Senior Week Ch. 04: Target Acquired


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Rachel's eyes widened and she blurted out, cutting him off. "You're friends with Tyler?"

She tried to stifle her giddiness as Mike nodded casually in response. Excitement coursed through her. This would make everything easier! She took another sip from her cup and made her move.

"What a small world! He's actually an old, old friend of mine." She winked as Mike got her meaning. "Anyway, this actually might sound a little weird but could you do me a huge favor?"

Mike wrinkled his brow and took a sip from his own cup cautiously. "What kind of favor?"

Rachel smiled again at him seductively and leaned in closer.

"So I actually need to tell Ty something. It's kind of important. But, um, as you saw earlier, his girlfriend is not exactly fond of me. I honestly don't know why. She's always just-. Whatever. Anyway, since you guys are friends, could you, like, tell him to come outside real quick? Just make something up like you wanna grab a cigarette or you need to talk for a second. I just need, like, thirty seconds to talk to Tyler and then I'll be done."

Mike's face stiffened and he took another small sip from his cup. His eager smile faded away and he suddenly looked angry. He spoke in a low, distant tone.

"Look, I'm not a fucking match-maker. If the reason you started talking to me was because you wanted to get with an ex-boyfriend or something then, like-."

Rachel quickly shot him her most innocent look and clutched his forearm tightly.

"No no! Michael! It's not like that at all!" She pouted at him, as if he should feel bad for even suggesting such a thing.

"No, look. I just have to tell him something and I don't wanna cause any more trouble at your party. You saw what just happened out there! I'm not using you. I'm not that big of a bitch, am I?"

Mike's face softened and he stammered out a bit of a back-track as he felt her rub his arm.

"Hey, no, I didn't say you were a-."

Rachel swooped right back in.

"I know. I'm just messing with you." She squeezed his arm tighter as she watched his eyes drop to her breasts for the tenth time since they'd been in the kitchen. She adjusted her body so the view opened up even further and purred out to him.

"Look, you're just doing me a little favor. That's all."

Mike swallowed hard as his eyes flicked up from her tits. God, they were incredible looking. Everything about this chick was hot. And those things that Erica had been saying about her... He gulped again.

"Um, okay. So if I do this for you, I guess I get a favor back?"

Rachel grinned widely. She'd been expecting that. She leaned back from him and looked down into her cup. She idly fished an ice cube out and held it between her fingers.

"Well, that depends."

Mike felt his pulse spike. "Depends on what?"

Rachel cocked her head playfully and gave him a silly grin. "Depends on whether you do a good job."

She sensed his hesitation and she brought the dripping ice cube up to her lips. She could feel the breath leave his body as she spoke.

"Because I always do a good job with my favors."

Before Mike could respond, Rachel slipped the ice cube halfway between her lips and sucked on it gently. She let it slide around before slipping her tongue out to swirl over it seductively. After a second or two holding him in frozen lust, Rachel let the cube slip from her wet lips and fall back into her cup with a gentle splash. She grinned at Mike's wild eyes and winked at him.


Mike took a long, hard drink and nodded his head. He wasn't sure if he'd ever been so turned on in his life. He'd been lusting after this girl from the moment she'd accidentally flashed him and his friends earlier that day in the ocean. It was practically all they'd talked about since.

He'd been checking her out all night as they'd played beer pong and watching her dance seductively with her equally hot friend had been the sole cause of their loss in the game. He hadn't been able to get what Erica had said about her out of his head. And now he had her in the kitchen and he was pretty sure she'd just offered to suck his dick if he did her a quick favor. He knew she might be playing him, but as he'd watched her warm lips melt that ice cube, he also knew it was a risk he'd have to take.

He nodded again at her and looked over towards Tyler. He glanced back at Rachel and she pointed towards the back deck that led to a sandy yard. He nodded again and turned towards his friend in the corner. He gave one final look back behind him.

Rachel was already gone.


Rachel grinned sheepishly as she refilled the shot glasses on the kitchen counter. Mike. She shook her head. She wondered if she'd see him again this week. She felt bad about leaving him the way she had last night. She honestly hadn't intended to screw him over after the little show she'd given him and the implied promise she'd made. It had just happened that way. Oh well. Not much she could do about it now.

She put the cap back on the vodka and glanced over at the kitchen clock again. 10:18 A.M.


Tyler slid open the screen door and stepped out on to the deck. He sighed as the cool ocean breeze reached his face and slipped into his nostrils. It felt good. Relaxing. Calm.

His buddy Mike had asked him a minute earlier if he wanted to grab a cigarette and he had jumped at the opportunity to escape the still simmering tension inside. He was still shaken from the fight between the girls as well as Rachel's strange implication towards him at the end. She'd definitely been flirting with him. And so brazenly. She was up to something and Tyler was a little nervous about all of it.

He and Mike had been walking towards the door when Mike had suddenly stopped and grabbed his phone. He'd said someone was calling and he needed to take it but it would only be a second. He'd indicated for his friend to go on ahead of him, and while Tyler had hesitated momentarily, he hadn't fought it. He'd decided he could really use some fresh air and a moment of peace anyway.

Tyler looked out over the small deck and beyond it into the expanse of the neighborhood. The house he was in was on the corner of a dead end street so there weren't too many people around. It had a small, sandy yard that backed up to some trees so it was actually kind of private. As private as small beach houses could be. Tyler noticed that it did seem unusually quiet. He decided to take advantage of the rare tranquility and walk down towards the yard to stand in the sand. It would feel good on his feet after a long day of sunburn and drinking.

He had just stepped down off the wooden deck stairs and kicked off his sandals when he heard her voice. It was startling and soothing at the same time. It made the hair on his arms stand up straight and he whirled around to see her leaning up against one of the deck supports. She was pretty much just a silhouette in the moonlight, but he could see flecks of color as his eyes adjusted to the dark. He licked his lips as her voice called out softly.

"You never called."

Rachel rose up from her leaned position against the wooden beam and ran a hand casually through her hair. She stepped gracefully out from under the deck's shadow and moved more fully into the light. She smirked at him as she processed the confusion on his face.

It was a lie that she had just said.

She was talking about her final haunting words as she had stood in his garage a month back the morning after prom. She'd just finished blowing his mind in a variety of ways, and as he'd closed the garage door to sneak back inside, she'd mouthed to him:

Call me.

And he had. That was her lie. Tyler had tried to resist reaching out to her again but he hadn't been strong enough. He'd called once and texted twice in the weeks after prom. But Rachel, in the midst of her mission to save her senior year, had cut off all contact from (and with) interested boys. She'd quit her twisted relationship with Matt and she'd been fighting off the vultures at her school every day. Tyler had been the farthest thing from her mind. But now? Now things were different. Rachel was on a new mission. A very different one.

Tyler eyed her up and smirked as he called her on her lie. "You know I did. You never answered."

Rachel sighed seductively and pouted her lips like she had wronged him in the most unforgivable way by not eagerly answering his phone call and rushing over to suck his dick again. She stepped in closer and looked up at him with wide, apologetic eyes as her words danced from her tongue with a hint of sexy whininess.

"I know, Ty. I was just soooo busy at school and stuff. Believe me, I wanted to. Especially after how much fun we had..."

Rachel reached out and touched his stomach through his shirt. She tingled as she felt him flinch.

Tyler pulled back and shot her a suspicious look. "Rachel. What are you doing? And what was all that about back there with Erica? You know it sets her off when you-."

Rachel cut him off with her most innocent smile. "Me? I didn't do anything. It was your girlfriend who just showed up and-."

Tyler's face hardened and he gritted his teeth. "Rachel, stop. I'm so tired of hearing this bullshit between you two. In fact, what I am even doing out here? Did you set this up? Where is-?"

Rachel saw she was losing him so she dropped the wide-eyed innocent act and pulled him back towards her. She pushed him into the deck pillar she'd been standing against and stepped in close. Both of their bodies again became cloaked in the darkness. She grabbed hold of his hands and brought them swiftly to her chest and she moaned gently as she felt him reflexively squeeze in over her bra. While he worked her body, she spoke firmly.

"Ty, I'll make this very, very clear. Just like I did the last time we got together. I want you. I want this." She brought her hand down to the front of his khaki shorts and squeezed roughly as she felt him hardening. A surge of confidence rushed through her as he gasped in response to her touch. She had him melting again so she dropped her next bomb.

"And it's not just me who wants you. You remember my friend from in there? Well, she's taken a bit of an interest in your pretty face as well. And trust me when I say that she knows her way around the block." She squeezed Tyler's dick again through his pants. He was almost totally hard and straining against the fabric.

Tyler's pulse banged in his throat as he tried to catch up with the moment. He was generously groping Rachel's perfect tits and her hands were acting with reciprocal playfulness. She'd just told him she wanted him again. AND she'd made it clear that her hot friend (whom Tyler had stolen a few glances at during the fight) wanted in on the action. He whipped his head back towards the house instinctively, as if he could see inside from under the deck. He spoke with wild confusion.

"Wha-? Your friend wants-? What, now? Are you fucking crazy? There's no way we can-."

Rachel released her firm grip from his shaft and began rubbing the area gently instead. She grinned up at him and shook her head. Her eyes rolled too but it was too dark to see.

"No, silly. Obviously not now. Trust me, I don't want that kind of trouble any more than you do." She paused as she traced her thumb tenderly up the outline of his shaft.

"No, tomorrow the girls at my house want to do, like, a shopping day in the morning. But I'm suddenly thinking that Rebecca and I just might be a little too hung-over to join them. So we'll hang back and have the whole house to ourselves."

Rachel slyly brought her fingers up to his pants button as she continued in her teasing tone.

"So maybe if you have some time to get away for a bit, you could clear your schedule and come keep us company." She felt the button pop open through its loop. She purred as her fingers found the top of his zipper.

"I promise we'll find something fun to do..."

Tyler was so engrossed in her words and the images it was putting into his head that he barely registered Rachel slowly unzipping his shorts. He finally came to his senses and reluctantly brought one hand away from her boobs to try to stop her. He hissed at her wildly.

"Rach! What are you-? We can't, um-. Out here?" He indicated back towards the house. "I gotta get back inside. I said I was grabbing a quick cigarette!"

But Rachel simply pushed his hand away and brought his zipper to its base. She leaned up into him as she slipped her cool fingers past the waistband of his underwear and wrapped them around his cock. Tyler shuddered loudly as the pleasurable sensation streaked through him. His knees shook and he almost lost his footing. He shot her a desperate look, a final attempt to stop her. She only grinned and shushed him.

"Relax. Like I said, I don't want any drama either. This is just a preview. An appetizer for tomorrow."

Tyler exhaled loudly as Rachel pulled his briefs downward over his thighs. His dick was completely hard and it popped out and shivered as the cool air greeted him. He had totally surrendered and whatever Rachel was going to do was not going to be stopped.

He remembered having the same feeling that morning after prom. She had actually convinced him that fucking her just minutes after Erica had gone back upstairs was a good idea. And had it not been for his dad calling down to him, he would've done it. He'd probably have gotten caught, too.

But he had no willpower when it came to Rachel. Especially not after what she'd done to him the last time. He leaned his head back against the wooden deck support and closed his eyes as he felt her begin to lower herself to the ground.

Rachel smiled as she sunk gingerly to her knees in front of him. The soft combination of grass and sand greeted her flesh like a pleasant cushion. The cool ocean breeze smelled salty and like summer. She and Tyler were safely tucked under the deck in a patch of pitch black darkness. It was possible that someone could walk out and stumble across them. But it was very unlikely.

She trembled excitedly as she reached out and grabbed a hold of Tyler's shaft once again. She could make it out slightly as her eyes adjusted but she realized she'd been working primarily off of feeling and memory rather than sight. But it wasn't like she was going to be down there very long. This was just a reminder of what she was capable of. A way to ensure he'd definitely show the next day.

With a final inhale through her nose, Rachel brought her face forward and let Tyler's impressive dick slip deeply into her mouth. She sucked him in firmly and closed her soft lips around him as his head nudged into the top of her throat. Her tongue swirled all over the underside of his shaft and she moaned gently as she let him begin to slide back out.

Opening wider, she took him back in, bringing her lips far down to meet her hand at his base. He tasted clean. And familiar. She'd always loved his dick and the feeling of it fully filling her mouth tickled her senses with exciting nostalgia.

From the first time she'd ever hooked up with Tyler, she'd loved sucking him off. He'd been one of her first serious boyfriends, and truthfully, she'd always credited his impressive size (and the embarrassing frequency with which she'd gone down on him) for helping her to hone the oral skills of which she was currently so proud. She'd blown him practically daily when they'd dated, and the experience had led her future endeavors with boys less genetically-blessed to feel like shooting baskets on a child's hoop.

She smiled to herself as she began to bob her head smoothly in front of his waist. It was confusing, but while she'd spent so much time and mental energy trying to move on from the ugliness of what she'd done with him (and the others) after Kevin's prom, all she felt now was excitement and desire. It seemed like it had been just yesterday that she'd been so eagerly servicing him in his basement. She suddenly felt herself lusting for that moment. And for what had come after when he'd breathlessly begged her to get up off her knees and climb on top of him.

A whimper escaped Rachel's full mouth and she shut her eyes as her pussy throbbed to the memory. Reflexively bringing her hand to the front of her jeans, she pushed in firmly and focused hard on the images. Not only did she love blowing Tyler, she loved fucking him even more. Despite the vast reaches of her oral promiscuity, Rachel had only had a handful of true sexual partners in her life (even considering her dark mistakes with Brad and Matt in the spring). But Tyler had always been her favorite. Feeling his big dick pushed deep inside her and stretching her limits was simply euphoric. And they were so in-tune sexually that it almost seemed as if their bodies were psychically connected.

The thoughts swirled through her head as she continued to happily pleasure her ex-boyfriend out in the night air. She could feel him twitching and pulsing in her mouth and she finally popped him from her lips with a wild gasp. Angling his glistening shaft upwards and rubbing him smoothly, she dropped her face a little lower and extended her tongue.

She shivered as she made firm contact with his sac and began to lick lavishly away. She could feel him trembling up above and she smiled again as she brought her lips in closer. As she sucked generously on his balls and ran her hand smoothly up and down his cock, she paused suddenly. Her fingertips passed over his head and she registered a familiar slippery wetness spread over her thumb. She realized that he was probably getting close, and if she did truly want to leave him with a hunger for more, she needed to shut things down soon.

With a sly smile, she pulled his dick back down towards her lips and took him playfully into her mouth once again. She swirled her tongue around his tip, tasting the salty fluid that had greeted her touch and confirmed his dangerous state of arousal. A part of her wanted so badly to stay down there and bring him all the way to an exciting finish. To taste him more. To make him explode. But she fought the urge. She needed to keep him on the line.

Just as she felt him bring a guiding hand to the back of her soft hair, Rachel finally leaned back and let him fall from her lips. Her eyes had adjusted better to the darkness and she shivered at the tantalizing image of his cock shimmering and pulsing inches from her face. She flexed her jaw and looked upward. Tyler's face was also more clearly visible now and his expression displayed the exact level of pained desire that she'd hoped for.

Swallowing gently, she hopped suddenly to her feet at grinned at Tyler's lustfully desperate eyes. She could tell how bad he wanted more. Needed more. Since it wasn't necessary for him to verbalize it, she spoke with a playful, teasing tone.

"Sorry, lover. I told you it was just a preview. We don't want you missing from the party too long, now do we?"

She grinned and pressed her body into him letting her full, soft breasts sink into his chest. She could feel his heart beating hard and fast. As she started to step past him, she leaned up one final time and whispered softly into his ear.

"But if you want to finish our fun, text me in the morning. We will be waiting..."

NEXT --- Chapter 5: Direct Hits

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Job well done!

I think where you most successfully push my buttons and draw me in, is in the insights to the personalities that are the foundation of the principal character’s actions.

Your character development, along with the myriad subplots, make you one of the most talented authors on the site. Your ability to push my buttons is what makes your work so engaging, and enjoyable

asianToyasianToyover 6 years ago
Highest Quality Smut

I know an author is good if I can’t stand to read his work. Rachel has become so important to me that I get queasy watching her turn into an ever more easy slut. And poor Kevin - her one true friend ;(

Well, I’ll keep trying to read it and keep in mind that they are only characters. I mean, I write stories where the girls are as damaged as Rachel but this guy writes her thoughts and vulnerabilities so well it really hurts to see her debased.


DantesCristoDantesCristoover 7 years ago

Whoever Anon is doesn't matter. I think your overall rating speaks for itself. You are one of the few writers on Lit who don't need an editor. You really don't need anything. Best writer on Lit. No question.

TheRachelChroniclesTheRachelChroniclesover 7 years agoAuthor
A question:

Are you the same anon that made this suggestion (and same accompanying 1-star rating) on the last chapter? If so (or if not) can you give me a little more detail? Typos? Grammar? I've never planned on bothering anyone with the task of editing my work. I know I miss a few errors here and there but I also try to get it pretty clean before I post. If you could enlighten me a little as to my mortal writing sins, it might be helpful.

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