Senior Year Memories Ch. 09


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Me: Let me get back to you? I've got a "date."

Josie: Good luck.

Josie: Break a leg.

Josie: P.s. you're a little bitch.

Smiling, I pocketed my phone. Even if my Saturday with Rose turned out to be a bust, I could always hang out with Josie afterward. Or Brooke. Or Kaitlyn. It felt nice to have options, even if not every option was the way you wanted it to be.

Like Tori.

It'd been a while since I'd hung out with Tori outside of school or Puma Press meetings. I wanted to believe that that was only because we'd both been really busy lately, but I knew that wasn't entirely it. I knew things were strange because of what'd happened right after Homecoming, because we'd had sex, because I'd told her that I loved her. She didn't reciprocate, said she wanted things to be uncomplicated between us. I said I respected that even if I didn't fully believe it, but ever since then, uncomplicated started feeling awfully complicated and we'd started to drift apart.

I didn't want to drift apart from Tori. Even if she didn't want to love me back the way I loved her, she was still my best friend for most of my life, and I didn't want to lose that.

I looked up and saw that I was outside of Marsters' Secondhand Books, where I was supposed to meet up with Rose. Still surprisingly nervous, I thought of one last way that I could stall for time and sent a quick text to Tori.

Me: Wanna hang out soon? Feels like it's been forever.

Unlike Josie, I didn't get a response from Tori right away. This was annoying, since I'd have liked to stall just a little bit longer, but knowing that I was already late, I sucked it up and entered the store.

Marsters' was a small, cramped store that had that wonderful smell of old books that I could've lived for and a slight air of trendy pomposity that made me almost wary of the place. While half of the store was taken up by a maze of tightly packed bookshelves, the other half was taken up by a cramped and overpriced little coffee shop. In the back is a twisting, wrought iron staircase leading to the second floor, which in addition to holding more used books had reading rooms and alcoves where people could play from a variety of used board games. Between the bookshelves that didn't seem to put their books in anything resembling alphabetical order and all the signs in the place being chalkboards clearly designed to be posted to Instagram, it was a strange mix of the familiar and alien, of things I wished to avoid and things I wished to embrace.

Sometimes, though, things found a way of embracing me. Like the pair of arms around my neck, for instance.

"Hello, Ryan Collins," a husky voice whispered in my ear, before a pair of lips pressed against the back of my neck.

When the arms let go of me, I got to turn around and take in 18-year-old Rose Ferris in all of her glory.

At about 5'8" with an athletic build, lightly tanned skin, wavy blonde hair that fell about her shoulders, C-cup tits and an ass to kill for, it wasn't that hard to see how Rose used to be a cheerleader. Her face was cute but held a world-weary look of cynicism only bolstered by her confident and bright smile that gave her a wise beyond her years look that I rather liked. The way she dressed, I could see why Brooke in all of her hot pink glory would have thought Rose crazy since her style was eclectic. She wore a brown t-shirt for a band I'd never heard of underneath a light crocheted poncho that barely would've worked as a net and her forearms were covered by elbow-length, black and white striped fingerless gloves. Her jeans were so distressed they could barely be called pants. Her hair snuck out from under a black fedora, with three streaks of bright blue dye cutting into her platinum blonde hair, while her mischievous green eyes looked over the edge of a pair of one size too-large but not terribly dark sunglasses.

Her look may have been eclectic, but there was no denying she was hot. Not with that hungry look she gave me, at least.

"Hello, Rose Ferris," I returned. "I didn't know we were on a hugging basis."

"Oh, please, with what we're gonna be doing today, you're squeamish about a little hugging?" Rose chided.

How much had Kaitlyn told her? "What are we gonna be doing today?"

Playfully, Rose softly punches my shoulders. "Oh, we're gonna drink some coffee, play some games, do some shopping, some fucking, standard stuff, you know?"

If I'd heard this only a couple months ago, I'd have probably done a double take then and there. Her casual confidence with saying this was almost enough to still get that kind of response from me, but I held back.

"Sounds like an interesting day," I said, trying to come off with even a fraction of her casual confidence and failing miserably.

"I was hoping you'd say... something like that. Come on," Rose said, grabbing me by the wrist and guiding me toward the back of the store. After waiting first to let someone come down, I followed her up the wrought iron spiral staircase to the second floor. Truthfully, though awkward to climb, I rather liked the spiral staircase, as it gave me a good chance to really look at Rose. Her ass had a nice flare to it that took everything in my power not to grab right here, and though I'd been with girls who'd had bigger tits, looking up at her breasts from below let me know they were nothing to sneeze at. At one point, she looked down at me and smiled wickedly.

"Just so you know," Rose said as we ascended, "I've already agreed to help Nadia out, so you don't have to do anything today that you don't want to."

Well, that was convenient.

"And if I do want to?" I asked.

"Then we keep going," she instructed.

Once at the top, she led me through the tighter, even more winding maze of the second floor's bookshelves before stopping at a dark little out of the way alcove that looked like it'd once been a booth stolen from a restaurant. A single bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling lit the table between the two bench seats, illuminating a board game that'd already been set up.

"You ever play Scythe?" Rose asked.

"No," I admitted.

"Well, after you're done fingering me, we should play; it's pretty great," Rose said.

"Well, I- wait, what?" I said. She slid into one of the benches and beckoned me to follow her. Curious, if a bit confused, I did as I was told.

With timing that couldn't have been better, the moment I'd fully sat down, a barista from the coffee shop downstairs came up with a tray. If I'd noticed who it was right away, I probably would've yelped, but I was too far gone by that point and was only able to look up in silent horror as I realized it was Mallory Dourif. Seeing her dressed in the uniform of the coffee shop downstairs didn't make her any less beautiful, with her kind, delicate features and shaved head, though the way her eyes went wide when she saw me filled me with an unexpected fear.

"Hey," she said to me, her voice a little too high.

"Hey," I responded.

"Hey," Rose said, cool as a cucumber, though still looking at Mallory and me with amusement. "Drinks?"

"Oh, uh, right," Mallory said, setting a large cup of coffee topped with whipped cream in front of Rose, and a canned energy drink in front of me.

"I ordered for ya, hope you don't mind. Kaitlyn said you were into energy drinks, right?" Rose said.

"Yeah," I said, eyes flicking from Mallory to Rose.

"I didn't expect to see you here," Mallory said, her eyes telling me more that she didn't expect to see me here with Rose.

"I didn't know you worked here," I explained.

"Ooh, drama, I love drama," Rose said, smiling and taking a sip from her coffee. "Exquisite work, thanks, Mal."

"Don't mention it," Mallory said. She didn't look jealous, but did look something awfully close to it. "So... I see Nadia's sent Ryan to coax you into helping out with the Halloween Scream too?"

Rose laughed, taking another sip. "If she were half as Machiavellian as she thinks she is, yes, but she's not. If it'd just been simple as her siccing Ryan's cock on me, I'd have been curious but I'd have turned her down. Lucky for her, though, I love sticking it to those drama club assholes, and I've had my eye on Ryan, or at least certain parts of him, since he came on the market earlier this year. No, I'm not here for a sales pitch or even a wooing, but just for some good and proper fun. Can I surmise by the way you're looking at us there that he's as fun as multiple reliable sources have informed me?"

The plainness with which Rose talked was almost a shock to the system, and I could've sworn I'd died right then and there if Mallory were half as surprised as I was. Thank god, though, she wasn't. She mulled over what Rose had said then nodded softly.

"You've heard correctly," Mallory admitted.

"Fantastic," Rose said, slipping a five dollar bill across the table for Mallory. Mallory eyed the bill, took it, then slid it into her apron's pocket.

Mallory looked us up and down, smiled, and started away, then stepped back. "Look... if you're gonna do anything here, and I'm not saying you should, just keep it down and don't make too much of a mess, okay? They'll make me clean it up."

"We won't do anything," I said.

"I never said that, but we'll be discrete," Rose said, which only made my eyes grow wider.

Mallory rolled her eyes. "Just don't get me fired, okay?"

"We won't," I said.

"And Ryan?" Mallory said, walking away.

"Yeah?" I asked.

Looking over her shoulder and cocking her hip, she said, "When you're ready to have some real fun, you know where to find me."

Though I couldn't see her smiling, I knew she must've had a smug as hell look on her face as she sauntered away.

Rose's smile, however, I could see.

"So, you and Mallory, huh? Not bad," Rose said.

"Thank you," I said, trying not to feel embarrassed and finding it a challenge. Rose was just so cool, so relaxed, I wanted to match that energy so I could keep up with her, but it was hard when she was talking about doing something here. Especially when we were so close in the booth, so close I could practically feel her warmth at a distance.

"You've really been making the rounds? A proper slut. I like proper sluts; they usually know what they're doing. You do know what you're doing, right?" Rose asked.

"I've never heard any complaints," I boasted coolly.

"You may have never heard any complaints, but this doesn't mean there aren't any," she challenged.

Rose was riling me up, that cocky, confident smile never leaving her lips. I wanted to wipe that smile off her face. I wanted to know what those lips were capable of doing. I slid in closer, placing a hand on her thigh and leaning in to whisper in her ear.

"Well, for starters, I've eaten the pussy of every girl I've ever been with until she came on my face screaming, and that's before I went in for a second helping. Because I will do whatever it takes to drive you wild, to put you at the peaks of pleasure and then push you over the fucking edge, to make you come back for more panting and begging until you've had my mouth, my fingers, my cock... Because once I've filled you with cum, I'll be ready for more in no time. That is, of course, if you can keep up with me," I said.

I was impressed; I didn't stumble over that half-assed speech even once and at least half of it was the truth. Rose seemed impressed too.

"Strong words, but can you back them up with more than just words?" Rose challenged.

I leaned in, kissing her. Her lips were so soft, soft and exciting. She kissed me back enthusiastically, smiling when we parted.

Rose said, "Good start, but I was thinking of something a little more..."

Grabbing the hand I'd placed on her thigh, she guided it up above the edge of her pants. Quickly, she undid her belt, the button on her pants and pulled down the zipper. Eagerly, she slid my hand beneath her panties, pressing my fingers against her dripping slit.

"...vigorous?" I suggested, rubbing two fingers against her clit.

"I like your word choice," she whispered, her voice breathy and excited. Her voice wasn't the only part of her that was excited; her pussy was sopping wet.

"You're excited," I noted, fingering her more intensely. She bit her lip, grabbing the table to hold herself back.

"I've been waiting for a while. You were late, so I nearly got myself started, but I said, 'Rose, hold off, Kaitlyn promised you a good time, she promised she got this one nice and ready for you,' so I waited patiently, but I'm not waiting anymore," Rose said, barely able to hold back a moan.

"Kaitlyn does like to think she taught me everything I know, but I've had a few good teachers," I said. She leaned over and kissed me, reaching across so she could stroke my rock hard cock through my pants.

"With a cock like this, I can imagine," Rose said. She bit her lip to hold through another squeal as I continued fingering her, reaching down and slipping my middle finger easily inside of her.

Rose writhed in her seat, rubbing more of herself against my hand as I inserted my index finger into her as well, fucking into her harder and harder with my fingers and building up a real rhythm. Desperately, she pulled off one of her gloves, then reached down to undo my belt, button and zipper, fishing all ten inches of my thick, hard cock out under the table.

"Oh fuck, what I'm gonna do with this," she grunted softly as she began jacking my cock. I didn't have the head start that she did, but it didn't take long for her to get the precum flowing, not with her skilled touch. She really knew how to work my cock, and it took everything I had not to loudly moan in the quiet bookstore. That nobody had seen or heard what we were doing yet felt like a minor miracle.

"What are you gonna, fuck, do with it?" I whispered.

"Not sure, yet," Rose hissed. "I'm what you might call a cum connoisseur, so I was thinking I'd see, shit, right there, you got it, I was thinking... I was thinking I'd see how much of it I could swallow, but something tells me, a cock this big, I wouldn't be able to get it all down. I'd try, but I'd probably fail, wouldn't I?"

"I don't think anyone's swallowed all my cum yet," I admitted, my voice barely a whisper from the pleasure she was giving me.

"Not that you, right there, yes... not that you'd have a problem with it getting everywhere, not with that album you're collecting?" Rose said.

I was impressed that we were able to hold nearly this coherent a conversation while we pleasured each other, but I got the impression that we were both pretty good at this. "Kaitlyn told you everything, didn't she?"

"Maybe not all the gory details, but enough that I know I want you to eat my pussy almost as much as I want this coooooooooooooooooock, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Rose said, her pussy shuddering and spasming against my hand as my fingers were coated with a gush of juices. I could tell she wanted to cry out and scream, but she bit her lip so hard I thought it might draw blood, keeping the scream at bay. With how powerful it was, I felt rather grateful that she hadn't torn my cock off.

I was really hoping to use it in the near future.

I let up with my fingering, slightly, but I didn't take my hand from her pussy. Not until her breathing normalized, not until she pulled my hand out and sucked and licked my fingers and palm, licking all of her juices free while she jacked my cock.

"You're bad," I said.

"I know," Rose replied. "Lemme guess, Kaitlyn told you that I was a slut, but not a big a slut as her?"

"Something like that," I grunted, feeling the cum boiling in my balls. The way she was going, I wouldn't have much longer before I'd paint the underside of this table with cum.

"You know she said that because she's jealous, right?" Rose whispered, leaning in close as she picked up speed with her jacking. Licking up the side of my neck, she spoke up just enough that I could hear that husky, sexy voice of hers in all its glory. "We're friends. Really good friends, if you get my meaning, but she's always been jealous of how much more a proper fucking slut I am than her. About how much more I know, about how, even though I've got smaller tits and don't toss the pom poms in the air anymore, I can still drive guys wild in a way she'll never understand. About how I can make a guy cum with just a word, and the lightest touch."

Demonstrating this point, she let off the pressure on my ready to fire cock, rubbing it with only the lightest touch of her fingertips. "What do you say, Ryan Collins? You wanna cum for me?"

I nodded, softly, achingly wanting this more than I'd ever wanted anything in my life before.

"Then cum for me, Ryan Collins. Let it all out and fucking cum for me!" Rose whispered urgently. Her voice was soft and sultry, a faint hint of a growl from her naturally husky tone slipping in. It was her handjob that got me started, but it was that damn sweet voice of hers that set me off.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" I whispered, not wanting to make a mess but not seeing how one was possible to avoid.

Rose saw this, tilting my cock upwards and bending over, taking the head between her lips as I fired shot after shot of cum down her throat. Enthusiastically she tried to swallow every drop, but with what I was shooting off and how full her mouth already was with cock, it wasn't long before her cheeks bulged out and she almost began choking. I was lost to the pleasure at this point, and it wasn't like I could tell my cock to stop firing cum, but it was impressive how she kept trying well past the point I'd have expected her to give up.

When I was finally finished, and Rose slurped and swallowed as much as she could, she got up, giving my cockhead one last quick kiss and swirling her tongue over it so I wouldn't forget. She'd gotten almost all of my cum down, but there was a small trickle down her chin. Quickly, she wiped it up with her ungloved hand, licked it up, and smiled at me cutely.

"So, that was pretty fun," she said.

"Uh, yeah," I said, still coming down from my orgasm. Suddenly fearful that someone might walk by at a moment's notice, I forced my cock (still pretty hard) with some difficulty into my pants, while still cool as a cucumber, Rose put herself back together like nothing had happened at all, casually taking a sip of her coffee.

"So, uh, what do we do now?" I asked.

"Well, I meant what I said about my plans for the day. You don't have to stay if you don't want to, but if you're good to hang out, play some board games, and do some shopping, I wouldn't mind ending things by going somewhere where you can make me scream, because I am a fairly notorious screamer. If you're up for it," Rose said.

I would've answered her in an instant if it weren't for the buzzing in my pocket. New text message. I told myself I'd ignore it, give her an answer, but at the same time it could be important.

"One sec," I said, checking the text.

"Take your time, I got coffee," Rose mused, taking a long, luxuriant sip. "It's not quite cum, but it's got its charms."

I laughed, finally unlocking my phone and checking the new message.

Tori: I'm down to hang. Doin anything right now?

"Shit," I muttered.

"Bad news?" Rose asked.

"No, just..."

What was it just?


Poorly timed?

I really did want to hang out with Tori, because it had been such a long time, but things were just starting to get interesting with Rose. I didn't have to spend this time with her because Nadia wanted me to, that mission was accomplished before I got here, but I wanted to. It wasn't even the promise of sex that did it, but something weirdly magnetic about her. I wanted to be around her. I wanted to get to know her some more. And, yeah, I really did want to fuck her, too.

It was a tough call, which is why I had a hard time sending the next text.