completely oblivious to my surroundings until I heard Madison clear her throat. Then I heard Riley yell for us to get a room. A phrase I've said to her and her new boyfriend Jared many times over the past few months. Yup, the same Jared from from the wedding. They've become quite inseparable since then. I bit my bottom lip and blushed when I realized things were starting to get hot and heavy with my boyfr...fiance with all of my family and friends watching on.

Of course we were met with my second round of applause and cheers of the day. This time, Madison was the first to wrap me in a huge hug after barreling her way through the crowd. Tears filled her eyes as I showed of my engagement ring. I declared her my Maid of Honor on the spot. I was confused when she said that wouldn't be possible. When I asked her why, she responded.

"Oh Cammie, you're having another blonde moment. Maid of Honor is the title for a single woman. Matron of Honor is the title for a married woman like myself, which I will happily accept. Oh my god my little sis is getting married!!! EEEEAK!!"

She wrapped me into another hug, then gave Carter a hug and welcomed him to the family. After releasing her embrace, she looked up to Carter and grinned, then in her little smart ass voice she said

"Well done Carter, Well done."

I snorted in laughter at her Weldon/Well done joke. I've been hearing them for two years now so you'd think I would have grown tired of hearing them, but they are so corny I can't help but laugh. Everyone at the party took turns congratulating us and wishing us well. What I thought was going to be a goofy little party turned into one of the best days of my life. I thought about announcing my pregnancy but decided there had already been enough excitement for one day. Plus I wanted to tell Carter first. The baby was his child after all. I almost let it slip when Madison pulled me to the side to inform me of her own pregnancy. She was going to wait another week or so before announcing it to everyone, but wanted me to know first. Her husband Steve was the only other person that knew. I thought it might be fun to make our announcement together, but we could talk about that later.

Later that night back at our house, yes I said it, our house, we had the best sex of my life. I know I've made that claim before, maybe every time Carter and I fuck it's the best sex of my life. Anyways, I was lying there in our bed with a pussy full of his cum and just thinking about how I was the luckiest girl in the world. I'd been through a alot since my transformation but I still wasn't sure what I ever did to deserve this much happiness. I'm going to be a wife, a sister, an aunt, a daughter, and a BFF to the most amazing people in the world. I'm also going to be a mother. I'm really going to have a baby with the man I love. The thought caused my eyes to water a little, then Carter asked.

"So fiancee, what are you thinking about?"

"Well fiance, I'm just thinking about how happy I am. Hey, there's something I need to tell you."

"Oh God, please don't tell me the future Mrs. Weldon used to be a guy or something."

"Hey jerk face!! Don't be rude!"

I slapped his arm as he was laughing.

"Sorry babe, bad joke. But I already know everything about you. There's probably nothing you can say about yourself that would surprise me."

"Well, there is one thing you don't know about me. I'd like to get married as soon as possible. I really don't want to be a fat bride."

"A fat bride? Why would you be a fat bride?? Wait, are you...are you saying what I think you're saying? Cammie, are you pregnant?"

"Yes, Carter, you are going to be a father. A great father at that if you ask me."

He smiled the biggest smile I'd ever seen from him then he kissed me and asked how far along I was.

"I'm not sure, I haven't even been to the doctor to confirm it yet, but I'm a few weeks late and the three pregnancy tests I've taken have all come back positive."

He kissed me again after insisting on going to the doctor with me. We talked a little more about the pregnancy. I made sure to let him know that I wasn't trying to trap him by getting pregnant on purpose. We decided to call it a miracle instead of an unplanned pregnancy. I did have to correct him when he referred to our baby as "it".

"Our little girl isn't an "it", she's a her thank you very much."

"A her? How do you know we're having a baby girl if you haven't even been to the doctor yet?"

"It's call a mother's intuition dear."

"Well my little girl is going to be just as beautiful and amazing as her mother."

He kissed my stomach then cozied himself up beside me and placed his right hand on my belly. I followed him by placing my ringed left hand on his. Soon, the hands on my flat stomach would be the same hands on my baby bump, then the same hands on my swollen pregnant belly and the same hands that held our child. This moment right here was the beginning of something very special, the beginning of my own little family. Four years ago I thought I made the biggest mistake of my life, now I've come to realize it was one of the greatest birthday gifts I could have ever received. Sometimes birthday wishes actually come true.

The End

Author's Notes

Ok, so maybe I went a little overboard with the mushy happily ever after ending, but what can I say, I'm a romantic at heart. Plus I just fell in love with Cammie. I really like the fact that she didn't need the events of her 28th birthday to make her happy. Her happily ever after started before she even realized it. The pregnancy, the engagement, the apology from her aunt and uncle, even finding out that she would be sharing pregnancy with her sister were just the icing on the cake.

If you've made it this far, I'd like to thank you for reading. This is only the second story that I've ever written, "Hall Pass" was my first. I honestly have no experience or education in writing other than a highschool education from twenty plus years ago. I'm sure my work is littered with grammar and punctuation mistakes so I'd like to apologize for any noticeable flaws. I'm honestly not trying to make a career out off this or anything like that. I just simply fell in love with this genre and my imagination came up with a few ideas of its own.

I find it very interesting how a story can seem to write itself. I'll start with a basic idea of where it starts and where I want it to go. Then as the characters evolve, their ending goes in a different direction than I planned. Take this story for example. Originally Cammie and Jason were going to fall in love and live happily ever after. I decided to change Cameron's birthday to February 29th, I thought four years of womanhood would be a fun little twist. Then Jason became the heel, Cammie got a chance to explore her sexuality with other men before a chance encounter with Carter. I can call myself the author, but Cammie is the one who really wrote the story.

I can't say how often I'll be publishing new material on Literotica, but I do have several other stories and ideas in the works. Also, if you are interested in exploring the "Selfie Swap" universe in your own writing, please feel free to do so. While I don't see a need for a sequel to Cammie's journey, I left the door open for a spin off that I may come back to some day. All I ask is that you stick with the rule that the swap can only work on the characters birthday. Also, please let me know, I'd love to read someone else's journey after a "Selfie Swap" So, until next time, thanks again. Jayleigh Aura

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ericthebardericthebard12 days ago

Speaking as a writer and storyteller, not only was your writing technically proficient, but you did a solid job with characterization, dialogue, setting, and details, letting us see the world you created with clarity and charm. Personally, I enjoyed this story immensely, and look forward to reading more of your work. Well done, and if you're really worried about grammatical or spelling error (none of which stuck out enough for me to remember them if they were there at all), well, that's why writers have editors.

Great work!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

THIS story was just A+++ great imo. 2000/10. I've read a ton of stories in my lifetime and barely any would ever be as memorable as this... You have the talent of a real author... Definitely would love to see this published. Even if ya never become an author... This is definitely worth publishing. Everyone would love this story. I loved it. Most Literotica fanfics are just weird and exaggerated... But this story was just all kinds of right in every way. I doubt the author would see this... But if she does... I LOVED THIS STORY. Please please make this an official published book... It deserves to be shared with more then just a NSFW fanfic site. It's truly a work of art. Thank you for writing it. It made my day. Truly.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Love the story hope you keep posting.

BaatezuuBaatezuu11 months ago

Gosh what a fun story! This is one of the few stories that I have read where the pregnancy part of the story felt natural and not gross. Quite honestly, I would love to be able to Selfie Swap, but have zero desire to get pregnant or birth a child. I say this as a way of empathizing how well you worked that point into the story.

I absolutely loved reading every part of this. Such a fun journey.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I may take up the offer to write a spin-off, def gunna try, cuz this premise is so interesting, but who knows if it'll be any good or even be finished.

And yea the ending was a bit over the top but it brought tears to my eyes either way so good job.

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