Senior Year Memories Ch. 20


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"Don't call her that," I said, angry.

"Why not?" Daphne asked.

It was hard holding my anger in check, but it made it easier to deal with Daphne. "Because that 'band bitch' is one of the sweetest, nicest girls in school and gets little but shit from people like you just because she wears glasses and likes different things. Because for some ungodly reason, has a crush on you, and I think you've got something for her too."

"Good one," Daphne said, though again, her heart wasn't fully in it.

"She told me the sorts of things you'd say when you two were together. How you'd drop this superior bullshit and talk like an actual fucking human being instead of a harsh bitch all the time. How you'd open up to her, and tell her your secrets..." I said.

Daphne paused at a door in the hallway, flexing her hand on the handle before opening it up. Flipping the light switch inside, she lit up a room just slightly larger than a big walk-in closet. In it were racks of hanging color guard costumes along one wall, barely covering a wall-sized mirror, while flush against the opposite wall were racks of flags, silks and plastic sabers. At the far end of the room was a small table opposite a comfy-looking chair behind a half-closed curtain, presumably a small changing area for the girls of the color guard. This part of the dimly lit equipment room was also its brightest for the single strand of Christmas lights hung along the ceiling that added some festive cheer.

"Those secrets weren't hers to tell," Daphne said.

"And she didn't tell me everything, nor would I ask her to, but she told me enough so I could hopefully do what I came here to do," I said.

"And what did you come here to do?" Daphne challenged.

I took a breath in, hoping to keep my words even. "Ask you, very, very nicely, if you'd consider dating Hope in a more official capacity than just as a casual hookup. If you'd be Hope's girlfriend."

Daphne looked at me with such scrutiny I might as well have just burst into flame. I must've been crazy for thinking that this would work, but if I could get Hope the girlfriend of her dreams, well, maybe that'd get me somewhere close to thanking her for everything she'd done getting me on the path of my Christmas plan.

Daphne took longer to laugh at me than I'd expected, but laugh she still did.

"Wow, seriously? You're fucking serious? Wow," Daphne laughed. "I mean, the answer's obviously no, but-"

"Why is that so obvious?" I asked.

"Because me being seen dating a band bitch? Besides, if Hope wants this, she should ask me herself, she shouldn't send a... what are you, lackey?" she asked.

"Friend," I clarified.

"A friend who's fucked her," Daphne snorted, as if it were an insult. More and more the mask was slipping, and more and more I was convinced I was onto something with Daphne O'Connell. This wasn't as easy as I'd dreamed of it going, but I still had a few tricks up my sleeve.

"And that's a problem? Does it make you jealous?" I retorted.

"Jealous? God, no, if you nerds wanna fuck, go ahead, fuck, see if I care," Daphne said.

There was a slight break in her arrogance, something I could work with.

While I hadn't set out getting ready to use them, I was ready to bust out the big guns.

I took a couple steps into the room toward her. "What if I did something for you?"

Daphne raised an eyebrow. "What, you want to bribe me to date Hope? That's pretty fucking desperate. And low."

"No, not a bribe," I said, taking another step toward her. "But... consider it a negotiation. I'm offering you something you want but oh so rarely get, and in exchange all I ask of you is to reconsider my request to consider dating Hope, a girl you and I both know you like more than you'd ever admit."

She looked me up and down, considering. "And what is it you have that I oh so desperately want, because big cocks, while certainly rare, are not hard for someone like me to come by."

I stepped even closer to her. If I reached out, I could touch her now, but I wasn't ready for that, not just yet. I knew what I had to say, the words she wanted to hear. I knew everything that Hope told me, but that still didn't make it any easier to say.

"To be truly and utterly... dominated," I said. "You're in control all the time and that drives you nuts, and you just love the occasional opportunity to submit, to not have to worry about anyone or anything else and just give in to your own pleasures. Hope told me this, and if you want... I can deliver."

Daphne raised an eyebrow at me. I hoped that was a good thing.

During our discussion, Hope had gone into a lot of detail about how Daphne had introduced her into bondage and how much Daphne herself rather got off on controlling and dominating the people she was with sexually. Hope's own enthusiasm and interests, however, had allowed her to catch up to Daphne's speed and discover her own dominant side, allowing Daphne something she'd never found with anyone she'd been with: equilibrium. This on its own would have been enough to bring Hope to a place few others had gone with Daphne, but in their equilibrium Daphne began to admit things to Hope she'd never admitted to anyone, including a dream of domination. Hope confided in me that she didn't think she'd be able to, much as she wanted to, but she thought I might stand a chance if push came to shove.

I didn't know where Hope got that impression, because I sure as hell didn't feel like I could be dominant if I had to. I didn't mean to control or demean Daphne, take her down a peg or anything like that, but if it meant making Hope (and, tangentially, Daphne) happy, I was willing to give a little power play a try.

Daphne looked me up and down, considering. Her voice slightly huskier, she challenged me, "You're a nice guy. I can tell. Real nice guys, not these fake nice guys who think complaining about why girls won't touch them is the way to their heart, they got a certain look to them, a look where you can tell who they are and what they will and won't do at a glance. So Hope gave you my silver bullet, bravo, but we both know that you don't have what it takes to dominate me."

Challenging me, she spread her arms wide. "Go ahead. Dominate me. I dare you. I fucking dare you. Show me you got what it takes, bitch, because we both know-"

I closed the distance between us, pressing her against the supply rack with my body and cutting her off, her words suddenly a yelp, then a soft, surprised moan.

"You'd be surprised what I'll do for my friends," I said, kissing her passionately.

Surprise made Daphne slow to return the kiss at first, but once she realized I was dead serious she returned the kiss with gusto, her tongue dancing with mine in what felt like, from her end at least, a battle for dominance and control. I may not have had her level of experience with this kind of battle, but I like to think I didn't give her an inch (not yet, anyway), matching her kiss for kiss, never letting her tongue take control of the situation.

Her body writhed against mine, her legs spread slightly and searching, her groin grinding against mine. When her clothed pussy met my covered cock, I felt her sigh softly against my lips.

She broke our kiss, her voice now arrogant yet shaky. "So you caught me by surprise, and... and they weren't lying about what you're packing. Not one bit. Good for... good for you. You've got a few tricks up your sleeve, I'll give you that, but if you mean to show me a good time, it'll take more than a couple parlor tricks to impress me."

I kissed her again, savagely, then grabbed her hands and held them above her head. "Don't you ever shut up?"

"Only if I'm given a good fucking reason to," she said.

Pinning her hands above her with one hand, I dropped the other under her skirt and between her legs. Roughly I pushed aside the fabric that covered her pussy and touched her steaming slit with my fingers. I was light and gentle, only to test the waters, and found that for her bitching and complaining she was soaking wet and oh so hot.

"Is this a good fucking reason?" I growled, pressing two fingers lightly into her folds. I didn't press them in far, didn't want to give her any satisfaction just yet. This was my time for control, and I knew that she'd love it.

Daphne mewled needily, rocking her hips and trying to pull more of my fingers into her wet folds. I didn't let her, keeping them only slightly inside, enough to drive her wild but not enough to take her to where she needed to go.

"That's an... oh fuck... that's a mean fucking tease is what it is," Daphne spat back, her voice a whiny moan.

"I could do more, if you're nice," I hissed, amazed at how easy it was to play this out of character role with someone as hot as Daphne to inspire me.

"I'm... not... nice..." Daphne grunted, trying to force more of my fingers into her with little success.

"Maybe not yet, but I think you will be. If you've heard of me and you know the stories, then you know I'm more than just a nerd with the biggest cock you've ever seen, you know I'm fucking good at what I do. I've brought women to some of the highest peaks of pleasure with my cock, my fingers, my tongue, all because it's what I love to do. I love pleasuring women more than just about anything in the world, and if you need domination to reach those highest peaks, then I guess I'm just gonna have to dominate you. You know I'll make you cum. You know I'll make you cum hard. I'll make you cum so fucking hard you won't even be able to see straight, let alone walk. I'll make you cum so hard, again and again, that you'll wonder why you never considered Hope Harris' love more seriously in the first place. I'll do all of this, and more, to you on one condition," I growled, pressing my fingers slightly more into her depths, but only just.

"Wh... what...?" Daphne whimpered, her body desperate for pleasure in her gyrations and finding none as I pressed against her.

I only had one word for her. "Beg."

"I... don't... beg..." Daphne moaned defiantly.

"If you don't beg, then you don't cum and I walk right out this door," I challenged, pulling my fingers out of her pussy slightly.

"NO!" she yelped.

"Then you know what you have to do," I said.

Daphne's deep blue eyes bored into me, trying to defeat me and failing utterly. This was a game I was unused to playing and one I wasn't sure how I'd take to in the future, but there was something about the raw bitchiness and how utterly into it she was that excited me like nothing else. She waited for me to break, and she failed, letting out a deep breath in resignation.

"Please... touch my pussy," she whispered.

I wriggled my fingers in her lightly, making her moan. "And?"

"Make me cum. Dominate me. Take me. Do what you want because even though I'm a control freak most of the time, deep down I'm a filthy little slut who loves to surrender control," she said, her words soft and sexy but her mouth curled in a mischievous grin. I'd found my way to get through to Daphne, now to seal the deal.

"Then hold on," I said, pressing her hands into the metal rack above her and curling them so she could get a grip.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because, though they are magnificent, I won't trust your legs for this next part," I said, thrusting my fingers deep into her pussy.

"OH!" she exclaimed, her legs quaking beneath her. Daphne was strong enough that they didn't give out completely, but that didn't mean I didn't hear the metal supply rack groaning under her weight, especially once my thumb found her clit and began running swift, vicious little circles that made her groan deeply.

With her hands now thoroughly occupied, I let them go, dropping my now free hand down to her chest. Her breasts were absolutely magnificent through the tight spandex, and they felt magnificent as I squeezed them. I was less gentle with hers than I was with most, but since she only seemed to get more into it the harder I went at her tits, I went at them with everything I had. Her nipples hardened through the thin fabric, hard as bullets and just about as big beneath the palms of my hands. I grabbed the collar of her uniform, meaning to stretch it down over her tits.

I got a little too into it, I'll admit, for I did intend to pull the collar down a bit, but then managed to rip the spandex down clear past her breasts and expose her massive sports-bra-clad D-cups to me.

Daphne gazed at me, her eyes blazing with lust and fury. She groaned, "You're gonna fucking pay for that."

"That's later," I said, fully in the moment while adding "A New Uniform for Daphne" to my mental Christmas expenses list. I continued, "Now, I've got my fingers buried deep in your fucking cunt, so I don't think we're really in a position for negotiation, are we?"

"You're such an asshole," she groaned as I pulled first one, then both of her magnificent breasts out of her bra. They were every bit as large and luscious as I imagined, with large, flat areolas and thick pink nipples that just begged to be stroked, tweaked and sucked on.

"An asshole who seems to be doing a pretty fucking good job getting you off," I said.

"That doesn't mean you aren't an- OH!" she exclaimed as I ducked down, taking one of her nipples into my mouth, nibbling, licking and sucking on it oh so slightly. She tried to complain, tried to come up with a new argument to shift herself to being in control, but I knew that wasn't how this game was meant to be played. That's why I let her know that I was in charge, curling my fingers inside of her until I found her g-spot and leaving her a soaked, whimpering mess.

Daphne shuddered, barely able to keep herself on her feet as she held onto the supply rack for dear life.

"You're close, aren't you?" I asked.

"Y... ye... Yes... yes..." she whimpered, weakening further as I continued pleasuring her clit and g-spot.

"It wouldn't take much to push you over the edge now, would it?" I asked.

"No... no..." she whined.

"Then you know what I want to hear, don't you?" I asked.

"Please? Please make me cum? I'll do anything you want... please...?" Daphne begged.

I smiled. "Oh, you will do anything I want, and you will cum..."

I pulled my fingers from her pussy. "...but not yet!"

Her eyes blazed at me. She let go of the rack and took a step forward, her face furious.

Daphne raged, "You bastard!"

Undeterred, I thrust my pussy juice soaked fingers into her mouth. In shock, she couldn't help but suck on them.

"You will cum, and it will be amazing because I'm really fucking good at what I do, but it'll be when I say you can, and we're not there yet. No, I'm gonna have a little more fun with you first, but we both know you'll be having most of the fun, won't you?" I said.

Emphatically, she sucked her juices from my finger, as much a gesture of mock defiance as it was a promise for later. Pulling her mouth free, she said, "Maybe."

I pressed toward her again, sandwiching her body between me and the supply rack as I kissed her firmly. The taste of her pussy was still on her lips, and it was definitely one I meant to savor and enjoy later. My eyes drifted to the side slightly, to a cardboard box full of long, narrow silks. They looked strong, yet soft, and an idea formed.

"Turn around," I demanded, forcibly turning her and pressing her back against the rack, my cock now nestled firmly against her ass. She moaned at my forcefulness, but I barely paid attention as I grabbed a silk from the box. I pulled both of her hands behind her back and tied a loose, yet firm knot, binding her hands behind her. I didn't know if it was the kind of knot that would make Hope proud, but I was happy with it.

"You know, for someone who's new to dominance, you're not half bad at it," Daphne admitted, her voice husky and full of want, yet about as genuine as I'd ever heard her.

"Thanks," I said. "You're... uh... enjoying?"

"Very much," she purred.

"This what you wanted?" I asked.

"Definitely," she confirmed.

"Good," I said, grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her neck back just enough so I could look into her eyes and kiss her. "But maybe, for now, you could go back to being a bitch? I think that was part of what made this so fun."

"I said I'd do anything, didn't I, asshole?" she taunted. I kissed her once again, grinding my cock harder against her ass.

Testing the knot around her wrists, I said, "Perfect."

Forcibly, I led her over to the other end of the room with the table, forcing her hips up against the table and making sure she could see both of us in the wall-length mirror.

"Since this is pretty well-ruined already..." I said, grabbing the edges of her uniform and pulling it even wider, tearing it almost down to her skirt. Flushed and on display and driven purely by lust, her hands tied behind her back, she was a picture of lewd perfection in the mirror, so perfect that I had to take a picture of the both of us.

That would definitely be a fun one for the album.

I put my phone back in my pocket, then took off my shirt. Daphne eyed me in the mirror, not with the same awe I looked at her, but not unappreciatively either. I said, "You look so fucking tasty, I think I'm going to have to eat your pussy. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Anything," she groaned. "Please... just make me cum..."

"All in due time," I said, bending her over the table and spreading her legs wide. I knelt down behind her, my face inches away from her soaked pussy, still covered by the crotch of her uniform. I pulled the flimsy fabric aside, getting a nice view of her swollen pink lips, not a trace of pubic hair in sight. The scent was intoxicating and rich enough to seemingly fill this small room.

"I bet you never thought you'd let a nerd get a look at your cunt like this," I said, keeping the dirty talk going for her. "I bet you thought you were too good for a guy like me, but you didn't think, did you? You didn't think a guy like me could give you pleasure like this, did you? You always got the connected and handsome beefcakes and the hottest sluts, all of whom were dumber than rocks and let themselves be taken by you, and none of whom could give you what you truly needed. No one knows what you want like I do... or Hope."

I said this to tease her, to torment her, to keep her on the edge of pleasure and always wanting more.

It did the job.

"Please... please touch my pussy, lick me, finger me, shove one of my flagpoles in me, anything, just, please, I need to cum so bad..." she whimpered, grinding against the table obscenely before me.

"Fine, but only because you begged so nicely," I said, leaning in close to her pussy, close enough that she could feel my breath on her lips. "If you... apologize for being such a bitch."

It was a tease, but the frustrated groan it pulled from her was so sweet that it was fully worth it.

"I'm sorry..." she started, her frustrated grumble becoming a high pitched squeal as I buried my tongue into her tight, tasty pussy.

"I'm sorry, oh fucking god, fuck, I'm sorry I've been such a bitch to everyone!" Daphne squealed as I ate her out. "I'm sorry that I'm still going to be a bitch! Oh my god! I'm sorry I treated you and everyone else like shit! Fuck! I'm sorry that I'm not sorry because it means you're eating my pussy so fucking good! Fucking hell! I'm sorry I took Hope for granted! I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner! I'm sorry- FUCKING PLEASE KEEP GOING!! I'M SORRY-"

Whatever else she meant to apologize for was cut off by a scream of ecstasy as I built her up more and more. Hope had told me a lot of what Daphne liked out of sex, but she never told me that she was a screamer. This much I was happy to find out on my own, even if it meant making her scream so loud she'd scream the walls down.

Helpless and crying out in pleasure, Daphne ground herself against my face as I continued to ravage her pussy with my tongue. I'd eaten a lot of pussies this year and found that each one had its own distinct spots of sensitivity, its own special spots that pleased each woman in her own particular way, but as I went at her I became convinced that Daphne O'Connell's was all sensitivity. No matter what I did, where I touched her, however I touched her steaming slit, it got her going.