Senior Year Memories Ch. 21


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"And don't you fucking forget it," she said, pulling me down for a kiss. In response, I began to fuck her harder, angling for deeper penetration while taking slow, long thrusts into her. Her massive tits pillowing against my chest, her hard nipples, her tight little pussy, all of them conspired to try to make me cum before her. Sure, she was shuddering slightly, her muscles tightening as she readied herself for another powerful cum, but she really tried to set me off.

Squeezing her vaginal muscles the way she did... that didn't make it any easier.

"You really can be a bitch sometimes," I grunted, smiling.

She laughed and squeezed my cock again. "Sometimes?"

"Fine. Play it that way. I guess I'll just have to fuck you harder, then," I said, doing just that.

"And... this... is... a... punishment?" Haley groaned her hips matching my harder thrusts.

"If you'd like..." I grunted, fucking her harder and harder.

She was close. I was close. The sex was good. It wasn't a surprise to either of us that we managed to cum together any more than it was a surprise that Brooke had managed to make Rose cum yet again at the end of her Christmas Miracle. What was a surprise was... well, how good it felt. With Haley and I looking deeply into each others' eyes, my cock buried as deep as it could in her pussy and filling her as best it could with cum, our orgasms riding us hard, we felt almost like we shared the same body. Sure, a body that was also a twitching mass of pleasure and blind ecstasy, but one that felt damn good.

While Haley would no doubt still act a cunt at school, I knew I'd never look at her quite the same, and that that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

I collapsed on top of her, panting and out of breath, kissing her as softly as Brooke was kissing Rose passionately.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love being friends again, let's always be besties and never let me fuck things up again!" Brooke whispered to her sweetly and urgently, kissing Rose and squeezing her breasts affectionately.

Rose looked at me, amused and grateful. She could've looked at me however she wanted. With one last, final kiss with Haley, I climbed off of her, unmindful of the river of cum that spilled from her pussy as I crawled over and leaned up against the base of the couch.

Panting, her own delicious chest rising and falling with each breath, Haley looked at the other two. "Hey, you didn't cum, did you, Brooke?"

"Huh. No I didn't. I'll cum a whole lot more, though, today, so ya know, it's no big whoop," Brooke said.

"If you'll let me use that strap-on, I can make you scream," Haley suggested.

Twirling one of her pigtails around a finger and flipping it aside, Brooke looked down at Rose with a conflicted, confused look that said she didn't want to abandon her recently rediscovered friend, but at the same time she had about as much difficulty as anyone would have turning down a chance for hot sex with Haley Campbell.

"Okey dokey, Red!" she exclaimed, pulling the dildo from Rose's pussy and crawling over to Haley. While the two of them negotiated with the toy, Rose looked up and around as if trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. When her eyes settled on me, I could see her mentally shrug before she crawled over and sat next to me at the base of the couch.

"This has been a strange fucking day, hasn't it, Ryan Collins?" Rose said, running her fingers down my chest.

"That's one way of putting it," I replied. Brooke had taken off the strap-on by this point but was having far too much fun sliding it around Haley's ample ass, squeezing and kissing her friend and even burying her face between Haley's ass cheeks to playfully lick her tight hole, an act that made Haley honest to god yelp.

"Next time you've an idea that works on sitcom logic, remind me of how today went so I can appropriately temper my skepticism rather than giving it complete free rein," Rose said.

Giggling, Brooke had gotten on all fours while Haley crawled up behind her. Though Haley's own experience with a strap-on appeared limited, Brooke was all too happy to urge her on.

"Come on, Red! I know you ain't used a strap-on before, but it's a piece of cake, honest! Just shove it in me and do all that back and forth deal that Ryan and the rest all do and FUCKING WOW, THAT'S WAY BETTER WHEN SOMEONE ELSE IS SHOVING CHRISTMAS MIRACLE IN ME, FUCKING AAAAAAWWWEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOME!!" Brooke squealed as Haley thrust into her.

Watching a redheaded cheerleader with the biggest tits I'd ever seen in person fucking a tiny blonde cheerleader (who was also cute as a button, I might add) from behind in front of a roaring fire and not all that far off from a mostly decorated Christmas tree, well, that might well have been the greatest holiday special I'd ever watched.

"Give me this over the Grinch any day," I said, my hand drifting between Rose's soaked thighs.

Her hand finding my cock at almost the exact same moment, Rose said, "While I'll grant you that the Jim Carrey and Benedict Cumberbatch interpretations truly lack charm, I won't besmirch the true artistry of Boris Karloff and Thurl Ravenscroft by entirely agreeing with you."


"But this is pretty nice too," Rose admitted, shrugging.

We watched them fuck like that for a good while, mildly pleasuring each other with our hands as we enjoyed the show. While I loved talking with Rose, there was a certain special something to being able to share such a comfortable silence with her. We didn't need to impress each other, we didn't need to fill any voids, we could just sit back and be comfortable with each other, enjoying a good (and increasingly loud) show.

"So," Rose said, finally breaking our silence. "Can I ask you a question that you should feel absolute freedom not to answer?"

"Sure," I replied.

"After today, and what you've done for us, how many names do you have left on your list?" Rose asked.

I seriously considered not answering her, as the contents of that list had so far been a secret that only Josie knew all the details of. I could have answered Rose without an answer, and I knew she would've been okay with that, but given how close we were and how good I felt, I saw no harm in giving her an answer.

I counted through the names in my head and then said, "After you three... seven."

"Seven left... and presumably many more already checked off," Rose said.

"Yeah," I replied.

"This many good deeds for this many people, there's a lot of people out there who'd say that this was a righteous thing you've done, and that you wouldn't truly have an obligation to do this anymore, that whatever you're atoning for has been well and truly righted by the good karma you've earned," Rose said.

"Yeah..." I trailed off, having thought pretty much the exact same thing more than once in my journey. I'd started this off by making things right as best I could for the McNeils, the people I'd screwed things up with the most, early on in my Christmas adventure. I could've let it sit at that and quit any number of times since, and I doubted anyone would have held it against me, and yet...

"I could do that, but I won't, 'cause that's not how this works. I set out to do this, I set out to do something nice for every woman I've been with this year, and I've been doing good. I've been doing damn good, if I'm being honest. I'm more than halfway done, and there's still a lot of good I can do for a lot of people, and I mean to do it. This is a good thing and I don't... I don't want to screw this up," I said.

Rose pondered what I said for a good few moments, looking back from me, to Haley fucking Brooke, then finally at my cock. Due to her ministrations and the show we were watching, I was already close to half hardness.

"When it comes to not wanting to screw up well earned good things, I understand where you're coming from entirely, Ryan Collins. In the spirit of that, I was wondering if you could help me with something on the imminent side," Rose said.

"Sure. What do you need?" I asked.

"To start, I'll need to suck your cock until you're nice and hard," Rose said.

"I have absolutely no problems with that, at all," I said.

"Good, because I'm sure you'll enjoy the next part even more," she replied, bending over and taking my cock into her mouth. Though it meant my cock was no longer in her hand and my fingers were pulled from her quivering slit, I'd found it best not to complain when a girl with a mouth as talented as Rose Ferris' has started sucking on your cock.

She bobbed up and down on me expertly, applying just the perfect amount of pressure and tongue to bring my cock back to life in a hurry. If she'd only meant to make me hard again, it was hard to tell with the way she kept sucking on me, taking more and more into her throat. Bent over the way she was, I was able to reach behind her and finger first her pussy, then her ass from behind, making her moan. We pleasured each other like this for a while, my attention torn between watching what Rose was excitedly doing in my lap and the Brooke and Haley still going at it.

My fingers still in her ass, Rose got up on her knees and called out to Brooke, "Hey, Brooke! You still want Ryan to cum in your no-longer-quite-so-tight-but-still-ever-so-delectable little pussy?"

"Totally!" Brooke exclaimed, her body being rocked back and forth heavily with Haley's thrusts. Even with tits as tiny as hers, it was rather exciting watching them bounce like this.

"Well, I got him ready for you!" Rose said with pride.

"Awesome!" Brooke said, crawling away from Haley. "Sorry, Red, we'll have to finish this later!"

Haley grumbled. Rose next turned her attention to her. "Oh, stop whining and take off the strap-on; I'm gonna fuck you with it 'til you scream."

Haley considered this, then rocked her head from side to side. "Fine. But you better do a good job of it."

"When it comes to making you cry out from the most world-shattering pleasure you've ever had, have I ever let you down?" Rose asked.

"Quite the charmer, you are," I whispered to Rose.

"You know it," she replied, crawling over to Haley. As she passed Brooke, the two exchanged some quick kisses and caresses I knew they wanted to be more than quick, but with her hungry eyes on my cock, Brooke saw me and crawled her way over.

"You better have saved some cum in those balls for little ol' me!" Brooke exclaimed, running her hand down my cock and cradling my balls.

"For you? Always," I replied.

"Sweet!" she said, pushing me onto my back on the blankets and straddling my cock, settling it once again in her deliriously tight pussy. As she was already well and properly fucked with the strap-on, she was already quite soaked by the time she settled down onto me, but even with the number of orgasms she'd had, she was still as energetic as ever as she began to ride my cock. Given how things had gone and how much these girls had taken out of me, I was fine with this arrangement. I knew this could go on for a while, and I wanted to be good for it. Letting Brooke take the driver's seat for now, well, that was fine by me.

"Oh fuck, that's fucking big!" Haley exclaimed. On her hands and knees, her giant tits hanging down beautifully beneath her, she closed her eyes tight as Rose slid the entirety of the Christmas Miracle into her pussy.

Watching Rose taking Haley from behind while Brooke rode my cock like an expert rodeo rider, knowing that this day was going to hold so much more to come, I gotta say it was beginning to feel like a truly magical season.


The doorbell rang, and though it was difficult, I managed to dress in a hurry in my t-shirt and sweatpants. I ran for the door and swung it wide open, revealing the pizza delivery girl. She was a cute Latina, college aged, slender and short with curly hair tied back in a ponytail and sneaking out from underneath a baseball cap. Her nametag read "Maggie", and she smiled at me with what might have been the most brilliant smile in the world.

"Hi, I'm here with your pizzas! That'll be twenty-five dollars and... are you okay?" she asked me.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. I was flushed and mussed up from an entire afternoon of fucking, no doubt reeking of sex and sporting a pretty good erection that tented the front of my sweats. It would've been a small miracle for her not to know what was going on, but with the day I had, I didn't really care.

"Uh... nothing. That'll be twenty-five dollars and forty cents, please!" she said, chipper and trying to ignore whatever odd feelings this might have had. No doubt as cute as she was in this line of work, she'd seen some weird shit and had some inappropriate customers, and I didn't mean to add to that.

"Sure," I said, feeling around in my pockets and coming up empty. "Shit... one second."

I called out into the house, "HEY, CAN SOMEONE BRING ME MY WALLET, PLEASE?"

I probably should've specified "someone who was dressed", but didn't have the time. I just had to hope for the best, and... well, I lucked out, mostly.

"Here!" Rose said, plodding up in a long t-shirt and little more. Maggie goggled at the unexpected presence of a very beautiful girl wearing next to nothing being in my presence, but was polite enough not to say anything.

Though my funds weren't exactly in the best place this holiday season, I pulled out forty dollars and gave it to her for her trouble. "Keep the change."

Maggie looked at Rose and me with a deeply puzzled expression, but just said, "Sure. Thanks!"

"Did I hear pizza?" Brooke squealed, sliding into the hall behind us. To her credit, she had wrapped a clean blanket around most of her body. Less to her credit, it was pretty clear that she was naked underneath.

She exclaimed, "PIZZA! And a cute pizza girl too! Hey, you look sweet, wanna come in? We're kinda having a party and you're, you know, cute and all, could definitely have some fun..."

"Don't pay attention to Brooke, she's crazy," Rose explained.

Brooke continued, "No I'm not! I'm festive and cute and fun, and she's working hard and looks like she could use a break because I know delivering pizzas is hard and cruel and weird fucking work, and-"

"-and she needs to get back to work just like we need to eat our pizza. I'm sorry for the confusion, we'll get out of your hair now, Maggie," I said.

Maggie looked at us with a strange sense of bewilderment and... was that curiosity? Was that her looking each of us up and down?

"Oh, come on! We know how to have fun, and he's, like, got the biggest cock you've totally ever seen!" Brooke yelped as I forced the pizzas into her hands.

"You should probably get out of here before it gets crazy," I said to the pizza girl.

"Yeah," Maggie said, shaken somewhat, turning back down the walk to her car and sparing us an extra, confused glance.

"Awww, come on, she looks like she could've been fun," Brooke pouted.

"And we're not fun enough?" Rose asked.

"There's always room for more fun," Brooke said.

"Just like there's room for more pizza on the coffee table," I said, reaching under the blanket and fingering Brooke's naked cunt.

"Alright, alright, I get when I'm not wanted..." Brooke said, returning back inside, grumbling. "Better check on Haley, see how her ass is doing..."

Rose nodded at the house next door. "What's going on over there?"

I looked over toward where the Martinez family used to live to see a single car with a U-Haul trailer attached.

"New neighbors moving in, finally," I said.

From this distance, I could see two people emptying boxes from the back; a stout, middle-aged black woman, and a teenage girl I took to be her daughter. Her daughter was taller and lean, dressed in a long winter coat a few shades too warm for this weather, and her hair, natural and curly and dark with a healthy bounce held in a loose afro that stood up and out a good six to eight inches from her head. Turned to the side as she was, it obscured her face, though I was definitely curious to get a look. I'd heard about them when I last met Mr. Martinez before he moved out, though for the life of me couldn't remember their names. I reminded myself that I'd have to meet them later and say hello.

The daughter, perhaps sensing she was being watched, turned to us and revealed a very pretty face with a shy smile.

A very pretty face. The kind that could break hearts.

Seeing us, she waved. Rose and I waved back, casually. The new girl darted behind the U-Haul.

"She's cute," Rose said.

"Yeah," I admitted, lingering on the word a little longer than I meant.

Rose picked up on this easily. "Want me to get Brooke over here and so she can invite her to party with us too?"

I poked Rose in the side, shaking my head. "Let's get back inside, it's cold out here."

"Couldn't agree more," Rose said, kissing me as I closed the door behind us. With each and every step we took back to the living room, more clothes came off until we were naked again. Rose was as glorious as ever in all her naked beauty, even with a collection of new hickeys and her inner thighs seemingly permanently flooded by a wide variety of juices. Though it was a miracle from this epic, marathon four-way, I was still somehow hard and happily following my erection behind her. Watching her ass sashay toward the living room (an ass I'd had the pleasure of fucking twice today), I was reminded again of how happy I was with how today went.

When we entered the living room, the pizzas were on the coffee table and Haley was right where we'd left her, bent over the couch with her ass cheeks spread wide by a naked Brooke. Brooke had seemingly emptied an entire bottle of lube all over Haley's magnificently round ass, and sat thrusting three fingers into Haley's tightest hole.

Haley moaned, "Brooke said... you had a cute pizza girl..."

"Yeah, but today's about us. Maybe next time," I said.

Haley shook her head, laughing grimly. "A cute pizza girl? Seriously? And I thought today couldn't be any more of a porno."

"Well, once you've got Ryan's cock up your ass, it will be," Brooke said.

"I'm working up to it," Haley grunted.

"Yeah, yeah, that's what you always say; Rose has had him twice today, I've had it three times, I know it's big but Ryan's cock is amazing up the ass, believe me! You call yourself a slut, then you really gotta try it!" Brooke said, playfully pushing her fingers in and out of her.

Gritting her teeth, Haley said with some finality, "Okay, let's do this, then."

Brooke tossed a nearly empty bottle of lube to Rose, who quickly lubed up my cock.

I knelt down behind Haley, gently pushing Brooke out of the way and rubbing my cock up and down between her ass cheeks.

"You've got a really nice ass," I said.

"Thanks," Haley said, looking back at me.

"You sure you're good with this?" I asked.

"Definitely. You sure you can take an ass this perfect?" Haley asked, taunting and pushing me on.

Smiling, I pressed my lubed up cockhead against her tight and lubed hole, sliding in with only slight resistance.

"I'll manage," I grunted, sliding a couple more inches inside of her. She grunted and pounded on the couch, but still wiggled her ass back at me, forcing even more inside of her.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck goddamn, keep fucking my slutty ass, give it all to me, fuck, goddamn it's so fucking big, you guys weren't lying, but it's so fucking good, so fucking good, fuck, keep fucking me, FUCKING GODDAMN!" Haley roared as I bottomed out inside of her.

Grabbing her hips, I started fucking her properly, giving her almost the entire length of my cock with each stroke.

"See, this is why I got you doin' all that cardio; when this comes around, you're, like, super prepped to keep on fucking!" Brooke said proudly.