Senior Week Ch. 11: Epilogue


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Pushing the thoughts away, Rachel worked her lips gently around his head as she finished the job. She then relaxed her jaw and slid her mouth back down his shaft to give him a few final generous sucks. She loved continuing to work guys after they came. It always drove them wild with every sensation amplified in their ultra-sensitive state. And Rachel wanted Josh to enjoy every second of what she'd done for him. She wanted him to remember.

Finally, she shot him a friendly wink and let him slip slowly from her lips. She shut her mouth with a grin and wiped away some wetness. Turning her head to the side, she swallowed once or twice before bringing her eyes back to his and sticking out her tongue with a playful smile.

The heat on her cheeks and her own quickened breaths made her realize suddenly that she'd actually gotten a little worked up herself during the process. It hadn't been just Josh and her attraction to him, but also her flashbacks to the crazy events of Senior Week. She felt a shivery tingle pulse between her legs as she watched Josh's glazed, satisfied eyes flick back down to her chest. Still in just her bra, her boobs were heaving in time with her breaths and she was sure the view was more than satisfactory. She tingled again. She'd wait until the next time to show him more.

Suddenly coming back to the moment, Rachel's eyes widened and her heart stopped in her chest. Shit! The time! What was she doing daydreaming about future rendezvous' with this pretty boy? She hopped to her feet and shot Josh a look of alert.

Josh shook his head to clear the cobwebs and nodded back to her. He knew what she meant. As she slipped her shirt back on and did her best to smooth her hair, he pulled up his jeans and dug into his pocket. He flicked on his phone and muttered a curse. They weren't late, but it was close. Two minutes.

With a quickened pace made awkward by their attempt to look casual, they slipped from the closet and turned back down the hallway. As they entered the main corridor, they exchanged nervous looks. No one was lingering by the doors anymore. They'd all gone back inside.

Since they no longer had to worry about appearances, they both simultaneously broke into a quick jog. They reached their respective rooms and shot each other matching awkward smiles. Rachel always felt like she should say something in these moments, but her brain was blank. She flashed her eyes and grinned as she realized Josh was thinking the same thing. They both stared for a few seconds before he finally broke the silence with a grin.

"Well, that was a, uh, good talk. It was cool to learn more about you."

Rachel blushed and stifled a giggle. She nodded back with bright eyes.

"Yeah, it was fun. Thanks for showing me the important rooms here."

Josh laughed and shook his head.

"My pleasure. Literally. Hopefully we can, you know, 'chat' again sometime soon."

He grinned at her and watched as she rolled her eyes with another giggle. As she started to turn towards her door, he called out again, his tone heavy with playful sarcasm.

"Have fun in there. You didn't need to borrow a highlighter, did you?"

Rachel bit her lip and shot him a mocking grin. She shook her head with a dismissive laugh as she turned back towards her door.


As she heard him slip into his own classroom, she gripped the door handle and sucked in a nervous breath. She hadn't checked her phone but she was sure the two minutes they'd had to spare when they'd left the storage room had to be all but expired. The main reason she'd been so paranoid about being late was that her teacher had made a point during the first class that punctuality was strongly expected. Rachel had had other teachers in the past who'd made similar proclamations but she'd never taken them all that seriously. She'd slid by many times in high school with either a pitiful pout or (in the case of her male teachers) an innocent smile and flash of cleavage. But this was college, or almost at least. She wasn't sure if such tactics would work anymore.

As she opened the door and stepped inside, she felt a rush of relief. Her professor had just opened his book and seemed ready to start speaking any second. Rachel smoothly glided to her seat near the back and sat down before the first word left his lips. She watched as his eyes went to her. Had she made it? She sucked in her breath and gave him her best smile as he appeared to momentarily hesitate. After an extended glance, he nodded subtly and brought his eyes back to the center of the room. He picked up where he'd left off in the lecture and class was officially back in swing.

The next two hours passed by more or less uneventfully. Initially, Rachel had been unable to concentrate as the buzz of what she'd just done with Josh had sizzled through her senses. She was turned on and excited and the rush of almost being late had only wound her up tighter. And it was her near miss with tardiness that had eventually began to dominate her thoughts.

In her aroused state, she'd found herself unable to resist fantasizing about her teacher again. She imagined that shehadbeen late and that he'd call her to his office after class and demand that she explain her transgression. She'd try to talk her way out of it but he'd be unsatisfied with her apologies and he'd inform her that if she wanted to remain in his class that she'd have to do something for him to make things right.

Rachel squirmed in her seat as she'd imagined what would come next. Obviously, they'd both know just what he was getting at by "making things right", and without so much as an argument, she'd willingly get down on her knees for him. She'd give him a brain-melting blowjob while he sat at his desk and watched her in silence. She'd suck him with skilled obedience, and when he finally came and the job was complete, she'd casually get up from the floor, dust herself off, and thank him for his generosity in allowing her to make up for her mistake.

The sexy daydreams persisted until the class ended, and when Rachel finally looked up to come back to her senses, she realized that everyone had already begun to pack up and file out of the room. With a sheepish grin, she shook herself off and started to gather her own belongings when a voice made her stop dead in her tracks.


She swallowed hard. It was her professor. He was calling her name.

Her fingertips tingling, she steadied herself and made her way nervously to the front of the room where he was waiting by his desk. She felt the goosebumps rise on her arms as everything seemed to be proceeding as if it had been torn directly from the pages of her fantasy. Was she in trouble? Was he going to ask her to-?

She snapped back from her thoughts and returned to reality as she got closer and saw that he was smiling. She let out a breath of relief. He didn't look upset. Maybe she wasn't in trouble.

"Um, hey Professor Davis. Is everything okay? I'm sorry about-."

She stopped as he cut her off with another warm smile. He stood up and gathered a few books and papers from his desk. He indicated to the door.

"Everything's fine. I'm going to drop some stuff off at my office. It's just down the hall. Do you have a few minutes to walk with me?"

Rachel swallowed. His office? Outside of her in-class participation comments, she hadn't said more than a "hello" or "goodbye" to him since she'd started the course. She nodded nervously and tried to sound friendly and casual.

"Oh, um, of course! Yeah, I'm in no rush!"

Professor Davis smiled and began walking towards the door. He held it open and waited for her to follow. Rachel adjusted the books in her hands and smiled back as she slid past him, her nose close enough to pick up a hint of his smell. Her fingertips tingled again.

As they stepped into the hallway, Rachel glanced up at the room across the hall that was also letting out. She swallowed reflexively. Josh's class. She felt an excited shiver as she watched him appear in the doorway among the mess of students filing out. They caught each other's eyes and Josh grinned as he shot her a subtle wink. She blushed and grinned back, trying not to stare as he turned and began making his way down the hall.

He was with a few other boys. They looked big. Probably other guys on the football team. Rachel watched as one of them glanced over at her and gave her body a quick up and down. She felt her stomach flutter. Josh would probably be regaling them with the story of their little break-time escapade. Few explicit details would likely be spared. She felt a tremor snake through her belly. So much for that clean slate.

Peeling her eyes away, Rachel turned and began walking alongside her teacher as they moved in the opposite direction down the hallway. She was feeling more and more confident that she wasn't in trouble but she was still nervous. What did he want to talk to her about? What couldn't be said in the classroom that required a trip to his office? She felt her nipples stiffen under her shirt. She couldn't get her fantasy images out of her head.

As they turned a corner, Professor Davis finally spoke.

"So, Rachel, how are you liking class so far?"

Rachel swallowed and thought for a second before responding.

"It's great! Um, different from classes I had in high school. It's a little intimidating though."

Professor Davis smiled at her and nodded.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I understand you are taking the class in order to fill a requirement for admission. You know you're the only one of my students who doesn't already attend school here."

Rachel fidgeted and looked back at him politely.

"Oh really? Well, I guess I figured that. I, um..."

She let out a deep breath and twisted her lips before continuing.

"I made some bad choices last semester and I kinda dug a hole. But I'm really taking this seriously now. I know it's important."

Professor Davis stopped as they approached a smoked glass-faced door. He slid a key in the lock and opened it up, again holding it and indicating for Rachel to go first. As she complied with a nervous breath, he followed her in and let the door close behind them. He stepped around his desk and put his books down before sitting in his chair and pointing to one for her to sit in as well. She nodded and set her books and purse down on the floor in front of her.

"You have the right attitude, Rachel. I just wanted to chat with you to let you know that I think you're doing a really good job. I'm proud of you for working hard to get yourself back on track. Idounderstand that it's a little intimidating but if you keep your head down and do the work, you'll be just fine. Your participation in class discussions so far has been thoughtful and you're obviously well prepared. Just keep it up."

Rachel's scalp tingled and she felt her chest swell as warm relief washed all over her senses. She beamed at his encouraging words. It felt great to know that she was on right path. It put her completely at ease.

"Oh my God, you have no idea how much that-. I've been so nervous that I'm, like, not catching on or, you know, everyone else is, like, smarter or whatever. Thank you so much. Iamreally trying."

She paused and glanced down at the floor momentarily with a touch of a shameful grin.

"I'm sorry about almost being late back after the break. I just, um, got caught up." She felt her senses tingle as she thought again of her rendezvous with Josh.

Professor Davis smiled and narrowed his eyes at her as he pushed back in his chair.

"You did cut it a little close."

His face softened as he leaned back forward.

"Look, I know what I told you all but I'm not going to fail you if you're a minute late. I just preach punctuality in my classes because it's an important habit to form. Especially among my younger students. You're doing just fine."

Rachel grinned again and nodded happily. She couldn't believe how positively their talk was going. Here she thought she'd be getting in trouble when really she-.

Her thoughts stopped suddenly and she tensed as she thought she might've caught his eyes drift ever so quickly to her chest. She wasn't sure. Maybe she was imagining things, but it gave her a mild tremor. She thought again of her daydreams about him.

Not seeming to pick up on her inquisitive moment, Professor Davis smiled a final time and began shuffling through a few papers on his desk.

"Well, that was it, Rachel. I just wanted to encourage you to keep working hard and doing what you're doing. And please don't be intimidated because you have nothing to be intimidated by. You're ingreatshape."

His final comment tickled across Rachel's senses and she blushed as she reflexively dropped her eyes down over her body before looking back up at him with a silly grin. A slight giggle escaped her lips.

Professor Davis immediately realized what he had said and Rachel surged with amused delight as his face went red. He did his best to keep his eyes off her as he began to stammer out a backtrack.

"No, no, I didn't mean-. I'm sorry. I meant great shape in theclass. Not that you're not, um-."

He shook his head and trailed off, obviously flustered. Rachel glowed as she watched him struggle to find a safe place for his eyes. He looked so uncomfortable. And vulnerable. It was cute.

With an innocent grin she flipped her light hair behind her shoulder and looked back at him.

"No, it's okay. I know what you meant."

She let him squirm for another few seconds before biting her lip and leaning over to gather her things. She held her leaned-over position for an extra second and she grinned to herself as she caught his eyes again flick nervously to her soft, full cleavage, now hanging downward behind the generous cut of her shirt. She wondered if he could see the edges of her bra. He wouldn't be the first guy who'd seen it that day...

Finally, ending her moment of teasing, Rachel grabbed ahold of her belongings and stood up tall. She stepped back from the chair she'd been sitting in and was about to leave without another word when she suddenly stopped and let her gaze drift around the room.

It was a standard academia office. Kind of small. No windows and definite smell of musty paper. Not unpleasant, but distinct. Her eyes fell over the dark wood bookcases and matching desk furniture. She felt a pulse between her legs as her ears picked up on the squish of him adjusting his weight in his leather chair. She glanced up at the drop-ceiling tiles and then down at the faded carpet by her feet. Another pulse. Her thumb and forefinger began to rub together automatically at her side. It was just like her fantasies.

Feeling a buzz beginning to build in her gut, she bit her lip and cleared her throat.

"Um, so do you teach any other classes? Like, in the fall?"

Professor Davis looked up from the papers he'd been paging through and consciously avoided landing his eyes onto any inappropriate portion of her body. It wasn't easy. He hesitated for a second and tried to focus on the words of her question. He was still a bit shaken from his earlier flub and the obvious fact that she'd picked up on it. Taking a deep breath to center himself, he finally blinked his eyes and smiled casually.

"Yes, I do. In fact, I do teach a few 100-level courses in both the spring and fall. I think the schedules are made automatically for incoming freshman so you never know. Maybe you'll have me again."

Rachel swallowed a shiver and grinned as he didn't seem to pick up on his unintended innuendo this time. She thought excitedly to herself. 'Have him again'? She'd need to have himonce, first...

Shaking away the thought, she smiled politely and nodded her head.

"Good to know."

She paused and kept her eyes on his for a moment, daring him to make a move. As he sensed the awkwardness returning and broke eye contact, she grinned and let him off the hook.

"Well, anyway, thanks again for the pep-talk. Seriously. It meant a lot to hear that I'm not, like, completely falling behind or something."

She smiled warmly as she watched him meet her gaze again.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Oh, and I'll keep my fingers crossed about the fall."

She let out a breath and grinned as he gave her a friendly nod and hurriedly returned to his papers. Rachel watched him for a moment before turning finally and heading for the door. She couldn't see him any longer but she knew his eyes were back on her. Perhaps tracing the smooth contour of her ass clad in her tight yoga pants. Or imagining the subtle bounce of her chest and matching it with the fresh display of cleavage she'd just not-so-innocently offered him. She bit her lip and pressed her thumb into her forefinger as she felt the wave of sparkly arousal begin to crest over her senses. She reached for the door handle and rubbed it smoothly in her palm as she glanced up around the room a final time, committing each detail to memory. Another shiver streaked through her.

Oh, she'd keep her fingers crossed indeed...











And that's a wrap! I thank you for making it this far and I hope you've enjoyed reading the Senior Week tales as much as I enjoyed writing them. I was excited to move this saga into the future while also still being able to reach back and close the chapters on some old and familiar characters. It has been such a fun and interesting trip writing on this site and it blows my mind that I now have three series in the books. As a (totally) novice writer, the biggest challenge I've felt so far is finding that line between not telling the same story over and over and yet also not straying too far from the core of what I imagined these stories (and their heroine) to be about. And since you're reading this right now, I'm cautiously optimistic that I haven't messed that up yet.

Speaking of our well-endowed protagonist, I hope you all enjoyed discovering perhaps a new layer of Rachel's personality. Preludes really focused on the beaten down and desperate girl that Rachel had become, and while that was obviously important, it was fun this time to share some of the other aspects of her imperfect makeup. Specifically, the anger. The sudden bursts of temper and dismissiveness. The thirst for revenge that blinded her and left her exposed to her penchant for self-destruction and the emotional isolation that followed once again.

I was also very happy to reintroduce Rebecca as the pivotal character and an ally she once was, as opposed to the shadowy tormenter of the previous series. Not only is the bond between the girls one of the themes that I feel most drives the series, writing about the hot times they have together is just too much fun. Drama is cool, but they make better friends (with benefits) than enemies, don't ya think? ;)

I'll confess here that while the support and reactions I've received from you all has been so overwhelmingly positive and heartwarming, I was (and still am) very nervous about how Senior Week would be received. For starters, I initially wrote it just after (and almost current with) Prom and I was never sure if it was as good a series as either of its predecessors. It had parts that I loved and was very proud of but I wondered if overall it lacked the punch of Prom or the more polished flow (in my opinion) of Preludes and I was worried that it might let you guys down after the truly humbling reviews you'd given.

I was also never quite sure if I handled the beginning or the ending satisfactorily. As I've said before, these tales (at least at the moment) are not a love story between Rachel and Kevin. I knew what I wanted Senior Week to be but it seemed like it would be lazy to simply ignore him entirely when, chronologically, the events were so close to what transpired in Prom. So I hope that my use of Rebecca as a solution to this issue didn't come across as equally lazy. It wasn't just a gimmick.