Sera Ch. 29


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Kitten then asked, "How did Eleonore take the news of her daughter's murder?"

Ashleigh paused, looking at Kitten while appearing to recall, but replied, "Odette never said how she took it at the specific time she heard the news, but she did mention on occasion that her grandmother was never quite the same again. For all the trouble Dolanna caused, Eleonore did love her. I'm not sure the feeling was mutual. Odette never really conveyed her own feelings on the matter of Dolanna's murder. When Rebecca asked, the reply she got was, 'Oh, it was just awful!'"

"She did it," I reaffirmed.

"I'd bet the house on it," Ashleigh agreed, amending this statement with, "but we don't know. Like I said, neither Eleonore nor Odette ever admitted to any involvement whatsoever before they died and, as likely as it is that one or both of them are responsible, Dolanna's lifestyle wasn't the cleanest. Odette mentions a lot of booze and heroin at these parties, and some pretty unsavoury characters that her mother was associated with. At the end of the day, anything's possible."

With this observation, our own matriarch stretched, arms in the air above her with her incredible breasts and their hard nipples thrusting out against her dress, its deep V neck widening enticingly as she yawned. Seeing my attention on them, she shot me a tricky smile and a wink as she repositioned herself in the big leather desk chair before resuming the story of our family history.

"So, life went on, but now without Dolanna and the worries she created. A more somber Eleonore continued to mentor the then pregnant Odette, the father of her child totally unknown. This bothered neither she nor Eleonore, the only important thing being that another generation was now ensured. Odette's closest guess was that it was one of the men who'd fucked her during her exploits with her mother but, whoever he was, he had served his purpose and was now unimportant in any case.

"After Rebecca came along in 1893, Odette and her newborn moved upstairs to occupy Dolanna's former apartments. She really liked it up there and had little or no feelings about that space having previously belonged to her mother. She would sit up there in one of the windows, looking down at the busy comings and goings of the ever growing town as she nursed Rebecca, sang and read to her. These, according to her, were some of the happiest days of her life and she wished they could have lasted longer.

"However, larger responsibilities loomed. Eleonore was getting on in years and hadn't been herself since Dolanna's death. In addition, Cary had died suddenly of heart failure shortly after Rebecca was born. As I've mentioned, Cary was a lot more than just a simple attendant, and Eleonore missed her terribly. So, once Rebecca was old enough to be attended to by Cary's young replacement, it was time for Odette to get down to the business of running the family.

"She moved into an office on the first floor, right across from Eleonore's, with pride and purpose. Already very familiar with the De la Garde wealth structure, her grandmother would gradually take on more and more of an advisory role and, by the turn of the century, was semi-retired.

"Eleonore was always working to some degree- I suppose she got that from her father and her old Miramichi upbringing- and found a way to mix business with long deserved pleasure by expanding their business reach abroad. She'd recruited a young married couple in their late twenties as her personal secretaries/attendants/companions/sexual playthings- you get the idea- and embarked on infrequent travel with them while her steady and responsible protégé, Odette, held down the fort at home.

"And Odette was more than competent. There may have been a certain inequality in the way women were treated back then, but any man who'd had any previous dealings with Eleonore knew to treat Odette with the same respect her grandmother taught them. Some of those who didn't soon had opportunity to watch the sign over their business being taken down to be replaced by one with the De la Garde name on it, and I kid you not. Odette was every bit as effective a CEO as Eleonore was, but utterly ruthless with those who stood in her way.

"At the same time, she launched several charitable foundations within the city in order to put a positive image to the family name and business. Among these humanitarian projects, her favourite was a little downtown chapel called Saint Augustine. This was a non-denominational, Christian place of worship with, from what I can gather, a small regular congregation and occasional visitors from other churches. Without a parent church, it struggled financially, dependent on the small amount handed out by the municipality every month and the collection plate, however its location was in the downtown core. Its financial situation made it ideal for Odette's politics of public philanthropy and its central location could allow it to serve as a center for those in need. It was being run by a Father Robert Bungay, an ex-army chaplain, and his wife, Paulette. Both of them, in Odette's own words, 'self-righteous, teetotaling twats'.

"Anyway, she began attending service every Sunday morning with little Rebecca, leaving very generous cheques in the collection plate and playing up appearances in the way she was so good at. Of course, she left cheques because they had her name on them and she wanted people to know exactly who it was that was now supporting Saint Augustine, especially Father Bungay. By the time she bought and donated the property behind the chapel, the Bungays were making regular visits to the house on Adelaide Street, on their knees in her office and, as Odette put it, 'drinking from my chalice'."

"Oh my god," Sheila laughed, the rest of us sharing her reaction.

Kitten asked, "Aunty, you mean they were licking her pussy? (Giggle!)"

"Yep. She had a secretary- a male one- whose desk was in the space between hers and Eleonore's offices, and she would sometimes have them pleasure him if she was too busy for them."

"Both of them?" Kitten again giggled.

"Uh huh, and sometimes she'd have her secretary use Paulette in front of Father Bungay. She liked humiliating those two."

Fresh expressions of humour and delight filled the room as Ashleigh laughed with us, waiting for us to stop before she continued.

"Well, like I said, Odette was perverse and kinky as hell. In fact, it wasn't long before the large parlour on the second level started getting used for her own little parties where Father Bungay would auction off his wife for an evening, the proceeds going to Saint Augustine. Sometimes Odette herself would step up on the auction block for the highest bidder. She loved it."

"My god, so would I," Mum expressed with a smile that left no doubt as to how sincere she was about that.

"Me too," Sheila said.

"Me three!" Kitten got in.

"I could arrange that," Ashleigh replied with horny grin, leering again at Mum's tits before turning to leer at me. "And what about you, my dear nephew? Would you like to be auctioned off for charity?"

"... Maybe," I admitted around a big, stupid smile.

Looking solely at me, actually licking her lips, she replied to us all, "Well, I guess I'll definitely have to look into that sometime, huh? ... But... on with our story..."

With a heavy sigh, she tore her wicked smile from me to continue as I wondered what all I'd just gotten myself into. I was horny as hell and I could feel that all the women in the room were as well.

"Like I'm supposed to concentrate now?" Ashleigh muttered with a little chuckle. "Yeah... So, uhhh, things went on pretty well. Odette and Eleonore were making boatloads of money, the De la Garde name was becoming respectable beyond reproach, and Sera was safely insulated against public awareness. Along about this time, I should also note, Odette started to turn her interest to politics."

"Shifting position once again, and with a last, smirking glance at me, Ashleigh cleared her throat before elaborating with, "I don't mean to say that she had aspirations of office. That would have been impossible then, even and especially for her, but even if it weren't and even if the family business wouldn't have been a conflict of interest, she knew better anyway. See, if you don't already know this, politicians are no more than puppets whose strings are pulled by big business. This is just the way it is, and it's been this way for a good long time, but the dominance of business in politics was becoming much heavier about this time, both here and in the states, due to the rise of big business. Entering into politics was becoming less about actually leading than it was about ingratiating oneself with those of us who have the money to actually get a potential puppet into the House of Commons. Most every politician who does get there is owned by the people who put them there, and their political career is really no more than a necessary stepping stone to later success in the business world. They work for us- not the public- and, assuming they've done their duty to us, they're rewarded like the good little dogs they are when they've had enough of kissing babies, little old ladies and whoring themselves out while they maintain the public illusion that democracy isn't a joke.

"Odette was the first of our family to buy politicians, arguably the most important investment she could have made. Of course, she wasn't just buying them with actual money and assurances of heavy campaign contributions. She owned them on every level, from the dirt she had on them after attending her little parlour parties, to the obvious fact that she'd had them so heavily influenced that they'd sell their own mothers on the street for a penny if she told them to."

"Uh, I have to ask..." I laughed, but didn't get the chance to finish as she correctly guessed what my question would be and answered before I could pose it.

"Eight across all three parties in the House. We'll watch Question Period sometime and I'll point them out to you, but there's more in different provincial levels of government, and some in certain municipalities; twenty-nine in total. So anyway, as you can imagine, these acquisitions really helped to solidify the De la Garde family wealth and influence."

I tried to keep my jaw from landing in my lap as she went on as though owning twenty-nine politicians was no different from owning two cats. After securing my lower teeth to my uppers, I stared at Ashleigh, trying to comprehend the power that was sitting behind that desk, wondering if I'd ever have the nerve to sit there again. Looking around, I could see that everyone else in the room with the exception of vacant Lynette was having the same reaction. I had to stop myself from giggling stupidly as I recalled digging out that muddy, rat infested basement for minimum wage a month ago, but the woman who had influence on federal policy, the very same one who I'd insulted and thrown into her own swimming pool, had more to tell of our family history.

"By the time Rebecca turned eighteen in nineteen-eleven, Odette was thirty-nine and had just finished helping James Whitney to his third consecutive majority government in Ontario. Rebecca already had a strong grounding in business, having spent a lot of time helping out in her mother's office while growing up, even substituting for her secretary during his vacations. She knew what her future role would be, what all was expected of her, and she was no more a disappointment to her mother in this than Odette was to Eleonore, who was then eighty-two and no longer travelling.

"As Eleonore had done for her in her mother's stead, it was now Odette's time to bond with her daughter. Rebecca tells us that she was more or less kept in the dark about Sera while growing up and never actually told anything outright, but she did know that there was something out of the ordinary at home and was strictly taught never to speak of her home life to others. As was the case with Odette, she was home schooled out of necessity of supporting those instructions, but she did get out enough to experience life outside the De la Garde world, and was therefore able to discern a difference in outside social behaviour. Needless to say, that difference was in the subtle mannerisms of the influenced house staff, but also some of those who would visit on regular business, such as Father Bungay and his wife. Of course, Rebecca was always sent out when that type of visit occurred, but her education, both in the reality of Sera and her sex life, began with the Bungays on her eighteenth birthday.

"In the second floor parlour, Odette had the Chaplain and his wife strip naked for Rebecca in order to show her a live example of a mature male and female anatomy while their twenty year old son, Arthur, and twenty-two year old daughter, Mary, looked on. She then had them perform every sexual act under the sun for the benefit of Rebecca's sexual education, the younger Bungays getting one of their own, only influenced just enough to stand there and watch and not speaking unless spoken to. Odette, always one for long term planning, actually made sure their son and daughter stayed clean for the benefit of Rebecca's introduction to Sera, so she could see the full reality and effectiveness of Sera's influence. This was the first inkling Arthur and Mary had ever had that their parents were anything other than the self-righteous, teetotaling twats they were before Odette got hold of them.

"Understandably, Rebecca was quite taken aback by this scene but, at least somewhat used to her mother's financial and social power, she watched as she was told. She says the whole thing turned her on quite a bit and she didn't resist when her mother began to remove Rebecca's clothes and then her own. She then instructed both the senior Bungays to lie face up on the floor. She and Rebecca then sat on their faces and, while their kids watched, Paulette licked Rebecca to orgasm at the same time that Odette came on Father Bungay's face. This is how they bonded and, in addition to the flying experience, Rebecca recalled feeling completely different immediately thereafter.

"After patiently explaining to her half disbelieving daughter about Sera and why she felt the way she did, she proved it with Robert's kids, who were by now silently aghast at what they'd watched their parents doing. She asked them of their sexual experience and they both admitted that they'd had none, that they were saving themselves for marriage the way they'd been brought up to, as was the moral Christian way. Then she told Arthur to suck his Mother's tits. Not surprisingly, he was shocked, disgusted and vehemently refused, this being exactly what Odette wanted in order to prove to Rebecca that the youth was in no way given to any so-called immoral sexual activities, let alone sex with a parent. Explaining to Rebecca what she was doing the entire time, she looked deep into his eyes and influenced him a little further before telling him to suck his father's cock."

"Ho-ly fuuuck," I toned with a grim, but helplessly humoured smile as I shook my head.

"Her smile much wider, Ashleigh shrugged and explained, "It was the best way to prove it to Rebecca and, when he promptly got to his knees and started sucking like he was told, she got religion. ... Okay, I might have picked a better expression, but you get my meaning. (Heh) So, then it was Rebecca's turn. She says she just watched him sucking at first, completely stunned that it was happening, that she was actually watching something like that, then stunned all over again for why and how it was happening and that she in fact had the same power to make people do... whatever. Finally, she had him stop and told him to suck his mother's tits like Odette first told him. He did this and, after she got turned on more for watching this, she told his horrified sister to take his place sucking her father's cock. Expectedly, she refused and so then it was up to Rebecca to use her influence for the first time in order to make her. With coaching from Odette, Rebecca influenced Mary and the girl was soon taking her father's hard cock in her mouth. She told Mary to enjoy it, and she did. She told Arthur to eat his mother's pussy and enjoy it, and he did as well. The six of them had quite an evening and Rebecca, as of that night, was fully indoctrinated into the family.

"As much as Rebecca took after her mother in respects to business and her responsibility to Sera and the household, she was every bit as much captivated by sex, especially with her mother and especially in front of others, although her preferences were as wide and perverse as her appetite was large and insatiable. Another of her passions was history, as her later compilation of much of what I've been telling you would prove, however, she never got a chance to ask Eleonore much of her life before she died in nineteen-fourteen at age eighty-five.

"Rebecca loved her great grandmother and was distraught, but nowhere near as bowled over as Odette. One can sometimes get the impression that she was a cold and heartless woman, but it wasn't so. Rebecca says she cried herself to sleep for weeks after they'd found Eleonore one morning, having passed peacefully in her sleep sometime during the night. She says that part of the reason it was so hard for Odette was because there was no sign of anything wrong. Eleonore was no spring chicken, but she got around reasonably well, looked more like she was in her late sixties, and her mind was still as sharp as a thumbtack left on the teacher's chair. I mean, we should expect our elders to die at some point soon when they reach seventy-five, but with the power of Sera disallowing any and all health concerns, I suppose they were, in a sense, fooled into thinking she'd live forever. Maybe they just never really faced it because they didn't want to, or maybe they associated Eleonore with the vast wealth and power of the De la Garde name, the name she chose for her family so long ago and the initial power she built behind it.

"She was interred in a mausoleum at Mount Pleasant Cemetery and her funeral was attended by Prime Minister Borden along with other notable politicians, and the rich and powerful from six different countries. I've actually been there and it's one of the biggest mausoleums in the cemetery. Quite an ending for a woman who started out the way she did..."

"But life moves on, as it must, and so did Odette and Rebecca. Odette moved across the floor to her grandmother's old office, and Rebecca moved into her old space with their shared secretary between them. It wasn't long after that, however, that Rebecca became pregnant with the next generation of the family. Now, by this time, Odette had done a very good job erecting a public persona of Christian righteousness around the De la Garde name. Neither she nor Rebecca wanted that spoiled by the hidden fact of how they were just as talented at erecting cocks for their insatiable sexual appetites. Since, at the time, single motherhood wasn't looked very well upon by the public, it was decided that she would take a sabbatical. A very inconvenient decision in regards to a now very large and complicated business empire, not to mention Rebecca's still ongoing and necessary learning of it, but Sera had and will always come first.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7a9 months ago

Logically developed plot and subplots. Unfortunately, Steven's mind has been modified. He has lost part of his free will. Before this series ends, I hope he overcomes Ashliegh's interference and is able to make his own decisions. He is the future of Sera.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Told Ya

See Steven is only needed for one thing he will be discarded after he has served his purpose .

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