Senior Year Memories Ch. 04


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That was a new feeling.

My answer was simple. "Tell me when to start, boss."

Nadia smiled, and this time it wasn't a fleeting half-smile when I wasn't looking, but a genuine grin that lit up her entire pretty face. I could already see looking forward to pleasing her if just to see this rare smile.

"Welcome to the Puma Press," she said, reaching a hand out to me across the table formally. I took it and shook it, the gesture awkward but making sense under the circumstances.

"Come on, let me show you around the office," Nadia said, getting me up and guiding me around the cramped room. It had clearly been a classroom at one point or another, but now with the crowd of equipment inside there was barely enough room for twenty people. It didn't seem like there was much showing around to do, but I soon realized she was doing it as an opportunity to get a read on her newest writer.

"So, most of your articles you'll be fine to submit via e-mail, but we have editorial meetings after school every Thursday, unless they conflict with an event or holiday. You can make time for that?" Nadia asked.

"Can do," I said.

"Good. Anytime the room's unlocked and you feel the need to work on an article in peace, this office is available get some serious work done. I haven't stressed it, but this paper's been close to winning some awards in statewide competition the last two years, and I intend for us to actually get one this year," she said, her voice full of raw determination.

I felt for her. She only had one more year of high school to get glory doing what she loved, and I didn't want to disappoint her. I understood all too well what living a life of disappointment was like, and didn't feel like spreading it around to anyone more than had to receive it.

"I'll do my best," I said.

"You better," she threatened, her tone almost playful but still very serious. "So, now I need to ask you a question."

"Shoot," I said.

"Did you really tell Kyle to fuck off?" Nadia asked, her voice now pure amusement.

I grumbled. "Tori was supposed to keep it a secret."

"If it makes you feel any better, I really had to pry to get that one out of her. She swore that you swore her to secrecy, so naturally I had to use all of my infinite charm to get it out of her, because there is little that gets in the way between me and good gossip," she said.


"So, did you? Tell him to fuck off?" Nadia asked.

"Yes," I said unhesitatingly.

Nadia laughed. I wasn't sure I'd ever heard her laugh before. "I wish I could've gotten a picture of that. His face must've been priceless."

"I didn't actually see his face, I was too busy running away," I said.

"Wise move. It doesn't make it any less priceless, though. You want to see the dark room?" she asked.

"Sure," I said.

Nadia led me to the far end of the room, toward the darkened door with the piece of black cloth hanging across it like a curtain. She flicked a switch next to the doorway and then led me past the curtain, through a narrow, pitch black hallway that zig-zagged first in a hard right, then a hard left. Having been to a few haunted houses in past Halloweens, I almost expected for something to jump out at me from one of the corners of the zig-zag, but nothing did.

"The hallway twists to act as a light trap," Nadia explained. "White light exposes photographic paper and undeveloped negatives, makes them useless."

"We still use this?" I asked.

"Most of our photographers have gone digital, but we have a couple who love the retro feel of film, plus people from the photography club..." she explained, leading me into the room bathed in red light. Down the center of the room were stations of chemical baths, one wall lined with machines that I assumed were used for putting pictures to paper. The other half of the room, though, was made into a bit of a lounge with an old yet comfortable-looking couch, some discarded lockers, a mini-fridge and a set of speakers.

"Mostly we use this room when we want to relax and hang out, get away from it all. There's sodas in the fridge, speakers you can dock your phone into if you want to play some music (though make sure everyone else in here likes what you're playing or you take your life into your hands), a card table and some board games. If nobody's developing any pictures, this room's got fans that make it great for smoking a little weed if that's your thing. It's mostly our private place to chill and do whatever in," Nadia said.

"Sounds great," I said, marveling at the red-tinged room. It felt as cobbled together as any other part of the Puma Press' office, but at once it felt cozy and lived in, the kind of place I could spend a lot of time in. Checking out the stack of board games they had in here, I felt pretty sure that Tori and I would have a lot of fun in here.

"One more question," Nadia said.

"Sure," I responded.

"Is it true you've got a ten inch cock?" she asked.

It says a lot about how this year had gone that this only barely surprised me, and that it didn't even surprise me enough to double-take. Nadia was a little shorter than me, and I looked down into her eyes, catching this hopeful look of lust, even in the red-bathed glow of the room.

"Yeah," I responded.

She licked her lips, then nodded to herself. "Very good. Now, if I were to explain to you that I spend most of my spare time working on this paper or one of many other projects, so much spare time that I don't get laid very often, what would you think?"

Unhesitatingly, I said, "I'd say that's a damn tragedy for a girl as beautiful as you."

"Good answer," she explained. "Would I also have to explain to you that if, say, hypothetically, something were to happen between us here in the privacy of the dark room, that it wouldn't be me abusing my power and that I'm not holding anything over you, that you can say no at any time and it wouldn't affect your standing on the paper at all?"

"You wouldn't have to. I know you're professional," I said, knowing that this was exactly what she wanted and needed to hear.

"Also a good answer," she said, nodding almost as if she needed to talk herself into doing something she desperately wanted to do. "And if I told you that I found you slightly cute and wanted to see what you could do with that cock of yours, what would you say?"

"I'd say you're lying about the part where I'm cute, but then I'd kiss you," I said.

"Good answ-" Nadia said, cut off by my kiss. This might've been the first time I had the opportunity to kiss first before things went further with any girl, and I liked it. It let me know that my confidence wasn't just some passing thing that came and went at its pleasure, but something I could call on when an opportunity for something I wanted rolled around. Wanting Nadia may not have been something I came into the room aiming to do, but it sure as hell was something I embraced now, knowing she was interested.

For someone who didn't get out very much, Nadia was a very good kisser, maybe the best of any of the girls I'd been with (even Mrs. Lynn, hard as that was to admit). Her lips were perfectly soft, she had the right amount of energy and passion, never going overboard but still very wanting. After a number of encounters where the sex came long before the kissing, this was an entirely different experience altogether just standing there in the dark, making out, lost in a world all our own.

Not that sex wasn't on the menu, though, because while we made out our hands roamed all over each other. While she eagerly rubbed my cock through my jeans, I felt up her tits, her ass, finding more to them than I'd expected based on the modest way she dressed and wanting to discover even more of what she had to offer. Still pawing at each other, we stumbled over to the couch, falling down onto it, her partially on top of me.

If there was anything that could've pushed us into overdrive, it seemed like falling onto the couch did it. We made out with greater intensity, kissing and grinding into each other. I cupped her breasts through her sweater, grinding my cock into her equally clothed crotch.

"We, uh, should probably get undressed if we want to do anything more with this," Nadia said.

"Not that this isn't fun," I said.

"No, definitely, but, I really want to see that cock I've heard so much about," she said, practically drooling as she sat up, tugging her sweater up over her blouse.

"Incidentally, who did you hear all this from?" I asked, pulling off my own shirt and untying my shoes.

Nadia smiled brightly. "A good reporter never reveals her sources."

That didn't answer my question, but when she pulled off her shirt, I didn't give a fuck about what questions I had, because a topless Nadia was all I needed to focus on. Her skin was dark and smooth, utterly perfect and begging to be touched, her C-cup tits held firmly in a white bra that glowed red under the lights of the dark room.

Enthusiastically, I dove in face first, licking and sucking on her cleavage while I reached around. I hadn't had any experience actually taking bras off for myself and was eager to learn, but I soon found out that there was a big difference between what I wanted and what I was actually able to do. I fumbled around the back, feeling for clips, Velcro, anything, but couldn't find a damn thing, much to Nadia's amusement.

Of course, her amusement was my frustration, making me growl and fight the bra even more.

"While your enthusiasm is commendable, this one clips in the front," she said.

"Oh, uh, thanks," I said, trying fruitlessly to unclasp it, only for Nadia to sigh and get it done for me.

"You know, if you keep making the rounds at this school like you have, you're gonna need to get good at that," she said.

"Uh huh," I said, utterly hypnotized by her tits. I've seen tits of every shape and size with nipples of every shape and size, but it still amazed me what kind of power they had over me the first time I saw a new pair. Nadia's weren't as big as some of the girls (and women) I've been with, but they were round and firm, barely bouncing as her bra fell off. In the red-bathed light of the room, her small but very nipples were exceptionally dark against her skin. I took one in each hand, rolling my palms over them and then flicking my thumbs against them.

"Oh yeah, like that," Nadia purred, closing her eyes and leaning her head back. I stroked and tweaked her nipples for a moment, loving how sensitive they were and how Nadia reacted. While this was fun on its own, I wasn't satisfied with just touching her nipples and squeezing her deliciously soft tits. I leaned in, licking my tongue slowly over each nipple, enjoying the soft groans they pulled from deep within Nadia.

"While this is nice, and all, very nice actually if you keep doing that, Ryan, this I was hoping you were a little more ambitious than second base," Nadia said.

"I can be ambitious," I said.

"I was hoping you'd say that," she said, sliding out of her pants and panties, now completely naked before me on the couch. I could smell the sex from her swollen, moist pussy even from here, the intoxicating aroma pushing me forward as I slid first out of my pants, then out of my underwear, letting my thick, ten-inch cock out for Nadia to see.

"Seems like my sources were accurate," she said in a low, awed voice, running a single finger along the bead of precum on the tip, smearing it around the head and jacking slowly. Her hand could barely fit all the way around, and she giggled softly to herself as she slowly jacked me in long strokes, expertly coaxing out more and more precum until I was slick.

Returning the favor, I reached over and started fingering her steaming cunt with two fingers, running one along the edges while curling the other inside, pulling out another hiss and a low moan from her.

"That's it, that's it, just like that, yeah, you got it, right there, right there," she whispered, her words coming more quickly the more I fingered her.

The way she expertly jacked my cock, I wasn't all that far off from where she was. "You sure, oh god, are you sure you don't get out much?"

Opening her eyes, Nadia grinned. "Just because I don't get out much doesn't mean I don't know my way around a cock."

"I wasn't saying tha-"

Before I could finish, Nadia bent over, pulling my fingers from her cunt and eagerly licking the underside of my cock. I moaned at the touch of her tongue as she licked from the bottom of my head, down the shaft, all the way to my balls. Every move was calculated and well considered, perfectly fitting her personality. At least, this is what I thought until she started sucking on my balls.

"Oh, fuck, wow, oh god," I said, reeling at the way she gently sucked and licked my large balls. She applied just enough force to drive me wild, but not enough to cause me pain. At least, not more than a slightly exquisite pain that made my toes curl.

"Okay, I'm not complaining, I swear, oh fuck, oh fuck," I said.

Nadia let my balls go, slowly kissing her way up the shaft. "Now I know you've been working your way through the cheerleaders, but let me tell you, they aren't the only ones at this school that need cock. The nerds, the outcasts, the misfits and oddballs, we'd all like a piece of this too. Open your horizons, and you'll get laid in more inventive ways than anything those popular girls have to offer."

"Sounds, oh fuck, sounds great," I said.

"Good," she responded, inhaling most of my cock in one long suck, then getting the rest down in her second bob. Nadia's oral skills were second to none, her blowjob the kind of clinical perfection that I would've expected from her as she bobbed her head up and down, taking more than half of my cock in with each bob before rocking back to the head, swirling her tongue around it and going back for more. Her juicy lips felt heavenly around my cock, and just for an instant, I got lost in it and fell on my back onto the couch.

I should've known something was up the way she was shifting around, but the way my cock never left her mouth, I wasn't aware of what was going on until she swung one of her legs around my chest, and her pussy began to drop down over my face. For all that I'd done with the other girls, I only now realized that I hadn't yet 69'd with any of them yet; I'd gotten close with Kaitlyn our first time out, but nothing like this.

Since it seemed I was all about new experiences these days, I dove in enthusiastically, grabbing Nadia's round ass and pulling her pussy down to my face, diving in and eating her out with gusto. I soon found that I liked 69ing.

Really liked 69ing, actually.

Though it was harder to focus on my own cock while we were like this, and my neck was at an awkward angle, there was a certain intimacy to it that I really liked. We were completely focused on each other's pleasure, her sucking my cock, me eating her pussy, intertwined and getting off knowing we were getting the other off.

If that weren't enough, that Nadia's pussy was perfection didn't hurt either. Her long, spread wide lips were practically soaked already when I first started digging in, licking and probing deeper and deeper, following her moans so I could find her most sensitive spots and then going in for more. Sucking on her clit practically made her squeal, so it goes without saying that I kept focusing on that, flicking it with my tongue, gently running my teeth along it, driving her into a frenzy where she attacked my cock more energetically with her mouth.

Looking up and seeing her flexing her cheeks, a tight little asshole winking up at me, I took a chance off the read I'd gotten off of her, first moistening one of my fingers by shoving it deep into her pussy, then pressing it up against her asshole. It slipped inside with only slight resistance, a deep moan escaping her core as her ass flexed, almost pulling my finger in deeper.

Letting my cock go with a wet pop, Nadia said, "You figured that out quick, didn't you?"

"What?" I asked, though coming from pressed between her thighs it probably sounded more like "WHFMPH?"

She squeezed my finger with her asshole. "That all us uptight girls really love it in our asses."

I hadn't figured that out, but I was glad for the confirmation, pressing my finger in and twisting it even harder, which made her suck my cock with more ferocity.

We probably could've kept going like this for a while if it hadn't been for the faint white light in the corner of the room. I saw it before Nadia did, the girl in the black coat, heavy boots and short skirt working at one of the photographic machines. As if sensing that I could see her, she turned to me, smiling amusedly. With pale skin, numerous piercings in her ears and one in her nose, choppy black hair and heavy makeup around the eyes, it could only be Josie Wong, Regan Hills High School's resident goth princess.

"Uh," I muttered, loud enough to get Nadia's attention. She turned her head to face Josie.

"Hey, Nadia," Josie said casually.

"Hey, Josie," Nadia said with equal casualness. How they could both be so casual either told me a lot about them, or a lot of what went on in this room. Maybe both.

Nadia continued, "First, I didn't say you should stop eating my pussy and fingering my ass, Ryan. Keep going, because you're doing a great job so far and I'm really looking forward to cumming. Josie and me have some business to attend to, I'll make it swift."

Confused but not wanting to disappoint, I continued eating and fingering Nadia while she stroked my cock and talked to Josie.

"Now, Josie?" Nadia asked.

"Yeah?" Josie replied, not looking away from her machine.

"Did I, oh fuck, yeah, did I or did I not put the 'Do Not Disturb' signal outside this room?" Nadia said, moaning softly.

"You did," Josie confirmed.

"I did. And here you are," Nadia replied.

"My negatives just finished drying and I wanted to check them out on the enlarger before I headed home. I thought I could get in and out quick-like," Josie said.

"And yet, here we are," Nadia said. The way she could handle a meeting this casually while I was sincerely giving her my best was strange, and made me wonder how exactly working alongside her would go.

"So, you caught me; it's not like this is the worst thing either of us has walked in on the other doing," Josie said.

"Truth," Nadia admitted, giving me much more of a picture of the debauchery this room had seen than I was expecting.

"Who's that between your legs, and is that thing between his real?" Josie asked.

"This is Ryan Collins, you know him, right?" Nadia said.

"Yeah, we take English together," Josie said, waving to me. "Hey, Ryan."

"He's the newest writer on the paper, and, yes, that's real," Nadia said, kissing the tip of my cock.

"Bitchin'," Josie said. "Look, I'll be quick, and then I'll be out of your hair."

"Don't hurry on our account," Nadia said. I could've said something right then, but I was so wrapped up in the strangeness that I just decided it was best to keep eating her pussy and fingerfucking her ass more enthusiastically, enjoying the way she squealed.

"I won't, I got shit to do, places to go, people to kill and all that, but if you're offering, I wouldn't mind watching for a little bit. I'd love to see what that could do, maybe cum once or twice before leaving," Josie said.

"Well, having been on the receiving end of your voyeuristic tendencies before, I don't mind. Ryan, what do you think? Would you mind an audience?" Nadia asked.

I looked over at Josie. Though she wasn't fully my type, there was something in her gothic trashiness that appealed. Maybe it was the way her low-cut tank top showed off her D-cup tits so nicely, or that her leather skirt made her ass look so perfect. Maybe it was just the way she bit her lip as she looked at us, her face one of pure lust even in her attempt at a look of dull detachment.