Senior Week Ch. 00: Prologue


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Josh stiffened as he took in Rachel's obvious signs that she was flirting back. Truth be told, he'd been intrigued by her from the moment she'd crossed his path. She was totally hot and had a great rack and tight, athletic body from what he could tell. But it wasn't just that that drew him in. She seemed to have a mysterious energy about her. Even when she wasn't trying to be overtly sexual, she just put out the vibe that she might be some sort of wild creature. It was alluring.

She was correct that he had no trouble with the ladies. And he certainly wasn't looking for a girlfriend. But each time he had seen her in the hall, he'd become a little more enchanted. And during the early session of his class this morning, he'd finally decided that he'd danced around it long enough.

He flashed his eyes at her and twisted his lips into a mischievous smile.

" 'Maybe', huh? Well 'maybe' we should continue our walk. I know a place where, um, 'maybe' we could finish this conversation away from your staring friends over there."

Rachel swallowed and felt her fingertips tingle. He had put it out there. He wanted her. She realized again how attracted she was to him and how badly she wanted him, too. But her stomach sank as an automatic alarm sounded out in her brain. Her class. She couldn't screw that up. As bad as she wanted to get to know Josh a little better, she wasn't going to blow off the rest of the lecture for him.

"I'd love to but, um-. My class. I'm sorry but it's important. I need the credit for the fall and I just can't mess around, ya know?"

Josh looked down at Rachel and smiled to himself. He had her; her face and tone gave it away. He glanced up at the hallway clock. There was still fifteen minutes left in break. They had time. He reached down and rubbed her shoulder reassuringly.

"No, of course. You won't miss your class. I promise. I can't miss mine either or I get in trouble with my coach. Trust me, I'll have you back."

Rachel swallowed again as her head began to swim. She knew she was playing with fire but she couldn't help it. She wasn't sure if it was true that he would get in trouble too but she decided to trust him. She glanced up at the clock herself. Fifteen minutes. She felt a shivery tickle shoot between her legs. She'd done plenty in fifteen minutes between classes before...

Without giving it another thought, Rachel bit her lip and nodded up at Josh. She was in.

"Okay. I'm trusting you."

Josh smiled warmly and winked. "Don't worry. I got you."

In an instant, the pair turned from the machines and began heading down the hall, away from the classrooms. Rachel didn't know her way around the building all that well yet so she simply let Josh lead. She felt her stomach twist as the thoughts banged through her brain.

Was she really doing this? She definitely wanted to but it was still crazy! She was in a new place, with a whole new set of people. This wasn't high school anymore and she needed to be serious if she wanted things to go well for her. Hooking up with some boy at school during her third week of class was as recklessly stupid as it was exciting. What if someone caught them? Would she get kicked out of her class? Would she blow her whole college career before it even began? The thoughts were terrifying. But they made the blood pump fast in her veins.

She continued to follow as Josh led her around a corner and to a door at the end of a small hallway. He tested the handle and smiled as it turned freely in his palm. The space was dark so he reached his arm in and fumbled around until he touched a light switch. He flicked it on and indicated for Rachel to come in as well. She gave a final nervous glance over her shoulder and entered the room. Josh grinned as he shut the door behind them.

Rachel chewed her lip as she studied the space around her. It wasn't a room; it was more of a closet. There were storage racks and boxes and a few old computer monitors. It smelled musty, like no one had been in there since the spring semester had ended. Rachel felt another tingle. Maybe that was a good thing.

The click of the door lock shook her from her idle glances and she turned around to face Josh straight on. He was smiling at her, his eyes sparkling and expression friendly and warm. Rachel suddenly felt the intensity of the moment rush through her senses. She and Josh had been sort of slow-dancing around each other for a few weeks, but now that they were up against the clock, whatever was going to happen was going to happen fast. No more flirting. No more jokes. No more sideways glances.

Nervously tucking a strand of her silky hair behind her ear and raising a coy eyebrow, she spoke in a soft, sweet tone.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

With a slick grin, Josh smirked and took a step towards her. In an instant, his hands were around her waist, gripping her firmly as he pulled her in close to his body. Rachel gasped with an excited breath and raised her face up to his. He lowered his head and their lips met.

Rachel moaned softly as she absorbed the unexpectedly forceful stimuli of his kiss. As her breath held tight in her lungs, she stepped up onto her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. She parted her lips and let him snake his tongue into her mouth. It pushed firmly against her own and her face tingled hotly as she began to passionately kiss him back. Her engine revved as every overwhelming sensation sizzled through her body. She was so turned on and quickly losing herself in the moment.

Josh, too, shivered pleasurably as he took in the intensity of Rachel's response. Despite the mysterious vibe he'd felt he'd been picking up from her, he really hadn't known how things might go down once the bullets started flying. But the handful of seconds that had passed since she'd met his embrace had already left him pleasantly surprised. She was showing no fear and the smoothly skillful way she was swirling her tongue around his was impressive. He felt his jeans tighten. If she kissed like this, he wondered what else she might be good at. His dick jumped again as the image danced excitingly through his mind. He definitely wanted more from her.

Rachel sighed into the kiss as she felt Josh's hands slide up her waist and cup around the outsides of her breasts. He gave them a healthy squeeze over her shirt and she felt another shiver scurry through her belly. It felt so good and she was so into him. She grinned to herself as his curious fingers dipped down across her stomach and gave her shirt a few teasing tugs upwards. As it began to bunch up around her ribs, she decided not to make him wait.

With a quick movement, she disengaged from the kiss and took a small step backwards. Her eyes bright and playful, she reached down and pulled her shirt up and over her head. It came free without resistance and she placed it on the shelf next to her. Biting her lower lip, she trembled pleasurably as she watched Josh's eyes take in the new and improved view with lustful hunger.

Her full, perfect breasts rose and fell as they pressed snuggly against the teasing confines of her bra. Rachel swallowed another prideful shiver as she felt the full-on arousal that Josh was emanating transfer to her own senses. Her eyes narrowed mischievously and her lips parted to form a gentle 'O' as if she could physically absorb his tangible desire through her mouth. If there were two things Rachel could always be confident in it was her boobs and her blowjobs. She loved how boys looked at her the first time they saw her naked or partially so. She felt so powerful and sexy. It made the air hold fast in her lungs.

While playfully pretending to brush something off her chest, drawing more attention to her deep cleavage, she smiled seductively up at her gawking target.

"Mmmm...I like our conversation so far."

She grinned and started to take a step back towards him when he smirked and replied. His voice sounded teasingly hopeful.

"Me too, for sure. But there was something else I wanted to discuss, too."

Rachel froze her movement and felt the air expand in her chest as she watched Josh's eyes shoot obviously to her lips and then down across her body. Still giving her a playful smile, he brought one hand down to pull his t-shirt up from the front of his pants. He undid the button on his jeans and raised his eyebrows.

Sensing that Rachel wasn't going to freak out or object, he began to slowly take down his zipper and spread the front of his pants apart. He kept his eyes on her as he lowered the light blue denim downward and let it bunch right above his knees. He grinned with amusement as Rachel's eyes darted to the growing bulge on the front of his gray boxer briefs.

Letting her hang in anticipation for a few seconds, he finally tucked his thumbs under his waistband and began to slowly slide his underwear down over his muscular thighs. His lips curled as he watched Rachel's wide eyes trace every inch of the reveal. With a prideful swallow, he pushed the material firmly into his lowered jeans and let his fingers fall away. His curled lips moved into a deeper smirk as Rachel's expression mirrored the same excited admiration that he'd displayed himself just moments ago in response to her removing her shirt.

Rachel's scalp tingled and her head swam as the heat of the moment warmed her senses. Things certainly had moved quickly. Just a few minutes ago, she'd been dog-earing her book and thinking only of getting a quick drink from the machine. And now she was standing shirtless in some strange storage closet with a beautiful boy who had just made her level of undress appear modest. She swallowed a touch of saliva that had run to the back of her throat. The iced tea had certainly been refreshing, but it was a new type of thirst that now nagged at her senses.

Following the thought, she licked her lips reflexively as her gaze focused in tighter on what had just been so brazenly revealed. She inhaled sharply through her nose and swallowed again as the blood rushed from her brain and sent a thickly pleasurable tremor between her legs. As attracted as she had been to this boy when his clothes had still been on, the new addition to the picture only made the entire package more sweetly enticing.

Josh's dick was impressive and Rachel grinned reflexively as her eyes drank him in. He wasn't yet fully hard but the slowly rising arc of his shaft already revealed a long, full thickness that was difficult to ignore. His sculpted, v-shaped pelvis gave way to a neatly groomed stubble and his large balls hung with noticeably heavy weight. Rachel's grin twisted into a smirk of her own as she felt her arousal grow in time with each hypnotic, hardening pulse that greeted her eyes. Dangling loosely along her side, her thumb and forefinger began to rub together once again.

Her mounting lust for his body suddenly sent a jolt of mild jealousy through her belly as her thoughts switched back to the group of girls who had been watching them in the hallway. She'd mainly been teasing him about his apparent popularity with the ladies, but she also knew that it was most likely true. He was so hot and he certainly didn't appear to be shy about putting out what he wanted. He didn't know Rachel at all, especially when it came to how she might respond to something like this. She wasn't even in college yet, and for all he knew, she might have no sexual experience whatsoever. But that hadn't fazed him in the slightest. He'd casually dropped his pants and was now simply waiting with curious confidence to see if she'd take the next step.

Rachel let a moment of hesitation pass through her brain before she decided that she'd do it. Her doubts had been driven by the fact that she was in a new place and really didn't want to screw things up. But she was far from a shy girl herself and her attraction to Josh (combined with her thoughts about how many girls must be after him) was making her feel both excited and strangely threatened.

She didn't know him or know what kind of relationship they might have, but she found herself wanting to make an impression on him. She wanted her presence to be felt and for Josh to understand just who exactly he was dealing with. There were still more than ten minutes left in break. She licked her lips again. Plenty of time.

With a confident breath, Rachel brought her eyes back up and stepped towards Josh. Her eyes flashing and smile intense, she pushed her body back into him and raised her lips towards his face. She re-engaged their kiss while teasingly brushing his penis with the back of her hand. As she moved her lips to his neck and began to plant soft, gentle kisses, she whispered out in her sexiest, most playful voice

"So, it's going to be that kind of conversation, huh?"

Josh only exhaled and smiled in response. Rachel narrowed her eyes and breathed out again in a sultry tone as she began to slide her lips downward.

"Well, you're going to have to do most of the speaking..."

She paused and looked up at him intensely.

"...because I was always taught that it's rude to talk with my mouth full."

Josh shivered and exhaled audibly as he looked down at her with widened eyes. He loved how forceful she was being. She clearly hadn't been fazed or intimidated at all by his bold move. He honestly hadn't known how she'd react when he'd pulled his dick out, but he'd been doing this long enough to risk being blunt. If she had freaked out, it would've been unfortunate, but he'd just cross her off and move on to someone else. But something was now telling him that he might have struck gold with the mysterious highlighter girl.

Rachel could sense Josh's twisting eagerness and she smiled to herself as she felt his hands begin to ever so subtly apply downward pressure on her shoulders. She knew what he wanted and she was so ready to give it to him. She loved that she was turning him on so much. These were the moments she lived for.

With no further hesitation, Rachel bit her lip and slowly dropped to her knees in front of him. She grimaced as she made painful contact with the hard floor, but she was at least somewhat grateful that her choice in yoga pants were providing a little cushioning. Still, next time they'd have to find a more comfortable setting.

The thought made her pause and she shivered reflexively. Next time. She was already mentally planning her next blowjob with him. She brought her eyes back to his penis which was now inches from her face. It was nice. They were both going to enjoy this.

As Rachel brought her hand out and wrapped her cool fingers around his shaft, another exciting jolt hit her. She hadn't done something crazy like this in a few weeks. She honestly had been staying good and focusing on her school work. Same as she'd done during her final month of high school when she'd fought tirelessly to undo the self-inflicted carnage she'd laid on her academic future while she'd been wandering aimlessly in her dark fog.

She realized that such "good" periods of her life usually followed stretches of wild, reckless behavior. One of the reasons she'd been able to quit her boy habit so easily before was that she truly had been out of control for so long in the spring. It was like starting a diet after a long stretch of binge eating. After her fight with Rebecca, it had been a non-stop rotating cast of boys. She'd done so many of them so laughingly casually at school. And then there had been her awful run with Matt. And then prom. She shivered again.

But she'd moved past that and it wasn't until Jim that day in the school parking lot that she'd gotten back on the train. And the train had proceeded to make a few crazy stops since. She felt her stomach tighten as she recalled the last boy she'd been with. It had been a few weeks prior, during her Senior Week trip to the beach. The tightening in her gut intensified as both exciting and troubling memories hit her at once. It had been a wild week and things had definitely gotten out of hand.

Rachel shook her head as if she could physically wipe the memories off her brain like an Etch-a-Sketch. But she knew better. What had happened during that week couldn't be erased and nor should it be. She'd done things both good and bad and each and every act revealed a different piece of who she was. The good parts were to be savored and cradled warmly into her memory banks. And the bad were not to be sanitized lest she once again forget the pain that came from chasing the next exciting rush and flying too close to the sun.

Realizing that the rushing flow of memories were not going to simply disappear while she tried to focus on the present, Rachel exhaled a final time and softened her expression into a friendly grin. She focused her dancing eyes onto Josh's and winked as she rose up high off her heels. As she parted her soft lips and sucked him generously into her mouth, she closed her eyes and let the images of Senior Week flood her brain.

A wild week indeed...

NEXT --- Chapter 1: Tough Love

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Great to see you finally come back with a new chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
She's back!!!

What a tease! Can't wait to see Rachel in action this summer!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I have not read a word beyond "Prologue" and I'm already excited :)

Welcome back TRC!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Welcome back

To say I was looking forward to reading your work would be an understatement. Well done.

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