Sensitive Research Ch. 01


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Subject 1-03 complied, spreading her legs so that her feet were about four feet apart, and as her mistress suggested, this forced open the cleft of her ass from where it started below her waist all the way down to her bare pussy.

"You know what's coming, don't you pet?"

"Yes, mistress." It was clear that she knew well this part of the scene.

"Good. Now I want you to count for me."

MC waited about 10 or 15 seconds, building up the anticipation. She slowly swung her hand back, and then quickly forward, planting the paddle right in the middle of her sub's left ass cheek. A sharp "smack" resounded through the room, and her sub grunted a guttural "Uh," and said, "One."

As the domme removed the paddle and pulled her hand back for another blow, I could see a faint red mark on her sub's left ass cheek. The next blow landed on exactly the same spot on the right cheek, with the same response: "Uh, two." I somehow managed to continue to take my notes as a total of ten blows rained down upon the sub.

After the tenth, MC said, "That's it for now, my pet. What do you say?"

"Thank you, Mistress."

As I looked at the sub's ass, now with pale red marks all over it, I was pretty sure I could see damp tracks running down the inside of each leg. There was no doubt in my mind now that the sub was clearly aroused by this paddling, and I had to admit to myself that I too felt a dampness between my own legs. I was shocked; while I had read some of the BDSM literature, including the bestseller 50 Shades of Gray as preparation for my research study, I had not found any of it particularly erotic. But now, sitting here watching it live in person, I realized just how erotic it was.

I pulled my attention back to what was happening in the room, and I saw MC standing in the center of the room again after having returned the paddle to the cabinet. "Now that you've taken your punishment so well, you have earned a reward. Come over here."

The sub lifted herself from the table and crawled over and sat again at her mistress's feet.

"First you need a little adornment, however. I see some of your beautiful jewelry on the table, and I think you'd look better if you were just a little less naked. But rather than putting your jewelry back on, I have something nicer for you."

MC held out her right hand, and opened the clenched fist. I could not see clearly what was in her hand, but subject 1-03's eyes got wide when she saw what was in front of her.

MC took what was in her hand and moved it toward her sub's right breast. As she did so, it was clear what she had - a set of nipple clamps. She affixed the first one to her sub's distended nipple, pulling it out with her other hand and rolling it between her fingers a few times. As she did this, the silence in the room allowed me to hear her sub's light moan. Her nipple seemed to swell even further as her mistress applied the clamp to it.

As she did so, I could see that there was a silver-colored chain connecting the two clamps. MC performed the same massaging of the left nipple, eliciting the same reaction from the client. She then applied the second clamp, leaving the chain dangling between the two of them.

"That's better," MC said. "Now you look more appropriately decorated."

"You may now do what you had tried before, my pet. You may remove my shorts."

The sub looked up, and reached her hands up to place them on both sides of MC's shorts. Before they got there, however, she was interrupted by MC who slapped at her left hand and chuckled.

"No, silly, you may not use your hands. Use your teeth."

Her sub withdrew her hands, and sitting up higher, she leaned forward, put her head under the bottom of the short bustier, and placed her mouth on the waistband of her mistress's shorts.


As I described earlier, I am 43, eight years into my career as a professor. I came to academe later in life after working at a well-respected university press, primarily as an editorial assistant. I enjoyed the publishing business, but after about five years in I knew it was something I would not want to spend my entire life doing. I found that the books I was most interested in were those in psychology, even though my undergraduate degree was in English. After contemplating next steps for a couple of years, I enrolled in a doctoral program in psychology at age 30. Five years later I graduated and started my academic career.

I am single, never having married. I have had a couple of long-term relationships with men, one in my youth while I was working at the university press, and a second while in graduate school. Each ended as I transitioned into the next stage in my life. The first boyfriend wasn't willing to relocate with me when I left for graduate school, and the strain of maintaining a long-distance relationship was too great, causing us to drift apart during my first year.

The second relationship met a similar fate. We were in graduate school together, and as often happens in many situations like that, we ended up with faculty jobs across the country from each other. This time I knew there was no way I could maintain a long-distance relationship, particularly with the stress of being a new assistant professor, so we bid farewell at commencement and have remained good friends ever since. He has since married and had two children, and we enjoy seeing each other once or twice a year at the various psychology conferences or on the rare times I have had the opportunity to visit him and his family.

There have been no serious men in my life since. I found my life incredibly harried, between my research, teaching, and professional travel, and never seem to have had the time and energy to invest in a serious relationship. I've dated a number of men since coming to this university, but nothing lasted for more than a few dates. I had some good, close friends - mostly women, though a couple of men - and this seems to have been meeting my emotional needs for now. Most of these friends were married, but some were either single like me or divorced, and I had had the opportunity to travel on vacations with some of the women. I had pretty much resigned myself to living the rest of my life as a single woman. I rationalized this by telling myself that I was dedicated to my career and my research, but in the pit of my heart I still held out hope for more.


As subject 1-03 began trying to pull down MC's shorts with her teeth, I was curious to see where this scene was going. In the previous two scenes with MC that I had observed, each revolved solely around her disciplining the sub, and even though the two subs were in various stages of undress during the scenes, MC had never taken off any of her clothes. This one was clearly different. I didn't know if this sub was special in some way, or what.

The two women were sideways toward me, no more than six feet away from where I was sitting and peering through the narrow crack in the doors. I briefly wondered if MC had positioned the two of them at that angle on purpose, so I would have the best view of what was about to occur. It wasn't easy for the sub to get the shorts down in this fashion. She could go no more than an inch or two on one side before she had to switch to the other, repeating the action on the opposite side. Finally, though, she was able to work them far enough down MC's legs that gravity aided her and they dropped on the floor.

As the shorts fell to the floor, I could see that MC was naked beneath them. Even though she was sideways to me, I could see that she too was devoid of hair, perfectly smooth around her pubic area. And from the side I could see that she had a small but nicely curved ass, befitting her tall and thin frame.

MC gazed down on her sub, waiting, while subject 1-03 looked up at her. All it took was a raised eyebrow from MC, and her client bent down, putting her teeth back on the shorts. As she did so, MC stepped out of them, and the client, still clasping them between her teeth, crawled over to the table. She kneeled, deposited the shorts on the table, and crawled back to sit on her haunches in front of MC again. It was clear that this was part of the game that had been played many times before.

MC reached down and picked up her sub's leash. With a tug, she pulled her head upward about level with her crotch, moving her into a kneeling position, while saying in a stern voice, "Do not touch me until I give you permission. I want you to just appreciate me."

She then pulled the leash forward just a bit, placing her sub's face right in front of her crotch, but not touching it. I could see the sub gazing upon her mistress's crotch, and could see her breathing in, as if to absorb the scent from her pussy. As she breathed, the chain between her nipple clamps swung back and forth gently.

I didn't look at my watch, but it must have been at least three minutes that they stayed in this position. Everything was perfectly still in the room, and it was so quiet that I did not even want to write on my pad, for fear that the noise would disturb the participants. My initial thought upon observing this was that it takes an awful lot of mental and physical discipline to be a domme; MC was standing perfectly still, unmoving, for the entire three minutes. It might not sound like a long time, but it seemed an eternity in that setting.

My second thought was one I had felt just a few minutes earlier - how erotic the scene was. For some reason I found myself wondering what it was like to be this sub, what it was like to be so close to another woman's shaved pussy like that, what it must look like, how it smelled. Did she want more, or did it meet her needs just kneeling there so close to her mistress? What caused a woman to engage in this kind of behavior?

I knew what some of the psychology literature had to say about the motivations behind those who engaged in BDSM behavior in general, but the literature was largely silent on female-on-female BDSM activities. Thus, I was hoping to explore this further in my interviews with the clients.

After the roughly three minutes were up, MC said, "Do not move." She let go of the leash, dropping it to the floor, and as instructed her client stayed exactly where she was on her knees. I saw MC step back just a few inches, take her hand that had just let go of the leash, and reach down between her legs. I couldn't see exactly what she was doing because of my angle of viewing, but a few seconds later I saw her hand come back out, with one finger extended. There was a faint gossamer-like thread that for the briefest of moments connected her finger back to her pussy. As she further extended her hand, however, the thread broke, and I can see her finger glistening in the light.

She extended the finger, holding it directly under the nose of her sub, who almost immediately took a deep breath in. "That's right, my pet, I want you to smell my sweet scent," MC said.

Her sub inhaled again, as if to capture as much of the aroma into her nostrils as she could.

"I bet you'd like more than to just smell that, wouldn't you my dear?"

Her sub nodded her head lightly up and down, being careful not to make contact with her mistress's finger.

MC laughed. "Well, if you're a very good sub, then perhaps you will have that opportunity. For now, though, I'll just leave you with this." And she took her finger, and ran it across her sub's skin, just under her nose and above her upper lip, as if to leave the scent there for her to enjoy.

MC then stepped back in front of subject 1-03, so that her crotch was once again right in front of the sub's face. She reached up, and began undoing the snaps on the front of her bustier, not moving the bottom half of her body while she did so, so that her sub remained frozen right in front of her crotch.

After undoing the last snap, she pushed the sides of the bustier apart, exposing her large breasts. I tried to remain clinical in my observations, but I had to admit that they were beautiful - they were quite large for a relatively thin woman, but there not out of proportion with her body. They were milky white, and each one was topped by a smallish, light brown areola and a reddish-brown nipple. Once again, for the second time in just a matter of minutes, I found myself envious of another woman's body.

Even though her client continued to face forward, I suspect that she knew what was happening above her field of view. While she may have been tempted to look up at her mistress's now fully exposed breasts, she resisted the temptation, most likely in order to avoid being punished once more.

MC reached down, and lightly stroked the hair and ear of her sub, as the woman continued to gaze into her mistress's crotch no more than an inch in front of her. She then reached a little further down, and grabbed the silver chain that connected the nipple clamps, and gave a short tug upward. Her sub gasped monetarily, as the chain pulled on each clamp, distending the woman's nipples even further. She did this two more times, eliciting a gasp each time from her sub, but she kept her gaze forward and did not move her head. I was impressed with the discipline that this woman showed, even in the face of intense stimulation and what I assume was some pain.

After doing this for a minute or so, MC reached under her client's chin, and gently lifted it upward, so that she was looking into her mistress's eyes. She could no doubt see those beautiful breasts displayed right above her head as well, and her eyes seemed to light up at the view. They stood like that, gazing at each other for at least a minute. Then, MC spoke. "Close your eyes, my pet, and open your mouth."

The sub immediately complied, waiting attentively with her mouth wide open. But for about 90 seconds, or may even have been as much as two minutes, nothing happened - no movement from MC or her sub, not even a twitch from either one, as the domme stood there still holding her sub's chin. It was so quiet in the room, that I ceased my note taking, and thought I could actually hear my own heart beating. My curiosity grew, wondering what the next move would be. I wondered if subject 1-03 was equally curious, or whether this was another part of the scene that had been played out many times before.

Finally, MC removed her finger from the sub's chin, and stepped backward a few feet. She then shrugged off her bustier, dropping it on the floor behind her. Now fully naked, other than for her boots, I could see she was a magnificent woman. Tall, slim but not too thin, and full-breasted with a gorgeous ass, she was an incredible sight.

Slowly bending the upper half of her body forward, she moved her right breast ever so slowly toward her sub's head. As the tit approached her head, MC carefully navigated her nipple directly into her client's mouth, rubbing it along both her top and bottom lip as she did so.

Her sub did not move her mouth as the nipple was there, suspended between her lips. I thought this showed incredible restraint, as I'm sure she was tempted to close her lips around it, tongue it, or both. But she just stayed there, suspended in that position.

This time it was only about a minute before MC spoke. "Very nicely done, my sweet, you are doing a very good job waiting for permission. You may now go ahead." In a matter of a split second, her sub closed her lips around the nipple, and began sucking away. I couldn't see for sure, but I imagine she was also tonguing it at the same time. The sub had a look of pure ecstasy on her face, as if she were tasting the most wonderful food she had ever experienced.

The eroticism of this scene was incredible - the one woman waiting ever so patiently to feast upon her domme's breast, and then lavishing it with loving attention once granted permission. This made me wonder about what would cause someone to behave in such a manner, to submit themselves so willingly and with what appeared to be every emotion she owned, to this other woman. I had done enough background reading to understand the basics of a submissive personality, but seeing the behavior in person like this was so different than just reading about it. I looked forward to my opportunity to interview this woman (who had previously consented to be interviewed when she had agreed to allow me to watch her session) so that I could explore more her motivations and feelings.

My attention returned to the adjacent room as I saw MC lift herself back up, her nipple coming out of her client's mouth with wet-sounding "pop." The nipple was in fact covered with the sub's saliva, confirming my suspicion that she was using not just her lips but also her tongue to lave it. MC smiled down at her sub, patted her on the head, and said, "Go lie down on the bed, face up."

Subject 1-03 got on her hands and knees once again, and crawled, leash dragging behind her, over to what looked like a double bed on the same side of the room as the wall-mounted cabinet that housed MC's implements. When she got to the bed, she climbed up on it, and lay down as she was instructed. I had to look a bit sideways through the crack in the two doors in front of me, but I still had a good view of that side of the room. Her head was on the far side of where I was, so as I looked at her I was peering right between her legs, which she had spread about three feet apart at her feet.

MC watched this, and then walked to the cabinet and retrieved some things that I once again could not see. She walked the few feet to the bed, and dropped some of them on it. She then reached up to her sub's head, and I saw that she had a blindfold in her hand, which she proceeded to put on her. She then turned her attention to her client's feet, and gently pushed them further apart, about as far as they would go comfortably go. She then reached down to the pile of things she had dropped on the bed, and I saw her pick up what looked like Velcro cuffs of some kind. She put one on the sub's right ankle, and then stretched out a cord attached to it and tied the other end to a leg of the bed. She then did the same with the other ankle. MC then picked up two more cuffs from the bed, and similarly restrained her sub's wrists, pulling them away from her body.

Her sub was now fully restrained, though there was enough slack so that she could pull her arms and legs just an inch or so. The clamps were still attached to her sub's nipples, though now lying down her large breasts spilled down the side of her torso, pulling the chain a little more taut. With her legs spread so wide, I had a very nice view of the sub's clearly aroused pussy. Her juices had begun to run down her inner thighs, and presented a sheen on her outer labia, which appeared quite engorged. I wasn't sure how much of her arousal was due to the position she was in, or from the sucking on her mistress's nipple a few minutes ago, or a combination of the two. But whatever the catalyst, there was no question that she was now quite turned on.

MC now sat on the side of the bed, and reached down and picked up the last item she had placed in the pile. When I realized what it was, I almost gasped audibly; thankfully I was able to stifle it, as I was trying hard not to give any reminder to either of them that everything they were doing was being observed, in order to maintain the fidelity of my research. MC had in her hand some kind of vibrator or dildo, and it was quite clear what she was going to do to the naked woman who was spread eagled next to her.

Watching this, I became aware of my own increasing arousal. While I was not yet at the highly-charged state of subject 1-03, there was no question that my body was responding to the scene in front of me. I had never seen anything like this, not even in porn videos. I had watched some porn in the past, as one of my ex-boyfriends was into it. But I had never seen any videos with BDSM like this, and I knew that even if I had, they would not have been able to hold a candle to the scene playing out in front of me at this moment. My own wetness was now quite evident, at least to me, as I felt my panties getting soaked. My own nipples were becoming more erect as well, and were pushing hard against my bra. I hadn't reacted nearly this way at all after the first two sessions I observed, but this one was having a very different effect on me. I thought to myself that I was thankful I had worn dark slacks, so that when I saw MC after the session, my own stimulation would hopefully not be so evident to her.