Senior Year Memories Ch. 18


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After the week and change I'd had after Thanksgiving, I wasn't looking forward to any more surprises, especially from someone I relied on as much as I relied on Josie, so I texted her back with some urgency.

Me: Mad about what?

Josie: You know how you've been having a hard time lately?

I laughed, shaking my head slightly at her understatement.

Me: Kinda hard to ignore.

Josie: Well, I've really wanted to help you deal with your shit

Josie: But it seems that no matter what I do I can only help so much

"Please don't let this be a break-up, please don't let this be a break-up, please don't let this be a break-up," I muttered quickly as I texted her back.

Me: I'm working it out, really. I mean it. I'm sorry if I haven't gotten better fast enough but you've been a ton of help

Me: Please don't leave me alone

Josie took a lot longer than I would've wanted before she replied.

Josie: Hahaha

This wasn't exactly the response I was hoping for.

Josie: You're gonna have to try a whole lot harder to push me away if you want me gone, Ryan

Josie: No, what I was getting at was that I'm at the end of my rope for thinking on ideas to help you out, so I had to think outside the box

Josie: So I got you something

Me: A present?

I meant it as a joke, but even if the answer was no, I was touched that she'd thought about me enough to get me something to try and cheer me up. I didn't think long or hard enough for the types of gifts that Josie might get me, even though I probably should have.

Josie: Something like that.

Josie: Something that's helped me out and figure shit out when my head's a mess

Josie: Just promise me you won't be mad

Me: Kind of a hard thing to promise when I don't know shit about it

Josie: Point

A thought hit me.

Me: It's not...?

Josie: It's not drugs. But you'll like it.

Me: You sound confident

Josie: I think I'm learning what you like. This might be different from what you're used to, but I think you'll like it.

Josie was a fan of the macabre and the dark, so I had a few images forming over the kind of gift she might get me.

"This might be different from what you're used to."

That phrase had me curious. A little afraid, but more curious than afraid.

Me: Whatever it is, thanks. For the thought if nothing else.

Josie: Don't worry about it.

Me: So when should I expect this glorious and wonderful gift that's going to maybe help me sort out my messy head?

Josie: All in good time.

Josie: Soon, though, if that helps.

Me: Tease.

Josie: Bitch :P

Me: Seriously, though, thank you, for everything.

Josie: Don't worry about it.

My fingers hovered over the characters longer than I expected. I knew what I wanted to say next, but knowing that I wanted to say the words and actually saying them were two completely different things. It took a lot of nervous effort, but finally I got them out.

Me: I love you.

I watched the screen for a long while, waiting for a text bubble to appear. My heart was pounding so heavily in my chest and my focus was so intently on the phone that the entire world might've disappeared around me and I wouldn't have noticed. The absence of a text bubble was soon replaced by one with "..." in it as she wrote something out, only for it to quickly disappear. "..." appeared again, only to be followed with a quick, simple text.

Josie: I love you too.

My heart soared, and for all the hell I was stuck in right now, I cheered and danced like an idiot on the sidewalk.

Josie Wong loved me! I loved Josie Wong!

I may have irreparably fucked things up with Tori, but Josie and I loved each other. That was definitely something worth cheering up over.

Josie: That was easier to say than I thought it would be.

Me: Ditto.

Josie: Cool. Sounds good. Right.

Me: I like good. I like right.

Josie: Good.

Me: Right?

Josie: Bitch :P Seriously, gotta bounce for now. Get home safe

I looked up to see that during the course of our conversation I'd almost managed to make it all the way home. How long had I been walking?

Me: That shouldn't be a problem.

Josie: Good

Josie: Also? Don't be mad.

Me: I make no promises.

Josie: Yup, you're still a bitch

Me: Love you too

Josie ended the conversation with an uncharacteristic kissy emoji, and though I'd normally give her shit for something like that, right now I had the warmest feeling in my chest I just couldn't ignore.

Not everything was right with the world, not by a long shot, but it wasn't all wrong either. If Josie and I could figure out some of our issues and finally stop dancing around what we meant to each other now, who knew what else could be fixed?


I put my bike in the garage quietly and worked my way around the house stealthily. For all the background noise, the proposition of a stealthy entrance to my house would've almost felt like a joke, but it was one I took seriously.

It's not that I didn't want to go to the Martinez's going away party, it was more that I didn't want to go to the party today. They'd been our neighbors since I was little and had a good hand in raising me when Dad was out of town when I was younger, but they were getting on in years and meant to retire down with one of their kids down in Santa Barbara. It would be the end of an era, and one more thing to be slightly sad about these days, which was probably the reason I ducked away from them rather than join the party. Mr. Martinez had invited me, and I'd said I'd go, but even riding high after the exchange Josie and I just had, I wasn't ready to be this happy around this many people.

Convinced that one of them would catch me at any moment and drag me over to a party I was too polite to bow out of if they'd actually grabbed me, I was honestly impressed that I made it inside without getting caught. Tired from a long day and a long walk, I left my shoes and my backpack by the door and plodded on over to my room, looking to get in an hour or two of gaming before I got to doing my homework.

That I actually got a few steps into my room before I noticed the naked girl sitting on my bed tells you how truly distracted I was.

"Hi, Ryan," she said, her voice a playful, sexy purr.

In response, I screamed. Not at the sight of a naked girl in my bed, no, that was actually quite nice, but at the fact that there was someone in my house who ought not to have been there.

"Well, hello to you too!" she said, crossing her arms beneath her beautiful and huge breasts and turning her face into a mock pout.

I took her in slowly, my brain processing a single element at a time as this stranger came into focus. First that she was here. Then that she was naked. Then that she was utterly gorgeous, with a figure that was at once curvy and lean, with toned arms and stomach, tits that had to be about a solid DDD, and though it was mostly covered by the blanket that hid her legs, I knew she had a magnificently round ass. Her skin was a soft caramel color, her wide, pointed nipples a few shades darker. Her face was pretty, with full, moist lips curled into an amused smile, deep brown eyes that positively sparkled, and long, silky black hair tied back in her trademark ponytail.

I'd known the 18-year-old Latina cheerleader, Jade Alvarez, was looking for some alone time with me ever since Brooke introduced me to her in November, but I honestly hadn't expected her right this moment.

The puzzle pieces fell together slowly, but the picture they formed confused me more and more the more I considered it.

Finally, rather than staring slack-jawed at her beautiful, naked glory, I said, "So, Josie sent you?"

"Not quite," the voice behind me said.

If I screamed loudly when I saw Jade in my bed, when I heard the voice hiding behind me I must've nearly jumped out of my fucking skin. I whirled around to see who this new intruder was, and was greeted by a figure that was at once familiar and foreign at the same time.

While Jade was short and curvy with soft brown skin, this girl was her polar opposite, tall, willowy and pale, with dirty blonde hair held up in a tight, severe bun. While Jade was naked, this girl was rocking some pretty high end fetish wear (by my limited estimation), with a tight leather corset that made her C-cup tits look even larger, wrist-length fingerless leather gloves, a choker, and a thong, all black, all glossy. Her fishnet stockings and high heels showed off how remarkably tight her legs and ass were. Her normally plain, smiling face had taken on a confident severity that made her surprisingly hot, especially with her ruby red lips held in an almost snarling sneer and her now glasses-free eyes boring into me.

"Hope?" I asked.

"When I'm dressed like this, it's Mistress Hope," 18-year-old Hope Harris said to me, very little trace of her usual good humor in her voice, though a slight smile did curl at the edge of her lips.

My heartbeat had slowed enough that I was able to finally begin processing and sorting through everything that had just happened. Though there were a million questions I ought to have asked, one seemed paramount above all others.

"Okay, seriously, what the fuck is actually going on here?" I asked.

Jade laughed. "So, it's kind of a funny story."

"If I weren't in character, I'd agree," Hope confirmed, closing the door to my bedroom behind me.

"In character?" I asked.

"She's been like this since I got here, I'd say it's best to just roll with it," Jade said.

"I'm going back to asking what the fuck is going on," I said.

"Josie was worried about you. Her usual attempts at helping relieve your stress weren't having their typical, desired effect, so she wanted to try a different tactic. Since I've wanted you for some time now, and have used my unconventional skill set in the past to help Josie and others clear their heads, we both felt that sending me over to help might prove a wise idea. Incidentally, your hide-a-key isn't very well hidden, you should probably get on that," Hope said, walking up to me, trailing her fingers up my side.

"I know, right?" Jade agreed.

I was still trying to understand this new Hope I was seeing. I was so used to her being a deeply flighty, scatterbrained band geek that I didn't really know she had this in her. I mean, yeah, I knew that the band geeks were supposed to be pretty kinky behind the scenes, but I never expected her to be able to turn this level of confidence on so easily.

"And mine's pretty similar, so I'll keep it short, but Brooke's been feeling bad for you and that she couldn't be here to help with you since she's been... well, busy with her own thing lately, and I've wanted to see what your cock could do ever since Kaitlyn started bragging to everyone who'd listen. I really like helping people who're having a hard time, and I really like big cocks, so, it kinda felt like kismet, really, that I ought to be here to help you out," Jade said.

"Right up until she walked in on me getting dressed in here," Hope said, continuing to stroke my side.

"Well, yeah, there was that. I screamed," Jade said.

"I screamed," Hope admitted.

Jade said, "But since you ran so late-"

"I... had to finish an article at the Puma Press," I said, lamely.

"It doesn't matter why you were late, what matters is that it was a good thing, since if you were on time, we'd have never got to talking like we did," Jade said.

"And because we talked, we found out we were here with the same intentions," Hope said.

"It felt like fate," Jade said.

"It felt like an impressive coincidence," Hope said.

It felt like a contrivance from a lazy writer, but I wasn't going to say that out loud.

"It was an interesting talk, since I don't know if you've heard, but cheerleaders and marching band don't exactly get along," Jade explained.

"If you guys would just give color guard a little more respect..." Hope grumbled.

"Not helping, hon'," Jade said. Hope continued to grumble, but didn't say anything. Jade continued, "I wanted to kick her out, because I really wanted to do something nice and sweet and slutty for you because I hear you've been having a really sucky time lately, and no one who's spread as much joy around the school as you should be having that kind of a sucky time."

"But I was here first, and I wanted to kick her out because I wanted to do something nice and kinky for you to help you release all that stress you've got pent up lately. And because I get off on dominating people, so we'd really be helping each other out if I'm being honest," Hope said.

"So we argued, and we fought, but then we kept talking, and, well, wouldn't you know it, we found out we had a lot in common," Jade said.

"We both like helping people, and truly filthy sex. And, If I'm being honest, Jade's not nearly as bad at conversation as you'd expect a cheerleader slut to be," Hope said.

"Awww, thanks!" Jade said, blowing Hope a playful kiss.

I stood there, listening to all of this as Hope continued circling me like a predatory animal, her fingers exploring seemingly every inch of my chest and stomach while she attempted to look like she was paying me no attention. For the sheer eroticism of talking to this leather-clad seductress and the naked and busty cheerleader in my bed, I was rock hard. It was difficult standing still for what my cock demanded of the situation.

"So, after some discussion, and the realization that we both came here with similarly benevolent intentions, we came to an accord," Hope said.

"If you want us both to leave, we'd completely understand that, because who wants two people breaking into their house unannounced, even if it's for some unbelievably hot sex? But, and this is where it gets really fun, if you don't want us to leave, either of us can stay because we'd both still really love to fuck you. If I'm to make a case for myself, well, look at me. I've got tits that have changed men's lives and an ass one of my ex's actually wrote a song about (not a very good song, but, still something I like boasting about). You've been with enough cheerleaders to know what we're all capable of, and believe me when I say I can blow them all out of the water, literally. I love sucking cock, and if you promise to eat my pussy as good as I've heard you can, I'll let you do anything you want but show you why the boys all call me the cocksucking queen," Jade said, licking those luscious, full lips of hers.

"She makes a good case," Hope said. "But I can make a better one. I don't have the goods she does, but I know more. I can do more. I'm more creative, more energetic, and I can think of kinky shit that she could never dream of. You think you've let go during sex? Wait until I've got you tied down and blindfolded on that bed. I can bring you pleasures and sensations you never knew to be possible. I could unlock your deepest, darkest passions that even you don't know exist. I can melt away your stress and help you greet a new day with a new, better understanding of life and pleasure," Hope said, stopping behind me and speaking directly in my ear, pressing her body against mine.

Sensually, she kissed the side of my neck, then smiled at me.

"So, tell us, Ryan, in the spirit of the holiday season coming up, would you rather have naughty?" Hope said.

"Or nice?" Jade proposed sweetly.

"Or both?" Hope proposed.

"Both?" Jade asked. This was something they clearly hadn't talked about.

"Why not?" Hope continued. "You're hot, I'm hot, we're here for the same reason. Maybe we could all learn something from each other, help each other out today."

Jade considered this for a moment. "I told myself I'd never lower myself to fucking a band geek, but looking at you... yeah, I can definitely make an exception. I'm down for naughty and nice if you are."

"Oh, I'm down," Hope purred. "What about you, Ryan?"

What about me? I was still reeling from the shock of two sexy girls appearing in my room, each of them, as they noted, the very definitions of naughty and nice. This was an insane proposition before me, but an enticing one. It was one I had to consider with great caution, because this wasn't just like casual sex with Josie or Brooke or Kaitlyn, these were two new people, both of whom had their own connections that I needed to consider, both of whom had hearts I didn't mean to break, both of whom...

Both of whom knew what they were getting into and knew what they wanted, every bit as much as they must have known that this would be something I'd want too.

"With everything I've been through lately, I could go for a little naughty and a little nice," I said.

"Good," Hope said. Grabbing a handful of my hair, she pulled my head back so she could lock a forceful kiss on my lips. I'd kissed plenty of women in this past year and had some fairly energetic (and creative) sex, but this kiss promised something more than I was used to, maybe more than I was ready for. As much as it intimidated me, it thrilled me to no end.

With surprising strength for her willowy body, Hope let me go and ripped my shirt off in one fluid motion, pushing me down onto my bed face first. Before I knew what had even hit me, she grabbed me by the legs and rolled me over onto my back, working at getting my pants off. I'd have helped her if I thought she'd let me, but since I didn't think she would I just let her have at them.

It was an interesting side of this goofy, weird band girl I'd gotten to know some over the last few months through the Puma Press and her friendship with Josie, and one I was definitely willing to entertain.

I'd gotten so lost in what Hope was doing to me that I barely even noticed the busty Latina crawling down beside me. However, it's hard to ignore someone as unbelievably hot as Jade Alvarez, especially when she's naked and only mere inches from you. Her lower body no longer covered by my blanket, I saw that she was completely naked. Her long, toned legs led to a patch of thick, dark pubic hair that couldn't hide the beautiful pussy lips beneath, her ass every bit as round and amazing as I'd anticipated. She crawled so her face was level with mine, rolling against me so her breasts pressed into my chest.

"I've heard so many stories about you, it's not even funny," she said, placing a soft kiss on my lips. Her lips were every bit as perfect as they looked, and I found myself wanting to kiss her more. While Hope still fumbled to get me out of my pants, I took those kisses from Jade, gently running my hand up her side until I cupped one of her magnificent breasts.

Jade groaned, softly. "Kaitlyn told me about you first, but I thought it might've been a bad joke. She's pretty good at those, if you haven't figured that out by now."

I kissed her again. "I have."

"I struggled to believe the stories when Brooke told me, but by the time I heard you tamed Haley and fucked Addison at the Homecoming dance, the legend of your giant nerd cock was too much to ignore," she said, leaning over to kiss me again, her tongue quickly darting into my mouth to dance with mine. She tasted good, really good, but I had a sneaking suspicion she tasted even better elsewhere.

Jade continued, "I would've come for you sooner, should've come for you sooner, but between cheerleading and homework and all the work I've been doing down at the shelter, it's been hard to find the time... but that Brooke would call on me for my help on a day when my schedule allowed it, and that Hope would be here to bring her energy, it's like I said..."

"Kismet?" I finished.

"Yeah," Jade said dreamily, kissing me again.

With a final, conclusive pull, Hope yanked my pants off and tossed them by the side of the bed. Without missing a beat, she then took each of my socks off, leaving me in bed wearing only my underwear straining with my rock hard cock.